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RE: Re: Were RA symptoms gradual...

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In a message dated 12/26/2010 3:49:24 P.M. Central Standard Time,

laura.hines1@... writes:

Oh yeah, to clarify, I was asking everyone in this group if their sx were

gradual or sudden when they first were dx!

My feet and knees had been hurting for quite some time and were Dx as Osteo

arthritis. But suddenly my upper arms and knees hurt so badly that I

couldn't get myself out of a chair (or off the toilet) or out of the tub. I

would say in a couple of months it went from kind of a problem to being


I went to my PC doc with symptoms three times and she didn't believe it the

first two. I finally saw a rheumatologist and was Dxd. In the meantime, my

PC had ordered some blood work and saw that I was right. It was systemic.


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mine was within 4 days. Monday I was fine, Monday night my knees were

hurting, by Thursday I was in the hospital not able to move. Dxd with

reactive arthritis in the hospital, but after a month of it getting worse

not better, finally got in to a rheumy & dxd with RA....

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Mine came on pretty fast, too. But mine at first traveled around from

joint to joint. Later, it settled in mainly in my hands and shoulders

and was excruciatingly painful.


On Dec 26, 2010, at 1:55 PM, laura wrote:

> Oh yeah, to clarify, I was asking everyone in this group if their sx

> were gradual or sudden when they first were dx!

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Mine came on overnight. Literally. It was a Monday night, I went to bed

fine and when I woke up every, and I mean every, joint was swollen and

unable to bend.

in PA

On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 10:19 PM, marysue <marysue@...> wrote:



> Mine came on pretty fast, too. But mine at first traveled around from

> joint to joint. Later, it settled in mainly in my hands and shoulders

> and was excruciatingly painful.


> Sue



> On Dec 26, 2010, at 1:55 PM, laura wrote:


> > Oh yeah, to clarify, I was asking everyone in this group if their sx

> > were gradual or sudden when they first were dx!




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My symptoms came on gradually. I'd gone to my regular Dr, can't remember

why, but while I was there I told her about a weird feeling I had in my

feet, it was (and still is) like I'm walking on marbles. She sent me to a

foot Dr who found a bunion which she fixed, but said she didn't know what

the marbles feeling was and told me to ask my endocrinologist (I have Graves

Disease so have an endo). He said that weird feeling in my feet had nothing

to do with my thyroid so I was back at square one. All this took over a

year. Then I started having pain in my joints - fingers, toes, elbows,

ankles and my hands and feet kept swelling up, and since I go tracking with

one of my dogs I worried that it was Lymes disease so I asked my Dr for a

test, she also tested for other things and that's when my SED Rate and RA

Factor came back abnormally high and she referred me to a rheumatologist.

The rheumy thinks that the weird feeling in my feet is probably RA so I went

at least a year and a half without a diagnosis.

The hard part for me is there is no definitive test for RA, and the tests

that indicate it could still mean something else, and I keep wondering if I

have RA or something else. Did anyone else have doubts when they were first

diagnosed? Is this a normal stage to go through?


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PJ- Well, it was normal for me to doubt my symptoms. I think the other word for

that is denial.... Anyways, mine was very sudden- over a couple of days in

intensity before I dragged my butt to the Doc. My Mom had RA and I sure as HECK

didn't want it! BUt then, my friend-- NOBODY does want it. I had OA for years,

along with Fibro so it seemed like just more of the same to me until my joints

were so ballooned up I could no longer ignore it.


Does that help?   in SC

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My first rheumatologist had doubts, and diagnosed me with frozen

shoulders and diabetic limited joint mobility in my hands. I think

maybe that was because it was my endocrinologist who referred me to

him, so he had diabetes on his mind.

He soon realized his mistake, however.


On Dec 27, 2010, at 10:11 AM, Patti Yuswak wrote:


> The hard part for me is there is no definitive test for RA, and the

> tests

> that indicate it could still mean something else, and I keep

> wondering if I

> have RA or something else. Did anyone else have doubts when they

> were first

> diagnosed? Is this a normal stage to go through?

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Thank you Chris! Everyone who answers my emails on this list helps


I know I have something wrong with me, just not sure it's RA I guess. My Dr

told me there is no definitive test and it's a combination of the results of

a few blood tests and his clinical tests that determines whether or not he

thinks it's RA. I guess I just don't trust that and I'm worried that

whatever I do have will get worse if it's treated as RA and not as what it

really is. I know that's really stupid on my part, and there probably is

denial in there too, I just don't want to put the incorrect drug into my


Guess I'm still also in shock from his diagnosis. RA wasn't even in my

mind when I went to my Dr for the Lymes test, and even when she sent me to

the Rheumy I figured it was just some kind of infection in my joints or

something that could be cleared up relatively easily. Guess I should just

accept his diagnosis, go forward with the Enbrel, and see what happens. My

mom always did call me a worrywart! :-)


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of phyllis crubaugh

PJ- Well, it was normal for me to doubt my symptoms. I think the other word

for that is denial.... I had OA for years, along with Fibro so it seemed

like just more of the same to me until my joints were so ballooned up I

could no longer ignore it.

Does that help? in SC

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PJ- If you are really that " unconvinced " hon, maybe it's because you didn't ask

him to explain why he Dx'd you with RA? Also, you have the option to see another

Rheumy for a second opinion. I understand you not wanting to put the wrong drugs

in your body. We all feel that way. I like to be armed with all of the info I

can get. Write down questions for him and then ask them next visit. Don't let

brain freeze get in your way like I used to. ( I always forgot to ask something

of relative importance before I wrote them down. )


Hugs--- in SC


Thank you Chris! Everyone who answers my emails on this list helps


I know I have something wrong with me, just not sure it's RA I guess. My Dr

told me there is no definitive test and it's a combination of the results of

a few blood tests and his clinical tests that determines whether or not he

thinks it's RA. I guess I just don't trust that and I'm worried that

whatever I do have will get worse if it's treated as RA and not as what it

really is. I know that's really stupid on my part, and there probably is

denial in there too, I just don't want to put the incorrect drug into my


Guess I'm still also in shock from his diagnosis. RA wasn't even in my

mind when I went to my Dr for the Lymes test, and even when she sent me to

the Rheumy I figured it was just some kind of infection in my joints or

something that could be cleared up relatively easily. Guess I should just

accept his diagnosis, go forward with the Enbrel, and see what happens. My

mom always did call me a worrywart! :-)


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you are so right! I think I was so not expecting this diagnosis that

I wasn't at all prepared to question things. I am going to do exactly as

you suggest, I'm writing down all the questions and doubts I have and will

contact him. And if I'm still not satisfied I'll get a second opinion.

Thank you so much!


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of phyllis crubaugh

PJ- If you are really that " unconvinced " hon, maybe it's because you didn't

ask him to explain why he Dx'd you with RA? Also, you have the option to see

another Rheumy for a second opinion. Write down questions for him and then

ask them next visit. Don't let brain freeze get in your way like I used to.

( I always forgot to ask something of relative importance before I wrote

them down. )

Hugs--- in SC

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Sounds great. Just hang in there PJ, there are so many great people on this list

that have lived with this for so long-- they give me hope and comfort. Every bit

of info that I get is like a part of the armor I wear to go to battle with this

disease. I will not be a victim. It will not win. I will have a good life. I

hope this for you and for ALL of us.


Gentle hugs-- in SC


you are so right! I think I was so not expecting this diagnosis that

I wasn't at all prepared to question things. I am going to do exactly as

you suggest, I'm writing down all the questions and doubts I have and will

contact him. And if I'm still not satisfied I'll get a second opinion.

Thank you so much!


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