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Re: Ringing in my ears

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I sympathize! I have asked the same question here too, and people have

recommended Vinpocetine (which didn't seem to help me) as well as dobbing oils

in your ear (which I haven't tried, but am skeptical about because the ringing

feels very much like an inner-ear, or deep-in-the-head thing). I believe it is


Several people have told me that the ringing goes away with abx treatment. So

far, my ringing/buzzing hasn't budged a bit (after 4 months of abx). But my LLMD

feels confident that IV Rocephin (which I start next week) will get it. It was

my very first symptom, so will probably be the last to leave.

This may not be too comforting, but I can say that it does get more tolerable

with time. Seven months ago when it started, it seemed unbearable. I couldn't

stand to be in public places and thought I would go insane at night-time, when

the silence in my bedroom just made the ringing seem deafening. Now, I must

admit that I usually don't notice it until things get quiet. It's an annoyance,

but rarely threatens to drive me crazy anymore. I've heard from many others with

non-Lyme chronic tinnitus that they eventually just get used to it.

Hang in there!! I know how aggravating it can be!


>>> annprow@... 03/24/03 05:06PM >>>




I have just about had it with the ringing in my ears!!! Just when I think I can

rest, the ringing appears to get louder and bothers me more. <BR>


Has anyone found an answer to helping lessen the ringing - or even just getting

rid of it???<BR>


Hope so!<BR>

Thank you,<BR>




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Ann, I echo your sentiments. Tinnitus has been so bad for the last few

months that sometimes I literally scream out loud to no one in particular to

make it stop. I've been on antibiotics for 3 1/2 years. The tinnitus has

fluctuated, worse when relapsing. I think I agree with another poster that

flagyl helped it alot. Sometimes ear plugs help, but not always. And

sometimes if you put just one ear plug in (experiment with which side) it

helps a little, not much though.


P.S. I made up a song called, " Ringing in my Ears " , sung to the tune of

" Singing in the Rain " , helps ease the frustration.


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Check with your doctor, but sometimes just backing off on the antibiotics for

a day or two stops the symptom and then you can titrate back up slowly to

your maximum dosage. In other words, after a couple of days off and symptoms

stop, introduce one a day for a couple of days to make sure you tolerate it.

Then gradually work your way up to the maximum number of pills per day

slowly. Sometimes the prescription needs to be totally changed. I have had

this on and off with my lyme but not constant. I hope it clears up for you

soon. First thing to do is to call your doc for advice.

Angel Blessings,

Lorraine :)

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hi - I'm new to this group and I wanted to say thank you all for

letting me know that I'm not crazy. I've had the ringing for

several years now. It comes and goes. Mine isn't too bad, not bad

to the point where I get annoyed or anything, just a little weird.

Does anyone else have a drooping eye or see ghost images in one

eye? My right eye droops pretty bad and I see a ghost image just

above the real image. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


> Check with your doctor, but sometimes just backing off on the

antibiotics for

> a day or two stops the symptom and then you can titrate back up

slowly to

> your maximum dosage. In other words, after a couple of days off

and symptoms

> stop, introduce one a day for a couple of days to make sure you

tolerate it.

> Then gradually work your way up to the maximum number of pills per


> slowly. Sometimes the prescription needs to be totally changed.

I have had

> this on and off with my lyme but not constant. I hope it clears

up for you

> soon. First thing to do is to call your doc for advice.


> Angel Blessings,

> Lorraine :)




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  • 1 year later...

Good for you. I probably need something that gets to the candida


because I have been a good boy on the diet. Something into the blood

stream and such.


On Friday, October 29, 2004, at 12:34 PM, mogdrmom@... wrote:


> my ringing gets less as i consume less carbs!




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  • 6 years later...

Yes, I have had that for years. Certain things worsen it. Sudefed, sinus

trouble, antihistamines, salt and stress. But for some reason since I have been

on Plaquenil I haven't noticed it hardly at all. hmmmm

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I have the same thing...it did get better after I saw my pcp and he removed

some earwax from my ears. this after me using a Murine ear wash removal

kit and syringe.

its call tinnitus and I have had it for so long, I don't even notice it

much anymore.

there are some otc's on the market but not sure if they would help.

Sometimes our meds can cause this.

I'd call your pcp and or and ENT (Ear nose and throat doctor) and maybe

they can check out the problem. my pcp had this longish tool the got way

into the ear where the wax was built up. He was really to remove the earwax I

couldn't get to and you dont want to be fooling around with your ears so

leave it to the pcp.

Good luck..paula

In a message dated 11/30/2010 11:00:18 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

lswayne@... writes:

Does anybody else have, {ringing in the ears} ?

It is not really like a phone ringing, more like a

upper pitched constant tone.

If anybody has this, what can I do to make it go away?

I have had this off and on for 60 years.


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I have had ringing in the ears since I came down with RA/MCTD. It seems to be

worse when my inflammation is bad. My doc hasn't said anything as to why I have

it. He probably doesn't even know. I don't hear it as much when there is noise.

Mostly just at night when things are quiet. I know there are gadgets you can buy

to create sound so you don't hear it as much but other than that I don't think

there is a cure.


> Does anybody else have, {ringing in the ears} ?

> It is not really like a phone ringing, more like a

> upper pitched constant tone.

> If anybody has this, what can I do to make it go away?

> I have had this off and on for 60 years.


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