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Re: Enbrel/Lori (stitchingqueen) OT

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Hi - I use the Enbrel sureclick pen and it does hurt like the dickens when

it goes in (I do the top of my thigh). Its a big needle!! But, I blow through it

like Lamaze teaches for childbirth (the pain isn't that bad), and it seems to

make the time go by faster. Once the sureclick is done - no more pain! Please

don't apologize for venting - that's what we're here for.

Lori's passing (stitchingqueen) hit me hard! And scared the bejesus out of me,

truth be told!! So, I went straight to the horse's mouth (her sweet husband) and

asked. It seems Lori caught the flu (both A & B types)and it hit her hard -

symptoms on that Saturday night, passed on Sunday night. Her husband has

implored all of us to get the flu shot. He is very sympathetic to our pain and

was very gracious to have shared this info with me. Please keep Lori's family in

your prayers. She was young (early 30's) and left behind a husband and two young


Hang in there with the Enbrel, . You'll get used to it (as much as

possible)..... Doreen :)

Hi all,

My husband gave me my first shot of " Enbrel " today with the sureclick pen.

My God!! That hurt worse than any shot I've ever had in my life!!!!! I even

iced it first. Let the alcohol dry first. And man did it hurt!

Sorry, I just had to vent about that. :(

Also.. I was wondering if anyone could please tell me what caused

StitchingQueens sad passing??

I'm so very sorry.



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Thank you so much for sharing the info about Lori. My prayers are with

her family. That is so very sad and scary.

And a big " Thank You " for the shot encouragement!




_Re: Enbrel _

( /message/134321;_ylc=X3oDMTJyZjBlZmc4BF\



Posted by: " a_mccombs2003 " _autumnmccombs@... _

(mailto:autumnmccombs@...?Subject= Re:%20Enbrel) _a_mccombs2003 _


Sun Jan 3, 2010 5:10 am (PST)

Hi ,

the Enbrel hurt so bad because the 50 mg dose has a very low pH. I find it

helpful to get the prefilled syringe and to inject it very slowly. If you

are afraid of injecting yourself, maybe your husband could inject the

needle, then you could push the syringe at a pace where you can control the

pain. To get the prefilled syringe, all you need to do is call your doctor and

ask them for a new prescription and specifically say " prefilled syringe. " .

When you fill it at the pharmacy for the first time, make sure to tell the

pharmacist that you want the prefilled syringe, not the autoinjector. I had

a pharmacist order the autoinjector anyway, even after I had the

prescription changed. They didn't realize how bad the autoinjector hurt, so I

had to

explain it to them. Being able to inject it slow really helps me, the shot

doesn't hurt at all when I inject it slowly, but mam, that autoinjector

really hurt. I hope this helps!

Autumn in Indiana

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Thanks for giving us more information on Lori. It's so sad.

Did Taras mention whether Lori had been immunized?

Not an MD

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Mimi <mimi212@...> wrote:

> Hi - I use the Enbrel sureclick pen and it does hurt like the dickens

when it goes in (I do the top of my thigh). Its a big needle!! But, I blow

through it like Lamaze teaches for childbirth (the pain isn't that bad), and it

seems to make the time go by faster. Once the sureclick is done - no more pain!

Please don't apologize for venting - that's what we're here for.


> Lori's passing (stitchingqueen) hit me hard! And scared the bejesus out of me,

truth be told!! So, I went straight to the horse's mouth (her sweet husband) and

asked. It seems Lori caught the flu (both A & B types)and it hit her hard -

symptoms on that Saturday night, passed on Sunday night. Her husband has

implored all of us to get the flu shot. He is very sympathetic to our pain and

was very gracious to have shared this info with me. Please keep Lori's family in

your prayers. She was young (early 30's) and left behind a husband and two young



> Hang in there with the Enbrel, . You'll get used to it (as much as

possible)..... Doreen :)

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His words to me were " So, please do whatever you can to avoid the

flu at all costs! " . To me it sounds like she was not immunized. He did not

elaborate any further.

Sad indeed... Doreen :(


Thanks for giving us more information on Lori. It's so sad.

Did Taras mention whether Lori had been immunized?

Not an MD

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That's exactly the reason I've got RA. I wasn't immunized and had a bad bout

of the flu during the Christmas holidays and couldn't find the time to go to

the doctor. That's what kicked off the battle of my immune system against my

body. Since then I've pushed everyone I run into to get immunized. I might

not have had RA but know it ran in my mother's family, so the flu was the

'straw that broke the camel's back'. GET IMMUNIZED!!

Dennis in eastexas

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 5:50 AM, Mimi <mimi212@...> wrote:



> His words to me were " So, please do whatever you can to avoid the

> flu at all costs! " . To me it sounds like she was not immunized. He did not

> elaborate any further.


> Sad indeed... Doreen :(




> Doreen,


> Thanks for giving us more information on Lori. It's so sad.


> Did Taras mention whether Lori had been immunized?



> Not an MD





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