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In addition to your list of things that affect the thyroid gland, include

Chlorine and Fluoride, which fight Iodine for the receptor sites on the thyroid

gland. Drink filtered water, filter your shower and bath water, and stop using

commercial toothpastes/mouthwashes.

Bread manufacturers used to use Iodine as a dough conditioner. Then they

switched to Bromide. Yikes.

If you eat bread, Pepperidge Farm is the only commercial bakery that uses

Unbromated Flour in their breads/cookies. Also, I checked, and if you shop at a

Trader Joe's, they also do not use Bromated flour in their baked goods.

If you bake, and use wheat flour, use King Arthur's brand flour. It is


I read a great article in the Townsend Letter that, among other things,

discussed how MSer's are typically low in Iodine. And we already know that many

of us are Hypothyroid.

I also belong to another Yahoo Group called Iodine. They discuss using Iodine

in a therapeutic manner. I think the RDA of 150 mcg. is hogwash. My opinion.

I am currently taking Lugol's Iodine, about 15 mg. right now and my energy

levels have never been better.





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> Yesterday at 7:36am

> We have to treat these common additives as exactly what they are, HIGH GRADE



> The Thyroid Gland is critical in the body. The extent of its ability to

function normally determines your degree of overall heath. It is a bell weather

indicator. A compromised immune system is much more vulnerable to infection &

seasonal influenza. Vaccines undermine the Immune System; in many cases

introducing live viruses & toxic heavy metals to an already overloaded

environment. The synergy of immunological, neurological & physiological well

being hangs in the balance.


> Thus the delicacy of our glands must be protected. Otherwise a domino effect

of sickness & long term deterioration of health are inevitable.


> Substances which interfere with Thyroid function include Fluoride, Aluminum,

Mercury, Chemicals, white sugar, processed food/oil & common household products

including Bromide.


> Bromide has been widely distributed commercially; from bread to mattresses.

It's also turning up in our tap water. Bromide drastically inhibits the Thyroid

Gland from performing its basic function - regulating body temperature & the

metabolic rate (biochemical reactivity) of every cell.


> Bromide is an insidious additive used in many common products, and as a

pesticide. Because of the sheer amount of bromide supplemented products,

exposure to this man-made additive has caused a depletion of iodine in human

populations. Studies in lab animals provide alarming evidence that even small

amounts of bromide exposure can be toxic.


> Bromide is found in pesticides (methyl bromide), some bread products as flour

enhancer (potassium bromate), brominated vegetable oil that may be added to

citrus-flavored drinks (ie. Mountain Dew, Orange Crush), hot tub cleansers,

certain asthma inhalers, prescription drugs, plastic products, some personal

care products, some fabric dyes, and as a fire retardant in mattresses,

carpeting, etc.


> Elevated bromide levels have been implicated in every thyroid disease, from

simple hypothyroidism to auto-immune diseases to thyroid cancer. Bromide levels

are found 50 times higher in thyroid cancer than normal thyroid tissue.


> Rats fed even the minimal amount of bromine expected to be encountered in the

environment underwent goiter-like changes, an arguable case of bromide

dominance. In the FIRE project, exposing rats to the brominated flame retardant

compound, bromocyclodecane, showed consistent effects on the thyroid hormone

axis, including decreased T4. Thyroid gland cells have increased size and larger

nuclei, indicating increased synthetic activity.


> Based on animal research, bromides have also been linked to behavioral

problems, neurodevelopment and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders

(ADD/ADHD) in children, depression & schizophrenia. The European Union has

already banned some PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) compounds, and it is

hoped that countries still allowing their use will follow suit.


> Methyl Bromide was repeatedly found to cause cancer in lab rats. Despite a

universal ban Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, Israel, Japan,

the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the UK and the US maintain an exemption due to

the adverse 'economic pain' that would result from the ban.


> EPA GUIDELINES: While most uses of methyl bromide have been phased out,

certain " critical " uses (i.e., those for which there are no available

alternatives) are exempted.


> The following are registered pesticidal uses:


> A) Soil fumigant: Methyl bromide gas is injected into the soil before a crop

is planted. This treatment, which effectively sterilizes the soil, kills the

vast majority of soil organisms.


> B) Commodity treatment: Methyl bromide gas is used for post-harvest pest

control and can be injected into a chamber or under a tarp containing

commodities such as grapes, raisins, cherries, nuts, and imported non-food



> C) Structural pest control treatment: Methyl bromide gas is used to fumigate

buildings for termites, warehouses and food processing facilities for insects

and rodents, aircraft for rodents, and ships (and other transportation vehicles)

for various pests.


> D) Quarantine Uses: USDA's Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

uses methyl bromide to treat imported commodities as required by quarantine



> As of September 2007, the US FDA still endorses its widespread use as a flour

enhancer & fire retardant in a variety of household products. " Potassium Bromate

is still listed as a safe additive. "


> Think of your body as a Stradivarius Violin. Every time you expose it to these

toxins it loses more of its inherent resonance. By middle age most of us have

lost the qualities of that gift given to us. Granted many are born with

pre-existing medical issues. But the odds are most of you reading this have

experienced a deterioration of overall health since your early years. There are

specific reason why. And there are solutions to the problem. Self sufficiency

begins at home.


> NOTE: Everyone please be aware it's not just bread & flour you have to be

concerned about. This product is being used as fire retardant in your pillows,

couches, mattresses, most likely everything stuffable throughout your home. It's

also in your water. Research for yourself. Find the official water quality

report for your region, most recent one. You'll find Bromide in it. It's also

being used a a fumigant in farmers' soil so again it's insidious.


> http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=825


> http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/factsheets/chemicals/methylbromide_factsheet.htm



http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.Print.asp?DocumentID=388 & Arti\

cleID=4440 & l=en


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Great information. While you're on the subject of toxins in non-food items, Hal

Huggins said that Charmin is the only toilet paper that DOES NOT contain

mercury. The others are recycled paper that contains many chemicals not

singularly identified. However, nothing is pristine.



> Share

> Yesterday at 7:36am

> We have to treat these common additives as exactly what they are, HIGH GRADE


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I have been taking iodine for a few months off and on to excrete my bromine

and it is working well.

I feel much better a couple of days after a dose of iodoral. I hope everyone

reading this looks into

the new info on iodine and bromine.

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I have been taking iodine for a few months off and on to excrete my bromine

and it is working well.

I feel much better a couple of days after a dose of iodoral. I hope everyone

reading this looks into

the new info on iodine and bromine.

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How much do you take? I was taking colloidal iodine (Thyadine) but Dr.

Howenstine recommends Iodoral because of the iodide/iodine combination. I

ordered Iodoral to see if it is a more beneficial product for me. I thought I

had my thyroid problems licked. My hair is beginning to shed again so something

is missing. It might be iodide.



> I have been taking iodine for a few months off and on to excrete my bromine

> and it is working well.

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Guest guest

Your hair is starting to shed when you take iodoral, is that correct ?

I would pulse dose the iodoral and see how you respond to it.

One interesting thing that can happen is that you take iodine, you start

stirring up bromine, bromine inhibits your thyroid, then you get hypothyroid

problems like hair loss.

You can lower your dose, you can take one every few days etc. I dont know if

this is what is happening to you, but it is possible.

I have a bottle of iodoral, lugols and iosol. I experiment with all of them.

I cant seem to get past 2 mg. without being wiped out with fatigue sort of

flareup. but

Dr. brownstein recommends 50mg. a day or sometimes even higher, but I would

start out as low as possible, you dont know what is lurking in your system.

Since the iodine can create a massive healing crisis because it does so many

things. It can kill viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, candida and excrete heavy

metals like mercury and then all of the hallides like bromine etc. So

imagine all of this stuff being killed off and stirred up at once. Thats a

recipe for a flareup

if there ever was one. So I am taking it slow, and working my way up until

I get symptoms that I cant tolerate and then back down a notch.

The good news is that alot of those things are possibly linked to causing or

triggering MS by experts. So you can kill 5 birds with one stone.

So iodine seems like it might make it to the top of the list for MS, to

address all those possible infections or toxins causing or at this point

triggering MS.

I dont think there is another substance that is all encompassing all the

while being an essential nutrient. Think about all of the toxic or harmful


you might have to take to address all of those things, versus taking one non

toxic essential nutrient.

Considering that iodine deficiency is very common, I wouldnt be surprised

if iodine deficiency is linked to being a cause or risk factor for MS.

I am not saying that now, but considering it makes sense at this point.

Think about it, if you have an iodine deficiency you are at high risk for

the above list of infections and heavy metals and other toxins like


Then there are alot of theories linking MS with all of those infections and

toxins as being the cause, BUT the confusing part is that there is a long

list of all these seemingly unrelated triggers. But no one has gone one step

further and been able to link all of those seemingly unrelated things

like viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, candida, heavy metals like mercury and

all of the hallides like bromine, fluorine etc. But there all of those

are linked together by iodine deficiency and iodine insufficiency is very


I just googled it and some others are talking about the connection too.


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Guest guest

Your hair is starting to shed when you take iodoral, is that correct ?

I would pulse dose the iodoral and see how you respond to it.

One interesting thing that can happen is that you take iodine, you start

stirring up bromine, bromine inhibits your thyroid, then you get hypothyroid

problems like hair loss.

You can lower your dose, you can take one every few days etc. I dont know if

this is what is happening to you, but it is possible.

I have a bottle of iodoral, lugols and iosol. I experiment with all of them.

I cant seem to get past 2 mg. without being wiped out with fatigue sort of

flareup. but

Dr. brownstein recommends 50mg. a day or sometimes even higher, but I would

start out as low as possible, you dont know what is lurking in your system.

Since the iodine can create a massive healing crisis because it does so many

things. It can kill viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, candida and excrete heavy

metals like mercury and then all of the hallides like bromine etc. So

imagine all of this stuff being killed off and stirred up at once. Thats a

recipe for a flareup

if there ever was one. So I am taking it slow, and working my way up until

I get symptoms that I cant tolerate and then back down a notch.

The good news is that alot of those things are possibly linked to causing or

triggering MS by experts. So you can kill 5 birds with one stone.

So iodine seems like it might make it to the top of the list for MS, to

address all those possible infections or toxins causing or at this point

triggering MS.

I dont think there is another substance that is all encompassing all the

while being an essential nutrient. Think about all of the toxic or harmful


you might have to take to address all of those things, versus taking one non

toxic essential nutrient.

Considering that iodine deficiency is very common, I wouldnt be surprised

if iodine deficiency is linked to being a cause or risk factor for MS.

I am not saying that now, but considering it makes sense at this point.

Think about it, if you have an iodine deficiency you are at high risk for

the above list of infections and heavy metals and other toxins like


Then there are alot of theories linking MS with all of those infections and

toxins as being the cause, BUT the confusing part is that there is a long

list of all these seemingly unrelated triggers. But no one has gone one step

further and been able to link all of those seemingly unrelated things

like viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, candida, heavy metals like mercury and

all of the hallides like bromine, fluorine etc. But there all of those

are linked together by iodine deficiency and iodine insufficiency is very


I just googled it and some others are talking about the connection too.


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