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Re: I'm with you Tasha. That was utter crap what he did.

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I have taken him to the Doc and made him read everything. He thinks if I take

the list of meds that Might help I will be all better. I'm so sick of it I've

even looked into finding an assisted living home that would take my kids but

to no avail.

They wonder why I want to kill myself. Well Duh. I'm trapped in a prison and

forced to do things I can no longer do and then yelled at when I can't move.

Who in their right mind would want to live? If I was a dog I'd have been put

down already.


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I had an extra set of keys Unfortunately with the MS I cannot drive. I have

vertigo so bad I can't hardly walk let alone drive. No afraid of hurting

myself but oh how awful I would feel if I hurt someone else.

Thanks for the encouragement.


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I noticed that you wrote in another e-mail that no wonder you wished to

die..that concerns me. I have had moments like that also, but have managed

to pull myself back time and again just by thinking that after I died, I

would have to face my creator and explain to him why I couldn't hack it.

You know, sometimes life can really get you down, but during those times is

the best time to back up, reflect on where you want your life headed and to

make changes to get it going that way. I know that you feel all alone in

this pain syndrome as do we all at times, but you really aren't alone....we

are here for you. I wish you lived in Washington State cause I would go to

your house, punch your DH right in his smiling little gambling face, pack

you up and take you home with me. You deserve better than that.....you just

need to realize it yourself and do something about it. If I can be of any

help, you can e-mail me privately if you need to at bustemup@...

and I will do whatever I can to help.

Take care of yourself Teddy....you do have a purpose here and life is just

waiting for you to begin living it.

Gentle Huggs

Debbie G.

Re: I'm with you Tasha. That was utter crap what

he did.

> Debbie,

> I had an extra set of keys Unfortunately with the MS I cannot drive. I


> vertigo so bad I can't hardly walk let alone drive. No afraid of hurting

> myself but oh how awful I would feel if I hurt someone else.

> Thanks for the encouragement.

> Teddy


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Wish that any of these were a possiblity for me. But unlike alot of you I'm

incapable of taking care of myself let alone 4 kids alone. I am a cripple on

top of the Fibro and the MS. I have scoliosis cervical through lumbar, spinal

arthritis, and disk degerative disease.

I'm unable to drive I have permanent brain damage from my thyroid being too

inactive for too long. Leaving is not an option unless I want to give up my

kids and go into a nursing home. They are all that keeps me alive.


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I'm really sorry to hear how bad it is for you. Are you on any kind of

disability? It sure sounds like you would qualify. Since leaving the

situation is not an option, have you ever tried therapy, just so you can

have someone to talk to. I know when I when through a real hard time,

therapy was my life line to life! My prayers are with you.

Pam DuBois

Soft Hugs to You Today & Remember,

Educated People Heal Themselves!

Visit me at: www.my.treeway.com/Singingbird


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No I'm not eligible for any assistance makes too much money.

Therapy doesn't help last time I went to therapy the sided with and the

time before that would come in a run the session.

Sorry there are no solutions for me. I know your intentions are good but

there is no hope for me.


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I was underactive and untreated for almost three years. your Thyroid is what

helps control brainwaves and since mine was not treated for so long it keeps

sending the wrong messages. And yes it's permanent.

I've seen the endocronologist about it and they said there was nothing they

could do they should have checked it before but they kept sending me to the


Alot of times an underactive thyroid can cause mental disorders and some

people end up in a mental institution before it's discovered and then they

can only be improved to a certain level.

If you are being treated I wouldn't worry a bit. I had everything. They

thought I was losing my mind. I didn't do anything but stay in bed because I

was afraid that everything would kill me. Even answering the phone. Was the

worst three years of my life. NOt all of that is gone I'm still afraid of the

public and still afraid of food.

You shouldn't take any antidepressants if you have a thyroid disiease either.

They don't tell you that but I've done alot of research on it. They both

effect the metabolic region in your brain and you can end up crazier if you

do or mess up your thyroid worse.

HOpe this helps you.


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I didn't know that you could get brain damage from your thyroid being

too low for too long of a time....how long was yours not working? I have

the underworking thyroid problem also and it most likely would not have been

caught if I hadn't told the doctor I wanted it checked....that is really

scary. Also, how much brain damage did you sustain? Is this permanent?

How did they know it was linked to your low thyroid level? All these

questions and no answers!

Please write back....I think I would like to be armed with information.

Gentle Huggs,

Debbie G.

Re: I'm with you Tasha. That was utter crap what

he did.

> Pam,

> Wish that any of these were a possiblity for me. But unlike alot of you


> incapable of taking care of myself let alone 4 kids alone. I am a cripple


> top of the Fibro and the MS. I have scoliosis cervical through lumbar,


> arthritis, and disk degerative disease.

> I'm unable to drive I have permanent brain damage from my thyroid being


> inactive for too long. Leaving is not an option unless I want to give up


> kids and go into a nursing home. They are all that keeps me alive.

> Teddy


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I have a question... does anyone know if thyroid problems are inherited? My

Grandma has a thyroid problem and she takes some type pill every other day

and had radiation on it years ago... I ask because anything that is

inherited I seem to get. LOL Oh how I would love to wish for an ordinary

cold..... Thanks gals

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I'm really sorry Teddy, I wish I could help. If nothing else, we are here

for you. can't run us and we won't side with him. Maybe we can come

up with some ideas together. It's too bad you can't go to therapy for just

you alone and not even include . It would be something just for you.

However, it sounds to me that is pretty controlling and most likely

wouldn't allow that. I'll keep thinking of you.

Pam DuBois

Soft Hugs to You Today & Remember,

Educated People Heal Themselves!

Visit me at: www.my.treeway.com/Singingbird


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If your Grandma had thyroid problems, I would get my thyroid checked if

I were you. My mom had thyroid problems and so did my brother, one of my

sisters and myself.

Debbie G.

Re: I'm with you Tasha. That was utter crap what

he did.

> I have a question... does anyone know if thyroid problems are inherited?


> Grandma has a thyroid problem and she takes some type pill every other day

> and had radiation on it years ago... I ask because anything that is

> inherited I seem to get. LOL Oh how I would love to wish for an ordinary

> cold..... Thanks gals


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I am on thyroid medication to keep my thyroid working and I am on two

diffferent anti-depressants - Zoloft and Trazodone. Is it really true that

anti-depressants can affect my thyroid?

Debbie G.

Re: I'm with you Tasha. That was utter crap what

he did.

> Debbie,

> I was underactive and untreated for almost three years. your Thyroid is


> helps control brainwaves and since mine was not treated for so long it


> sending the wrong messages. And yes it's permanent.

> I've seen the endocronologist about it and they said there was nothing


> could do they should have checked it before but they kept sending me to


> shrink.

> Alot of times an underactive thyroid can cause mental disorders and some

> people end up in a mental institution before it's discovered and then they

> can only be improved to a certain level.

> If you are being treated I wouldn't worry a bit. I had everything. They

> thought I was losing my mind. I didn't do anything but stay in bed because


> was afraid that everything would kill me. Even answering the phone. Was


> worst three years of my life. NOt all of that is gone I'm still afraid of


> public and still afraid of food.

> You shouldn't take any antidepressants if you have a thyroid disiease


> They don't tell you that but I've done alot of research on it. They both

> effect the metabolic region in your brain and you can end up crazier if


> do or mess up your thyroid worse.

> HOpe this helps you.

> Teddy


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I am on thyroid medication to keep my thyroid working and I am on two

diffferent anti-depressants - Zoloft and Trazodone. Is it really true that

anti-depressants can affect my thyroid?

Debbie G.

Re: I'm with you Tasha. That was utter crap what

he did.

> Debbie,

> I was underactive and untreated for almost three years. your Thyroid is


> helps control brainwaves and since mine was not treated for so long it


> sending the wrong messages. And yes it's permanent.

> I've seen the endocronologist about it and they said there was nothing


> could do they should have checked it before but they kept sending me to


> shrink.

> Alot of times an underactive thyroid can cause mental disorders and some

> people end up in a mental institution before it's discovered and then they

> can only be improved to a certain level.

> If you are being treated I wouldn't worry a bit. I had everything. They

> thought I was losing my mind. I didn't do anything but stay in bed because


> was afraid that everything would kill me. Even answering the phone. Was


> worst three years of my life. NOt all of that is gone I'm still afraid of


> public and still afraid of food.

> You shouldn't take any antidepressants if you have a thyroid disiease


> They don't tell you that but I've done alot of research on it. They both

> effect the metabolic region in your brain and you can end up crazier if


> do or mess up your thyroid worse.

> HOpe this helps you.

> Teddy


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