Guest guest Posted April 7, 2010 Report Share Posted April 7, 2010 [cancercure] Dr. April 5, 2010] Please share this with everyone you know. Thanks! Dr. Update- Monday, April 5, 2010 Dr. R. is facing an immediate and overwhelming financial burden due to fines and costly sanctions placed on him by the Connecticut Medical Examining Board. What we are sadly witnessing is the persecution of a Lyme-treating doctor for his successful approach in fighting this complex and controversial disease that very few in the medical field will adequately address. FROM THE OFFICE OF DR. JONES AND HIS DEDICATED STAFF- We extend a special thank you to all and want you to know we continue to do all we can to be here for you and the children. Dr. has been fighting very hard to keep going. Now he needs your support, each and everyone of you! If you could take one minute every day to help him we would be grateful! UPDATE FROM GOVERNOR�??S OFFICE- The Governor's office stated today that Dr. Ray situation isn't something the Governor " typically " looks into, however, with your continuing efforts we may be able to encourage her to take a closer look at the repeated targeting and prosecution of Dr. . It�??s up to you to make this happen! ONGOING ACTIONS- Please continue contacting Governor Rell every day until she takes steps to stop the ongoing actions against Dr. . Parents and children who are visiting Dr. office are writing notes and drawing pictures to encourage the Governor to help them. They need your help. Contact information for Governor M. Jodi Rell: Phone Toll-Free: 1- Email _Governor.Rell@Govern_ (mailto:Governor.Rell@...) <mailto:Governor.mailto:Govmai> Send mail to- Governor M. Jodi Rell Executive Office of the Governor State Capitol 210 Capitol Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06106 NEW ACTIONS- LET THE MEDIA KNOW! Please contact a Connecticut newspaper (Letter to the Editor) with your concerns about Lyme disease and the continuing targeting of Dr. . Remember many papers have word limits (200 or less) and you must send original letters. CT Residents- to find a newspaper in your area, see the link below. _http://www.50stateshttp://wwwhttp://w_ ( <_http://www.50stateshttp://wwwhttp://w_ ( > If you live outside of Connecticut please contact one of the following papers. NEW HAVEN REGISTER- _letters@..._ (mailto:letters@...) <mailto:letters%mailto:lettermai> CONNECTICUT POST- _edit@..._ (mailto:edit@...) <mailto:edit%mailto:edmai> GREENWICH TIMES- _letters.greenwichtiletters.gre_ (mailto:letters.greenwichtime@...) <mailto:letters.mailto:lettersmailto:let> DANBURY NEWS TIMES- _Letters@..._ (mailto:Letters@...) <mailto:Letters%mailto:Lettemai> HARTFORT COURANT- Submit your letter on this form: _http://www.courant.http://wwwhttp://www.chttp://wwwhttp://www_ (,0,2338372.customform) <_http://www.courant.http://wwwhttp://www.chttp://wwwhttp://www_ (,0,2338372.customform) > For information and facts concerning Dr. situation: _http://www.lymerighhttp://www.lymhttp://wwhttp://wwwhttp://w_ ( <_http://www.lymerighhttp://www.lymhttp://wwhttp://wwwhttp://w_ ( > HOW TO DONATE TO THE LEGAL DEFENSE FUND: There is no doubt Lyme Disease has drained us financially. Many of us have had to refinance homes, exhaust college and retirement funds and borrow from family and friends. It is with sensitivity to this reality that we are asking you to join us in contributing to this effort in what ever way you can. The deadline for paying the $10,000.00 fine is approaching fast (April 15, 2010) and there are mounting legal fees that need to be paid to keep Dr. legal defense intact. To donate- write �??Penalty or Gift�?� in the memo field of your checks. Payable to: Pullman & Comley Trust Account-for Dr. Mail to: Elliott B. Pollack, Esquire c/o Pullman & Comley, LLC 90 State House Square Hartford, CT 06103-3702 PayPal instructions are posted here: _http://lymesite.http://lymeshttp://lymeshttp://lymesitehttp://ly_ ( <_http://lymesite.http://lymeshttp://lymeshttp://lymesitehttp://ly_ ( > Please share this information with others and continue to let the Governor know how important Dr. is to you. Keep up the good work! For updates, actions and information please go to www.LymeRights.For [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] _Reply to sender_ (mailto:Garnet_LDN@...?subject=[Fwd: [CFSFMLD] UPDATE- Dr. April 5, 2010]) | _Reply to group_ (mailto:LDN_4_Pets ?subject=[Fwd: [CFSFMLD] UPDATE- Dr. April 5, 2010]) | _Reply via web post_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJxMTgxc3B1BF9TAzk3MzU5\ NzE0BGdycElkAzI3NjE2MjYwBGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA2MDgxNAR tc2dJZAMxMDAwBHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3JwbHkEc3RpbWUDMTI3MDU3MzQzMg--?act=reply & mess ageNum=1000) | _Start a New Topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmOWY4NmQ3BF9TAzk3MzU5\ NzE0BGdycElkAzI3NjE2MjYwBGdycHNwSWQ DMTcwNTA2MDgxNARzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNudHBjBHN0aW1lAzEyNzA1NzM0MzI-) _Messages in this topic_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTM1OGVmc3V0BF9T\ Azk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzI3NjE2MjYwBGdycHNwSWQDMT cwNTA2MDgxNARtc2dJZAMxMDAwBHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3Z0cGMEc3RpbWUDMTI3MDU3MzQzMgR0cG NJZAMxMDAw) (1) Recent Activity: * _New Members_ ( _Pets/members;_ylc=X3oDMTJnZ2Q5c3UzBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzI3NjE2MjYwBGdycHNwS\ WQDMTcwNTA2MD gxNARzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bWJycwRzdGltZQMxMjcwNTczNDMy?o=6) 1 * _New Links_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJocTVnbjZiBF9TAzk3MzU\ 5NzE0BGdycElkAzI3NjE2MjYwBGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA2MDgxNA RzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2bGlua3MEc3RpbWUDMTI3MDU3MzQzMg--) 1 _Visit Your Group_ (;_ylc=X3oDMTJmbDd0aGFtBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0B\ GdycElkAzI3NjE2MjYwBGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA2MDgxNARzZWMDd nRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzEyNzA1NzM0MzI-) MARKETPLACE _Do More for Dogs Group. 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