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MS stem cell treatment, in China

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MS stem cell treatment, in China






Condition Before Treatment

was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when he was in his twenties.

He describes how that diagnosis affected his life,

“When I was diagnosed early on, I was 22, I had just gotten married, I

married young, and I remember that quite clearly. It was a bad situation and I

had been married now for a year, and I said to my wife, she doesn't

remember this, but I said to her, That I have MS and you might want to move on.

she chose not to move on and I was happy about that, I'm still happy about


In his thirties, his MS when into remission and thought that he had

beat the disease. Unfortunately, in his forties his legs started getting

weaker and his balance worsened. Multiple Sclerosis was back. He started to

take conventional MS medications but felt that the side effects where having

too much of a negative effect on his quality of life. It was at this point

that he started looking for other treatment options and eventually decided

to receive adult stem cell therapy in China.

Treatment in China

received five umbilical cord blood stem cell injections. He also

received physical therapy, occupational therapy, electric wave therapy, and


Dave describes his treatment in china,

" When you got there, it was two different distinct procedures. Number one

was the umbilical cord stem cells and that's why I went there. But the

bonus was the ancient Chinese medicine that I was exposed to when I was there.

And by ancient Chinese medicine I mean the therapies that went along with

the stem cells, like physical therapy and the acupuncture. And I did better

there. That program gave me 23 months, almost 2 years of walking without a

wheel chair, walking without a cane. "

Condition After Returning Home

At the hospital in China, Dave noticed some of the effects of stem cells

immediately after he received his first IV.

" After the IVs the very next day I felt like I was younger again, I felt

like I was able to walk again, and I believe it would be nice if

StemCellsChina could send me stem cells so I could get them done here! "

However he didn't feel consistent improvement until about 3 months after


" And the one thing that I remember--and I have told many people this--I

stopped using my brace, I stopped using my cane. The only time I would use my

cane is if I needed it to move something and I liked the fact that I

didn't use a cane. "

was able to move about without the help of a cane and even go skiing

for about 2 years after receiving stem cell treatment, and is now

considering going back for another round of treatment.

Last Updated on Monday, 19 April 2010 15:38

_Debra - Primary Progressive MS_




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_Multiple Sclerosis _


is) Monday, 14 December 2009 16:19



Multiple Sclerosis - Primary Progressive

Check out _Debra's video_ (http://vimeo.com/8167734) on Vimeo.


Reason For Coming for Treatment

Debra first noticed physical difficulties in 2004, when during physical

fitness training, her legs began to " act up " . In 2007 she was diagnosed with

primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Debra tried taking medication for

her condition in the United States, but was not totally satisfied with the


Condition Before Treatment

Debra had almost entirely lost the ability to walk. She had difficulty

swallowing, loss of balance, weakness in left side of body, Loss of sensation

in left arm and leg, and frequent bodily aches and pains.

Treatment Received in China

Physical therapy, electric wave therapy, and acupuncture.

Condition After Treatment

Increased strength and energy after treatment. Sensitivity is left foot

increased to near normal.

Last Updated on Monday, 18 January 2010 17:58 _Cris - Multiple

Sclerosis Stem Cell Patient_




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lzLzEyMzMtY3Jpcy1tcw==) _Multiple Sclerosis _


is) Monday, 02

November 2009 10:38

Cristian Nasaudean

Multiple Sclerosis

Romania, Age 37

StemCellsChina would like to thank Cristian for providing us with this

description of his experience in China receiving stem cell treatments and his

condition following his return home.
 If you would like to view Cristian's

video on Vimeo please click _here_ (http://vimeo.com/7345039) or click on

the picture.


Medical History

 " Back in 2001, my first signs that I needed medical examination were

after an episode of vertigo, nausea, dizziness and vomiting, which continued

for 3 weeks. After going to the doctor and doing deeper and deeper

investigations, only the MRI found a single demyelinating lesion in the brain.


eliminating other demyelinating diseases my doctor told me it was most

likely Multiple Sclerosis. I was laughing about that, not believing it was

truly happening. "

" After 2 years in which I did not " give a chance " to the disease, My

walking became impaired. I went to the doctor again, and now the MRI showed

multiple lesions, including spinal ones. I was given a diagnosis of Multiple

Sclerosis, Secondary Progressive, as I did not have clear

relapsing-remitting periods. "

" It was recommended that I take interferon in 2001, but I did not want to

hear about it. Still, in 2005 I tried it for about 15 months, with no

special benefits. But it had a big side effect, it gave me depression and the

feeling of being dependent. "

" Luckily that year my sister helped me by showing a possible natural way

of treatment, vegetarian food and Yoga. In 2006 I quit my job for 6 months,

and did lot of Yoga practice and meditations, which I have continued at a

lower rate since then. 2006 was a successful year, I gave up using

interferons and I stopped using the walking stick I had started using in 2005! I

became independent. " Last Updated on Thursday, 17 December 2009 16:53

_Read more..._


is/1233-cris-ms) _MS - Mitzi_




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HNjaGluYS5jb20vaW5kZXgucGhwL2VuL21zLW1pdHpp) _Multiple Sclerosis _



s) Monday, 16 February 2009 10:27

Patient Name, Age, Country

Mitzi Sprague, 36, USA

StemCellsChina would like to thank Mitzi for writing her own Patient

Experience for us! We spoke with her but afterwords felt she said it best...


Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (MS), diagnosed in 1998

Secondary-progressive MS, diagnosed in 2007

Reason for Coming for Treatment

The reason I went was because I was 36 and on chemotherapy and didn’t

even have cancer. I had to walk with a cane and look into other’s faces as

they wondered what was wrong with me. Now I walk confidently, on my own, and

look into other’s faces as they are returning my smile!

I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS in early 1998. Most of my “

major†attacks consisted of Optic Neuritis which doctors treated by IV

steroids. These major attacks were accompanied by less “severe†symptoms:

numbness, loss of balance, foot drop, seizures, migraine headaches, fatigue,

and depression. These are just the MS symptoms that I had to deal with.

Because of the foot drop on my left leg, I have fallen numerous times. On

one such occasion, I fell on concrete, hit my face and required emergency

help; I ended up needing stitches because of the fall. Walking a long

distance was out of the question, as well as being able to stand for a long

period of time. Stress from dealing with the disease and the disease itself

caused a downward spiral with the depression. I wasn’t myself; I was a shell

of my former self. The exacerbations began to occur more frequently and I

ended up needing to walk with a cane. In September of 2007, the doctors

diagnosed me as secondary progressive MS and put me on chemotherapy to help

treat the MS. Last Updated on Monday, 24 August 2009 13:23

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