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Re: Arava making me worse-anyone else? (Reply to )

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Of course, each of us is different and what works for one, doesn't necessarily

work for another.  Having said that, my history is 4 years since RA diagnosis (+

Fibro & Sjogren's).  My RA has been quite aggressive.  Currently on Methotrexate

(1.0 cc by injection), Plaquenil, Sulfasalazine and I'm in dose #4 of Humira. 

Before trying Humira, I tried Arava, the last pill left for me to try.  In order

to get on it, I had to get off the Mtx.  Biggest mistake I've made to date.  I

missed several weeks of work and landed in the hospital before it was all said

and done.  Needless to say, the Arava did nothing for me and the mtx DOES. 

After that fiasco, I went back on mtx and then started Humira.  Although, to

date, I am still not back to " pre-Arava trial " as far as my flares go, I am

doing better now.  Humira does not seem to be doing me any good thus far,

although dr. said it may take a longer trial because my RA has been so

aggressive.  I'm 38

and still trying to work full time. 


I did not have success with Arava, but I know some folks do.  I've tried Enbrel

in the past, but too many bad side effects for me to function.  If Humira

doesn't work, I'm only left with 3 infusion-style drugs, I believe - I've

already tried everything else out there.  It's very disheartening, but I keep

hoping that my " miracle " drug is right around the corner.  I wish you best of



April does seem far, but most of these drugs can take 3-6 months before you know

if they are working.  Meanwhile, you gotta be able to LIVE!!!  If you decide to

take your dr.'s advice and stay on the trial, you might want to talk with

him/her about pain management to get you through it.  Also, although it has its

own problems, you might want to consider steroid therapy temporarily to help you

get through until the Arava has time to kick in.  There are many pros and cons,

so talk with your dr. 


I have to tell you that I hate being on steroids, (the high doses have cause me

to have high blood pressure, so now I get to take another pill for that!) but

it's better than being in excruciating pain and not being able to work or

function.  Like most everything used to treat RA and its symptoms, temporary

steroid use might be the " lesser of two evils " . 


Praying you have a pain free, mobile day!


in Texas

From: ktandtm <ktandtm@...>

Subject: [ ] Arava making me worse-anyone else?

Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 8:42 PM

I started the Arava back in November and I know I have been way worse

then before I started it. My doc raised my dosage to the 20mg a day

(we started at the 10mg because I always have weird side effects) a

couple of weeks ago and now I am getting worse again. He wants to give

it until the beginning of April but man that sounds like forever right


Has anyone else had Arava make them worse. Makes me wonder if

suppressing my immune system isn't the answer.

Help I am dying in pain.

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My doctor said if the Arava doesn't help you within 2 weeks, it isn't going

to work for you. Also, if it gives you any sort of gastrointestinal

problems-STOP taking it because it is only going to get worse.

Arava is doing okay for me but not great. I'm wondering if I can combine it

with MTX.



From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Pou

Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 8:38 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Arava making me worse-anyone else? (Reply to



Of course, each of us is different and what works for one, doesn't

necessarily work for another. Having said that, my history is 4 years since

RA diagnosis (+ Fibro & Sjogren's). My RA has been quite aggressive.

Currently on Methotrexate (1.0 cc by injection), Plaquenil, Sulfasalazine

and I'm in dose #4 of Humira. Before trying Humira, I tried Arava, the last

pill left for me to try. In order to get on it, I had to get off the Mtx.

Biggest mistake I've made to date. I missed several weeks of work and

landed in the hospital before it was all said and done. Needless to say,

the Arava did nothing for me and the mtx DOES. After that fiasco, I went

back on mtx and then started Humira. Although, to date, I am still not back

to " pre-Arava trial " as far as my flares go, I am doing better now. Humira

does not seem to be doing me any good thus far, although dr. said it may

take a longer trial because my RA has been so aggressive. I'm 38

and still trying to work full time.

I did not have success with Arava, but I know some folks do. I've tried

Enbrel in the past, but too many bad side effects for me to function. If

Humira doesn't work, I'm only left with 3 infusion-style drugs, I believe -

I've already tried everything else out there. It's very disheartening, but

I keep hoping that my " miracle " drug is right around the corner. I wish you

best of luck.

April does seem far, but most of these drugs can take 3-6 months before you

know if they are working. Meanwhile, you gotta be able to LIVE!!! If you

decide to take your dr.'s advice and stay on the trial, you might want to

talk with him/her about pain management to get you through it. Also,

although it has its own problems, you might want to consider steroid therapy

temporarily to help you get through until the Arava has time to kick in.

There are many pros and cons, so talk with your dr.

I have to tell you that I hate being on steroids, (the high doses have cause

me to have high blood pressure, so now I get to take another pill for that!)

but it's better than being in excruciating pain and not being able to work

or function. Like most everything used to treat RA and its symptoms,

temporary steroid use might be the " lesser of two evils " .

Praying you have a pain free, mobile day!

in Texas

From: ktandtm <ktandtm (DOT) <mailto:ktandtm%40> com>

Subject: [ ] Arava making me worse-anyone else?

@gro <mailto: %40> ups.com

Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 8:42 PM

I started the Arava back in November and I know I have been way worse

then before I started it. My doc raised my dosage to the 20mg a day

(we started at the 10mg because I always have weird side effects) a

couple of weeks ago and now I am getting worse again. He wants to give

it until the beginning of April but man that sounds like forever right


Has anyone else had Arava make them worse. Makes me wonder if

suppressing my immune system isn't the answer.

Help I am dying in pain.

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In a message dated 1/29/2009 9:39:00 A.M. Central Standard Time,

ldydewinter@... writes:

Arava is doing okay for me but not great. I'm wondering if I can combine it

with MTX.

I was on Mtx and Arava at the same time. The Arava didn't seem to add

anything and my face broke out and I lost hair, but there didn't seem to be a

problem combining them.


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Arava experience...I started taking Arava in September or October last year, was

told it would work well with Humira.  It took over a month to start feeling a

real difference...but along with my joints not hurting and aching so much came

bad headaches on my left side, and shoulder and neck pain.  I'm not saying

stress had nothing to do with it, but I continued taking Arava up

until...well....last night.  I have heard it said that as with Prednisone and

Mtx, you should not abrubtly stop taking it, so I am weaning myself down.  I

will let my Rheumatologist know when I see her again next month.  I hadn't taken

a pill since Sunday, and have had no real bad headaches, but, I took a pill last

night, and my headache is back.  Acheness and pain all down my spine.  So, no

pill today, and I will see if I feel better tomorrow.

Wishing you all less pain days.



From: ktandtm <ktandtm (DOT) <mailto:ktandtm% 40> com>

Subject: [ ] Arava making me worse-anyone else?

@gro <mailto: % 40groups. com> ups.com

Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 8:42 PM

I started the Arava back in November and I know I have been way worse

then before I started it. My doc raised my dosage to the 20mg a day

(we started at the 10mg because I always have weird side effects) a

couple of weeks ago and now I am getting worse again. He wants to give

it until the beginning of April but man that sounds like forever right


Has anyone else had Arava make them worse. Makes me wonder if

suppressing my immune system isn't the answer.

Help I am dying in pain.

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