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Hi ,

It's great to hear you're getting good results from HBOT. 20 years

is a long time to put up with anything. I think the colitis is

related to the arthritis. From everything I've heard about leaky gut

syndrom it sounds like that's the mechanism for infection entering

the bloodstream where it causes systemic problems. Anything that

causes inflammation of the intestinal walls also causes increased

permeabilty. The walls of the intestines, though they appear solid,

are actually like a very fine sive that allows only the tiniest

molecules to get through. Anything larger will cause an immediate

attack by the immune system. With LGS, plenty of the large stuff

gets through. The " molecular mimicry " causes antibodies fighting

these large molecules (including parts or organisms that are

molecular in size) to then attack healthy tissue. I just learned

recently that certain immunizations worked on that principle. For

example, with a gammaglobulin shot they inject you with something

harmless that is so similar to the hepatitus virus that you form

antibodies that will attack the hepatitus too. That's a type of

molecular mimicry that works to our benefit.

What is HBOT?  Have you tried Cipro or


These are

> broad spectrum antibiotics that work against salmonella,



> Also I believe that colostrum, and products like immunepro may be

helpful to

> give your immune system a boost to eradicate whatever infections



> with its own specific antibody targets.  The problem is that you

have to

> seal up the high porosity of the intestines (leaky gut syndrom)

before you

> go boosting the immune system or you run the risk of increasing the

> autoimmune reaction.  It was interesting what you had to say


the Great

> Smokies tests.  If you have IBS and you're testing clean, it



> wonder where the infection is hiding out.  Are you taking daily


> They can be irritating to the bowel.  I believe there are



> that can counter the bad effects of NSAIDs to the intestines, and

some pain

> relievers are more irritating than others.

> Also, have you been tested for HLA-B27?  A positive reading is


> conditional for reactive arthritis.  However, from what Dr.



> about RA and HLA-DR4/DR1 I think you could still have an intestinal

> infection as the underlying cause of RA and not be HLA-B27

positive.  I

> don't think they normally test for HLA-DR4 and DR1 genotypes. 



> he identifies with RA is proteus mirabilis.


> ,


> I have been on Zithromax for over 5 months. Never took NSAIDs

before last

> year when I started Vioxx. No on HLAB27 also. I have had these


> for over 20 years and spent over 10 years during different natural,


> approaches to help. After that I developed arthritis and began 10

years of

> non-drug natural approaches to that as well. Only the last year


I start

> antibiotics and Vioxx after all else failed. I truly believe I had

a hidden

> intestinal infection which has not responded to therapies, natural

or not.

> It did respond to HBOT which is super oxygenation of the blood.


> bacteria cannot live therefore, regardless of what kind. I am


> curious and waiting to see if my colitis and arthritis were

connected. I

> plan to do more HBOT as it has been the most effective thing I've

done in

> over 20 years.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
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Hello Fi

Yea - struggle severely with colitis - Having been a vegetarian for many years

then started introducing fish and meat found that it became far worse - I now

feel better as I went back to eating mainly vegetarian - having small helpings

of fish - not starch at the same meal.

I use acidophilis as perscribed on the bottle

3 Kelp tablets per day

2 Tyrosine capsules per day

2 Slippery Elm tablets per day

Bladderack tea - twice per day

DGL Licorice - 3 times per day

Soak flaxseeds in water overnight - drink that in the morning together with a

teaspoon of Herbalfibreblend ( it does contain Alfalfa a no for O's - have had

no problems with using it.

Have a fruit meal plus a handful of walnuts a salad meal together with walnuts

and then a more substantial meal once a day with fish combined with vegetables

and a salad ( all within the O non secretor group) or have vegies, salad and

starch then omit the fish - have fish every alternate day - after a week back

onto this find my colitis have improved - also had colon hydrotherapy done


go to the gym 4 times per week also do yoga and Tai Chi

I gues each of us need to listen to our bodies and find what works - the above

works for me - it might not for another.

Good luck and blessings



South Africa

>>> fwinning@... 05/25/01 10:57PM >>>

Hi Everyone,

Does anybody on the diet suffer from colitis? If so are you finding the diet

helps? How does the high meat content agree with you?



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I was diagnosed with colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). This diet is

PERFECT for me. No more bouts of off and on constipation and then diahrea

(sp?). No more yearly colonoscopy!!! Probably the nicest little perk is NO GAS

on the tummy at all! I eat a LOT of meat too. And remember, I was taken off my

diabetic medicine 2 weeks ago!

deb in New Orleans

>>> " Fiona Winning " <fwinning@...> 05/25/01 03:57PM >>>

Hi Everyone,

Does anybody on the diet suffer from colitis? If so are you finding the diet

helps? How does the high meat content agree with you?



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  • 2 years later...
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Hi Pris,

I highly doubt colitis as you would have far more than just an attack every

six months or so. Perhaps you are lactose intolerant (I'm guessing because

the last attack occurred after an ice cream binge), or perhaps you are prone

to irritable bowel syndrome, although problems there would also likely occur

more than once every 6 months. Have you noticed a pattern whereby it

occurs more often after eating dairy, or more dairy than usual? My son and

I are both lactose intolerant but we can handle small amounts of dairy. If

we overdo it, however, we pay for it in much the same way you describe. If

you're brave, you could always have another ice cream overload and see if it

happens again. If it does, I'd advise you to really limit your dairy or

else take Lactaid when you just can't resist.



rheumatic Colitis

> For about ten years, I have had very sporadic " attacks " of cramping and

> diareha (sp) at night.

> I break out in a sweat sometimes when this happens , and it is painful

> until I have a bowel movement, then I an perfectly fine. Once I vomitted,

and once

> I had blood in the stool. I get these a couple of times a year.

> The " attack " only lasts about 30 minutes, and then ALL symptoms disappear

> until the next one, which may be 6 months later..

> Is this diet related, or could it be something else? Before my worst

> attack, I had skipped dinner and ate very rich ice cream instead...

> Again, I am entirely normal inbetween these very rare episodes.

> What does it sound like?

> I know those with autoimmune diseses like ourselves often have these

> problems...

> Pris

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In a message dated 6/12/2003 12:50:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

mason@... writes:

> What does it sound like?


Well, I would check out the www.melungeonhealth.org site to have a look at

those diseases too. Sometimes people get stuff like FMB and the treatment is

cochicrine or however it is spelled, some have had luck with that. Even thought


am of Melungeon descent, I do not believe I have FMF.

Ann Pritchard

" Deep in the center of our beings

is an infinite wealth of love "


HREF= " http://www.rheumatic.org/medhist.htm " >http://www.rheumatic.org/medhist.htm\

</A> < latest published work.


HREF= " http://groups.msn.com/TyroMedia/pictures " >http://groups.msn.com/TyroMedia/\

pictures</A> < latest photos

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When was the last time you had a colonoscopy? My advise is that you see

a gastroenterologist ASAP. This could be totally unrelated to diseases that

respond to the AP.

(RN) Polymyositis

rheumatic Colitis

For about ten years, I have had very sporadic " attacks " of cramping and

diareha (sp) at night.

I break out in a sweat sometimes when this happens , and it is painful

until I have a bowel movement, then I an perfectly fine. Once I vomitted,

and once

I had blood in the stool. I get these a couple of times a year.

The " attack " only lasts about 30 minutes, and then ALL symptoms disappear

until the next one, which may be 6 months later..

Is this diet related, or could it be something else? Before my worst

attack, I had skipped dinner and ate very rich ice cream instead...

Again, I am entirely normal inbetween these very rare episodes.

What does it sound like?

I know those with autoimmune diseses like ourselves often have these



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<< For about ten years, I have had very sporadic " attacks " of cramping and

diareha (sp) at night. I break out in a sweat sometimes when this happens,

and it is painful until I have a bowel movement, then I an perfectly fine. Once

I vomitted, and once I had blood in the stool. I get these a couple of times a

year. >>


I suffered for a long time with symptoms like this, except vomitting (but

would get very nauseated), and eventually figured out it was Irritable Bowel

Syndrome. The thing that helped me immensely was a low carb diet. Your ice


reaction could be a lactose intolerance or a carbohydrate intolerance. If I

stay away from the heavy carbs--sugar, high glycemic fruits,grains--my

symptoms stay away. Even my heart palpitations and restless legs are gone with


diet. All symptoms resume with too much " cheating " .

If you get it checked out with a GI doc and they don't come up with anything

consider IBS and controlling it with a low carb diet.


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  • 1 year later...

Thank you for your reply.......

All we were told today is the probable diagnosis and that he would await the

biopsy results and we would talk about the treatment options on Wednesday.

Thanks for your help


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Thank you for your reply.......

All we were told today is the probable diagnosis and that he would await the

biopsy results and we would talk about the treatment options on Wednesday.

Thanks for your help


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Macey's had it once in the past. They treated it with Flagyl and it

resolved. I hope he does well and that he is able to regain the lost weight

soon. Did they mention any diet modifications to help heal? Any thoughts

of gut rest?

Ursula Holleman

mom to (12 yrs old) and Macey (9 yr. old with CVID, Diabetes

Insipidus, colonic inertia)


Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA


IDF Patient/Family Handbook



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Macey's had it once in the past. They treated it with Flagyl and it

resolved. I hope he does well and that he is able to regain the lost weight

soon. Did they mention any diet modifications to help heal? Any thoughts

of gut rest?

Ursula Holleman

mom to (12 yrs old) and Macey (9 yr. old with CVID, Diabetes

Insipidus, colonic inertia)


Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA


IDF Patient/Family Handbook



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  • 5 months later...
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> Has anyone used the Beck Protocol for Colitis?

I agree with Donna that it probably won't work.

However there is a solution: substantial research links colitis,

crohn's and IBS to a chronic condition of bad bowel bacterial

fluorish, a condition called bowel dysbiosis in the gut and SIBO if

it's in the small intestine.

A couple of hundred of my clients even with those serious conditions

netted a better bowel than they had in several years just by

replacing the inulin that is currently missing in the regular diet.

Inulin feeds the good bowel bacteria.

Here's the inulin references page:


Duncan Crow

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  • 2 years later...
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This LDN, should help you

there has been much written about LDN and chron's but I was wondering if it was

as effective with colitis. I am bleeding severly with much discharge, going 15

times day/night. Am weak. Am on 15mg of pred but it is not doing anything. GI

would not prescribe. Going to alternative doc to pay $$ for presecription for

LDN. I pray this works for me.

I have been through every drug including Remicade. HAve lost business,

declaring bankruptcy and literally cannot leave the house. Gas pain is

tremendous and I am so tired. I am desperate for this to help to the point of



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[low dose naltrexone] colitis

there has been much written about LDN and chron's but I was wondering if it was as effective with colitis. I am bleeding severly with much discharge, going 15 times day/night. Am weak. Am on 15mg of pred but it is not doing anything. GI would not prescribe. Going to alternative doc to pay $$ for presecription for LDN. I pray this works for me. I have been through every drug including Remicade. HAve lost business, declaring bankruptcy and literally cannot leave the house. Gas pain is tremendous and I am so tired. I am desperate for this to help to the point of tears.

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,I feel for you and I'm sorry to hear you haven't been doing good. The LDN should help a lot, but also have you looked into changing your diet. I have UC as well and I eat only non-processed meats, vegetables, water and just recently Ensure Plus which bothers my stomach a little (I think because the sugar) but has a lot of vitamins and nutrients I need as well as helps me maintain a healthy weight. I would suggest not drinking the Ensure Plus until your gut gets a little better.Jefflow dose naltrexone From: bartolo_58@...Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 14:00:40 -0400Subject: [low dose naltrexone] colitis

there has been much written about LDN and chron's but I was wondering if it was as effective with colitis. I am bleeding severly with much discharge, going 15 times day/night. Am weak. Am on 15mg of pred but it is not doing anything. GI would not prescribe. Going to alternative doc to pay $$ for presecription for LDN. I pray this works for me.

I have been through every drug including Remicade. HAve lost business, declaring bankruptcy and literally cannot leave the house. Gas pain is tremendous and I am so tired. I am desperate for this to help to the point of tears.

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Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger. IM anytime you're online.

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Also, go to health food store, get IntestiNew by RENEW Life. It is mainly

L-Glutamine. Took me 3-4 weeks to heal completely. I use once a week now, Staet

once in morning once at night. It will clear your intestinal lining,even before

the LDN, completely works. Simple bur effective.


I feel for you and I'm sorry to hear you haven't been doing good. The LDN

should help a lot, but also have you looked into changing your diet. I have UC

as well and I eat only non-processed meats, vegetables, water and just recently

Ensure Plus which bothers my stomach a little (I think because the sugar) but

has a lot of vitamins and nutrients I need as well as helps me maintain a

healthy weight. I would suggest not drinking the Ensure Plus until your gut

gets a little better.



low dose naltrexone

From: bartolo_58@...

Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 14:00:40 -0400

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] colitis

there has been much written about LDN and chron's but I was wondering if it was

as effective with colitis. I am bleeding severly with much discharge, going 15

times day/night. Am weak. Am on 15mg of pred but it is not doing anything. GI

would not prescribe. Going to alternative doc to pay $$ for presecription for

LDN. I pray this works for me.

I have been through every drug including Remicade. HAve lost business,

declaring bankruptcy and literally cannot leave the house. Gas pain is

tremendous and I am so tired. I am desperate for this to help to the point of



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Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger. IM anytime you're




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there has been much written about LDN and chron's but I was wondering if it was as effective with colitis. I am bleeding severly with much discharge, going 15 times day/night. Am weak. Am on 15mg of pred but it is not doing anything. GI would not prescribe. Going to alternative doc to pay $$ for presecription for LDN. I pray this works for me. I have been through every drug including Remicade. HAve lost business, declaring bankruptcy and literally cannot leave the house. Gas pain is tremendous and I am so tired. I am desperate for this to help to the point of tears.

, I had IBS badly, blood an all, I started LDN for another condition, but the bleeding and running to the loo has stopped, I was even able to cancel a sigmoidoscopy, it's great!!!



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Hi ,I started ldn 2 mo. I have Lymphocytic Colitis and I also have MS. My diarrhea stopped after about 2 wks. unless I eat something I shouldn't.I did go on a gluten free, lactose free diet also. I'm taking 3 mg. and hope to increase the dosage soon. Good luck. Betty

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I could not agree more Sherrie,

LDN is great, and it works best when you do other things as well to help your immune system as well. Low stress, diet, supplements, making sure you don't have infections, and getting rid of Candida. What ever works to help get you well.


[low dose naltrexone] Colitis

I have a ton of information regarding Colitis/Crohns. I also use LDN and other protocol. I email privately quite often to folks and spend alot of time to let them know what really works. I often, do not hear back from them. I really do want to help and can give really sound advise, my posts seem to go overlooked. I do not post publicly often.

I do know alot about Colitits and Crohn's, if you want to know what to do in addition to LDN (which WORKS) to get things under control, email me. I know and have been through it. I really want to help - no money in it for me. Just tell you things that will help. I will not post again because I have spent alot of time privately emailing people and they do not have the courtesy of emailing back.

I am mostly silent on this site. But. I do see alot of valuable posts, for Colitis and Crohns, as mine are to these folks privately. I do not want to be off topic.

Believe me, I am a total LDN advocate and do it daily. Not to discount that because it it wonderful. Only trying to help get the bad stuff under control in the meantime with the addition of LDN.

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Hi Sherrie,I contact people too and don't always hear back. I have MS and Lymphocytic Colitis. If you e-mailed me I do appreciate it. I find I get so caught up in reading the posts it takes so long.Keep up the good work. You'll get your reward in heaven.Betty

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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And maybe here on earth as well.

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Colitis

Hi Sherrie,I contact people too and don't always hear back. I have MS and Lymphocytic Colitis. If you e-mailed me I do appreciate it. I find I get so caught up in reading the posts it takes so long.Keep up the good work. You'll get your reward in heaven.Betty

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I've had colitis (not Crohns) for 30+ years. I would like to make LDN

as well but I have a question about immediate release versus time

release. I know you are suppose to take the immediate release variety

but I thought ReVia was the time release variety. What do you know

about this. I have been on medication of one kind or another from the

entire time!!! I am hopeful this will give me some relief. Thanks Mike,



> I have Colitis, and started taking it when my wife was diagnosed the

second time with BC. I am still on LDN and believe it balances out my

immune system, because I have other positive side effects, namely I am

no longer allergic to cats. I strongly recommend LDN (5mg) nightly and

suggest buying it on line from India. It is 1/10 the cost and equally

as good. The shipment only takes 14 days upon receipt of your credit

card number.

> Here are the details:https://www.RiverPharmacy.com1-866-760-6337

> - Drug alternate name is Nodict (or Revia), 50mg per tab

> I dissolve 2 tabs (100mg) in 100 CC of water and let dissolve over

night. Shake well and using a syringe (remove sharp) squirt 5mg in

mouth nightly. Wash down with water, and presto…simple easy and quick.

> Sorry to hear about your pain, I hope LDN works for you. I have been

episode free for over two years. Whereas, I was going to specialist

every 4-6 months for cortisone enemas prior to LDN….Let me know if you

need any further information.Regards, Mike






> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Hi Ilene,

I use LDN, but I buy them as tablets at 3 mg. A friend of mine buys 50 mg ReVia. This is how she does:

She puts the pill between two table spoon and press the tablet to pulverize it. Then she puts the powder

in enough water, she doesn't even boil and cool down the water at first, she uses it as it is. But then again,

whe have really clean water here where we live. But I will suggest to boil it and cool down the temperature to

luke warm, and then put the powder in and shake.

I don't know the measures, but I think this is clear for you.

Good luck in using LDN!

Oh, and...do you know that Asacol is the only medication you can use in conjunction with LDN (of the typical IBD meds).

Don't forget to let DLPA help stretching out the effect of LDN to a longer duration - to the night again.

Ingrid (Crohns, in remission since starting LDN in sept. last year)

Please, write in and tell us how you are doing, and if you need advice;- we're here.

[low dose naltrexone] Re: ColitisI've had colitis (not Crohns) for 30+ years. I would like to make LDNas well but I have a question about immediate release versus timerelease. I know you are suppose to take the immediate release varietybut I thought ReVia was the time release variety. What do you knowabout this. I have been on medication of one kind or another from theentire time!!! I am hopeful this will give me some relief. Thanks Mike,Ilene >> I have Colitis, and started taking it when my wife was diagnosed thesecond time with BC.. I am still on LDN and believe it balances out myimmune system, because I have other positive side effects, namely I amno longer allergic to cats. I strongly recommend LDN (5mg) nightly andsuggest buying it on line from India. It is 1/10 the cost and equallyas good. The shipment only takes 14 days upon receipt of your creditcard number.> Here are the details:https://www.RiverPharmacy.com1-866-760-6337> - Drug alternate name is Nodict (or Revia), 50mg per tab> I dissolve 2 tabs (100mg) in 100 CC of water and let dissolve overnight. Shake well and using a syringe (remove sharp) squirt 5mg inmouth nightly. Wash down with water, and presto…simple easy and quick.> Sorry to hear

about your pain, I hope LDN works for you. I have beenepisode free for over two years. Whereas, I was going to specialistevery 4-6 months for cortisone enemas prior to LDN….Let me know if youneed any further information.Regards, Mike > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________> Be a better friend, newshound, and > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ>------------------------------------

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  • 7 months later...

yes she should go on ldn.best to use transdermal cream but first to

come down to 10 mg prednisone,and to see that there is no candida.


> Hi there,


> I have a friend who has had colitis for a yr, her dr has put her on

> prednisone 20mg for 2 wks. Should I advise her to try ldn, God knows

> it workss great for my sarcoidosis!


> Thanks for readng.

> Jo


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