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Re: Eye recheck yesterday

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What a thorough eye doc! it wounds like quite an extensive exam. It makes me

wonder if I would look into a new eye doc. I like the guy I see, and I had felt

like he was pretty thorough, but when I went last time, with blurred vision in

my right eye and problems with my eye no opening properly upon blinking, he was


Thanks for the info.

wrote: I

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I had always gone to the 'quickie eye exam - get glasses' type of

place but several years ago my insurance company insisted that if

they were going to pay for it, it had to be a " real " doctor. That is

when I found this particular eye doctor close to home. He has always

used the computer aided exams. The first time I saw him, I thought it

was a gimic but NOW I'm glad he does it.

I forget the brand name of it but it uses a camera that takes a

picture of the inside of your eye in 1/4 of a second and a series of

computerized test stations. Then there are a variety of filters (on

his computer) he uses that will show such things as glaucoma, even

diabetes. It was interesting to look at and felt thorough, but now I

know I have MS, seems much more important. At least it is to me.

I found it interesting that he diagnosed a " demyelinating disease "

(after I had the same thing from the MRI results), but before seeing

the specialist for my diagnosis.

I suggest you call around and ask if they have computer aided eye

exams, if you are going to change doctors. Dr. Jaffe has OD, PS

after his name (he's an optometric physician), if that helps.

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