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My shopping trip-forgive the length. hopefully it blesses you.

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I had to go to a mall, which i detest, to get my youngest dd's gift.

she only wears one perfume which is abercrombie & Fitch #8. That is

her only extravagance in an otherwise very simple, " poor college

student " life, so it's worth the trip and the hassle. I was having a

bad day and was walking, very slowly, with a cane. I stopped in at

Bath & BodyWorks to get my own Christmas present,since they have

great sales and I only wear one fragrance myself.(Warm Vanilla

Sugar.) I was in line behind a beautiful young woman and her

daughter. She was very well dressed, just a tiny little thing, and we

got to talking a little bit. The cashier was definitely not in the

Christmas spirit at all. I don't think she wanted to fool with a

disabled person really, and called a person behind me to check out.

The young woman spoke up and said, " no, this lady is next. " took me

by the arm, and led me up to the counter. She took my shopping bag

for me, unloaded the contents, held my cane while I dug out my credit

card, and waited until I had checked out and had both feet under me

good. When I thanked her, she said,with tears in her eyes, " Ma'am, I

have a mama, and a grandma, and I could never repay them for all they

have done for me. Merry Christmas. "

That was my first Christmas miracle.

I woke up in a funk on Saturday, had a ton of work to do, had

grandkids to pick up to spend the weekend, make Christmas ornaments,

go to church, etc. and no energy to do it with, much as I was looking

forward to it. I just had to get out of the house and be by myself

for a little bit. So I wound up at a thrift store run by people in

recovery from substance abuse. There was a young man working there

who was just beaming. Of course I had to talk to him! I asked him how

he was doing and he said, " Great! It's saturday. I love saturday

because I know I get to go to CHURCH tomorrow! " There was another guy

in there and we all got to talking about all the things that God had

done in our lives, and our families, and how far Jesus had brought us

from some very colorful past(s) in all our lives. Turns out one of

them pastored a tiny little church, he told me all about his people,

his dreams, and his love for his family. Well, I went home in a much

different frame of mind. My daughter had already started doing

laundry and cleaning house, we picked up the grandbabies and had the

most wonderful weekend with them. Second miracle.

So I guess the moral of this story is that if I remember to look for

God in the little things, He will take care of the big things.

And I wish for all of you, however you believe, whatever you

celebrate, a wonderful, blessed holiday season. I celebrate the birth

of a Saviour who loved, and loves me, at my most unloveable. I hope

that the love and peace of this season surrounds you all. Love,

peace,and wishes for pain free days to all in the group.

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What a lovely, uplifting  perspective Jane.



From: JANE <janeatregis@...>

Subject: [ ] My shopping trip-forgive the length. hopefully it blesses


Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 10:36 AM

I had to go to a mall, which i detest, to get my youngest dd's gift.

she only wears one perfume which is abercrombie & Fitch #8. That is

her only extravagance in an otherwise very simple, " poor college

student " life, so it's worth the trip and the hassle. I was having a

bad day and was walking, very slowly, with a cane. I stopped in at

Bath & BodyWorks to get my own Christmas present,since they have

great sales and I only wear one fragrance myself.(Warm Vanilla

Sugar.) I was in line behind a beautiful young woman and her

daughter. She was very well dressed, just a tiny little thing, and we

got to talking a little bit. The cashier was definitely not in the

Christmas spirit at all. I don't think she wanted to fool with a

disabled person really, and called a person behind me to check out.

The young woman spoke up and said, " no, this lady is next. " took me

by the arm, and led me up to the counter. She took my shopping bag

for me, unloaded the contents, held my cane while I dug out my credit

card, and waited until I had checked out and had both feet under me

good. When I thanked her, she said,with tears in her eyes, " Ma'am, I

have a mama, and a grandma, and I could never repay them for all they

have done for me. Merry Christmas. "

That was my first Christmas miracle.

I woke up in a funk on Saturday, had a ton of work to do, had

grandkids to pick up to spend the weekend, make Christmas ornaments,

go to church, etc. and no energy to do it with, much as I was looking

forward to it. I just had to get out of the house and be by myself

for a little bit. So I wound up at a thrift store run by people in

recovery from substance abuse. There was a young man working there

who was just beaming. Of course I had to talk to him! I asked him how

he was doing and he said, " Great! It's saturday. I love saturday

because I know I get to go to CHURCH tomorrow! " There was another guy

in there and we all got to talking about all the things that God had

done in our lives, and our families, and how far Jesus had brought us

from some very colorful past(s) in all our lives. Turns out one of

them pastored a tiny little church, he told me all about his people,

his dreams, and his love for his family. Well, I went home in a much

different frame of mind. My daughter had already started doing

laundry and cleaning house, we picked up the grandbabies and had the

most wonderful weekend with them. Second miracle.

So I guess the moral of this story is that if I remember to look for

God in the little things, He will take care of the big things.

And I wish for all of you, however you believe, whatever you

celebrate, a wonderful, blessed holiday season. I celebrate the birth

of a Saviour who loved, and loves me, at my most unloveable. I hope

that the love and peace of this season surrounds you all. Love,

peace,and wishes for pain free days to all in the group.

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Jane:  What a lovely story!  It put me in the best mood to read it.  I was kinda

feeling down.  My signicant other is gone for the holidays because his daughter

was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and started chemo.  She lives in South

Carolina and we live in Oregon.  His brother in law was kinda enough to bring

his super wonderful RV and take off driving him across country to see his

daughter.  I am lucky though as my family lives near and I will spend Christmas

Day with my sons, grandsons and parents.  I feel very blessed.   I was

unemployed for quite awhile but have been working part time at an Independent

Living Center which works with people with disabilities and seniors.  Though I

wish I made more money and had benefits, the work makes me happy.  We are barely

getting by and Christmas gifts are not as many this year but I have learned to

live with less and be happy. 

I want to take this time to wish you and yours a Blessed Christmas and Happy and

Healthy 2009.  This group has been such a blessing in my life as I met 2 of my

best friends on here.  We have never met face to face but we are like family.

We are having a white Christmas here in Southern Oregon but it is great as I am

not traveling far.

Talk to everyone in the New Year.

Gentle Hugs

Pat in Southern Oregon

  Bureau Alvarez


From: JANE <janeatregis@...>

Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:36:30 AM

Subject: [ ] My shopping trip-forgive the length. hopefully it blesses


I had to go to a mall, which i detest, to get my youngest dd's gift.

she only wears one perfume which is abercrombie & Fitch #8. That is

her only extravagance in an otherwise very simple, " poor college

student " life, so it's worth the trip and the hassle. I was having a

bad day and was walking, very slowly, with a cane. I stopped in at

Bath & BodyWorks to get my own Christmas present,since they have

great sales and I only wear one fragrance myself.(Warm Vanilla

Sugar.) I was in line behind a beautiful young woman and her

daughter. She was very well dressed, just a tiny little thing, and we

got to talking a little bit. The cashier was definitely not in the

Christmas spirit at all. I don't think she wanted to fool with a

disabled person really, and called a person behind me to check out.

The young woman spoke up and said, " no, this lady is next. " took me

by the arm, and led me up to the counter. She took my shopping bag

for me, unloaded the contents, held my cane while I dug out my credit

card, and waited until I had checked out and had both feet under me

good. When I thanked her, she said,with tears in her eyes, " Ma'am, I

have a mama, and a grandma, and I could never repay them for all they

have done for me. Merry Christmas. "

That was my first Christmas miracle.

I woke up in a funk on Saturday, had a ton of work to do, had

grandkids to pick up to spend the weekend, make Christmas ornaments,

go to church, etc. and no energy to do it with, much as I was looking

forward to it. I just had to get out of the house and be by myself

for a little bit. So I wound up at a thrift store run by people in

recovery from substance abuse. There was a young man working there

who was just beaming. Of course I had to talk to him! I asked him how

he was doing and he said, " Great! It's saturday. I love saturday

because I know I get to go to CHURCH tomorrow! " There was another guy

in there and we all got to talking about all the things that God had

done in our lives, and our families, and how far Jesus had brought us

from some very colorful past(s) in all our lives. Turns out one of

them pastored a tiny little church, he told me all about his people,

his dreams, and his love for his family. Well, I went home in a much

different frame of mind. My daughter had already started doing

laundry and cleaning house, we picked up the grandbabies and had the

most wonderful weekend with them. Second miracle.

So I guess the moral of this story is that if I remember to look for

God in the little things, He will take care of the big things.

And I wish for all of you, however you believe, whatever you

celebrate, a wonderful, blessed holiday season. I celebrate the birth

of a Saviour who loved, and loves me, at my most unloveable. I hope

that the love and peace of this season surrounds you all. Love,

peace,and wishes for pain free days to all in the group.

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What a beautiful story, Jane. God truly does see us through and the

miracles He puts before us are amazing. Merry Christmas.....Doreen :)


> I had to go to a mall, which i detest, to get my youngest dd's gift.

> she only wears one perfume which is abercrombie & Fitch #8. That is

> her only extravagance in an otherwise very simple, " poor college

> student " life, so it's worth the trip and the hassle. I was having a

> bad day and was walking, very slowly, with a cane. I stopped in at

> Bath & BodyWorks to get my own Christmas present,since they have

> great sales and I only wear one fragrance myself.(Warm Vanilla

> Sugar.) I was in line behind a beautiful young woman and her

> daughter. She was very well dressed, just a tiny little thing, and we

> got to talking a little bit. The cashier was definitely not in the

> Christmas spirit at all. I don't think she wanted to fool with a

> disabled person really, and called a person behind me to check out.

> The young woman spoke up and said, " no, this lady is next. " took me

> by the arm, and led me up to the counter. She took my shopping bag

> for me, unloaded the contents, held my cane while I dug out my credit

> card, and waited until I had checked out and had both feet under me

> good. When I thanked her, she said,with tears in her eyes, " Ma'am, I

> have a mama, and a grandma, and I could never repay them for all they

> have done for me. Merry Christmas. "

> That was my first Christmas miracle.

> I woke up in a funk on Saturday, had a ton of work to do, had

> grandkids to pick up to spend the weekend, make Christmas ornaments,

> go to church, etc. and no energy to do it with, much as I was looking

> forward to it. I just had to get out of the house and be by myself

> for a little bit. So I wound up at a thrift store run by people in

> recovery from substance abuse. There was a young man working there

> who was just beaming. Of course I had to talk to him! I asked him how

> he was doing and he said, " Great! It's saturday. I love saturday

> because I know I get to go to CHURCH tomorrow! " There was another guy

> in there and we all got to talking about all the things that God had

> done in our lives, and our families, and how far Jesus had brought us

> from some very colorful past(s) in all our lives. Turns out one of

> them pastored a tiny little church, he told me all about his people,

> his dreams, and his love for his family. Well, I went home in a much

> different frame of mind. My daughter had already started doing

> laundry and cleaning house, we picked up the grandbabies and had the

> most wonderful weekend with them. Second miracle.

> So I guess the moral of this story is that if I remember to look for

> God in the little things, He will take care of the big things.

> And I wish for all of you, however you believe, whatever you

> celebrate, a wonderful, blessed holiday season. I celebrate the birth

> of a Saviour who loved, and loves me, at my most unloveable. I hope

> that the love and peace of this season surrounds you all. Love,

> peace,and wishes for pain free days to all in the group.


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