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Oh yeah! If she gets admitted, they will put her in a private room, and and

I will both stay with her in the room. Except in very unusual circumstances, the

hospital here requires a parent to be with a child at all times

" Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. "

- Louis son

, mom to:


, NT, 2


Hello ,

I hope will be better soon. It is always terrible to have a

child at home, sick, and nobody seems to know what is wrong with her.

She must have some virus. I hope she does not have to be admitted, or

you will have another problem. Could you stay with her in the


Take care


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  • 3 years later...

Hi & welcome to the group. I started having panic attacks in March of 2004 & I hurt in my chest but when the attack was over, so was the pain. I hurt sometimes now kinda like you described, but mine is gas. I drink a Dr. Pepper & that usually works better than meds. But I sure can't say that's your problem. I also have migraines & I take Maxalt. It usually takes care of it unless I have waited too long, then I have to go to the doc for a shot.

Hope you are soon feeling better. Pains in the chest are really scary.

Warm Hugs,

-- General Info

Hi Everyone:I'm new here, but not to FMS. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago, but had a pretty good little run of remission (if you call it that). This past year was pretty tough - had my gall bladder out in April, then a bunch of real estate stuff, etc. I'm finding the pain really tough to bear right now. In particular the worst is that I find I'm having chest pain's. Not heart attack like pain, but just this ache that seems to sit right behind my heart, that goes all the way through to my back. I actually "thought" I was having a heart attack when it started a few months ago, went to the ER where they did an EKG and a chest scan to rule out pulmonary embolism. They sent me home basically saying I had a panic attack. This was wierd because I'm a "chew up rocks and spit out gravel" type of gal not terribly subject to stress/panic what not. Since then the ache is worse some days, better others. For instance yesterday it was nearly unbearable, today not so bad. Is this normal?Also, because I get pretty severe migraines at times, I have a triptan (Maxalt) prescription and if that doesn't work I have Hydrocodone. Is there anything that you have found works better for pain than other things? Thanks for your feedback. mom to (7)and (nearly 10)Northern Nevada

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi ,

I too am trying to get caught up on my e-mails. Christmas has just put me in a

total panic this year. I do machine embroidery & I also quilt (to keep my sanity),

so a lot of my gifts are homemade. I'm making quilts for my two grandsons. With

being sick....I'm running behind. I see a light at the end of the tunnel now, just hope it's not a

gorilla with a flashlight! lol

I am allergic to a lot of meds too. My psychiatrist tried me on Seraquel & I had

a reaction to that. Lastly she had me on Effexor & a beta blocker but it seemed

to just quit working & the anxiety kept getting worse. So, now I am trying Risperdal

for anxiety & 4mg of Lunesta for sleep. I can tell the Risperdal is helping. Yesterday

and today have been my worst days since starting it but I think it's cause I'm upset

over my dog. I have a Yorkie Poo & took her to the doc & found out she has kidney problems.

She is my shadow! I spend more time with her than anyone.

I certainly understand about doing less this Christmas. I didn't even put up a tree this year.

Just didn't feel like it. Like you, I have bills coming out my butt so Christmas this year

is going to be a lot about "the thought".

Hope we can all hang on & have a good Christmas with little to no pain. (Doesn't hurt to

dream, does it!?!)

Have a great Sunday & hope to chat later.

Warm Hugs,

-- Re: Re: New Member/To Hi ,My family doctor diagnosed me after running every testin the book. He alsosent me to a rheumy that confirmed the diagnoses. It's just mainly processof elimination. I don't see a rheumy now, only myfamily doctor and apsychiatrist. I am having a lot of anxiety & mypsychiatrist keeps changingmy meds till she finds one that works for me. I sawher yesterday & Istarted a new drug last night. I can already tell adifference. Just hopeit keeps working!Hope you have a great evening!Warm Hugs,

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