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To Joy Inspired - Re Sore Throat & Thrush-like symptoms

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I also associate the above with the immuno-deficiency side of the disorder &

these symptoms happen with me if I am consuming too many of the wrong things

(things that go against the BBD). I really try hard to stick with the BBD

because I know it does us good, but as with any diet, there are always

temptations out there. However, one of my mainstays every day is to include

chile peppers into my diet & cayenne pepper is something that I make sure to

have every day. For me, a day without cayenne pepper is something I just don't

want to deal with.

Kopera includes cayenne pepper in one of her fasting beverages. I do mine a

little differently than hers, using lemon juice, water, molasses & cayenne.

If you are one of these people who has a tendency toward ulcers or a system that

cannot tolerate cayenne pepper, go get a bottle of cool cayenne capsules at your

local health food store. You will see a difference.



When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power the World will know

Peace.-Jimi Hendrix

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