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Re: About me and MS

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> I have seen the neroligist and went to a natural healing MD. even with my

job don't think I can afford either one. I am scared.


Hi Colleen,

Try not to panic! Once you get a handle on things, and have a strategy, you

will be on your way. Then, when you start seeing results, you will be really

empowered. ;) I've never been back to the neurologist or opthamologist since

initial diagnosis (one and only attack was optic neuritis). It is possible to

do this on your own, and it will require some investment in yourself, but

remember that you are worth it! The first thing you can do that doesn't cost

much at all is to get on a high dose of Vitamin D supplementation.

Is your insurance through your job? Just wondering if you have other benefits

to check into, like short-term disability. You deserve a break, to recover and

figure out how to move forward.

I started out with the Best Bet Diet, then added acupuncture about a month

later. I felt great within weeks. :) That was 2 years ago. Since then, I've

done other stuff like fasting and cleansing, detoxing, etc. Right now, my focus

is on healing my gut. There are lots of options to be found here in this group,

lots of paths to healing. You can do it too! :)


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I do have insurance PPO but I don't think its gonna cover much and I don't know

whats gonna happen if I can't work for a while .just standing is a great chore

I have been pushing myself trying to keep doing what I normally do but some days

are very hard

Guess I'm just having a bad day


To: mscured

Sent: Sat, April 10, 2010 11:18:35 AM

Subject: Re: About me and MS

> I have seen the neroligist and went to a natural healing MD. even with my

job don't think I can afford either one. I am scared.


Hi Colleen,

Try not to panic! Once you get a handle on things, and have a strategy, you

will be on your way. Then, when you start seeing results, you will be really

empowered. ;) I've never been back to the neurologist or opthamologist since

initial diagnosis (one and only attack was optic neuritis). It is possible to

do this on your own, and it will require some investment in yourself, but

remember that you are worth it! The first thing you can do that doesn't cost

much at all is to get on a high dose of Vitamin D supplementation.

Is your insurance through your job? Just wondering if you have other benefits

to check into, like short-term disability. You deserve a break, to recover and

figure out how to move forward.

I started out with the Best Bet Diet, then added acupuncture about a month

later. I felt great within weeks. :) That was 2 years ago. Since then, I've

done other stuff like fasting and cleansing, detoxing, etc. Right now, my focus

is on healing my gut. There are lots of options to be found here in this group,

lots of paths to healing. You can do it too! :)


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Welcome Bea.

You can manage this without insurance. What do the neurologists really offer us

anyway? You can probably learn here what a natural healing MD would tell you.


When you first are told you have MS it is life-changing and panic sets in.

After a while you realise it isn't that bad - you aren't about to die or

anything. Stress is very bad for MS and the more you worry, the more numb bits

etc you acquire.

Read through the archives here and ask any questions. There are many

experienced people with MS here. We've all been where you are now.

You can manage it well by natural means - the Best Bet Diet (BBD) which doesn't

allow gluten, dairy or legumes is an excellent way of stopping progression. The

suggested supplements help too (see archives or MSRC's website). Exercise.


To: mscured

From: dancinbzb@...

Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 08:23:24 -0700

Subject: About me and MS

You can call me Bea. All my Friends do. I was told last week I have MS. I

thought I was dealing with it all pretty good. I awoke this a.m. and feel like I

am losing it. I don't think my insurance is going to cover a whole lot . I have

had 3 MRI's already . I am numb from my waist to my toes on the right. My entire

saddle area is numb and my left foot up to my calf is numb, I have been this way

for 3 weeks . I have gone back to work for half a day and will be trying a full

day on Monday. Don't want to lose my job. But I don't know if I can do it. I'm

so much more numb when I stand for short periods of time not to mention the

pain. I have seen the neroligist and went to a natural healing MD. even with my

job don't think I can afford either one. I am scared.

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Hi Bea, (sorry I didn't get that before! lol)

Definitely take it easy on yourself. Give yourself a break and a chance to

recover. Really, the only thing the mainstream medicos can offer through your

insurance is more MRI's and one of the drugs that are pretty ineffective and

come with varied side effects. But you should check into any other benefits

that your employer offers. If you're not sure, ask someone in HR or your

supervisor. You may have both short-term and long-term disability benefits.


> I do have insurance PPO but I don't think its gonna cover much and I don't

know whats gonna happen if I can't work for a while .just standing is a great


> I have been pushing myself trying to keep doing what I normally do but some

days are very hard

> Guess I'm just having a bad day

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Totally agree with Crystal, I have never had any help or need to

go back to the doctor. I just took care of myself when I found out.

For a long time doctors had the " lock " on health care.

You had to go, nobody else knew what to do.

But with the internet and all the research and knowledge out there.

What do I need a doctor anymore for ?

In fact, even if the doctor and all the treatments were free, I

would not go, as the advice they give sucks. Example,

would they tell me to go gluten free and see if it helps ?

hell no. They would write me a script for some drug of

the week and send me on my way. I made the biggest

improvements with going gluten free and I would have

never done that with their overpriced advice. Also, I made

huge improvements with getting my mercury out and

taking chlorella. Would they tell me to do that ? No.

Am I telling you or suggesting you blindly take chlorella and

go gluten free ? No, I am suggesting like Crystal to educate

yourself, so dont take what I am saying as advice that would

be almost as bad as taking the doctors advice blindly too.


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Bea. Welcome to the group. You are among friends and we are here to help in

any way we can.

Don't panic. You've got time to panic, if you want to, later. You've got time,

right now, to just sit quietly, quietly, and let it all sink in. It's going to

be OK. Take the time you need to adjust to this new idea of MS.

This is a wonderful group, kind and intelligent. You've come to the right


Don't worry about doctors too much. I haven't been back to the neurologist

since my appointment where I was diagnosed. That was

2 1/2 years ago. I'm doing fine without them. The only doctor I find helpful

is my GP, who listens to me, has an open mind, and will prescribe alternative

things for me if I give her enough literature/research printed out from the


The MS doesn't have to control you. You can control it. Start now by reading

the archives. Go to Direct_MS.com to learn about the Best Bet Diet. It's your

" Best Bet! " Start today to improve your diet. This will help you gain some of

the feeling of control.

I take LowDoseNaltrexone, which my GP prescribes for me and I get at a

compounding pharmacy. Look it up at LowDoseNaltrexone.org.

We are here when you have questions. There are no silly questions, so ask away.



> You can call me Bea. All my Friends do. I was told last week I have MS. I

thought I was dealing with it all pretty good. I awoke this a.m. and feel like I

am losing it. I don't think my insurance is going to cover a whole lot . I have

had 3 MRI's already . I am numb from my waist to my toes on the right. My entire

saddle area is numb and my left foot up to my calf is numb, I have been this way

for 3 weeks . I have gone back to work for half a day and will be trying a

full day on Monday. Don't want to lose my job. But I don't know if I can do

it. I'm so much more numb when I stand for short periods of time not to mention

the pain. I have seen the neroligist and went to a natural healing MD. even

with my job don't think I can afford either one. I am scared.






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