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Observations: Deep-Orgasm Masturbation bad for MS?

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MS is tied to a genetic susceptibility, but if you are a candidate for MS, could

deep-orgasm masturbation be tied to a worsening of RRMS symptoms and or to

progression over time? In other words, could there be a hidden behavioral


What follows is highly speculative, so don't flame me or attack me!!!

I am just courageously sharing my own observations to see if any other person

with MS has gone through anything similar?

I should start by stating that MS runs in my mother's side of the family and

that I have classic RRMS starting with optic neuritis and confirmed via the

oligoclonal bands in the cnsf (spinal tap to check) and via two classic,

full-blown MS Attacks. But what follows could be coincidence or not tied to MS

at all . . .

1. I grew up repressing my sexuality; a shy, introverted person and a Catholic

to boot.

2. When I would repress my sexuality, consider it like not feeding a lion. If I

fed it each day, when hungry, it would remain tame. Not feeding it turned it

into a ferocious man-eater. In the same way, not feeding my horny desires with

sex or masturbation would only build them to a fever picth.

3. Common understanding is that you can't masturbate too much and that it has no

negative side effects. However, these comments or studies don't seem to discern

between too many shallow orgasms vs. too many deep orgasms. Could too many deep

orgasms and/or repression and buildup of chronic sexual tension drain the body's

resources and exhaust the nervous system?

4. My sexual repression would cause me to suddenly feel very, very sleepy during

the middle of the day (MS-fatigue?) This was quite obviously unnatural and quite

obviously tied to my repression.

5. I was a very nervous type and an over-achiever, and this high stress and

nervousness would directly feed my level of horniness. The over-achieving would

also deny me the time necessary to just masturbate and release. Also, being a

perfectionist, I would hold out for the " perfect orgasm " . . . teasing and

denying myself.

6. A deep orgasm is where you edge up to a release but then don't release, and

you do this over and over until you build up a massive orgasm. I worked my way

easily up to a tablespoon or more and according to this post " a couple of

tablespoons is pretty much a peak ejaculation for a sexual athlete " vs. an

average person much less. I would spend sometimes an hour, two or three edging

up to a large orgasm.

7. If I edged up and then didn't release, the next morning I would pee out a

large amount of water and still feel highly pent up.

8. In highly pent-up states, I found that my body would not absorb food

normally. I would be drawn to high-fatty foods. Rice was an exception that I

could absorb. I started eating a diet high in rice as it would help me in these

states (geographic reason for MS?) I also noticed that I would go to the

bathroom (pee and defecate) more frequently. (Could this be the " leaky gut "

syndrome characterized in MS?) My metabolism would be very high and I could

gorge on large amounts of food and not gain weight. I would also feel exhausted

and feel cold easily if I didn't eat to compensate.

9. I had the sensation that after releasing a large, deep orgasm that my body

would immediately begin manufacturing more ejaculate, tapping my body's

resources severely. Worsening of my MS symptoms would occur at these times:

numbness, feelings of fatigue, etc. Taking vitamins and eating large meals would

help to compensate and start the cycle all over again . . .

10. This appeared to create a self-sustaining feedback loop, to build a

tolerance so that my body wanted more and more large orgasms. I began using deep

orgasms as a coping mechanism for handling and relieving stress, just like a

drug addict seeking a next fix.

11. The herbs and vitamins that " help MS " appeared to help me to support deep

orgasms. For instance, I took DHEA to increase my testosterone levels. I took

B-vitamins (such as B-12, B-1, and B-3) for energy (interesting to note that

nicotinic acid and inosine, both which may help with MS, both increase uric

acid, a component of ejaculate.) Also interesting to note that the Dr. Klenner

protocol for MS includes Beef Liver Extract which also appears to increase

testosterone and also contains B1. It also promotes a diet high in protein.

12. One study where men received a testosterone gel applied topically saw a 15%

decline in relapses.

13. At least one study found an implication of sex hormones to MS:


" Testosterone was significantly lower in women with MS than in controls, " they

noted. " The lowest levels were found in women with a greater number of [brain]

lesions. " " In men, there was a positive correlation between [estrogen]

concentrations and brain damage, " they wrote. Specifically, men with the illness

and the highest levels of estrogen were more likely to have larger amounts of

brain tissue damage, Pozzilli's group learned. And we know MS affects women more

than men. Could deep orgasms exhaust a man's testosterone reserves or lead to an

increase in conversion of testosterone to estrogen?

14. Is there a correlation with deep-orgasm to women with MS? I have no clue,

but women are capable of having extended orgasms, drawn out over an hour or

more, and many women are anxious and I could only speculate that some women may

turn to deep-orgasms as a coping mechanism as well as men. Perhaps, men are

protected by higher levels of testosterone or perhaps more men just release and

don't hold back.

15. I have never had a wet dream which is one reason that led to these intense


Finally, I have recently ended this habit of deep orgasms. This was made

possible first and foremost by truly reducing stress in my life, stopping

over-achieving and over-giving in my relationships. I now perform daily shallow

orgasms to feed the lion but no deep orgasms allowed. My nervous system appears

to be healing itself and my energy levels are restored, and I am now able to

experience restful sleep again (no more sense of MS attaking my body

constantly.) No more dark circles under my eyes . . . my face isn't numb


Now, all of the above could be coincidence and just a personal problem of my own

unrelated to MS. Maybe I just aggravated my MS symptoms in this manner. However,

the tie to sex hormones and MS as well as the behavioral component intrigues me.

In Africa, reported sexual satisfaction is very high at 85%, whereas in

developed countries sexual satisfaction is low (I believe Japan it is 15%) and I

imagine with sexual dis-satisfaction correlates sexual repression. In Africa, I

believe incidents of MS are very, very low comparatively.

However, let me re-iterate that I believe MS is genetic, and also that it is

based on a problem with the auto-immune system. If you increase gamma interferon

you have a relapse. If you catch the flu, and your immune system ramps up to

fight it, you may experience a relapse. However, what I am postulating is that

perhaps deep orgasms have some tie into the immune system or some direct or

indirect influence on MS?

Any mature, respectful comments or modest, rational observations?


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