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RE: CCSVI Awareness in the UK

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Thanks io :)

Most of us have previously signed it I'd reckon but thanks for picking up anyone

who hasn't had a chance.

Good to see you being active outside of the facebook group too.

'What we do in life, echoes through eternity.'

MARCUS AURELIUS (121 - 180 A.D.)


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Hello all,

I've been a member of this board for a couple of years and receieved much advice

from you all which has greatly helped my wife Sandi - thank you.

I would just like to re-iterate the importance of signing the petition. I have

spoken to a number of people who have had the CCSVI procedure who have all

benefitted from it. It is so important that governments provide the procedure

or at least fund a study into it.

Please be sure to pass on the petition to your friends and family - you can even

sign the petition on behalf of your kids.

This is the email I have been sending to my friends and family:

" This is a simple plea that can be life changing for many, best thing is it will

NOT cost anything and will only take you 10 seconds to do:

Please fill in the petition below campaigning for a new treatment for Multiple

Sclerosis to be made available:


- MS effects anyone, young adults and old

- Women are almost twice as likely to get it

- It is a condition of the central nervous system (which controls the body's

actions and activities, such as movement and balance)

- In MS, the myelin (fluid like stuff that coats each nerve in our body) becomes

damaged, disrupting the transfer of messages

- Some of the most common MS symptoms include problems with vision, mobility and

balance, pain, fatigue, tremors, bladder problems, speech difficulties,

spasticity. "





> Thanks io :)


> Most of us have previously signed it I'd reckon but thanks for picking up

anyone who hasn't had a chance.


> Good to see you being active outside of the facebook group too.




> 'What we do in life, echoes through eternity.'

> MARCUS AURELIUS (121 - 180 A.D.)







> _________________________________________________________________

> Time for a new car? Sell your old one fast!

> http://clk.atdmt.com/NMN/go/157637060/direct/01/



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Upon reading the original post I went and had a Doppler ultrasound. My carraded

arteries were completely clear of any plaque. Would CCSVI be of no use to those

of us MS'rs?


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Are you 100% sure that they did it correctly?

If the team hasn't been taught by Zamboni's team, our UK docs can get it wrong.

This is why so many are travelling to Poland where the teams of Simka HAVE been

trained by Zamboni - testing for this isn't like having any normal ultrasound -

veins may not show up as constricted.

You can send your images to Dr Haacke (i think it is) who can have a

double-check and let you know.


'What we do in life, echoes through eternity.'

MARCUS AURELIUS (121 - 180 A.D.)

To: mscured

From: mmacchiarella@...

Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 08:43:37 -0800

Subject: Re: CCSVI Awareness in the UK

Upon reading the original post I went and had a Doppler ultrasound. My carraded

arteries were completely clear of any plaque. Would CCSVI be of no use to those

of us MS'rs?



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It's good that you don't have any plaque but CCSVI has to to with veins not with

carotid arteries. It is the jugular and azygous veins that are potentially the



> Upon reading the original post I went and had a Doppler ultrasound. My

carraded arteries were completely clear of any plaque. Would CCSVI be of no use

to those of us MS'rs?


> -M


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Just echoing what and have stated - You can only be tested for

CCSVI if the sonographer has been trained and knows how to test specifically for

blockages within the azygos and jugular veins.




> Upon reading the original post I went and had a Doppler ultrasound. My

carraded arteries were completely clear of any plaque. Would CCSVI be of no use

to those of us MS'rs?


> -M


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