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Thanks a. Great information for us.






> H1N1 Virus - What Arthritis Patients Need to Know




> Wednesday August 12, 2009

> As the H1N1 virus continues to cause illness, hospitalizations, and


> people are worrying about what lies ahead. Arthritis patients who take

> immunosuppressant drugs have an extra level of concern.


> The CDC has reported that the H1N1 virus could contribute to a severe


> season this year. The seasonal flu vaccine will not likely provide


> against the H1N1 virus though. An H1N1 vaccine is currently being


> and tested. Prioritizing which groups of people should receive the


> vaccine is being determined -- as well as on what schedule. Keeping up

with the

> latest information will help you know what you should do to prevent

the H1N1

> virus. You can learn more in H1N1 Virus - What Arthritis Patients Need


> know


> a
















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My rheumy told me the same thing about the shingles vaccine.


On Aug 20, 2009, at 3:43 PM, rascalsniche@... wrote:

> My rheumy would not give me a shingles vaccine because its a live

> virus.

> I'm thinking he may put the kabosh on the swine flu vaccine too.

> Just tell

> me to be extra vigiliant on washing hands, etc. and i will have to

> stay

> clear of the grandkids once they start school. they catch

> everything there.


> Hugs..a

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi a: Ouch, ouch. Those shots do hurt! I hope you do good with

them. Take care of yourself.




> Talked to my rheumy yesterday and he wants me to get the H1N1 flu

> shot....for sure. He said it is NOT a live virus so I should get it.

So that's

> another two extra shots this year since the swine flu shot is really


> shots..a few weeks apart. One on one week and two weeks later, the

other. Then

> also I will get my regular flu shot.


> Thought I was going to get out of it...LOL


> Hugs..a




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  • 2 months later...

where do you get it, and what brand...


> try putting tea tree oil onj the soles of the feet

> kicked my sons flu in 2 days and went from 105 temp to normal and the

> chest

> congestion went away

> chinese medicine says you do not put things on the chest like Vicks vapor

> rub etc because it blocks the congestion into the chest

> i heard this and tried it by putting TTO on the soles of the feet - its

> pretty amazing. Tea tree oil has many anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

> properties - love that stuff




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Tea Tree Oil and Melaluca are the same essential oil...a good inexpensive brand

is Wyndmere which can be had at some health food stores and possibly Whole



In a message dated 11/07/09 12:49:23 Mountain Standard Time,

thesweetattack@... writes:

where do you get it, and what brand...


> try putting tea tree oil onj the soles of the feet

> kicked my sons flu in 2 days and went from 105 temp to normal and the

> chest

> congestion went away

> chinese medicine says you do not put things on the chest like Vicks vapor

> rub etc because it blocks the congestion into the chest

> i heard this and tried it by putting TTO on the soles of the feet - its

> pretty amazing. Tea tree oil has many anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

> properties - love that stuff




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  • 1 month later...

Kami..I was told by my rheumy that I needed the shot because the nasal has

the live vaccine and I can't have that. I got both the flu and the H1N1

shot this year.


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Hi Kami....that is a shame. Other places seem to have an overabundance of

both. and you can't get one of the injections. I know alot of schools

around my area and giving the shots.

Hope you find someplace. and don't forget to fill out the registration

form or you'll have to do it where you get your shot. it just makes it go

faster. You can get that form online at the flu.gov sites....or wherever you

get info on the shots.


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I am calling around today as well. The problem I have found was that there seems

to be an overabundance of the INTRANASAL vs shot. My doctor told me he would be

getting it in late January but could not guarantee it would be the shot!

*~ Kami ~*

[ ] h1n1

I have an appointment to get my H1N1 shot today. It was pretty frustrating

-- the Arthritis Foundation recommends we get them, but they weren't

available to me because I'm 65. Then they opened it up to everyone, but not


vaccine was available. So I'm driving to another suburb to get mine today.



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I finally got my H1N1 on Friday at Walgreens. They told me they wouldn't last

the weekend with the quantity they have so I made an appt. for my mom, who is 86

to have one. I went home and got her, now we are both all set.

Heidi in Mass.

[ ] h1n1

I have an appointment to get my H1N1 shot today. It was pretty frustrating

-- the Arthritis Foundation recommends we get them, but they weren't

available to me because I'm 65. Then they opened it up to everyone, but not


vaccine was available. So I'm driving to another suburb to get mine today.



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For some reason, PA has decided to allow the Dept of Health to distribute the

vaccination which means they can pick and choose who gets what. Right now, the

only thing available is intranasal and we all know that is a big no no..... I

guess I will just continue to wait and HOPE that they get some shots!!!!

*~ Kami ~*

[ ] H1N1

Go to flu.gov site and there you will get answers to your questions and

also find out areas that will be giving out the flu vaccine. You can also

call your local health clinic and they may be able to find locales for you.


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Hi a,

I had to pay $18.00 for mine, but at this point I don't care anymore. I had

checked with my Drs. office and they don't know when they'll be getting another

round, it would have been free there. It didn't cost anything for my mother

there as she has Medicare. CVS and RiteAid are doing them as well, just call

first to make sure they still have them and to lock in an appt. Walgreens has

been very organized, there has been no line, just go fill out the paperwork, and

be done. Good Luck!

Heidi in Mass.

[ ] H1N1

Hi..I did hear walgreens has the shots in. did they charge you for them or

were they free?


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I would avoid the vaccination at all costs. There has been a ton of

info posted on the WWW about the pros & cons of vaccination.

Just do a Google search for swine flu vaccination and you will see....



On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 12:03 AM, ine Helfenstein

<phelfen1@...> wrote:

> Hi,


> what are your thoughts about getting the swine flu vaccinations, when one is

not doing well with Lyme?


> ine

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Amazing this story is in the mainstream media! The investigation centers on

drug companies that pressured the WHO to declare a pandemic so they could

rake in billions. Who didn't know this?

Just to add to the info base... I fought with my son's doctors and employers,

who all wanted him to get a shot (and of course, me too). Didn't happen and

isn't happening.

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,582749,00.html .

Cindi Callanan, MsT, CST, BEC, Teasel Practitioner

Re: [ ] H1N1

I totally agree with you on the H1N1...DO NOT TAKE IT!!!

I think from what I have heard that the government is going to soon make it

manditory for everyone to have it. That means just like the shots kids have to

have before school starts, if they don't get it, they can't go to school. I am

prepared that if it comes to that, my kids will NOT get the H1N1 shot and they

will not go to school! I've read and heard way too many things about what it

has in it and I saw a YouTube video of a girl who took the shot and now she can

no longer walk forwards, but backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do your own research for

yourselves..protect yourself and your children.!


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I love the fact that you feel the way you do about taking the H1N1 vaccine. 

This vaccine, no matter if we have Lyme or not, will destroy not only our bodies

neurologically but also our children.  Vaccines are not mandatory in this

country, yet if your child hasn't had them up to date, they are not allowed in

school.  What is up with that?  I went to YouTube today and put in H1N1

vaccine and came up with all kinds of videos related to it and how damaging it

can be.  I urge everyone with or without Lyme to please educate yourselves for

your families sake.  Even if it comes down to our children not going to school

or you not going to your job because the government requires everyone to have

it, DO NOT TAKE IT!  Don't ask me how we will all deal with that issue, I have

no clue.  All I know is that we can't stand by and take something that THEY

know is going to destroy us!  Gosh, I hope I don't sound like a crazy person,

I'm really not!  I just

feel really strong about this subject.  Sorry if I went on a tangent!



From: Cindi Callanan <cindicallanan@...>

Sent: Mon, January 11, 2010 1:11:43 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] H1N1


Amazing this story is in the mainstream media! The investigation centers on

drug companies that pressured the WHO to declare a pandemic so they could

rake in billions. Who didn't know this?

Just to add to the info base... I fought with my son's doctors and employers,

who all wanted him to get a shot (and of course, me too). Didn't happen and

isn't happening.

http://www.foxnews. com/story/ 0,2933,582749, 00.html .

Cindi Callanan, MsT, CST, BEC, Teasel Practitioner

Re: [ ] H1N1

I totally agree with you on the H1N1...DO NOT TAKE IT!!!

I think from what I have heard that the government is going to soon make it

manditory for everyone to have it. That means just like the shots kids have to

have before school starts, if they don't get it, they can't go to school. I am

prepared that if it comes to that, my kids will NOT get the H1N1 shot and they

will not go to school! I've read and heard way too many things about what it has

in it and I saw a YouTube video of a girl who took the shot and now she can no

longer walk forwards, but backwards!!! !!!!!!!!! !! Do your own research for

yourselves.. protect yourself and your children.!


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Dr. Mercola posted an article about H1N1 vaccine that also showed it's only

25% effective. So, everyone who gets the vaccine is exposed to all the

toxins in it, yet only 1 out of 4 people who get it are even protected from

the H1N1 flu. Yet everyone is being pushed to get the vaccine. Ridiculous

the control vaccine companies have.

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:43 AM, a Frazee <paula.frazee@...>wrote:



> Cindi,

> I love the fact that you feel the way you do about taking the H1N1

> vaccine. This vaccine, no matter if we have Lyme or not, will destroy not

> only our bodies neurologically but also our children. Vaccines are not

> mandatory in this country, yet if your child hasn't had them up to date,

> they are not allowed in school. What is up with that? I went to YouTube

> today and put in H1N1 vaccine and came up with all kinds of videos related

> to it and how damaging it can be. I urge everyone with or without Lyme to

> please educate yourselves for your families sake. Even if it comes down to

> our children not going to school or you not going to your job because the

> government requires everyone to have it, DO NOT TAKE IT! Don't ask me how

> we will all deal with that issue, I have no clue. All I know is that we

> can't stand by and take something that THEY know is going to destroy us!

> Gosh, I hope I don't sound like a crazy person, I'm really not! I just

> feel really strong about this subject. Sorry if I went on a tangent!


> a


> ________________________________

> From: Cindi Callanan <cindicallanan@...<cindicallanan%40comcast.net>

> >


> < %40>

> Sent: Mon, January 11, 2010 1:11:43 PM


> Subject: Re: [ ] H1N1



> Amazing this story is in the mainstream media! The investigation centers on

> drug companies that pressured the WHO to declare a pandemic so they could

> rake in billions. Who didn't know this?


> Just to add to the info base... I fought with my son's doctors and

> employers, who all wanted him to get a shot (and of course, me too). Didn't

> happen and isn't happening.


> http://www.foxnews. com/story/ 0,2933,582749, 00.html .


> Cindi Callanan, MsT, CST, BEC, Teasel Practitioner


> Re: [ ] H1N1


> I totally agree with you on the H1N1...DO NOT TAKE IT!!!

> I think from what I have heard that the government is going to soon make it

> manditory for everyone to have it. That means just like the shots kids have

> to have before school starts, if they don't get it, they can't go to school.

> I am prepared that if it comes to that, my kids will NOT get the H1N1 shot

> and they will not go to school! I've read and heard way too many things

> about what it has in it and I saw a YouTube video of a girl who took the

> shot and now she can no longer walk forwards, but backwards!!! !!!!!!!!! !!

> Do your own research for yourselves.. protect yourself and your children.!


> a



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