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Kali's Story... MS/ C. Pneumoniae heavilly implicated.

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Many Thanks for the effort put forth by the " Cure MS Yahoo Group " !! I will

under seperate post provide information about C. Pneumoniae.

I have MS and long term systemic C. Pneumoniae that I am on long term

antibiotics for. I have been not merely been relapsing and remitting but

struggling for my life for the last 5 years after an additional bout of MRSA

staph and IV antibiotics. I've been sick since I was a kid. I have a robust

love for life and tenacity and I have fought like a caged animal for my quality

of life and for Doctors to look at me as a whole organism.

Medical science seems to have put me in a box of back pain, obesity,

fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, an immune system disorder, chronic,

bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, life threatening infections, falling, foot

surgeries, back surgery, hypothyroidism. I step forward to rehabilitate myself

time after time and slam...10 steps back weaker and more profoundly sick every

time. Each Year... I knew if this was Fibromyalgia people would be diving off


I saw over 100 doctors over 30 years in my attempt to get help for this host

of disabling symptoms. I saw 4 different Neurologists and not one of them even

seriously looked at the diagnosis of MS. Nor did ANYONE I saw in this almost 3

decade long battle with a communicable disease have a HOLISTIC( whole body)

knowledge ofthe systemic manifests in someone with a 3 decade long, undiagnosed

C. Pneumoniea infection. I've lived the widespread and devastating systemic

manifestations and if it hadn't finally been diagnosed

by our current ID Doc it would have killed me. My Husband also has it.(another


With present lesions and bright spot activity on MRI's all the way back to the

80's, falling down, twisting ankles, an obvious recurrent infection process

going in my lungs, spinal cord and brain, and various other neurological and

immune system issues, the story only gets more pathetic as the quality of MY

LIFE is further challenged.

I was finally dignosed with Multiple Sclerosis in December of 2009 on my 56th

Birthday. After 20 years of ongoing and worsening symptoms, my new Neurologist

looked at my old films while I was there and started pointing to the lesions and

spots. I saw them then as I had seen them 10 years ago and new films confirm.

It boggles my mind to think that 2 other Neurologists missed them

COMPLETELY and ignored my complaints. One Doctor told me that the lymph nodes

in my neck were " floating bones " I replied " I passed anatomy Doctor, and by

the way, you're fired! "

By the time I was diagnosed I was mostly homebound and for the greater time I

was in a reclining position. I couldn't sit any longer than I could stand and I

couldn't stand or walk long.I'd lost the ability to work consistently, even from

home, I couldn't swim

or do MOST of my many pursuits I did for hobbies and fun and for health. For the

last 5 of those years I've had to adapt to feeling like I was going to DROP


I knew 20+ years ago that I had MS. I verbalized my symptoms vehemently to

every doctor I saw. With each infection there were more and more antibiotics,

just not the right one and more and more high titers to various viruses.

Presently I know just as vehemently that the C. Pneumoniae is correlated in a

profound way and that the help I am getting for it may not be sufficient as it

does not address the viral load or the unique character of C. Pneumoniae.

To say that I'm frustrated beyond belief is an understatement. I've lost a lot

to this war and all I ever wanted is to live my life. I have a healthy attitude

and a warrior spirit and that part of my character has saved my life and keeps

me forging on. But feel very weak.

Thanks for letting me vent! I want IMPROVEMENT in my health and I want my life

back! I'm a fighter and lover of life with many things to be grateful for. It

would be a blessing to be able to express it without so much other suffering

surrounding me. I work daily to change that.

When you feel so rotten that you can't enjoy your gift of life and sing and

dance your praises of joy, something is really wrong.

Not sure if I will ever find HEALTH in the OBVIOUS paralysis the Western

Medicine Industry clearly suffers from, but I forgive them for their humanness

and applaud their commitment to make a difference with their knowledge. The

ability to see the whole human PERSON instead lab results and what's in the

petri dish ??? Wow what a concept. Managed care VS Cure???

Thank you for the work you do to bring awareness to MS as a curable disease and

for letting me share my story with you.

In Hope and Health,


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