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Re: Re:Negative! Negative! Negative!

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Hi, .

I think you're talking about HLA-B27. HLA-B27 has a strong association

with the spondyloarthropathies (ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic

arthrits, reactive arthritis, etc.), but not RA.




Not an MD

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:50 PM, OCC <occ_susan@...> wrote:

> I also am negative everything. Due to great difficulty walking I saw a

> podiatrist (who wanted to do inappropriate surgeries that would have

> crippled me) then 2 othopedic surgeons. The second was a woman, and they

> just listen better than men. She pulled out my MRI from over a year

> earlier, looked at my x-rays where the bones had migrated in the feet, and

> had me in to see a rheumy within 30 minutes. The rheumy dx RA, but quit the

> practice, the 2nd rheumy kept saying I didn't have it. Then he sent my DNA

> testing for HBLA27 (hope I have those numbers correct).


> so, genetic testing can help get you the Dx you need to get the right

> treatment. Currently I'm on mtx injections, sulfasalizne, prednisone,

> plaquenil. Sometimes I'm back in bed by 9:30am. I'm trying very hard to

> hang onto my job. The overwhelming exhaustion is worse than the pain. The

> problems secondary to RA donj't help (osteoporosis, anemia, exhaustion, flu

> like feelings, not sleeping, etc.)


> also, while I'm at it, here's my response to " we look the same " I wish I

> did! I look awful, puffy prednisone face, weight gain, huge dark bags under

> the eyes (can hardly sleep), red eyes, puffy lids that almost close the

> eyes, walking stiifly and gimpy, funky fingers, people look at me and say oh

> what happened! I aged about 20 years in the last 3 years, but part of that

> is because it took me almost 3 years to get the proper diagnosis (dx)


> this list is very helpful, because I learn from what other people suffe...I

> can see where my weight gain could equal some people have shared about in

> just a few years, and the extra weight stresses the joints), the people on

> walkers help me treasure my ability to get around and be glad to pace myself

> (can't shop & cook on the same day,etc.) So much practical advice... I

> really appreciate each one of you


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The labs are only part of the story, . RA is largely a clinical


Also, if you do have RA, it's critical to begin treatment ASAP. Please

go see a rheumatologist.

Not an MD

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 11:54 AM, <angel2woods@...> wrote:

> Thank you all so much for your input! No, I am not seeing a

> Rheumatologist because my family doctor wants to explore other possible

> reasons for my ails like kidney problems and heart problems. These

> things seem much less likely considering my symptoms which are textbook

> RA symptoms and my strong family history of RA. But she said since my

> ANA and sed rate are negative (and I had pitting edema when I got my

> blood drawn) there was no way it could be RA! So she doesn't want to

> send me to a Rheumatologist. Will the Rheumy diagnose RA on other

> factors?

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