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Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

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Thank you for the welcome ! I think there is a surge of awareness regarding

gluten intolerance. I experiment alot in my health and I found that gluten

definitely had a huge impact on how I felt. It wasnt easy though and it did take

several years of punishing myself with weening myself off of it mainly by eating

it and then regretting it. Alcohol was easier despite it being a part of my

daily life for 10 years and my love for wine. But I notice the next day how

horrible I feel, so it made it easier. I also cut out 90% of sugar in my diet.

The last to go is caffeine and coffee. This is gonna be tough. I have not come

across the Best Bet Diet (BBD), thanks for the recommendation I will check it


--- In mscured , Janet Orchard

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> I also cut out 90% of sugar in my diet. The last to go is caffeine and coffee.

This is gonna be tough. I have not come across the Best Bet Diet (BBD), thanks

for the recommendation I will check it out.


Hi ,

Here's a link to BBD info:


Before MS came along, I used to do periodic colon and liver cleanses. I would

always go off of coffee then but eventually it would sneak back into my life.

lol I started BBD in Feb '08 and in Oct '08 I tried to treat myself to a

one-shot espresso made with rice milk at a local coffee house. I had a

reaction. :( I was so sad to know that I couldn't even treat myself

occasionally. Recently, I was looking at maca root as a substitute, but I

decided to try yerba mate first instead (mainly because it's a lot easier to

find locally), and I've been happy with that. It does contain caffeine, though,

so it's a treat and not an everyday thing. For sweetener, agave nectar is my

favorite. Some people have a hard time wrapping their brain around the fact

that I don't have sugar in my home. lol

Some of the other things that I'm doing are acupuncture, detoxing, fasting, some

herbs/supplements in addition to those on the BBD. I had lots of symptoms and

got rid of them all EXCEPT when I eat something I have a reaction to. I keep a

food diary to help me prevent this. I recently had to cut out eggs after

suspecting them for a while, going off of them for a while, then testing.


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---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 10:17 AM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >


my name is fouzia.i was dignossed with ms in jan 09 and stared on avonex

therapy. i need more than this i need to know how i can make my self better

or healtheir.


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I conquered MS! To read my free preview of my book at www.ginascorner.com, click

on book and scroll down and you will see free preview.

Have a Happy and Healthy Day,

Kopera M.H.

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WARNING: None of the above statements have been evaluated or approved by the

Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. The

information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only

and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for

specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other

qualified health care provider before using any herbal products.


To: mscured <mscured >

Sent: Sun, November 15, 2009 11:23:48 AM

Subject: Fwd: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Fouzia Hashmi <fouzia1sbcglobal (DOT) net>

Date: Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 10:17 AM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner@ yahoogroups. com>


my name is fouzia.i was dignossed with ms in jan 09 and stared on avonex

therapy. i need more than this i need to know how i can make my self better

or healtheir.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Forward: New Member

> Hi,


> My daughter was recently diagnosed with MS and prescribed Beta-Seron. The

> side effects are horrible. We need to find an alternative. She doesn't want

> to feel worse than she did before, a cure would be great.

> Wanted to find out what has been working for others.

> Thanks,



> ------------------------------


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A good diet is helping me. I read " MS recovery diet " by Ann D. Sawyer &

Judith E. Bachrach


A good site she should explore is www.hacres.com

It's a strict diet but she would have to slowly ease into it.

Click on testimonies and read...they have a lot of good info if you have time to



Also look into LDN ...it is the only low dose drug I take for MS and my symptoms

haven't got worse in over a year. They also have a (LDN) yahoo groups w/ lots of

great info.

The site to look at is www.lowdosenaltrexone.org


Make sure you get her good wheatgrass and she drinks twice a day w/ her fresh

fruit juice.

It has so many different vitamins. I order from the uk bc I'm in Europe...I can

give you the site if you're in Europe.


Hope all goes well for her.


> Hi,


> My daughter was recently diagnosed with MS and prescribed Beta-Seron. The

> side effects are horrible. We need to find an alternative. She doesn't want

> to feel worse than she did before, a cure would be great.

> Wanted to find out what has been working for others.

> Thanks,



> ------------ --------- ---------


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  • 2 months later...

Please welcome a new member..

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 12:08 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

My goal is to find out all I can and hear about the diet alternatives and

success stories coming from them. I do not take CRAB drugs, nor do I want

to. I do not even want to discuss them, because I can't take them and they

are of no use for me. I am allergic to most of them. So my only way to

fight and be completely successful with MS and let my body heal itself is to

learn all I can about certain diets. I know that diet plays a major role

with any disease, regardless of what most Dr.'s state. I have had great

success without any CRAB drugs so far with first using the Swank Diet, then

tweaking that more to a Candida Free diet, then I heard about the Paleo Diet

and now the BBDiet. I am trying to find one that would work best for me,

that I can live with for the rest of my life. I need help from others who

are fighting the same battle to help me fully research these diets and learn

all I can about food and it's effects on the body.

Thank you,

Yvette B.

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Welcome Yvette, You've come to a place where diet has become an issue for most

of us. I'll tell you my latest discovery. I had a hair mineral analysis and

learned my mineral profile (at least the minerals that were detoxing through my

hair) and my metabolic type. I've been eating a diet for my metaboic type and

taking the appropriate supplements ever since. I feel better than I did when I

was eating another way.

It's good that you have an open mind about the foods that you eat. Not everyone

needs to eat the same diet.


> Please welcome a new member..


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------


> Date: Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 12:08 PM

> Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

> To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >



> My goal is to find out all I can and hear about the diet alternatives and

> success stories coming from them. I do not take CRAB drugs, nor do I want

> to. I do not even want to discuss them, because I can't take them and they

> are of no use for me. I am allergic to most of them. So my only way to

> fight and be completely successful with MS and let my body heal itself is to

> learn all I can about certain diets. I know that diet plays a major role

> with any disease, regardless of what most Dr.'s state. I have had great

> success without any CRAB drugs so far with first using the Swank Diet, then

> tweaking that more to a Candida Free diet, then I heard about the Paleo Diet

> and now the BBDiet. I am trying to find one that would work best for me,

> that I can live with for the rest of my life. I need help from others who

> are fighting the same battle to help me fully research these diets and learn

> all I can about food and it's effects on the body.

> Thank you,

> Yvette B.




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They do overseas customers. After I found out my metabolic type I had to find a

diet that worked for me. I'm doing a diet that corrects my digestive system

(GAPS) and it fits in to what I should eat according to my metabolic needs. I'm

hoping that this diet will make me balanced and solve many problems that I

intensified by eating the wrong kinds of foods for so long. The test gave me




> , Can you tell me the name of the company you used for the mineral

analysis if they operate via the Internet and think they would deal with

overseas customers?


> Janet



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new member...

> Thank you!!

> I am a homeschooling mom to 4 beautiful children, and have been dealing

> with MS symptoms for awhile, but have not yet been officially diagnosed. I

> do have Gastroparesis, and several other things going on that is MS related.

> This month I have been having worsening conditions, along with new symptoms.

> The thing that is driving me crazy is my skin feels like it has been

> sunburned, and it's at the tingling stage. It is very sensitive to touch. My

> feet have also been hurting, along with my muscle fatigue, no energy, and my

> eyes have been really acting up.

> I go to the doctor on this Thursday, so hopefully we will find out more.

> I want to be as natural about this as possible, especially with diet, and

> supplements.

> I hope to learn as much as I can from this group, and also give support to

> others.

> Thank you!!!



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On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:17 PM, Jane Ann McCubbin <

j.a.mccubbin@...> wrote:

> I was diagnosed with MS in Nov. 06. It presented through optic neuritis.

> I

> began taking supplements to better my health. I remained symptom free for

> a

> little over 2 1/2 years when I started having tingling and numbness in both

> feet. The numbness began moving up both legs. A MRI in Aug. 09 revealed a

> lesion on the T-11 that encompassed the entirety of the spinal cord. I

> started taking LDN in Sept. 09. The tingling and numbness has left my

> legs,

> but remains in both feet. I work in the school system, and I am on my feet

> most of the day. I want to address the cause of the disease--not treat

> symptoms.



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My MS started that way too and 14 years later I have got rid of the numbness

apart from in the soles of my feet. I believe gluten removal was the big thing

that helped me. I've been following the Best Bet Diet (BBD) for 3 years and

slowly improving.

Good luck and welcome.


To: mscured

From: atlanteanproductions@...

Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 08:04:55 -0600

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

new member

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:17 PM, Jane Ann McCubbin <

j.a.mccubbin@...> wrote:

> I was diagnosed with MS in Nov. 06. It presented through optic neuritis.

> I

> began taking supplements to better my health. I remained symptom free for

> a

> little over 2 1/2 years when I started having tingling and numbness in both

> feet. The numbness began moving up both legs. A MRI in Aug. 09 revealed a

> lesion on the T-11 that encompassed the entirety of the spinal cord. I

> started taking LDN in Sept. 09. The tingling and numbness has left my

> legs,

> but remains in both feet. I work in the school system, and I am on my feet

> most of the day. I want to address the cause of the disease--not treat

> symptoms.



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Welcome .

I used to get the sunburning feeling but it just disappeared and I wasn't

actively fighting MS in those days.

Diet is so important - read up on the Best Bet Diet (BBD) in archives here or on

MSRC's website.

There are loads of ways to help MS naturally - look through the files here and

ask any questions.


To: mscured

From: atlanteanproductions@...

Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 22:18:14 -0600

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

new member...

> Thank you!!

> I am a homeschooling mom to 4 beautiful children, and have been dealing

> with MS symptoms for awhile, but have not yet been officially diagnosed. I

> do have Gastroparesis, and several other things going on that is MS related.

> This month I have been having worsening conditions, along with new symptoms.

> The thing that is driving me crazy is my skin feels like it has been

> sunburned, and it's at the tingling stage. It is very sensitive to touch. My

> feet have also been hurting, along with my muscle fatigue, no energy, and my

> eyes have been really acting up.

> I go to the doctor on this Thursday, so hopefully we will find out more.

> I want to be as natural about this as possible, especially with diet, and

> supplements.

> I hope to learn as much as I can from this group, and also give support to

> others.

> Thank you!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Dick and welcome!

You will find a lot of useful info on this site and a wealth of knowledgeable


I conquered MS by following cleansing, fasting and letting the body heal thyself

you can read more about me at www.ginascorner.com, go to the book page and

scroll to the bottom and there is a free preview.

Have a Happy and Healthy Day,

Kopera M.H.

© Copyright 2007 www.sCorner.com . All rights reserved | Privacy Policy

WARNING: None of the above statements have been evaluated or approved by the

Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. The

information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only

and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for

specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other

qualified health care provider before using any herbal products.


To: mscured <mscured >

Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 1:24:53 PM

Subject: Fwd: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

new member

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Dick Duncan <dickduncan2@ gmail.com>

Date: Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:16 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner@ yahoogroups. com>

I refused to use prescription meds all my life, as well as OTC painkillers

etc. In my sixties my cholesterol level and BP started creeping up. I got

my cholesterol down with diet and exercise, but couldn't control my BP.

Afraid of stroke, I'm now on 3 BP meds, but so far only Baclofen for MS, as

it seems to help with the stiffness.

I take a dozen supplements, but not nearly as many as are recommended on

some of the MS web sites and discussion groups. I'm still trying to sort

out what really works.

I look forward to hearing the experience of people in this mscured group.


Dick Duncan

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---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:50 AM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

Hello, I am 50 and have MS for 10 years that I know of. It was confirmed

with MRI, spinal tap, optic neuritis. Ive taken steroids, use Copaxone which

I hate and am on mega pills for every complaint I have which are many. I am

desperate, Im trying accupuncture Monday. I take Vit D, cranberry and Vit C

along with my many meds. I would love to join your group. Thanks

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Don't despair Kate. You will find lots of ideas in this group - have a look

through the archives.

Acupuncture is indeed one that helps many, as is CST (cranio-sacral therapy) and

yoga. The Best Bet Diet (BBD) which basically excludes all gluten grains, all

milk products and legumes (peas, beans and pulses) is very effective for many,

including myself.

Rather than taking a band-aid (one of the ABC type drugs that often are just

masking symptoms), it is possible to treat yourself alternatively. Diet,

exercise, supplements, etc.

Welcome to the group and enjoy your acupuncture session on Monday.


To: mscured

From: atlanteanproductions@...

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 12:23:58 -0500

Subject: Fwd: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:50 AM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

Hello, I am 50 and have MS for 10 years that I know of. It was confirmed

with MRI, spinal tap, optic neuritis. Ive taken steroids, use Copaxone which

I hate and am on mega pills for every complaint I have which are many. I am

desperate, Im trying accupuncture Monday. I take Vit D, cranberry and Vit C

along with my many meds. I would love to join your group. Thanks

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All the info is here:


Also, more of a summary of the info here:


Yahoo Group for BBD:


I hope you find everything you need here. :) The diet (with recommended

supplements) and acupuncture have both helped me tremendously.



> Can I order the best bet diet as a book or is it something online?

> Thanx,

> Triva


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Thanks! Any way you could get me a copy? lol I wanted to get a subscription,

but it just costs too much to send it across the pond.

:( I could pay for a single issue though!


> Crystal, I loved seeing you in NP - so good to put a face to a name, and your

boys look adorable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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....new member

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Liesl Benning wrote:

> I've been recently diagnosed with MS and very interested in how alternative

> methods may help. I've been reading several books on diet, and I've noticed

> how my neurologists all say chiropractic can cause strokes (is that a class

> in neurology 101?) and yet it seems like it could really help. Anyway,

> interested in what the forum has to say.





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new member

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Date: Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 11:37 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

My brother has MS--and has had it for about 30 years. I'm very interested

in whatever others find helpful regarding fewer symptoms, reverse of

symptoms, etc, using new findings.

Thank you very much. Carol

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  • 3 weeks later...
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New member:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 3:10 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

Hi, my name is Dayna and I am 37. I have had multiple sclerosis for a year

and a half. I had just had a baby when this happened. I have a suspicion

that the epidural triggered this. I was planning on having my baby at home,

but my midwife quit on me. I should have done my homework and found a good

dependable midwife. I'm trying to learn not to go back to the past because

it just hurts. I have taken zero drugs for this condition. I am doing

everything naturally; hoping to regain my health asap. I have never felt

such torment to my body as MS. I feel weighed down and heavy. I have had

all kinds of different symptoms; paresthesia, electrical feelings. pins and

needles in extremities, and so on. Some of the weird sensations have been

alleviated. I am doing the best that I can with diet and drinking lots of

h2o, supplements, rebounding and so on.



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After child birth is a very trying time for most, but when you have MS it is

widely reported that the decrease in your hormones will have an effect on

MS. they beleive it is Estirol (SP) that is the culprit. I myself had my

first blown attack after my second child, and had no epidural. In hindsight

I had symptoms in my early 20's, pre children and wasn't tillafter my 2nd

that I had very definitive symptoms. Premenstrual is a very delicate time

for me so I always will try to avoid occasions at this time of the month.


On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Yvette <

atlanteanproductions@...> wrote:



> New member:


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> From: Dayna Griego <daynagriego@... <daynagriego%40yahoo.com>>

> Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 3:10 PM

> Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

> To: mscured Moderator

<mscured-owner <mscured-owner%40yahoogroups.com>

> >


> Hi, my name is Dayna and I am 37. I have had multiple sclerosis for a year

> and a half. I had just had a baby when this happened. I have a suspicion

> that the epidural triggered this. I was planning on having my baby at home,

> but my midwife quit on me. I should have done my homework and found a good

> dependable midwife. I'm trying to learn not to go back to the past because

> it just hurts. I have taken zero drugs for this condition. I am doing

> everything naturally; hoping to regain my health asap. I have never felt

> such torment to my body as MS. I feel weighed down and heavy. I have had

> all kinds of different symptoms; paresthesia, electrical feelings. pins and

> needles in extremities, and so on. Some of the weird sensations have been

> alleviated. I am doing the best that I can with diet and drinking lots of

> h2o, supplements, rebounding and so on.


> ------------------------------

> **



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Dear Yvette,

Are you able to remove me from mscured or advise how to delist myself.



To: mscured <mscured >

Sent: Fri, 14 May, 2010 6:24:17 AM

Subject: Fwd: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!


New member:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Dayna Griego <daynagriego@ yahoo.com>

Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 3:10 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner@ yahoogroups. com>

Hi, my name is Dayna and I am 37. I have had multiple sclerosis for a year

and a half. I had just had a baby when this happened. I have a suspicion

that the epidural triggered this. I was planning on having my baby at home,

but my midwife quit on me. I should have done my homework and found a good

dependable midwife. I'm trying to learn not to go back to the past because

it just hurts. I have taken zero drugs for this condition. I am doing

everything naturally; hoping to regain my health asap. I have never felt

such torment to my body as MS. I feel weighed down and heavy. I have had

all kinds of different symptoms; paresthesia, electrical feelings. pins and

needles in extremities, and so on. Some of the weird sensations have been

alleviated. I am doing the best that I can with diet and drinking lots of

h2o, supplements, rebounding and so on.

------------ --------- ---------


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stan, you can easily do it yourself by going to the bottom of your email or by

erasing it as 'junk' in most mailboxes.


'What we do in life, echoes through eternity.'

MARCUS AURELIUS (121 - 180 A.D.)

To: mscured

From: sgrbsolutions@...

Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 17:22:05 -0700

Subject: Re: Fwd: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

Dear Yvette,

Are you able to remove me from mscured or advise how to delist myself.



To: mscured <mscured >

Sent: Fri, 14 May, 2010 6:24:17 AM

Subject: Fwd: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

New member:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Dayna Griego <daynagriego@ yahoo.com>

Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 3:10 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner@ yahoogroups. com>

Hi, my name is Dayna and I am 37. I have had multiple sclerosis for a year

and a half. I had just had a baby when this happened. I have a suspicion

that the epidural triggered this. I was planning on having my baby at home,

but my midwife quit on me. I should have done my homework and found a good

dependable midwife. I'm trying to learn not to go back to the past because

it just hurts. I have taken zero drugs for this condition. I am doing

everything naturally; hoping to regain my health asap. I have never felt

such torment to my body as MS. I feel weighed down and heavy. I have had

all kinds of different symptoms; paresthesia, electrical feelings. pins and

needles in extremities, and so on. Some of the weird sensations have been

alleviated. I am doing the best that I can with diet and drinking lots of

h2o, supplements, rebounding and so on.

------------ --------- ---------


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