Guest guest Posted June 17, 2006 Report Share Posted June 17, 2006 -It is numbness. I have not told my doctor...I want to see if it subsides..I keep getting things that come and go...I think it is part of the healing process...I had heard before that the nerve endings in the backside may be damaged after being cut again so to be prepared for the numb feeling after I was not shocked about that...the numbness in my hand and foot is not constant,,it comes and goes..i hope one day it will go and never come i am not going to call the doctor as of yet..I will mention it to him when I see him in August, I am almost 5 months post op, june 25th,,,,none of this gets in the way of my daily living so i feel why bother them with a call...i don't know what they could do for me anyhow... PA -- In , " redmarmie " <vclark@...> wrote: > > Hi , > How long post op are you? I'll ask the same questions, are you numb > or tingling? Have you seen a neurologist? What did your surgeon say > about the numbness? > > > > > > > > > Hi all, > > > Did I already ask this? Anybody else post op have numbness on > one > > side > > > or the other? Besides left hand and foot, most of my back is > numb. > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2006 Report Share Posted June 17, 2006 > > Hi all, > Did I already ask this? Anybody else post op have numbness on one side > or the other? Besides left hand and foot, most of my back is numb. > > Hey , I saw your post about the numbness and had to chime in. My left thigh is also very numb, along the top and the inner thigh. The middle of my back is also numb. Some of the feeling has started to come back in my thigh, but not in my back. I go to Dr. Bridwell on the 26th for my 8 week checkup, so I will ask about it then. It really dosen't bother me. As long as it is not pain, I can live with anything, and besides I still deal with numbness at the top of my butt. It's been there since the original surgery in 1970. I guess that's not going to go away anytime soon. Ha ha Take care & keep smiling. Oh, I had my first alone outing today. I took the car to get hubby a Fathers Day present. The man deserves far more than I got him after putting up with me these last 2 months. He would say that it has been nothing, but I know better. Happy Healing Nan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 17, 2006 Report Share Posted June 17, 2006 Dear , I have had a total of four spinal surgeries through my life, and as it was explained to me, trauma to nerves is to blame. I haven't been to a neuro doc for it. Mine is not tingly, it's just flat numb. Very creepy if people run their hand over it, so if I'm in a group I warn them not to touch my back, it almost makes me sick to my stomach. Kumar said if it didn't return in 3 mos I likely would not get it back, but I have had some return in the last month three years out. After my first revision my right thigh was numb, then after my second revision feeling came back in that thigh, and I lost it in the left thigh. After my Harrington Rod surgery I lost feeling in my backside, and that came back seven years later, I call it my 21st birthday gift. So while it's a little scary, a lot of us come out of it with numbness, for a lot it subsides, and for some it's something you just learn to live with. Having my thigh numb makes shaving your legs really creepy. I've adjusted to it. [ ] numbness> > > Hi all,> Did I already ask this? Anybody else post op have numbness on one side > or the other? Besides left hand and foot, most of my back is numb. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 , Most of my back is numb and has been that way for some time. My doctors have told me the nerve endings having been cut and the scar tissue due to the surgeries cause this. I think it’s a lot worse when you are fresh out of surgery (such as you are) and then it subsides, but never returns to normal. The worst thing about it for me is that if I have an itch on my back, I can’t really get to it because I can’t feel myself scratching it!! ) Kelley From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of redmarmie Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:51 PM Subject: [ ] numbness Hi all, Did I already ask this? Anybody else post op have numbness on one side or the other? Besides left hand and foot, most of my back is numb. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 Hello, Any feelings of numbness and tingling should be reported to your rheum. doctor right away. It could be due to any number of causes, please don't try to diagnose yourself... In March, I waited 6 days with numbness that started in my feet and gradually moved up to my waist( I was still walking ,but my legs felt heavy) - finally I called my rheumatologist and he had me go to the ER ended up I had a very serious neurological condition called Transverse Myelitis. God was very gracious to me and I didn't end up permanantly paralyzed like many who have the same condition. I still have some degree of numbness from my feet up to my knees. I also have nerve sensations like tingling,buzzing,vibrating feelings and pain/tenderness in my legs as the nerves are healing. Most of the time these things are bearable, but I have to be careful not to overdo it. I am pretty sure that I had this problem because my body did not agree with Enbrel. Either that or my immune system just went totally out of wack and attacked the nerves in my spine..who knows. The doctor's don't know either.. they just say that I never do anything the easy way-LOL. I really made them earn all that insurance and my mysterious illnesses! First PA, then TM, and then one month to the day I went to the hospital with the numbness(3/29), I ended up there again (4/29) with a severe case of Viral Meningitis-it was worse than everything put together... again all of these were triggered because my immune system was out of wack. First it was overactive with the PA, then Enbrel brought it so low that it still hasn't balanced out and I stopped it back in early March. I am doing ok now-thank God- but I still have a long road ahead. I wish I was one of those people that have had great success with Enbrel, but I am not. Everyone's body is different. Anyway, my point is that to never take numbness and tingling lightly, like I did at first. Many people take MTX, Enbrel, etc with no side effects at all. However , there is always the possibility that you will have a reaction at some point because of the way they effect your immune system. So it is best to be very aware of what you are feeling and promptly report anything unusual to your doctor. Being tested for Diabetes is also a very good thing to do- to rule out every possible cause. Sorry this was long, just wanted to give a little background as to why you should mention it to your doctor. Maybe he/she can refer you to a neurologist who will be more familiar with these kinds of symptoms . Sincerely, Lorraine in NY Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 So Kelley, sorry for the obvious question, but how can you feel an itch in a spot that's numb? Or is it just near a numb area, so you have no sensory road map to follow? Does sound creepy, either way. BTW, all, I still have some residual numbness around the iliac crest donor site, from my 1971 Harrington surgery. It is less pronounced than it was, but it never really bothered me. I do find the likelihood of more widespread numbness worrisome. Ah, well, everything's a trade-off. Sharon RE: [ ] numbness , Most of my back is numb and has been that way for some time. My doctors have told me the nerve endings having been cut and the scar tissue due to the surgeries cause this. I think it’s a lot worse when you are fresh out of surgery (such as you are) and then it subsides, but never returns to normal. The worst thing about it for me is that if I have an itch on my back, I can’t really get to it because I can’t feel myself scratching it!! ) Kelley From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of redmarmieSent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:51 PM Subject: [ ] numbness Hi all,Did I already ask this? Anybody else post op have numbness on one side or the other? Besides left hand and foot, most of my back is numb. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 Dear Sharon, I know what Kelley says about an itch in your numb spot, there is just no way to make that stop. You can scratch at it but no relief. Thankfully it only happens very occasionally. RE: [ ] numbness , Most of my back is numb and has been that way for some time. My doctors have told me the nerve endings having been cut and the scar tissue due to the surgeries cause this. I think it’s a lot worse when you are fresh out of surgery (such as you are) and then it subsides, but never returns to normal. The worst thing about it for me is that if I have an itch on my back, I can’t really get to it because I can’t feel myself scratching it!! ) Kelley From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of redmarmieSent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:51 PM Subject: [ ] numbness Hi all,Did I already ask this? Anybody else post op have numbness on one side or the other? Besides left hand and foot, most of my back is numb. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 So you can feel the itch but not the scratch? How dreadful! Sharon (who hates to itch) RE: [ ] numbness , Most of my back is numb and has been that way for some time. My doctors have told me the nerve endings having been cut and the scar tissue due to the surgeries cause this. I think it’s a lot worse when you are fresh out of surgery (such as you are) and then it subsides, but never returns to normal. The worst thing about it for me is that if I have an itch on my back, I can’t really get to it because I can’t feel myself scratching it!! ) Kelley From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of redmarmieSent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:51 PM Subject: [ ] numbness Hi all,Did I already ask this? Anybody else post op have numbness on one side or the other? Besides left hand and foot, most of my back is numb. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 The only thing that I ever found to help with it was pressure, it didn't stop the itch as such, but the sensory overload certainly seemed to make it easier to bear. The weirdest part I found was that my brain was telling me that it was itching *because* it was numb, which makes no sense! titch On 6/18/06, Kirkaldie <.Kirkaldie@...> wrote: Dear Sharon, I know what Kelley says about an itch in your numb spot, there is just no way to make that stop. You can scratch at it but no relief. Thankfully it only happens very occasionally. -- The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling - a Poundstone Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 and Nan, Congrats on your 8 week post op anniversaries, surgical twins, you. Its sure to get easier from here on out....really. Best, Cam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 , and other fellow "numbees" I am 81/2ears post revision surgery and I still have some numbness. Like said, you really do get used to it. Once you are really up and about and back to normal living after recovery, it becoems just another part of you and you don't hink about it. I even have a bit of numbness left from the iliac crest donation site from my Harrington Rod surgery in 1977 and, beleive it or not, it is still getting a little less numb each year. I have the same itch-but-can't-feel -the scratch feeling near my thoracic spine, but now I can feel it a little bit instead of not at all. My entire lower back is still numb near the spine. That is, I can feel pressure (and some pain if you press hard), do not feel a needle going in near my spine at all (like for an injection or mylegram) but if anyone swipes that area very, very softly, or my husband should run his hand over that area very, very softly, without any pressure, I scream and jump with pain!!! Bonnie [ ] Re: numbness and Nan,Congrats on your 8 week post op anniversaries, surgical twins, you. Its sure to get easier from here on out....really. Best, Cam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 Sharon, I don’t know – it is weird! It’s like the itch is deep inside or something. Kelley From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Sharon Green Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 3:49 PM Subject: Re: [ ] numbness So Kelley, sorry for the obvious question, but how can you feel an itch in a spot that's numb? Or is it just near a numb area, so you have no sensory road map to follow? Does sound creepy, either way. BTW, all, I still have some residual numbness around the iliac crest donor site, from my 1971 Harrington surgery. It is less pronounced than it was, but it never really bothered me. I do find the likelihood of more widespread numbness worrisome. Ah, well, everything's a trade-off. Sharon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 18, 2006 Report Share Posted June 18, 2006 Good idea, Titch, I’m going to give that a try next time – thanks! ) Kelley From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of oojackapivvy Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 4:36 PM Subject: Re: [ ] numbness The only thing that I ever found to help with it was pressure, it didn't stop the itch as such, but the sensory overload certainly seemed to make it easier to bear. The weirdest part I found was that my brain was telling me that it was itching *because* it was numb, which makes no sense! titch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 I have neuropathy in both lower legs and feet. My main symptom is a sensation of coldness; however, my feet are actually warm [they just feel cold; though not to the touch]. I do not have diabetes; however, I'm 65 years old and my neurologist MOL indicated it is a problem of aging. I wear two pairs of heavy socks in our mild Florida " winters " . 8e. Re: numbness? <hypothyroidism/message/25655;_ylc=X3oDMTJxdWxhNTg\ zBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzE0NTY2NARncnBzcElkAzE2MDQyNTEwODIEbXNnSWQDMjU2NTUEc2V\ jA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTE1NTI3MjA0Mg--> Posted by: " AlanticLdy@... " AlanticLdy@... <mailto:AlanticLdy@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20numness%3F> alanticldyde <alanticldyde> Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:57 pm (PST) i get numbness in the right side of my right foot sometimes and have been told it's neurapthy (sp?) from my diabetes. but it goes away. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 20, 2007 Report Share Posted May 20, 2007 Peggy, I haven't had my revision yet, but I do remember various patches of numbness after my original fusion. Most of my back (especially the upper back for some reason) was numb for at least a year if not more. I also had a patch on my right or left upper leg that was numb for a long time. I think it's from the irritation or the nerves when your spine is getting moved around so much. That's my best non-medical guess anyways! I'd love to hear a more accurate answer though. > > I have one section just at the top of my left shin just below the kneecap that feels numb. You know that feeling you have when you get a shot of Novocain and your lips are numb but you still feel pressure? That's exactly how it feels. It seems to be the only place that feels that way. I know others have experienced areas of numbness after surgery. What is the usual cause for it? > > Peggy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 21, 2007 Report Share Posted May 21, 2007 I have numbness in my left hip near my butt. My doctor told my mother back then the numbness was from nerve damage from the grafting that they did there. So maybe where you guys are feeling the numbness is where they grafted your skin for your back.rebeccamaas <rebeccamaas@...> wrote: Peggy, I haven't had my revision yet, but I do remember various patches of numbness after my original fusion. Most of my back (especially the upper back for some reason) was numb for at least a year if not more. I also had a patch on my right or left upper leg that was numb for a long time. I think it's from the irritation or the nerves when your spine is getting moved around so much. That's my best non-medical guess anyways! I'd love to hear a more accurate answer though. > > I have one section just at the top of my left shin just below the kneecap that feels numb. You know that feeling you have when you get a shot of Novocain and your lips are numb but you still feel pressure? That's exactly how it feels. It seems to be the only place that feels that way. I know others have experienced areas of numbness after surgery. What is the usual cause for it? > > Peggy > Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 21, 2007 Report Share Posted May 21, 2007 Hey--I have numbness in my right shin that feels like that, but it goes all the way down. I also have numbness in my left buttcheek that goes into my rt. one, too. It's above the area I sit on, so it doesn't bother me. I think the doctors usually blame it on nerves that have to regrow after surgery. Some " re-connect " and you get all the feeling back, and some never do all the way. Small price to pay for all the benefits, huh? Carol V > > I have one section just at the top of my left shin just below the kneecap that feels numb. You know that feeling you have when you get a shot of Novocain and your lips are numb but you still feel pressure? That's exactly how it feels. It seems to be the only place that feels that way. I know others have experienced areas of numbness after surgery. What is the usual cause for it? > > Peggy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 29, 2008 Report Share Posted January 29, 2008 > > Another question I have is due to my left hand and arm being slightly > numb. I believe this to be a reaction to such large doses of fats all > at once. I had a cholesterol level of 323 prior to eating so much fat. ==>Bernadette, numbness is mainly caused by toxins so it may come and go. The entire inside of my right thigh went numb for a very long time when I was curing my candida. Numbness can also be caused by unhealthy nerves, poor circulation, thyroid issues, etc. Candida causes all of these, because it cause cell membrane defects, even red blood cells as stated in this article: Here's a short quote: " Under normal conditions, red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body; red blood cells must be flexible enough to squeeze down to about one-seventh their normal size in order to travel into the body's tiny capillaries. The chemicals released by yeast cause the red blood cell walls to become more rigid. As a result, red blood cells have difficulty squeezing into the tiny capillaries, and the transport of life-giving oxygen to all the tissues and organs of the body are impaired. Deprived of sufficient oxygen, these tissues and organs lose their ability to function. Red blood cells aren't the only ones affected. Yeast toxins damage white blood cells too, compromising their ability to fight off infection. " Please read the rest of the article for information about how it affects the thyroid, hormones, nutrients, etc. Bee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 3, 2010 Report Share Posted January 3, 2010 , I'm sorry you are experiencing hand numbness and pain. It could be carpal tunnel syndrome. Do call your rheumatologist. The treatment will depend on what is causing the problem. Not an MD On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 2:30 PM, S <hscherrer@...> wrote: > Hi all! > > I am so scared. I keep waking up with numb hands. > > This morning was the worst. I woke up and my left hand was so numb I could > not feel it. My partner rubbed it for a little bit in hopes it would become > un-numb, but it didn't. It was worse and then it started hurting so badly- > like it was on fire. > > I am really freaking out. I'm 31 and I feel like this damn disease is > ruining my life. I have big plans for my life. I work and go to school full > time. I have two small children and this disease was NOT in my plans. > > I will call my rheumie tomorrow, but I am so bummed to get more bad news. > > This numbness thing has been happening for about a month or so. Grrr. > > What I've read is that it could be neuropathy or vasculities? Anyone have > any experience? How do they treat it? > > Thanks, > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 3, 2010 Report Share Posted January 3, 2010 !! OMG!!! I have the exact same thing!!! My RA doc has me scheduled to see a neurologist in 2 weeks to determine what's causing it!!!!! Mine started three years ago and has progressively gotten worse-- feel free to email me directly if you'd like! in SC Sent from my iPhone On Jan 3, 2010, at 3:30 PM, S <hscherrer@...> wrote: Hi all! I am so scared. I keep waking up with numb hands. This morning was the worst. I woke up and my left hand was so numb I could not feel it. My partner rubbed it for a little bit in hopes it would become un-numb, but it didn't. It was worse and then it started hurting so badly- like it was on fire. I am really freaking out. I'm 31 and I feel like this damn disease is ruining my life. I have big plans for my life. I work and go to school full time. I have two small children and this disease was NOT in my plans. I will call my rheumie tomorrow, but I am so bummed to get more bad news. This numbness thing has been happening for about a month or so. Grrr. What I've read is that it could be neuropathy or vasculities? Anyone have any experience? How do they treat it? Thanks, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 3, 2010 Report Share Posted January 3, 2010 Hi , First, I'm very sorry top hear about your hands. Reading your post was all too familiar for me. Lori, experienced the same thing. They did some tests and determined that she had carpal tunnel in both wrists. Anyway, she had surgery on one arm (carpal in wrist and cubital in elbow). The plan was to recovery from that one and do the other shortly after. She had her surgery on WED, got the Flu on SAT, and unfortunately passed away SUN night. However, she did say that her arm felt much better (no more numbness!). Also, she didn't get the flu shot. She wanted one and was trying but none were available. She was so angry about that. We have to small children too, Lori was 33 and fought like hell. I know you can find the strength to press forward. I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds here, but I just want to help - even though all I can do share some thoughts and encouragement over the internet. Also - I want to thank everyone for all your kind posts regarding Lori. It meant a lot. Taras Lori From: S Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 3:30 PM Subject: [ ] Numbness Hi all! I am so scared. I keep waking up with numb hands. This morning was the worst. I woke up and my left hand was so numb I could not feel it. My partner rubbed it for a little bit in hopes it would become un-numb, but it didn't. It was worse and then it started hurting so badly- like it was on fire. I am really freaking out. I'm 31 and I feel like this damn disease is ruining my life. I have big plans for my life. I work and go to school full time. I have two small children and this disease was NOT in my plans. I will call my rheumie tomorrow, but I am so bummed to get more bad news. This numbness thing has been happening for about a month or so. Grrr. What I've read is that it could be neuropathy or vasculities? Anyone have any experience? How do they treat it? Thanks, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 3, 2010 Report Share Posted January 3, 2010 : I have had numbness from Carpal Tunnel and you definitely need to see the doctor. But just in case you do have Carpal Tunnel, there are several things you can try. One thing, is to avoid repetative actions with your hands ( I was a librarian and always typing and moving books). Be careful how you sleep - I use to tuck my hands under my chin or lay on one of them. There is a hand brace you can wear while sleeping. I had numbness to the point it would wake me up at night and then pains would shoot up my arm. I know many folks with Carpal Tunnel that do not have RA. Regina Burns Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 3, 2010 Report Share Posted January 3, 2010 Taras, Did they know whether she had regular flu, or the H1N1 flu? The H1N1 vaccine was what was in short supply, and I haven't been able to get that, either. I always get the regular flu shot. Again, I offer my condolences. It is such a shame. I hope you have help with the children. Sue On Jan 3, 2010, at 8:57 PM, Stitching Queen wrote: > > However, she did say that her arm felt much better (no more > numbness!). Also, she didn't get the flu shot. She wanted one and > was trying but none were available. She was so angry about that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 4, 2010 Report Share Posted January 4, 2010 Thank you for the information, Taras. Feel free to post whatever you think might be helpful. Not an MD On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Stitching Queen <queenstitcher@...> wrote: > Hi , > > First, I'm very sorry top hear about your hands. Â Reading your post was all too familiar for me. Â Lori, experienced the same thing. Â They did some tests and determined that she had carpal tunnel in both wrists. Â Anyway, she had surgery on one arm (carpal in wrist and cubital in elbow). Â The plan was to recovery from that one and do the other shortly after. Â She had her surgery on WED, got the Flu on SAT, and unfortunately passed away SUN night. > > However, she did say that her arm felt much better (no more numbness!). Â Also, she didn't get the flu shot. Â She wanted one and was trying but none were available. Â She was so angry about that. > > We have to small children too, Lori was 33 and fought like hell. Â I know you can find the strength to press forward. Â I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds here, but I just want to help - even though all I can do share some thoughts and encouragement over the internet. > > Also - I want to thank everyone for all your kind posts regarding Lori. Â It meant a lot. > Taras Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 25, 2010 Report Share Posted June 25, 2010 Hi Tyra I am wondering that too. I think it's different for everyone though. Mine is in the right buttock and up into the groin. It also goes part way down my right leg. Hope it goes away soon. Other than that things seem to be going pretty well for just over a month post op. Sometimes it hurts when I get out of bed. Seems to pull something. Once I'm standing it settles down. Anyone else experience this? From: Tyra Bevers <tyrabelle_2000@...>Subject: [ ] Numbness Received: Friday, June 25, 2010, 10:09 AM Just a general question to throw out. When does the numbness subside where the major incision is made? My tush is non-existent to me cause I can't feel it. Thanks, Tyra Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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