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Hello, new to mscured, but not to MS

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Hi, my name is Dannielle. I have spent some time browsing mscured and find the

information plentiful :D I look forward to getting to know some new friends

here and learning! I was diagnosed with MS in 1993 and I have only treated it

naturally... never taken any of the suggested man made meds for MS. I was on

the list, way back in the day when I was diagnosed, and my name came up about a

year later... but after much research regarding the drug, as well as MS, I

kindly denied. ;) Anyway, I am listing my 'health record'... due to the new

health problems I have, I am once again researching for healthy, natural

alternatives to treat not only the MS, but the female issues as well. Any

suggestions are much appreciated!


* Born in '67

* As a child I had multiple extreme allergies, to the point that radical changes

in lifestyle had to be followed

* 1982/83 - large ovarian cyst found, when they opened me up, they found tons

more along the walls of my uterus and had to do exploratory surgery to remove

them as well... that is also when they found the endometriosis for the first


* 1987/88 - laparascopic surgery for endometriosis as well as damage that was

done from the first surgery, I had terrible scarring and my ovary had healed to

the uterine wall. I was told the 'flap' of skin that is supposed to cover and

protect my female organs was twisted and balled up into a corner, so they

'fixed' that

* Jan 1991 - 1st child born - C Section

* Feb 1992 - 2nd child born - C Section

* 1993 - had several (5 or 6) teeth removed surgically, due to the fact that

they were rotting from the inside out and they were breaking apart. There was

concern of the infection making me sick (I was experiencing symptoms, which was

later diagnosed as MS), many of them had fillings (there are no more fillings in

my mouth)

* 1993 - was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (started natural treatment)

* Sept 1994 - 3rd child born - C Section - Because of my history of scarring,

they had to cut away and clean up the scar tissue from my past two c sections.

I also had my tubes tied, cut and burnt

* 1/17/07 - Starting living a 'healthy lifestyle' for weight loss... over 50

pounds gone thus far

* I did not see any type of doctor from 1994 until 2010. - Because of the MS,

I had a 'pre existing' condition and I could not get insurance... did not

qualify for state help and could not afford the higher rated (very expensive)

pre existing condition insurance, so I had none

* April 13th, 2010 - First doctors visit with the GYN: Anemia (9.7),

Endometriosis, Fibroids, Prolapse of the uterus, Chronic pelvic pain & Heavy

bleeding - (this doctor has given me only 3 options... Lupron drug, UAE (also

known as UFE) or a complete and radical hysterectomy. I am NOT interested in

any of those, which is why I am researching diet, vitamins, etc... I have an MRI

with an Endometriosis Specialist tomorrow, Wed, 12th)

With Hope,


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