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Fwd: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

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Date: Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 2:19 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

On January 8th, 2009- I was officially diagnosed with MS- I am a naturalist,

a researcher and a strong woman of faith. My hobbies- include Persian cat

breeding/showing and soap making:-)


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Date: Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 1:29 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >


I'm 46, have 2 great kids and lost my husband to cancer 11 years ago

(actually traditional treatment effects did him in). After many years of

pros, $'s and unknown down-spiraling sickness doctors found/pronounced; a

golf ball sized tumor, MS and then Lyme Disease within a few months of each

other. I was offered and declined traditional MS drug but after Lyme was

certain via blood tests, I did agree to oral and IV antibiotic along with

other adjunctive therapy. Strict diet helped too. I just purchased and began

home mild HBOT w/ oxygen concentrator. I know about and tried various other

alternatives mentioned on your home page with mixed results. I am looking

forward to reading archives and following new posts to learn more, and will

share my experience when I have something to offer.



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Date: Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:59 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

Hi my name is lisa ,... i had ms for 19years now ... i have had my ups and

downs with it .. been on all kinds of the meds...gave it all up ! didn't

want to put anything in body i guess i didn't like the was it make me feel

.... that was 5 years ago so now there telling i need to go back on it

because it's getting worst ... so of course i just started it last night the

copaxone it felt like a real nice bee sting lol ... iv'e been looking for

an up beat group... im full of laughs... don't want to think sad thoughts

.... life is to short to be sad ... i love life and try to live it to the

fullest ... with a lot of laughs

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Welcome ,

You've come to the right place.

Many people here are very knowledgable and will give you tons of good advice.

I take the diet approach and much can be found on the Best Bet Diet on MSRC's



Dudley will no doubt forward you his excellent pack on what else to try.

Just stay away from those awful pharmaceuticals.

I am a firm believer in thinking positive and not allowing negative thoughts

into your head.

Life really is short - make the most of it.

Keep smiling!



> To: mscured

> From: atlanteanproductions@...

> Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 13:46:33 -0600

> Subject: Fwd: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!


> new member




> ---------- Forwarded message ----------


> From: Carbone>


> Date: Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:59 PM


> Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!


> To: mscured Moderator>




> Hi my name is lisa ,... i had ms for 19years now ... i have had my ups and


> downs with it .. been on all kinds of the meds...gave it all up ! didn't


> want to put anything in body i guess i didn't like the was it make me feel


> ... that was 5 years ago so now there telling i need to go back on it


> because it's getting worst ... so of course i just started it last night the


> copaxone it felt like a real nice bee sting lol ... iv'e been looking for


> an up beat group... im full of laughs... don't want to think sad thoughts


> ... life is to short to be sad ... i love life and try to live it to the


> fullest ... with a lot of laughs





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help me welcome a new member...

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Date: Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:02 AM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

Hello, This is my intro. I started to have symptoms in 1994-95. My legs

werent acting normally. In 1997 I had my first incident of my legs just

giving out. The next benchmark was an attempt to do therapy in a very heated

pool after which I suddenly was much worse. In the coming years I became

worse till I could not get up from seated without my arms pushing me up.. In

2003 I pressed for an MRI with a doc that said it was just

chronic Fatigue. It was an Open MRI as I am claustrphobic. I was negative

but the docs now refuse to do an MRI tho they want to do want saying the

OPEN MRI is useless.

In July I took a hotter than usual shower one morning and went into an

attack that changed my body and my life. My breathing changed, I became much

weaker. Could not even dress. The breathing part was frightening. In

retrospect I should have called 911 but I was treated badly by emt's

once and couldnt do it.....AND was showering to go finally see the neuro I

thought might have the answers. She admitted me saying I may be having a

myastenic crisis. But since then all MG tests have been negative.

Mayo clinic thinks I have something else but the neuro is a nightmare and I

used an insurance check to get there in November and december so now I am

broke. Cant go back tho they want to do a biopsy.

I am chemically sensitive and think this is a factor. I believe in

alternative medicine. I taught myself accupressure to help with pain and

stress. I used accupuncture regularly when I was working before the July

attack made me too weak to work. Now that winter is her I have seen an

improvement in how my muscles are working. I obviously do better in cold and

not at all in heat.

Hope this is not too much. My case is complicated I have been told.

Kathy Q

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Date: Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 6:06 PM

Subject: Re: Yahoo! Groups: Welcome to mscured. Visit today!

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

My name is Kim, I'm 29 years old. I'm a wife and a mother of two children,

ages 2 and 4. I'm a stay at home mom. In November I was jumped on by my 4

year old while lying on my stomach on my bed. Within in 30 minutes every

extremity was numb. I had problems in 1997 with the left side of my body

going completely numb for weeks at a time on the different occasions. The

accident with my daughter brought that to surface with the doctors. From

that point on it was tests, tests, and more tests.

Through audio and visual evoke tests and MRI, I was diagnosed with MS.

According to the neuro dr by the looks of my MRI he believes that I've had

MS since 1997 by the amount of lesions.

I have never had any MAJOR trouble since 1997. Occasionally during very

active or hot times I would start to feel my left foot tingle. Or feel the

tingling feeling shoot down my shoulder when bending my neck forward.

That's the severity of the symptoms that I've experienced since 1997.

I'm looking for alternatives for my condition. I've been on Avonex for 10

weeks now and I despise it every Friday when I have to give myself a shot.

Not because of the needle, more so because I don't like the thought of

putting chemicals directly into my muscles. Just looking for any advice : )

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Only Change your life style and avoid all bad things that worry u. then change

your diet and use some supplements and then start to do exercises as soon as


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