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I just needed to add that this is my second flare up of autoimmune hepatitis. I had a flare that was misdiagnosed as HELLP Syndrome 6 years ago. I have been drinking moderately and taking any medication without thought for the past 6 years. We can never be 100% that I had the flare 6 years ago since it is passed, but she has looked through all of my records and talked to me about my symptoms and believes that I had that flare. I have had liver pain on and off for the past 6 years, but I always thought it was some sort of ghost pain, I was in an incredible amount of pain last time, incredible burning pain and I couldn't get out of bed.


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I am so sorry to hear about your guy!!!! ...... Just know that I am

here for you if you need to talk. Again Teri, my deepest sympathies to

you... Sending Hugs to give you strength.....

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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  • 4 weeks later...


If it helps clarify, Often we can place the probe and our biopsy needle at

an angle starting at the rib borders and angling under to visualize the

liver better. I will admit we (our practice prior to in house ultrasound

and BX) used to bring cats to another vet in the area who claimed he was

trained in US. Twice he went too far and did a true-cut BX of the liver

through to the heart! We lost both cats :-( and he underwent some legal

difficulties as was not a trained (extra schooling) Ultrasonographer. We

have also had several cases of owner derived referral because the US was

performed by a human trained US (no vet training). Now any US must be

approved by the veterinary board in our state. We hired a veterinary

radiologist to do our US now, and although I am in a specialty training

program and have done many biopsies, I always have her perform a second

follow-up US or review my US's in questionable cases at no cost to the owner

until I am certified. US seems to be a talent some have and other's don't.

Careful research on the US technition (human med) and the reviewing

radiologist will help determine if another option should be elected.

It is still one of our best tools for evaluating the liver amd pancreas and

intestinal tract among other organs.

Yes, I have had owners who have had US/BX ask very similar questions as many

of the peple on this site when regarding their pets, and it is very

difficult to erase memories of an inappropiate or poorly done BX. However,

new techniques and training can make all the diff, so althoug it is never

something to take lightly, it is not something to be feared. Churchill said

it best with the " nothing to fear but fear itself " bit.

OK so much for my diatried on the subject.


[ ] Biopsy



> > Hey all..

> >

> > I just thought that I would let everyone know that I went through

> > with my biopsy last week Thursday.

> >

> > It wasnt the scary horror that I thought it would be..in fact some of

> > the things that I read about it were not true at all...

> >

> > I went in for the procedure at 900AM....I was given an IV of

> > phentalyn and versad...the biopsy was done under the ribs and not

> > through them..I felt nothing, and I was in the recovery area at

> > 910AM..

> >

> > I did not have to lie on my side..I had a little soreness in that

> > area..like a pinching feeling. They gave me something to eat and

> > drink at 10 and I was discharged at 10:30AM...

> >

> > That day I did nothing but lie on the couch and the next day I was

> > back to my usual routine.

> >

> > Its been almost a week, and if I over exert myself...I get a slight

> > pinching feeling in that area. I dont know if its just the liver

> > healing or what. I am going to call my PCP for the results

> > tomorrow.. Im quite nervous about what the results might be, but I

> > have been feeling so lousy I just want to know.

> >

> > So for everyone out there who is facing a biopsy...its not all that

> > bad.

> >

> > I think it depends on where you have it done also..whether it be a

> > small hospital or a large hospital...I had it done at Mass General in

> > Boston...which is a large teaching hospital.

> >

> > I will let you know my outcome when I get the news..

> >

> > Thanks for all your help with my questions.

> >

> > Tracey

> >

> >

> >

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If the liver is very small and cirrhosed, going through the ribs may be the only way the biopsy canbe done.


Re: [ ] Biopsy

Debby...Yeah..they told me when I went in that if they could feel the bottom edge of the liver at the end of the rib cage that they could go up an under the ribs and it was much easier that through the ribs. The doctor also told me that if I could have it done that way it would be much easier on me.I quess it depends on your anatomy..although my doctor told me that he couldnt even feel the edge of my liver so that it was not enlarged....but they had no problem with the needle.Tracey

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah.....the prep IS the worst. You might as well consider it a prayer fast

to make the most of it! cheated too and thought orange juice was

OK....He was fine! Yet, your doctor seems to be one of the best! To bring

you back from a coma....well....that is one pretty good doctor! Congrats

cngrats....but with all that brain damage from being in the come, well, so

wonderful you are so funny!!!


Re: [ ] Biopsy

> Debby.....well that's what they told me. After I had some elevated

> panels. I had to have another blood draw and the elevations were still

> there so then did a PTT and was asked to come up to the Clinic for a

> biopsy....they thought I may have been rejecting my new liver but the

> biopsy showed AIH...I stayed at the Clinic for a couple days while they

> ran a couple more tests.....how boring.

> actually my Gastro is a great guy and I just kid about him ( I kid a lot

> with him, too, but he's pretty much on to me now.)

> He had me do a colonoscoy a couple years apart because He found polyps

> the first couple of times . He told me at my age he likes to do them

> every 3 years or so especially when polyps show up, it gives him a

> chance to peek at my prostrate too, I think.,But these last 2

> colonoscopies were 2 yrs. apart. I had one last year so I'll see what

> happens next year. I only see him every 6 mos. now.

> I've been with him since 1994 and I crediit him with saving my life ,

> esp. when I went semi-comatose with encephalopathy. He has always been

> available. I've never seen a doctor who works as hard as he. He never

> seems to have any free time.

> You are absolutely right about the Prep

> I hated the stuff I had to drink to clean out my insides....I cheated a

> tad and drank Pepsi, I consider it a clear liquid.


> love jerry




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Debby.... I was only semi-comatose so I only damaged half my brain.....

I think the bottom half.....but I never used that part any way.......It

was following that episode that I learned the joys of lactulose...

love jerry

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In response to your question to Jerry about AIH in his new liver [Jerry -

you can answer also if you like]. AIH is caused by the immune system and

transplant doesn't change that.. the liver is just the lucky target. Post

transplant the immunosuppressants to prevent rejection typically control the

AIH but it does reoccur in 10-30% of cases depending on what research

article you read.

Now, about colonoscopies. It is a requirement for the pre-transplant workup

just about anywhere so I have launched onto the hepatologist & transplant

surgeon to exempt me since they have seen just about all of me. I've had the

pap, mammogram, bloods, Ct Scan, am scheduled for the heart & lung stuff.

They exempted me from the endoscopy already as they did one recently. I'm

sure there is something I forgot...

I have avoided a colonscopy, never had one, it's kinda a personal challenge

for me.


AIH 80 Transplant 98

Re: [ ] Biopsy

<colonoscopies which he has me receive every 2

years... I think he just likes doing them.

Jerry, do you have AIH in your new liver? I guess I am not clear on

that.....and hey.....sounds like you have one kinky doctor! Think I would

avoid him like the plague! Why so often for colonoscopy? Geesh...my hubby

had his on Friday and the doctor told him he could have a reprieve for 5

years! Every two years?!?!? Even my own doctor told me 5 years after I had

mine! EEEYUCCCCKKKKKK! However, in all fairness...it IS the prep that is

the worst.

I had to laugh at my hubby. He got REAL tired of the 7-up clear liquid

stuff. But once I got him some beef broth, and chicken broth, he was a

happy camper. Heck, he went through TWO cans of soup in a couple of



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In response to your question to Jerry about AIH in his new liver [Jerry -

you can answer also if you like]. AIH is caused by the immune system and

transplant doesn't change that.. the liver is just the lucky target. Post

transplant the immunosuppressants to prevent rejection typically control the

AIH but it does reoccur in 10-30% of cases depending on what research

article you read.

Now, about colonoscopies. It is a requirement for the pre-transplant workup

just about anywhere so I have launched onto the hepatologist & transplant

surgeon to exempt me since they have seen just about all of me. I've had the

pap, mammogram, bloods, Ct Scan, am scheduled for the heart & lung stuff.

They exempted me from the endoscopy already as they did one recently. I'm

sure there is something I forgot...

I have avoided a colonscopy, never had one, it's kinda a personal challenge

for me.


AIH 80 Transplant 98

Re: [ ] Biopsy

<colonoscopies which he has me receive every 2

years... I think he just likes doing them.

Jerry, do you have AIH in your new liver? I guess I am not clear on

that.....and hey.....sounds like you have one kinky doctor! Think I would

avoid him like the plague! Why so often for colonoscopy? Geesh...my hubby

had his on Friday and the doctor told him he could have a reprieve for 5

years! Every two years?!?!? Even my own doctor told me 5 years after I had

mine! EEEYUCCCCKKKKKK! However, in all fairness...it IS the prep that is

the worst.

I had to laugh at my hubby. He got REAL tired of the 7-up clear liquid

stuff. But once I got him some beef broth, and chicken broth, he was a

happy camper. Heck, he went through TWO cans of soup in a couple of



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OK picking on Jerry you are insulting the rest of us... well me anyway, one

who likes to pretend she still has a brain. My encephalopathic coma lasted 5

days during which I recall nothing... now the lactolose, that I will never

forget! What a lovely experience. As I drank my gallons I offered to share

it with everyone I knew and had no takers. One of those nasty things you

can't and can't live without.


Re: [ ] Biopsy

Debby.... I was only semi-comatose so I only damaged half my brain.....

I think the bottom half.....but I never used that part any way.......It

was following that episode that I learned the joys of lactulose...

love jerry

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I'm brand new and I'm butting in already. I hope that is okay. Just wanted to get on my soapbox about a colonoscopy for a minute. Please understand I am totally new to AIH (just diagnosed last Monday) so I don't know if there are special considerations to doing a colonoscopy on someone with AIH. My stepdaughter just lost her 67 year old grandmother to colon cancer this past September. The grandmother had never had a colonoscopy despite knowing that her own mother died of colon cancer. In Feb when doing routine bloodwork they found the grandmother was anemic and told her she needed a colonoscopy. I finally convinced her to go to my GI in April. She had the colonoscopy and it revealed two very large masses in her colon. A ct scan revealed the cancer had already spread to her liver. They tried massive chemotherapy to no avail. It was, in a sense, a blessing that she died so fast as she really didn't have a lot of pain until her last two days.

My grandmother had colon cancer at the age of 65. It was caught early in a routine colonoscopy. She had surgery and the cancer never returned. She didn't have to have chemo or anything. She lived to be about 83. My father had always refused to have a colonoscopy despite my stepmother's nagging. After my stepdaughter's grandmother died, I wrote my dad an e-mail and told him that he was nothing but an idiot if he did not have a colonoscopy. I told him that was all I wanted for Christmas and that if he loved his kids, he would do it. I figured he would blow me off. Imagine my shock when on Christmas day he admitted he had had a colonoscopy. They found 3 polyps, which were the type that are sometimes precancerous. They removed them during the colonoscopy and told him he must have a repeat colonoscopy in a year.

If your doctor uses that Go-Lytely crap as a prep, it is horrible! I think it must be at least 100 gallons that you have to drink. My GI uses a different prep. You have your normal diet until 5 p.m. and have clear liquids from 5 p.m. til midnight. At around 4 p.m, you drink 1 1/2 oz of Fleets Phospho Soda in 4 oz of juice or water, followed by several glasses of water. At around 7-8 p.m., you repeat the the Fleets Phospho Soda.

The Fleets Phospho Soda is nasty stuff even in juice, but it is only 5 1/2 oz two times, so you can just chug it and be done. You can buy the Fleets Phospho Soda at Wal-mart or any drug store in the area with the laxatives. It comes in a 3 oz bottle.

I know a colonoscopy is not a joy ride. However, they usually use kind of a twilight sleep. I've had two and never knew anything was going on.

Okay, I'm off my soap box. I hope I have not offended anyone.


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Hi Heidi

Hope you're doing well now. For what it's worth, my biopsy done in 2/01 was the most awful, barbaric, painful thing I ever had done - & guess what? The radiologist did it-not the Dr. He went in 5 times- no meds at all for me- no sedative-nothing- & at the end, his

face was as white as his labcoat & he said it was questionable if he even got enough of a sample. My new Dr tried to get the original sample sent to Mayo clinic

for tests that were never done & the hosp pathology lab states that the sample is too small to even be able to use @ Mayo. So there are tests that they could never

run & after that horrible experience, it's the last thing that I want to repeat. Thank

goodness the Drs confer that I don't need another one @ this time.

But I just wanted to let you know that it can be real bad w/ a radiologist too.

I guess what matters most is the person's experience doing them, more than their

title. Good luck to you Heidi! Unfortunately it's the best diagnostic proceedure that there is, so go for it if you need to have it done. Hopefully it will go alot better for you this time around. Good luck & take care, let me know how it goes. Be well.........


"koolme16602 <koolme16602@yah/oo.com>" <koolme16602@...> wrote:

i just thought i would post to get some reactions to this situation. i was diagnose with aih in 4/00. when in the hospital with first flare up i had a biopsy done. was the most painful thin i have ever had done in my life. dr. himself did it. not in x-ray just a procedure room. after he was done he felt he had to show it to me like he was proud of himself.one week later i had a bone marrow biopsy done that was not bad at allnow 4 years later and a few flare ups i have been going to a terrific gastro.i told the other one to hit the road as soon as i got out of the hospital. i went one time to his office for an appointment and he leaned in the door way and never leaned in the doorway for my appointment and never touched meanyhow my gastro as present time sent he to the liver clinic in pittsburgh just for a check up and pittsburgh is about 3 hrs away from where i live. that dr. insisied that i get a biopsy there and i said i would but i am not. i have an appointment with my local gastro and going to see if he can have it done here. from all i have heard the x-ray team should do them and most dr's donti am petrified and going to ask my gastro if i can have 1 valium to take befor. would like to know if others have done this heidi

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Debby, My heart goes out to you, as my biopsy was the most horrible experience too.

Good luck w/the results & feel bettter soon!

Take good care, Sharon S.

tdcc <tdcc2000@...> wrote:

The biopsy was done on Monday without sedation and I am sorry that I didn't have it! The doctor walked in and said that it probably would be good for me to have it, but then, the tech said it would be 30 minutes before the nurse could come in. I didn't want to make the doctor angry by having to wait, so went ahead. The numbing shots were not too bad, but whomever said the liver does not have feeling....LIED! I felt that sucker needle go in and where it stopped. My feet came off the table at least 12 inches. Of course, I started crying, but he continued.

After, I ended up in recovery for 5 hours because everytime they cut back on the pain meds, my blood pressure would go up. One the meds, it was down. Up and down, until, finally, I could function with some of the pain and my family took me home. I was glad it was all over. I had trouble breathing too after with the pain each time I took a breath, and they had to give me oxygen twice to get my O2 saturation up.

The doctor was very kind. He was concerned about the pain.

Now, I am having problems with eating. I cannot eat or drink without feeling sick to my stomach or wanting to vomit. Well, at least it is a way to lose weight! Just now, I had a glass of water and biscotti. Full up and ready to barf! Hope it goes away soon!

So now I wait for the results. I had the CT scan too. The bleeding time from the lab work was high, so obviously, something is not right. Oh well.....

Jerry...it HURT! AND...it is NOT a breeze....AND it is not just a few seconds. The needle was in about 4 minutes! It was not at all like I thought...But I lived to tell the story. LOL!!!


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Dear Debby,

My experience was very much like yours. Horrible. So sorry you had to go through that. Now, for the

next few days, baby yourself rotten!

[ ] Biopsy

The biopsy was done on Monday

without sedation and I am sorry that I didn't have it! The doctor walked

in and said that it probably would be good for me to have it, but then, the

tech said it would be 30 minutes before the nurse could come in. I didn't

want to make the doctor angry by having to wait, so went ahead. The

numbing shots were not too bad, but whomever said the liver does not have

feeling....LIED! I felt that sucker needle go in and where it

stopped. My feet came off the table at least 12 inches. Of course,

I started crying, but he continued.

After, I ended up in recovery for 5

hours because everytime they cut back on the pain meds, my blood pressure would

go up. One the meds, it was down. Up and down, until, finally, I

could function with some of the pain and my family took me home. I was

glad it was all over. I had trouble breathing too after with the pain

each time I took a breath, and they had to give me oxygen twice to get my O2

saturation up.

The doctor was very kind. He

was concerned about the pain.

Now, I am having problems with

eating. I cannot eat or drink without feeling sick to my stomach or

wanting to vomit. Well, at least it is a way to lose weight! Just

now, I had a glass of water and biscotti. Full up and ready to

barf! Hope it goes away soon!

So now I wait for the results.

I had the CT scan too. The bleeding time from the lab work was high, so

obviously, something is not right. Oh well.....

Jerry...it HURT! AND...it is

NOT a breeze....AND it is not just a few seconds. The needle was in about

4 minutes! It was not at all like I thought...But I lived to tell the

story. LOL!!!


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Debby, Debby, Debby.....my darling ......I'm so very sorry that you had

such a bad experience.... I was only telling you my story.

It sounds to me like it was very badly botched by someone with little or

no experience. I pretty sure you didn't get that awful pain from the

liver... it sounds more like they hit a lung or a nerve. It should never

have taken 4 minutes ....the needle should just go in and they just snap

a spring loaded mechanism ...zap .....and withdraw it ...10 seconds


( I'm thinking the pleuro sac instead of the liver or maybe even the

lung itself and then he stayed in there trying to locate the liver by

hit and miss..... having to have oxygen suggests the lung area)

Of course the doctor was kind....he realized he had screwed up , but he

wasn't going to tell you that....malpractice suits and all. You have got

to believe me ( I don't lie) Something went terribly wrong, obviously.

btw I hope it wasn't I, whom you were calling a liar.....I'm hurt...boo


As an aside... it's not " whomever said the liver does not have

feeling... " It is WHOEVER said.... just a small grammar lesson to make

up for calling me bad names.....

Like you said you are alive and you've got a great story with which to

scare newbys .....heck it might even be worse by the 10th time you tell

it....make it gory/

still love you even if you are now damaged goods........jerry

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Jerry, thanks for the English lesson.....are you the reincarnation of my

Dad????? One would think I would know these things...but ahhhh.....flubbed

up on this on! And, no, you aren't the one I said was a liar....it was

someone who probably wrote in the medical text books that said the liver has

no pain...I totally disagree!

Anyway, I don't think he made a mistake, but rather, they explained it that

they put in a tube or something and then they inject the needle to take the

biopsies. He took three separate biopsies. I heard the clicking three

times. It was the pain of the tube going in. Then, I did feel the needle go

in too for the biopsies. It sort of felt like when you get a long

splinter.....you know when it has finished going in when the pain of entry

stops??? Does that make any sense?

However, the O2 problem is something I have when I am in bad pain. The

first time it happened was in South Dakota when I had fallen and hurt myself

badly. It was very difficult to breathe. They immediately thought I was

having a heart attack because I was unable to take deep breaths.

After testing me for a bunch of stuff, they concluded that indeed, my

shallow breathing was from the pain. As long as I am on O2, my saturation

goes to normal until I start breathing very shallow. They have to tell me

to breathe, but darn....when I do, the pain starts again. The best bet is

for them to just put me out until the pain subsides and I am fine.....

The doctor, when I did call back, thought he possibly had nicked a lung and

wanted me to go have an X-ray, but my husband was not thrilled at driving me

the hour to the hospital, nor was I thrilled about going to ER in our town.

(This is the hospital that gave me morphine and INSIST I have HepC-so they

are NOT the best place in town) He really wanted it, but I think I am


Now, I am still unable to eat much, but perhaps this is a blessing in

disguise since I need to lose weight anyway! Heck, maybe I can lost the

horrible weight now.....that WOULD be wonderful. So far, I have lost 8

pounds this month. Most of that is from the prednisone reduction, but about

3 pounds are from this biopsy!

As for another bx? I don't think so! If I do, for certain, I WILL take the

sedation. My chicken feathers are out big time. Even with the CT scan, the

tech said a nurse would be coming in to give me an enema, and I told him,

" No, I'll NOT be doing that! " He sort of looked at me like he had never

been turned down on that little ditty! He said, " You aren't going to take

it? " " No, " was my reply. He got all flustered and said, " Well, lie down

and we will do the scan. "



Re: [ ] Biopsy

> Debby, Debby, Debby.....my darling ......I'm so very sorry that you had

> such a bad experience.... I was only telling you my story.

> It sounds to me like it was very badly botched by someone with little or

> no experience. I pretty sure you didn't get that awful pain from the

> liver... it sounds more like they hit a lung or a nerve. It should never

> have taken 4 minutes ....the needle should just go in and they just snap

> a spring loaded mechanism ...zap .....and withdraw it ...10 seconds

> tops..

> ( I'm thinking the pleuro sac instead of the liver or maybe even the

> lung itself and then he stayed in there trying to locate the liver by

> hit and miss..... having to have oxygen suggests the lung area)

> Of course the doctor was kind....he realized he had screwed up , but he

> wasn't going to tell you that....malpractice suits and all. You have got

> to believe me ( I don't lie) Something went terribly wrong, obviously.

> btw I hope it wasn't I, whom you were calling a liar.....I'm hurt...boo

> hoo.

> As an aside... it's not " whomever said the liver does not have

> feeling... " It is WHOEVER said.... just a small grammar lesson to make

> up for calling me bad names.....

> Like you said you are alive and you've got a great story with which to

> scare newbys .....heck it might even be worse by the 10th time you tell

> it....make it gory/


> still love you even if you are now damaged goods........jerry




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Debby...my darling... you can disagree all you want, but like te brain

and other solid organs there are no pain receptors in the liver as there

are no nerves in it Your pain came from another source and I'm still

thinking the sac containing the lungs. But who knows maybe all those

anatomy books are wrong. (tw i believe the lungs are solid organs

too).... as Carole pointed out there is a large ligament supporting the

liver in place....actually there are a number of ligaments attached to

the liver.

Your grandma was over 100? yikes....but just think how long she'd live

if she had taken bette care of herself.....

your description of the Bx sounds very foreign to me. Like I said I've

had 4 and they never made an incision nor inserted a tube but just used

a very slender needle

quickly and " click " I can't for the life of me figure out what he was

doing in there so long. .... and just what is this " shit " (couldn't

resist it) about an enema..never heard of such a thing .....what does

that have to do with a liver biopsy? Do you store feces in your adominal

wall? All in all it sounded very ,very strange.

Oh well at least you aren't going to die from cirrhosis next week. Like

you said maybe the pain was worth the report.

that's good news. And...you have some real war stories to tell.

love jerry

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About the English lesson.....sorry. You are right my daughters always

get mad at me when I correct them. (others get angry too, so I try to

bite my tongue.... its a bad habit of mine..if I really let my self

go....that's all I'd be doing all day... seems very few went to English

classes in school)

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Could be worse Jerry, it is my daughters who correct mine. My oldest

bypassed me in intelligence at about grade 3. At least you are still

the smarter one! :)

Carole K

> About the English lesson.....sorry. You are right my daughters


> get mad at me when I correct them. (others get angry too, so I try


> bite my tongue.... its a bad habit of mine..if I really let my self

> go....that's all I'd be doing all day... seems very few went to


> classes in school)

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No Carole , but that's what I try to keep them believing.

Could be worse Jerry, it is my daughters who correct mine. My oldest

bypassed me in intelligence at about grade 3. At least you are still

the smarter one! :)

Carole K

> About the English lesson.....sorry. You are right my daughters


> get mad at me when I correct them. (others get angry too, so I try


> bite my tongue.... its a bad habit of mine..if I really let my self

> go....that's all I'd be doing all day... seems very few went to


> classes in school)

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I'm sorry you had this experience.

Someone else mentioned not only the pain but the repeated jabs. I may be able to shed some light on this. The first time I had a biopsy (in 1980) they had to go in 4 times and it was like getting a kick in the ribs by a horse each time. There was a resident holding my feet and a nurse holding my hand. It was awful. Right after they gave me a shot of demerol and I was in such agony the Dr. was talking to me and apologizing. He said my liver was so small that he kept missing that was the reason for the repeated times.

Two weeks ago when I had a biopsy he used ultrasound to find the liver and mark the skin before he went for the sample. Maybe your experience was like my first one, if so I am really sorry. I feel the numbing shots are the worst, after that I didn't feel anything.

A comment on the frequency. I had one every five years up to the point of transplant. Then I had several. This lst one is the first in the five years since the transplant.


-----Original Message-----From: tdcc [mailto:tdcc2000@...]Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 5:34 PM Subject: [ ] Biopsy

The biopsy was done on Monday without sedation and I am sorry that I didn't have it! The doctor walked in and said that it probably would be good for me to have it, but then, the tech said it would be 30 minutes before the nurse could come in. I didn't want to make the doctor angry by having to wait, so went ahead. The numbing shots were not too bad, but whomever said the liver does not have feeling....LIED! I felt that sucker needle go in and where it stopped. My feet came off the table at least 12 inches. Of course, I started crying, but he continued.

After, I ended up in recovery for 5 hours because everytime they cut back on the pain meds, my blood pressure would go up. One the meds, it was down. Up and down, until, finally, I could function with some of the pain and my family took me home. I was glad it was all over. I had trouble breathing too after with the pain each time I took a breath, and they had to give me oxygen twice to get my O2 saturation up.

The doctor was very kind. He was concerned about the pain.

Now, I am having problems with eating. I cannot eat or drink without feeling sick to my stomach or wanting to vomit. Well, at least it is a way to lose weight! Just now, I had a glass of water and biscotti. Full up and ready to barf! Hope it goes away soon!

So now I wait for the results. I had the CT scan too. The bleeding time from the lab work was high, so obviously, something is not right. Oh well.....

Jerry...it HURT! AND...it is NOT a breeze....AND it is not just a few seconds. The needle was in about 4 minutes! It was not at all like I thought...But I lived to tell the story. LOL!!!


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