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Seems like some of the symptoms in this article sound familiar?????

" NaturalNews.com printable article

Originally published March 26 2010

Boosting Circulation can Benefit the Entire Body

by Leigh Connealy, M.D., citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Are you feeling weary? Are you having trouble focusing? Are your

hands or feet chilly, even when the weather is warm? The reason could be a

problem in your circulatory system.

Like breathing and other automatic bodily functions, circulation is something we

seldom think about. When it is properly functioning, the circulatory system is

like a smooth flowing highway. Traffic moves efficiently, delivering drivers to

destinations in a timely manner.

A similar process occurs in the body. Blood moves through the heart, lungs,

arteries and veins, providing the cells with life-sustaining oxygen and

nutrients while removing carbon dioxide and other waste products. But if blood

flow is obstructed, every cell in the body is affected. Symptoms of poor

circulation run the gamut, from brain fog, numbness and burning or tingling

sensations in toes or fingers to pain in the legs when walking, shortness of

breath, fatigue and chilliness, especially in the extremities. Circulatory

problems also contribute to serious health disorders, like high blood pressure,

stroke and heart attack.

Healthy circulation can be obstructed by inflammation or accumulations of plaque

and by fatty deposits or clots in blood vessels. A sedentary lifestyle, excess

weight, smoking and a poor diet can harm circulation, too. So do a long list of

health issues, including peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and chronic venous

insufficiency (CVI).

First Stop: The Doctor`s Office

A thorough physical examination is the best way to diagnose circulatory

disorders. Many times, simple lifestyle changes, taking up regular moderate

exercise for example, work wonders for circulation. Exercise can also strengthen

the heart, help lower blood pressure and relieve stress, all of which provide

circulation with an additional boost.

If your physician has given the go-ahead to get moving, but you are having

trouble starting or sticking with -- an exercise program, here are a few

suggestions that could help:

* Exercise first thing in the morning so you can enjoy the feeling of


* Break up the 30 to 45 minutes daily dose into ten- to fifteen-minute long

sessions throughout the day;

* Vary your routine to prevent boredom and injuries;

* Join a social group focused on a specific activity, like ballroom dancing,

bicycle riding or hiking;

* Remember that doing something even for ten minutes is better than doing


How Food Affects Circulation

Making dietary changes is a good way to improve circulation. Start by

eliminating caffeine, alcohol and soft drinks and avoiding foods that can slow

circulation, like those high in sugar, starch and fat. Focus on getting more

fiber to reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels. Replace artery-clogging trans fats

and saturated fats with `good fats` or omega-3s found in fish and fish oil

supplements, olive and grapeseed oils, and the monounsaturated fats found in

walnuts and other nuts.

Drink plenty of water. Even slight dehydration can impair circulation by making

blood thicker and harder to move through the body. For a bit of flavor, add a

wedge of lemon, lime or orange, a slice of cucumber or a splash of juice.

Supplements can provide circulation-friendly nutrients that are difficult to get

from food alone. The group known as vitamin B complex, for example, supports

healthy circulation. Foods rich in B vitamins include beans, molasses, meat,

potatoes, lentils, nutritional yeast and chili peppers. Circulation-stimulating

products that combine various helpful nutrients are another option. Your

physician can help you choose the ones that are right for you and your body`s

particular needs.


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Digby JE, Lee JM, Choudhury RP. Nicotoctic acid and the prevention of coronary

artery disease. Current Opinions in Lipidology. 2009 Aug;20(4):321-6. "

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