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Help! 02 suppliers, etc.

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Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,

Is there any truth to something about having to stay

with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them

for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've

been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me

they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L

(that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell

them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally

find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does

some research and thinks he can accommodate all my

somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long

I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,

he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds

like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some

legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if

they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,

in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that

patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?

I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance

coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the

meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the

nose (it's a long story).


You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just

wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even

from one OD blond to another. :-[)


I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited

. I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your

time with her as she did with you. We never know how

we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a

spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for

you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.

Welcome, Newbies!

Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the

reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we

look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.


I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the

disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen

delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But

those small time-outs when we share humor, special

moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,

help us cope with the very real and serious subject of

our illness. Often the very people who " get " what we're

going through are the ones who best understand that

sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight

of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind

each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.

We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.


Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the

pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been

there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful

person whose comments and unique perspective I

always value. Are you feeling pretty well?


Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN

sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded

by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an

11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She

loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even

the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try

never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably

to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my

baby. Love me, love my dog.


It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd

show up soon. Have you done any new works of art


Mama Sher,

I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.

I'm wishing for good news.

Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my

friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random

House, and she offered to go over our mission statement

for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.


I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me

reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're

doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,

with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.


I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my

finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and

Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!


Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids

haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably

running around like a monkey doing tricks, but

I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.

Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you

feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back

yard this spring season.

Hugs and blessings,

Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and

2/08 Texas

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Gwynne, When I changed Co.'s I just called the new one and faxed over my script and then called the other and told them to pick up there equipment. Worked for me. Only thing is I don't think it was quite two years. If you pay your insurance you should be able to hire whomever you want to use. Have you talked to your Ins. people? When I read your posts you sound so up beat and positive It just is so heart breaking to know the horrific stuff you endure. God's continued strength to you. I think I missed something.. What is Gwynne's Gifts about ? If I may ask. Some days things just don't stick. Love and Prayers, PeggyFlorida, ipf 6/04Worry looks around.Sorry looks back,Faith looks up. Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,Is there any truth to something about having to staywith the same oxygen supplier if you've been with themfor over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I'vebeen with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell methey don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L(that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tellthem I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finallyfind another local supplier (NO easy task!) who doessome research and thinks he can accommodate all mysomewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how longI've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Soundslike a monumental crock to me. Surely there's somelegal responsibility for a supplier to release a client ifthey cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,in fact, they're contributing to the demise of thatpatient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurancecoverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In themeantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up thenose (it's a long story).Peggy,You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously justwanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Evenfrom one OD blond to another. :-[)Kathie,I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited. I'm sure you got every bit as much out of yourtime with her as she did with you. We never know howwe're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving aspark of hope to our dear . I have hope foryou, too, as God obviously has plans for you.Welcome, Newbies!Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate thereason you're here, but glad you found us, and welook forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.Steve,I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about thedisease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygendelivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. Butthose small time-outs when we share humor, specialmoments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,help us cope with the very real and serious subject ofour illness. Often the very people who "get" what we'regoing through are the ones who best understand thatsometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weightof it all among a group of caring friends. We remindeach other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.May,Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over thepond and visit your beautiful country - I've never beenthere - and meet you in person. You're a beautifulperson whose comments and unique perspective Ialways value. Are you feeling pretty well?Babs,Thank you for the fun information about your SEVENsweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surroundedby females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. Sheloves everyone, and manages to work her way into eventhe most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I trynever to hang around that type). She adds immeasurablyto my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and mybaby. Love me, love my dog.Bob,It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'dshow up soon. Have you done any new works of artlately?Mama Sher,I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.I'm wishing for good news.Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of myfriend's next door neighbors is an editor for RandomHouse, and she offered to go over our mission statementfor us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.,I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel mereaching out across Texas? I want to know what you'redoing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.Tina,I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which myfinnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you andKaleb a Happy Easter as well!!Kerry,Ditto what I said to , except I know your kidshaven't gone anywhere. I know you are probablyrunning around like a monkey doing tricks, butI'd love to hear how things are at the circus.Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are youfeeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty backyard this spring season.Hugs and blessings,Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and2/08 Texas

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Sounds like a crock to me. Now, with medicare, it might be true in some

cases because the equipment is owned after 36 months. However, you're

not on Medicare. I doubt your insurance company having such a policy.

And, it would be irrelevant if the supplier can't supply what you need.

I would ask to speak to the manager of the company that has the

Liberators if you haven't. I would call DLSS and ask them to call the

other vendor. I think them explaining that they can't supply and the

situation in support of you might help. When they say a rule, they need

to explain is it an internal policy or who's rule. Its certainly not

law. For instance if its your insurer I would think they would quickly

waive the rule. You might remind them an insurer can be sued for

malpractice in Texas. It's true, but I really wouldn't say that to them,

just hope they realize. It's infuriating you have to fight and work for

something so absolutely clear to any sane person.


> Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,

> Is there any truth to something about having to stay

> with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them

> for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've

> been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me

> they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L

> (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell

> them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally

> find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does

> some research and thinks he can accommodate all my

> somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long

> I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,

> he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds

> like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some

> legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if

> they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,

> in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that

> patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?

> I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance

> coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the

> meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the

> nose (it's a long story).


> Peggy,

> You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just

> wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even

> from one OD blond to another. :-[)


> Kathie,

> I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited

> . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your

> time with her as she did with you. We never know how

> we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a

> spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for

> you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.


> Welcome, Newbies!

> Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the

> reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we

> look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.


> Steve,

> I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the

> disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen

> delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But

> those small time-outs when we share humor, special

> moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,

> help us cope with the very real and serious subject of

> our illness. Often the very people who " get " what we're

> going through are the ones who best understand that

> sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight

> of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind

> each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.

> We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.


> May,

> Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the

> pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been

> there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful

> person whose comments and unique perspective I

> always value. Are you feeling pretty well?


> Babs,

> Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN

> sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded

> by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an

> 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She

> loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even

> the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try

> never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably

> to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my

> baby. Love me, love my dog.


> Bob,

> It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd

> show up soon. Have you done any new works of art

> lately?


> Mama Sher,

> I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.

> I'm wishing for good news.


> Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my

> friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random

> House, and she offered to go over our mission statement

> for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.


> ,

> I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me

> reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're

> doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,

> with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.


> Tina,

> I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my

> finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and

> Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!


> Kerry,

> Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids

> haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably

> running around like a monkey doing tricks, but

> I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.

> Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you

> feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back

> yard this spring season.


> Hugs and blessings,

> Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and

> 2/08 Texas


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Peggy....Gwynne's Gifts

Ok, I'll state it in a way Gwynne might be too immodest to.

Gwynne has made such an impact in the lives of her friends that as

their support for her, some time back they announced to her over

lunch their plans to create a program in her name and honor

encouraging organ donation. I don't know the details and I know its

still early and in planning. But its a beautiful gesture and a true

reflection of how a person can impact others and ultimately the

world. What if their efforts just save one additional life sometime?

And I'm convinced they will do more than that.

It might serve as a reminder to all of us too. When you feel helpless

because all you can do it tell your friend here that you care, think

if there is something tangible you can do, not for them, not

announced or shared, but simply because you're moved to want to do

something with them in your thoughts. Maybe its to call someone you

haven't spoken to in ages. Maybe its to send a plate of your Easter

Lunch over to someone who no longer cooks such a feast on Sunday.

Maybe its adding a single book to your church library. They don't

need to know. But, you will have done something and won't feel nearly

as helpless.

I saw the most beautiful example of this recently. My ex-mother-in-

laws church is huge but wasn't geared at all toward the elderly.

However, a group was formed to do tasks for the elderly in the

church. For instance, she bought the paint and they painted her

house. The impetus behind this? Well, the man who started this with

his wife was told by his mother who lives in Pennsylvania to do so.

She knew her needs and those of her friends. While he couldn't help

them directly from Texas, he's started something that is helping

many. Now, that is honoring his mother.


> Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,

> Is there any truth to something about having to stay

> with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them

> for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've

> been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me

> they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L

> (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell

> them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally

> find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does

> some research and thinks he can accommodate all my

> somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long

> I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,

> he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds

> like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some

> legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if

> they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,

> in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that

> patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?

> I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance

> coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the

> meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the

> nose (it's a long story).


> Peggy,

> You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just

> wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even

> from one OD blond to another. :-[)


> Kathie,

> I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited

> . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your

> time with her as she did with you. We never know how

> we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a

> spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for

> you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.


> Welcome, Newbies!

> Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the

> reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we

> look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.


> Steve,

> I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the

> disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen

> delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But

> those small time-outs when we share humor, special

> moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,

> help us cope with the very real and serious subject of

> our illness. Often the very people who " get " what we're

> going through are the ones who best understand that

> sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight

> of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind

> each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.

> We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.


> May,

> Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the

> pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been

> there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful

> person whose comments and unique perspective I

> always value. Are you feeling pretty well?


> Babs,

> Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN

> sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded

> by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an

> 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She

> loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even

> the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try

> never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably

> to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my

> baby. Love me, love my dog.


> Bob,

> It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd

> show up soon. Have you done any new works of art

> lately?


> Mama Sher,

> I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.

> I'm wishing for good news.


> Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my

> friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random

> House, and she offered to go over our mission statement

> for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.


> ,

> I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me

> reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're

> doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,

> with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.


> Tina,

> I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my

> finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and

> Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!


> Kerry,

> Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids

> haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably

> running around like a monkey doing tricks, but

> I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.

> Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you

> feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back

> yard this spring season.


> Hugs and blessings,

> Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and

> 2/08 Texas


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Now Bruce,

Do you realise you've just been describing what happens when just 1 person learns a lesson & then causes others to learn more & hey PRESTO there's a CHAIN REACTION.......


GIO> > > > Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,> > Is there any truth to something about having to stay> > with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them> > for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've> > been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me> > they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L> > (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell> > them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally> > find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does> > some research and thinks he can accommodate all my> > somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long> > I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,> > he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds> > like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some> > legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if> > they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,> > in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that> > patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?> > I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance> > coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the> > meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the> > nose (it's a long story).> > > > Peggy,> > You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just> > wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even> > from one OD blond to another. :-[)> > > > Kathie,> > I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited> > . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your> > time with her as she did with you. We never know how> > we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a> > spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for> > you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.> > > > Welcome, Newbies!> > Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the> > reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we> > look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.> > > > Steve,> > I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the> > disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen> > delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But> > those small time-outs when we share humor, special> > moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,> > help us cope with the very real and serious subject of> > our illness. Often the very people who "get" what we're> > going through are the ones who best understand that> > sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight> > of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind> > each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.> > We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.> > > > May,> > Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the> > pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been> > there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful> > person whose comments and unique perspective I> > always value. Are you feeling pretty well?> > > > Babs,> > Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN> > sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded> > by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an> > 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She> > loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even> > the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try> > never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably> > to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my> > baby. Love me, love my dog.> > > > Bob,> > It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd> > show up soon. Have you done any new works of art> > lately?> > > > Mama Sher,> > I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.> > I'm wishing for good news.> > > > Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my> > friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random> > House, and she offered to go over our mission statement> > for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.> > > > ,> > I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me> > reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're> > doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,> > with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.> > > > Tina,> > I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my> > finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and> > Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!> > > > Kerry,> > Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids> > haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably> > running around like a monkey doing tricks, but> > I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.> > Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you> > feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back> > yard this spring season.> > > > Hugs and blessings,> > Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and> > 2/08 Texas> >>

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Gwynnie...I personally have not heard of this "18 month rule"...sounds ridiculous to me too.

What about bringing your Dr. into this. He surely can be of help if what he Rx isn't being delivered! From someone.

I already posted re: heart....

I'm glad to hear your mission stmt will be reviewed by the editor.

ALSO....you wrote about cards. I usually send one to the board 'cause I have trouble w/ cards going through to personal mail once in awhile. Drats!

Hugs to you

Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR. Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

Help! 02 suppliers, etc.

Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,Is there any truth to something about having to staywith the same oxygen supplier if you've been with themfor over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I'vebeen with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell methey don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L(that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tellthem I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finallyfind another local supplier (NO easy task!) who doessome research and thinks he can accommodate all mysomewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how longI've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Soundslike a monumental crock to me. Surely there's somelegal responsibility for a supplier to release a client ifthey cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,in fact, they're contributing to the demise of thatpatient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurancecoverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In themeantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up thenose (it's a long story).Peggy,You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously justwanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Evenfrom one OD blond to another. :-[)Kathie,I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited. I'm sure you got every bit as much out of yourtime with her as she did with you. We never know howwe're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving aspark of hope to our dear . I have hope foryou, too, as God obviously has plans for you.Welcome, Newbies!Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate thereason you're here, but glad you found us, and welook forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.Steve,I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about thedisease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygendelivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. Butthose small time-outs when we share humor, specialmoments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,help us cope with the very real and serious subject ofour illness. Often the very people who "get" what we'regoing through are the ones who best understand thatsometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weightof it all among a group of caring friends. We remindeach other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.May,Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over thepond and visit your beautiful country - I've never beenthere - and meet you in person. You're a beautifulperson whose comments and unique perspective Ialways value. Are you feeling pretty well?Babs,Thank you for the fun information about your SEVENsweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surroundedby females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. Sheloves everyone, and manages to work her way into eventhe most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I trynever to hang around that type). She adds immeasurablyto my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and mybaby. Love me, love my dog.Bob,It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'dshow up soon. Have you done any new works of artlately?Mama Sher,I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.I'm wishing for good news.Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of myfriend's next door neighbors is an editor for RandomHouse, and she offered to go over our mission statementfor us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.,I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel mereaching out across Texas? I want to know what you'redoing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.Tina,I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which myfinnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you andKaleb a Happy Easter as well!!Kerry,Ditto what I said to , except I know your kidshaven't gone anywhere. I know you are probablyrunning around like a monkey doing tricks, butI'd love to hear how things are at the circus.Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are youfeeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty backyard this spring season.Hugs and blessings,Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and2/08 Texas

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Hi Girls. Medicare has the 36 months and you own it rule. which is a progressive rule, you cannot change to different supplier as you get near the 36 stop payment rule to get more months. This mean that new company's will not accept you if they know they time of receiving payment will be limited P UIP 8/00, O2 8/04Sher Bauman wrote: Gwynnie...I personally have not

heard of this "18 month rule"...sounds ridiculous to me too. What about bringing your Dr. into this. He surely can be of help if what he Rx isn't being delivered! From someone. I already posted re: heart.... I'm glad to hear your mission stmt will be reviewed by the editor. ALSO....you wrote about cards. I usually send one to the board 'cause I have trouble w/ cards going through to personal mail once in awhile. Drats! Hugs to you Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR. Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there! Help! 02 suppliers, etc. Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,Is there any truth to something about having to staywith the same oxygen supplier if you've been with themfor over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I'vebeen with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell methey don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L(that I need), and they aren't

willing to get any. I tellthem I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finallyfind another local supplier (NO easy task!) who doessome research and thinks he can accommodate all mysomewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how longI've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Soundslike a monumental crock to me. Surely there's somelegal responsibility for a supplier to release a client ifthey cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,in fact, they're contributing to the demise of thatpatient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurancecoverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In themeantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up thenose (it's a long story).Peggy,You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously justwanting to be as helpful

and clear as possible. Evenfrom one OD blond to another. :-[)Kathie,I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited. I'm sure you got every bit as much out of yourtime with her as she did with you. We never know howwe're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving aspark of hope to our dear . I have hope foryou, too, as God obviously has plans for you.Welcome, Newbies!Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate thereason you're here, but glad you found us, and welook forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.Steve,I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about thedisease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygendelivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. Butthose small time-outs when we share humor, specialmoments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,help us cope with the very real and serious subject

ofour illness. Often the very people who "get" what we'regoing through are the ones who best understand thatsometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weightof it all among a group of caring friends. We remindeach other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.May,Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over thepond and visit your beautiful country - I've never beenthere - and meet you in person. You're a beautifulperson whose comments and unique perspective Ialways value. Are you feeling pretty well?Babs,Thank you for the fun information about your SEVENsweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surroundedby females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. Sheloves everyone, and manages to work her way into eventhe most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I

trynever to hang around that type). She adds immeasurablyto my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and mybaby. Love me, love my dog.Bob,It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'dshow up soon. Have you done any new works of artlately?Mama Sher,I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.I'm wishing for good news.Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of myfriend's next door neighbors is an editor for RandomHouse, and she offered to go over our mission statementfor us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.,I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel mereaching out across Texas? I want to know what you'redoing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.Tina,I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which myfinnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you andKaleb a Happy Easter as well!!Kerry,Ditto what I said to , except I know your kidshaven't gone anywhere. I know you are probablyrunning around like a monkey doing tricks, butI'd love to hear how things are at the circus.Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are youfeeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty backyard this spring season.Hugs and blessings,Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and2/08 Texas P PM (Polymositis) 12/98, UIP 8/00, o2 24/7 8/04, PH 3/06, ILL yo 59

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

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Thats the point. They may be saying that based on the medicare rule and

their desire not to get stuck, but Gwynne isn't on medicare, . So,

in this case they are just off their rockers. Furthermore, if you can't

get the equipment from a supplier even medicare ultimately would be

willing to approve a restart as you'd be getting an entirely new service

and they would have to start the clock over. I think its just a case of

someone not knowing the specifics spouting a rule they've heard as

gospel to a potential customer. I've had bank tellers tell me something

was law. When I said it wasn't, they said then it was a bank rule. Then,

I've spoken to a manager and found no such rule, just a practice in

certain circumstances, but a teller using a little bit of knowledge

where it doesn't apply. I think thats exactly what is happening here.

> Gwynnie...I personally have not heard of this " 18 month rule " ...sounds

ridiculous to me too.

> What about bringing your Dr. into this. He surely can be of help if

what he Rx isn't being delivered! From someone.

> I already posted re: heart....

> I'm glad to hear your mission stmt will be reviewed by the editor.

> ALSO....you wrote about cards. I usually send one to the board 'cause

I have trouble w/ cards going through to personal mail once in awhile.


> Hugs to you

> Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR.

> Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!


> Help! 02 suppliers, etc.



> Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,

> Is there any truth to something about having to stay

> with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them

> for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've

> been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me

> they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L

> (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell

> them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally

> find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does

> some research and thinks he can accommodate all my

> somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long

> I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,

> he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds

> like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some

> legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if

> they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,

> in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that

> patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?

> I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance

> coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the

> meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the

> nose (it's a long story).


> Peggy,

> You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just

> wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even

> from one OD blond to another. :-[)


> Kathie,

> I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited

> . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your

> time with her as she did with you. We never know how

> we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a

> spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for

> you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.


> Welcome, Newbies!

> Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the

> reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we

> look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.


> Steve,

> I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the

> disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen

> delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But

> those small time-outs when we share humor, special

> moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,

> help us cope with the very real and serious subject of

> our illness. Often the very people who " get " what we're

> going through are the ones who best understand that

> sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight

> of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind

> each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.

> We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.


> May,

> Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the

> pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been

> there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful

> person whose comments and unique perspective I

> always value. Are you feeling pretty well?


> Babs,

> Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN

> sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded

> by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an

> 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She

> loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even

> the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try

> never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably

> to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my

> baby. Love me, love my dog.


> Bob,

> It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd

> show up soon. Have you done any new works of art

> lately?


> Mama Sher,

> I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.

> I'm wishing for good news.


> Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my

> friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random

> House, and she offered to go over our mission statement

> for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.


> ,

> I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me

> reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're

> doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,

> with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.


> Tina,

> I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my

> finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and

> Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!


> Kerry,

> Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids

> haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably

> running around like a monkey doing tricks, but

> I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.

> Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you

> feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back

> yard this spring season.


> Hugs and blessings,

> Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and

> 2/08 Texas









> P PM (Polymositis) 12/98, UIP 8/00, o2 24/7 8/04, PH 3/06, ILL yo



> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try

it now.


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With the 36 month rule that I know pertains to concentrators, what about liquid?

Hugs, Joyce D.Pulmonary Fibrosis 1997 Bronchiectasis 2004 Pulmonary Hypertension 2008 Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (Lupus, RA, Sjogren's, etc) Rejected for Transplant 2006 .....I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palm of my hands. Isaiah 49: 15-16 > Gwynnie...I personally have not heard of this "18 month rule"...sounds ridiculous to me too.> What about bringing your Dr. into this. He surely can be of help if what he Rx isn't being delivered! From someone.> I already posted re: heart....> I'm glad to hear your mission stmt will be reviewed by the editor. > ALSO....you wrote about cards. I usually send one to the board 'cause I have trouble w/ cards going through to personal mail once in awhile. Drats!> Hugs to you > Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR.> Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!> > Help! 02 suppliers, etc.> > > Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,> Is there any truth to something about having to stay> with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them> for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've> been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me> they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L> (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell> them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally> find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does> some research and thinks he can accommodate all my> somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long> I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,> he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds> like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some> legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if> they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,> in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that> patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?> I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance> coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the> meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the> nose (it's a long story).> > Peggy,> You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just> wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even> from one OD blond to another. :-[)> > Kathie,> I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited> . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your> time with her as she did with you. We never know how> we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a> spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for> you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.> > Welcome, Newbies!> Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the> reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we> look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.> > Steve,> I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the> disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen> delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But> those small time-outs when we share humor, special> moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,> help us cope with the very real and serious subject of> our illness. Often the very people who "get" what we're> going through are the ones who best understand that> sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight> of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind> each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.> We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.> > May,> Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the> pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been> there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful> person whose comments and unique perspective I> always value. Are you feeling pretty well?> > Babs,> Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN> sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded> by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an> 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She> loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even> the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try> never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably> to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my> baby. Love me, love my dog.> > Bob,> It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd> show up soon. Have you done any new works of art> lately?> > Mama Sher,> I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.> I'm wishing for good news.> > Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my> friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random> House, and she offered to go over our mission statement> for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.> > ,> I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me> reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're> doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,> with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.> > Tina,> I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my> finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and> Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!> > Kerry,> Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids> haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably> running around like a monkey doing tricks, but> I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.> Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you> feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back> yard this spring season.> > Hugs and blessings,> Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and> 2/08 Texas> > > > > > > > > P PM (Polymositis) 12/98, UIP 8/00, o2 24/7 8/04, PH 3/06, ILL yo 59> > ---------------------------------> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.>

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With the 36 month rule that I know pertains to concentrators, what about liquid?

Hugs, Joyce D.Pulmonary Fibrosis 1997 Bronchiectasis 2004 Pulmonary Hypertension 2008 Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (Lupus, RA, Sjogren's, etc) Rejected for Transplant 2006 .....I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palm of my hands. Isaiah 49: 15-16 > Gwynnie...I personally have not heard of this "18 month rule"...sounds ridiculous to me too.> What about bringing your Dr. into this. He surely can be of help if what he Rx isn't being delivered! From someone.> I already posted re: heart....> I'm glad to hear your mission stmt will be reviewed by the editor. > ALSO....you wrote about cards. I usually send one to the board 'cause I have trouble w/ cards going through to personal mail once in awhile. Drats!> Hugs to you > Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR.> Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!> > Help! 02 suppliers, etc.> > > Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,> Is there any truth to something about having to stay> with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them> for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've> been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me> they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L> (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell> them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally> find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does> some research and thinks he can accommodate all my> somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long> I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,> he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds> like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some> legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if> they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,> in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that> patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?> I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance> coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the> meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the> nose (it's a long story).> > Peggy,> You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just> wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even> from one OD blond to another. :-[)> > Kathie,> I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited> . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your> time with her as she did with you. We never know how> we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a> spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for> you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.> > Welcome, Newbies!> Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the> reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we> look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.> > Steve,> I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the> disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen> delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But> those small time-outs when we share humor, special> moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,> help us cope with the very real and serious subject of> our illness. Often the very people who "get" what we're> going through are the ones who best understand that> sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight> of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind> each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.> We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.> > May,> Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the> pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been> there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful> person whose comments and unique perspective I> always value. Are you feeling pretty well?> > Babs,> Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN> sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded> by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an> 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She> loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even> the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try> never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably> to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my> baby. Love me, love my dog.> > Bob,> It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd> show up soon. Have you done any new works of art> lately?> > Mama Sher,> I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.> I'm wishing for good news.> > Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my> friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random> House, and she offered to go over our mission statement> for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.> > ,> I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me> reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're> doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,> with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.> > Tina,> I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my> finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and> Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!> > Kerry,> Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids> haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably> running around like a monkey doing tricks, but> I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.> Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you> feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back> yard this spring season.> > Hugs and blessings,> Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and> 2/08 Texas> > > > > > > > > P PM (Polymositis) 12/98, UIP 8/00, o2 24/7 8/04, PH 3/06, ILL yo 59> > ---------------------------------> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.>

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Good for you and sorry your back is killing you but thats all the more

reason to do it so the rest of our body holds up as well as it can.

I'm on anywhere from 0-2 when sitting. 2 when asleep but going to

recheck as likely needs increasing. 2.5-3 walking slowly around house. 4

when active and out. 4-5 on treadmill.

I think the amount of congestion I have from hay fever, allergies and

other things such as tiredness, amount of activity, eating affect me

considerably on a day to day basis. Right now I'm reclined with no

oxygen at 94%. Other times I can be in exact same position and seat and

it will drop below 90%. Now, even at 95%, if I were to stand and walk

the 20 feet to my oxygen reservoir I would probably be down to around

83-84% before I got hooked up and got it started back up. Hence, I have

the oxygen on and the cannula across my lap even though not using it at

the moment. Plus expecting Pizza Delivery and do need to be ready to

hook up and head to the door....lol

> > Gwynnie...I personally have not heard of this " 18 month

> rule " ...sounds

> ridiculous to me too.

> > What about bringing your Dr. into this. He surely can be of help if

> what he Rx isn't being delivered! From someone.

> > I already posted re: heart....

> > I'm glad to hear your mission stmt will be reviewed by the editor.

> > ALSO....you wrote about cards. I usually send one to the board


> I have trouble w/ cards going through to personal mail once in awhile.

> Drats!

> > Hugs to you

> > Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR.

> > Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

> >

> > Help! 02 suppliers, etc.

> >

> >

> > Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,

> > Is there any truth to something about having to stay

> > with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them

> > for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've

> > been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me

> > they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L

> > (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell

> > them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally

> > find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does

> > some research and thinks he can accommodate all my

> > somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long

> > I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,

> > he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds

> > like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some

> > legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if

> > they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,

> > in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that

> > patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?

> > I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance

> > coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the

> > meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the

> > nose (it's a long story).

> >

> > Peggy,

> > You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just

> > wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even

> > from one OD blond to another. :-[)

> >

> > Kathie,

> > I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited

> > . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your

> > time with her as she did with you. We never know how

> > we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a

> > spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for

> > you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.

> >

> > Welcome, Newbies!

> > Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the

> > reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we

> > look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.

> >

> > Steve,

> > I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the

> > disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen

> > delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But

> > those small time-outs when we share humor, special

> > moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,

> > help us cope with the very real and serious subject of

> > our illness. Often the very people who " get " what we're

> > going through are the ones who best understand that

> > sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight

> > of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind

> > each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.

> > We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.

> >

> > May,

> > Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the

> > pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been

> > there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful

> > person whose comments and unique perspective I

> > always value. Are you feeling pretty well?

> >

> > Babs,

> > Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN

> > sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded

> > by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an

> > 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She

> > loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even

> > the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try

> > never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably

> > to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my

> > baby. Love me, love my dog.

> >

> > Bob,

> > It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd

> > show up soon. Have you done any new works of art

> > lately?

> >

> > Mama Sher,

> > I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.

> > I'm wishing for good news.

> >

> > Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my

> > friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random

> > House, and she offered to go over our mission statement

> > for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.

> >

> > ,

> > I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me

> > reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're

> > doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,

> > with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.

> >

> > Tina,

> > I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my

> > finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and

> > Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!

> >

> > Kerry,

> > Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids

> > haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably

> > running around like a monkey doing tricks, but

> > I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.

> > Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you

> > feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back

> > yard this spring season.

> >

> > Hugs and blessings,

> > Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and

> > 2/08 Texas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > P PM (Polymositis) 12/98, UIP 8/00, o2 24/7 8/04, PH 3/06,

> ILL yo

> 59

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

> Try

> it now.

> >


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Guest guest


Good for you and sorry your back is killing you but thats all the more

reason to do it so the rest of our body holds up as well as it can.

I'm on anywhere from 0-2 when sitting. 2 when asleep but going to

recheck as likely needs increasing. 2.5-3 walking slowly around house. 4

when active and out. 4-5 on treadmill.

I think the amount of congestion I have from hay fever, allergies and

other things such as tiredness, amount of activity, eating affect me

considerably on a day to day basis. Right now I'm reclined with no

oxygen at 94%. Other times I can be in exact same position and seat and

it will drop below 90%. Now, even at 95%, if I were to stand and walk

the 20 feet to my oxygen reservoir I would probably be down to around

83-84% before I got hooked up and got it started back up. Hence, I have

the oxygen on and the cannula across my lap even though not using it at

the moment. Plus expecting Pizza Delivery and do need to be ready to

hook up and head to the door....lol

> > Gwynnie...I personally have not heard of this " 18 month

> rule " ...sounds

> ridiculous to me too.

> > What about bringing your Dr. into this. He surely can be of help if

> what he Rx isn't being delivered! From someone.

> > I already posted re: heart....

> > I'm glad to hear your mission stmt will be reviewed by the editor.

> > ALSO....you wrote about cards. I usually send one to the board


> I have trouble w/ cards going through to personal mail once in awhile.

> Drats!

> > Hugs to you

> > Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR.

> > Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

> >

> > Help! 02 suppliers, etc.

> >

> >

> > Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,

> > Is there any truth to something about having to stay

> > with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them

> > for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've

> > been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me

> > they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L

> > (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell

> > them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally

> > find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does

> > some research and thinks he can accommodate all my

> > somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long

> > I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,

> > he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds

> > like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some

> > legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if

> > they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,

> > in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that

> > patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?

> > I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance

> > coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the

> > meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the

> > nose (it's a long story).

> >

> > Peggy,

> > You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just

> > wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even

> > from one OD blond to another. :-[)

> >

> > Kathie,

> > I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited

> > . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your

> > time with her as she did with you. We never know how

> > we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a

> > spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for

> > you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.

> >

> > Welcome, Newbies!

> > Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the

> > reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we

> > look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.

> >

> > Steve,

> > I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the

> > disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen

> > delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But

> > those small time-outs when we share humor, special

> > moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,

> > help us cope with the very real and serious subject of

> > our illness. Often the very people who " get " what we're

> > going through are the ones who best understand that

> > sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight

> > of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind

> > each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.

> > We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.

> >

> > May,

> > Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the

> > pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been

> > there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful

> > person whose comments and unique perspective I

> > always value. Are you feeling pretty well?

> >

> > Babs,

> > Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN

> > sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded

> > by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an

> > 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She

> > loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even

> > the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try

> > never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably

> > to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my

> > baby. Love me, love my dog.

> >

> > Bob,

> > It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd

> > show up soon. Have you done any new works of art

> > lately?

> >

> > Mama Sher,

> > I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.

> > I'm wishing for good news.

> >

> > Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my

> > friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random

> > House, and she offered to go over our mission statement

> > for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.

> >

> > ,

> > I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me

> > reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're

> > doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,

> > with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.

> >

> > Tina,

> > I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my

> > finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and

> > Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!

> >

> > Kerry,

> > Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids

> > haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably

> > running around like a monkey doing tricks, but

> > I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.

> > Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you

> > feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back

> > yard this spring season.

> >

> > Hugs and blessings,

> > Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and

> > 2/08 Texas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > P PM (Polymositis) 12/98, UIP 8/00, o2 24/7 8/04, PH 3/06,

> ILL yo

> 59

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

> Try

> it now.

> >


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Guest guest


In general it applies to equipment. So, it is my understanding that it

would apply to reservoirs and portables. The problem with the whole 36

month thing is that very few of us will need the same equipment in 36

months so it makes it a bit difficult on the supplier. Ironic that

during those 36 months they can make a lot more on the concentrators.

However, after the 36 months if you're on a concentrator they can make

very little while with liquid they still have deliveries. A bit absurd

that they rent concentrators, considering the rental fee versus the cost

of the concentrator itself. It goes back to them thinking of things like

asthma and thinking the use might be very short term.

> > Gwynnie...I personally have not heard of this " 18 month

rule " ...sounds

> ridiculous to me too.

> > What about bringing your Dr. into this. He surely can be of help if

> what he Rx isn't being delivered! From someone.

> > I already posted re: heart....

> > I'm glad to hear your mission stmt will be reviewed by the editor.

> > ALSO....you wrote about cards. I usually send one to the board


> I have trouble w/ cards going through to personal mail once in awhile.

> Drats!

> > Hugs to you

> > Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR.

> > Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

> >

> > Help! 02 suppliers, etc.

> >

> >

> > Joyce, Bruce, and everybody,

> > Is there any truth to something about having to stay

> > with the same oxygen supplier if you've been with them

> > for over 18 months?? That sounds ludicrous to me. I've

> > been with my local supplier for 2 years. They tell me

> > they don't have the Caire Liberators that go up to 15L

> > (that I need), and they aren't willing to get any. I tell

> > them I've got a doctor's prescription for 15L. So I finally

> > find another local supplier (NO easy task!) who does

> > some research and thinks he can accommodate all my

> > somewhat extensive needs...UNTIL he asks how long

> > I've been with my current supplier. When I say 2 years,

> > he says he can't help me, end of conversation. Sounds

> > like a monumental crock to me. Surely there's some

> > legal responsibility for a supplier to release a client if

> > they cannot meet that client's 02 needs anymore?? If,

> > in fact, they're contributing to the demise of that

> > patient??? Has anyone heard anything like this before?

> > I'm not making it up. FYI, I have good insurance

> > coverage with a PPO, so that isn't the problem. In the

> > meantime, part of the time I'm using 2 hoses up the

> > nose (it's a long story).

> >

> > Peggy,

> > You didn't upset my cart at all. I was seriously just

> > wanting to be as helpful and clear as possible. Even

> > from one OD blond to another. :-[)

> >

> > Kathie,

> > I do think you wore angel wings the day you visited

> > . I'm sure you got every bit as much out of your

> > time with her as she did with you. We never know how

> > we're going to be used, do we? Bless you for giving a

> > spark of hope to our dear . I have hope for

> > you, too, as God obviously has plans for you.

> >

> > Welcome, Newbies!

> > Wow, there are tons of you out there! We hate the

> > reason you're here, but glad you found us, and we

> > look forward to knowing you better. You aren't alone.

> >

> > Steve,

> > I think you'll find that we talk a great deal about the

> > disease: about sob, Prednisone, PFTs, cannulas, oxygen

> > delivery modes, doctors, meds, symptoms, etc. But

> > those small time-outs when we share humor, special

> > moments of inspiration, or tales about family or pets,

> > help us cope with the very real and serious subject of

> > our illness. Often the very people who " get " what we're

> > going through are the ones who best understand that

> > sometimes the best medicine is to lighten the weight

> > of it all among a group of caring friends. We remind

> > each other of the blessings, the hope, and the joy.

> > We welcome you. I'm sorry you have the need for us.

> >

> > May,

> > Thank you. I wish so much that I could hop over the

> > pond and visit your beautiful country - I've never been

> > there - and meet you in person. You're a beautiful

> > person whose comments and unique perspective I

> > always value. Are you feeling pretty well?

> >

> > Babs,

> > Thank you for the fun information about your SEVEN

> > sweet doggies. How does Hoss handle being surrounded

> > by females? Probably loves it! My Misha is an

> > 11-year-old Bichon who is SO sweet and cuddly. She

> > loves everyone, and manages to work her way into even

> > the most ardent non-dog lovers' hearts (although I try

> > never to hang around that type). She adds immeasurably

> > to my quality of life. She's the queen, the diva, and my

> > baby. Love me, love my dog.

> >

> > Bob,

> > It's good to see a post from you. I was hoping you'd

> > show up soon. Have you done any new works of art

> > lately?

> >

> > Mama Sher,

> > I'm eager to hear what your cardio workup showed.

> > I'm wishing for good news.

> >

> > Gwynne's Gift got a special gift this week. One of my

> > friend's next door neighbors is an editor for Random

> > House, and she offered to go over our mission statement

> > for us. Cool, huh?? She's a very sweet and smart woman.

> >

> > ,

> > I am MISSING hearing from you. Can you feel me

> > reaching out across Texas? I want to know what you're

> > doing to take care of . Is this alone time for you,

> > with spring break and all? Hugs to you, girl.

> >

> > Tina,

> > I believe it was you who sent an Easter card, which my

> > finnicky computer wouldn't show me. But I wish you and

> > Kaleb a Happy Easter as well!!

> >

> > Kerry,

> > Ditto what I said to , except I know your kids

> > haven't gone anywhere. I know you are probably

> > running around like a monkey doing tricks, but

> > I'd love to hear how things are at the circus.

> > Are you getting out a lot with the 02? How are you

> > feeling? I hope you're enjoying your pretty back

> > yard this spring season.

> >

> > Hugs and blessings,

> > Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and

> > 2/08 Texas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > P PM (Polymositis) 12/98, UIP 8/00, o2 24/7 8/04, PH 3/06, ILL


> 59

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.


> it now.

> >


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Guest guest


Boy does that sound like crock to me. Did you sign a contract with them? And if so, for how long? I definetely would raise a stink, especially because they cant furnish what you need.


Vicky81856Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

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