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The body knows how to heal itself!

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Hi Chistine , This is a alternative healing MS group . The main difference

between this one

and the support group you have is this one is free . I applaud you for good work

you have

done . I spend alot of money on suppliments and good organic food along with a

MS Diet

which has stopped my progression and brought me to better health . Unless you

are fishing

, maybe you can share with us your path to healing MS , and that way the ones

who can

afford your method of healing MS and ones who can't can benefit . Peace , Tom



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If there is great advise why not post instead of individual request.

nagra101 wrote: Yes Please! I'd like more info

as well.



MS: It's not a software company

Judy Sutherland


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i'm feeling like the essential tripping point here is that the principle of this

group is to help each other heal, free of charge. this group is a sanctuary for

those of us who are fed up with taken advantage of by charlatans--or by even by

people who have something valid to offer us that might not work for us--or even

something that might. it's immaterial--literally. the point of this group, if i

understand it correctly, is that no money changes hands, and we get help free of


you've already mentioned EFT several times. feel free to tell us what to do to

make ourselves better--i would be all over that--or go find someplace else to

dangle your promises. i don't have any more money to give you, or anyone. my

main concern, for a long time to come now, is going to be feeding my kid and

myself, and keeping a roof over our heads. flushing cash down the toilet is an

indulgence of the past for me. everyone else is welcome to connect with

christine offlist, but for my money--or lack thereof--i'd like to keep this list

as pure as possible.


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> you've already mentioned EFT several times.

Hi Aviva,

Did mention EFT in her posts? I don't remember seeing

that, but I know *I've* talked about EFT a lot. :) It has been life-

changing for me, long before MS ever came into my life. I also

always recommend that someone starting out with EFT see someone who

is certified in it, to really help get down to some core issues and

clear them. But I'm not one who offers services, only sharing what I

feel works for me. You can learn just about everything you need to

know about EFT and do it yourself here (founder/creator's site):


There is a pdf manual you can download and an email newsletter you

can sign up for as well as tons of archived info.

I think it's a lot like dietary changes, i.e. you've got to stick

with it and give it time to manifest real changes in your life. When

I used it for weight loss, I tapped on those issues every day for 3

weeks (about 5-10 minutes a day) and then suddenly the weight started

coming off - about 25lbs in 3 months. Then it slowed down and I lost

a total of 50lbs in a year. I never noticed any change in how I ate,

how much I ate, etc., just cleared those issues about food that we've

been conditioned with for decades. :)


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> you've already mentioned EFT several times.

Hi Aviva,

Did mention EFT in her posts? I don't remember seeing

that, but I know *I've* talked about EFT a lot. :) It has been life-

changing for me, long before MS ever came into my life. I also

always recommend that someone starting out with EFT see someone who

is certified in it, to really help get down to some core issues and

clear them. But I'm not one who offers services, only sharing what I

feel works for me. You can learn just about everything you need to

know about EFT and do it yourself here (founder/creator's site):


There is a pdf manual you can download and an email newsletter you

can sign up for as well as tons of archived info.

I think it's a lot like dietary changes, i.e. you've got to stick

with it and give it time to manifest real changes in your life. When

I used it for weight loss, I tapped on those issues every day for 3

weeks (about 5-10 minutes a day) and then suddenly the weight started

coming off - about 25lbs in 3 months. Then it slowed down and I lost

a total of 50lbs in a year. I never noticed any change in how I ate,

how much I ate, etc., just cleared those issues about food that we've

been conditioned with for decades. :)


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 Advice is just like opinions and a**holes, everyone has one! Please be very

careful about anything that somebody tells you about our battle with MS, even

our doctors are still searching for answers.

Re: Re: The body knows how to heal itself!

If there is great advise why not post instead of individual request.

nagra101 <nagra101hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: Yes Please! I'd like more info as well.



MS: It's not a software company

Judy Sutherland

dujy99yahoo (DOT) com

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 Advice is just like opinions and a**holes, everyone has one! Please be very

careful about anything that somebody tells you about our battle with MS, even

our doctors are still searching for answers.

Re: Re: The body knows how to heal itself!

If there is great advise why not post instead of individual request.

nagra101 <nagra101hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: Yes Please! I'd like more info as well.



MS: It's not a software company

Judy Sutherland

dujy99yahoo (DOT) com

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 Advice is just like opinions and a**holes, everyone has one! Please be very

careful about anything that somebody tells you about our battle with MS, even

our doctors are still searching for answers.

Re: Re: The body knows how to heal itself!

If there is great advise why not post instead of individual request.

nagra101 <nagra101hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: Yes Please! I'd like more info as well.



MS: It's not a software company

Judy Sutherland

dujy99yahoo (DOT) com

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Hello All,

This is . In responce to a reply I received, I dont believe

I said anything about a fee.

I offer free information to this group with the hopes that it can

help people who are interested in this form of alternative healing.

If someone contacts me for futher info and/or an individual healing

session OUTSIDE OF THE GROUP, then it does have to run through the

healing practice. I hope this is within the guidelines of the group.

It is my intention to help and give free advise within this group to

those searching for it, and a deeper way of healing, from the inside

out, opposed to the outside in. And because I have experienced it

first hand it has become my place in life, and now as a certified

energetic healer to help others with ms. I have had such incredable

healing success for my own life, my ms along with the people I work

with. I am so commited and passionate about opening people to the

innate abilities that we are all inharently born with for healing

though rarely hear about in this culture. I am currently writting a

book about this healing process that I discovered within my own being

and that resulted in a complete healing with the hopes of helping

many people who are searching.

The body is constantly trying to return to its natural state

of wellness. In the same way that a cut on your finger immediately

kicks in and begins to heal itself, the body is setup to do the same

with any illness or injury. Unfortunately, we have learned many ways

of unconsciously blocking that natural process by fighting, hating

resisting, ignoring the body's signals for healing. It requires that

we colaborate WITH our body instead of rejecting it. Your body does

not want to be sick anymore than you do, but it requires that you

begin to listen to its messages instead of overiding them. When one

connects to your wonderful body it brings, calmness, peace, relief

and hope to your entire being. That is just the beginning of this

natural healing process that everyone already has within them.

I hope this helps to at least plant a seed of the awareness that

healing does reside within you. Please let me know if you want more

info on this internal and innate form of healing.


P.S. in a prior message I accidently said that I was not healed when

I ment to say I am now healed. Just an FYI. Where is the spellcheck

for this program? I could use it.


> Thank you for your input and I agree with you. I did not know


> was offering information/services for a fee.


> Jim



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Hello All,

This is . In responce to a reply I received, I dont believe

I said anything about a fee.

I offer free information to this group with the hopes that it can

help people who are interested in this form of alternative healing.

If someone contacts me for futher info and/or an individual healing

session OUTSIDE OF THE GROUP, then it does have to run through the

healing practice. I hope this is within the guidelines of the group.

It is my intention to help and give free advise within this group to

those searching for it, and a deeper way of healing, from the inside

out, opposed to the outside in. And because I have experienced it

first hand it has become my place in life, and now as a certified

energetic healer to help others with ms. I have had such incredable

healing success for my own life, my ms along with the people I work

with. I am so commited and passionate about opening people to the

innate abilities that we are all inharently born with for healing

though rarely hear about in this culture. I am currently writting a

book about this healing process that I discovered within my own being

and that resulted in a complete healing with the hopes of helping

many people who are searching.

The body is constantly trying to return to its natural state

of wellness. In the same way that a cut on your finger immediately

kicks in and begins to heal itself, the body is setup to do the same

with any illness or injury. Unfortunately, we have learned many ways

of unconsciously blocking that natural process by fighting, hating

resisting, ignoring the body's signals for healing. It requires that

we colaborate WITH our body instead of rejecting it. Your body does

not want to be sick anymore than you do, but it requires that you

begin to listen to its messages instead of overiding them. When one

connects to your wonderful body it brings, calmness, peace, relief

and hope to your entire being. That is just the beginning of this

natural healing process that everyone already has within them.

I hope this helps to at least plant a seed of the awareness that

healing does reside within you. Please let me know if you want more

info on this internal and innate form of healing.


P.S. in a prior message I accidently said that I was not healed when

I ment to say I am now healed. Just an FYI. Where is the spellcheck

for this program? I could use it.


> Thank you for your input and I agree with you. I did not know


> was offering information/services for a fee.


> Jim



> **************

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> challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and

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There is also information in the files about EFT and how to obtain

the information. It is not free.


> I am another who would love to know more .

> Janet

> Re: The body knows how to heal itself!



> ,


> I rely solely on alternative methods to treat my ms. I would love

to know

> more about your information. Thanks.


> Jim


> **************

> Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial

> challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and

information, tips and

> calculators.

> (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall00000001)



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I am offering information for free.


> Thank you for your input and I agree with you. I did not know


> was offering information/services for a fee.


> Jim



> **************

> Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial

> challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and

information, tips and

> calculators.

> (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall00000001)




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Hello everyone and especially Jim, Janet, Crystal, Mike, Tom and Jodi


These are the people who specifically asked for more information on the

alternative healing, but it is for anyone who can benifit from it.

First, I ask that you go to my website msalternativehealingcenter.com

and read the published article on my healing of ms. It is under the

button MS Healing Article. It will explain a lot that I wont be able to

take the time to explain on this post. Its just too long.

If you can do that it will be a big head start and its late now, I will

have to pick it up tomorrow.

Good night,

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Very interesting, . Might I ask what year were you diagnosed,

how long you had it, what tests were used (MRI, spinal tap) and who

your neurologist was? Since you state you were healed and offer your

services for a fee, these questions are reasonable and will go far in

establishing your credability...Lydia



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Dear Lydia,

I am more than happy to answer your questions and yes, they are very

resonable questions. I am glad you asked.

I was diagnosed January of 1990 and I worked on this healing process

deligently for four years. My first symptom was the loss of sight in my

left eye and that lead me to the MRI that confirmed the ms diagnosis. I

dont remember who my neurologist was. I used doctors for such a short

time because I knew the negitive information they were giving me would

not promote my healing so I decided to go it alone. I did however work

somewhat with Dr. Jack Burke who was head neurologist of the Colorado

MS Center. He had a very open and positive outlook on ms that was in

fact very helpful. But he wasnt MY neurologist. I remember he said " ms

is a finicky disease, anything can happen. " That was the open door I

was watching for. What I heard was " healing can happen " .

I will give you more information than you asked for in hopes it will

provide additional informaiton on my healing ability to help further

establish my credability. After my four year healing of my ms, I felt

if I could heal this on my own without any prior healing abilities that

I was anware of, then so can others. It must be an ability that we are

all innately born with. But I wasnt confident in helping other to

discover it in themselves. I was then strongly guided to and enrolled

in the Jaffe Institure of Spiritaual and Medical Healing. This was a

very intense (and expensive) three year program to become certified as

a Spiritual and Energetic Healing Practitioner. Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, the

founder of the institute is an incredable master healer and works with

all sorts of illnesses worldwide. I was amazed to find that his

teaching exactly mirriored my own healing process that I innately

discovered on my own though had never seen or heard about elsewhere. It

was further evidence that this healing process works in the deep way

and that is a natural form of healing that we all possess. The reason I

enrolled in this school was not to learn how to heal since I had

discovered that on my own, but with the intention of helping others in

a qualified way. It has been extreamly helpful in that endeavor. I

graduated in 2002, established the Multiple Sclerosis Alternative

Healing and Wholeness Center and work nation and world wide with people

searching for answers to the alternative treatment of MS and other

illnesses. It gives me great pleasure to help people with ms because I

have faced it first hand and am now the person I was looking for when I

was diagnosd. I said, " If I can find one person who has healed

themselves of this illness, than so can I " . I deeply hope the

information I share with you all in this group is very helpful.

> >

> >


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I concur. Any energy path can become corroded, not unlike the

battery cable in my old Chevy, or a superconductor of vitality. This

corrosion can be mental or physical, vis a vis, the chicken or the

egg. But we present our armor and shield our healing. We can only hide

within ourselves for so long without rotting. Once we start the slow

dance of death, symptoms of decomposition appear and being human we

vainly give them a name. Is this armor just corrosion that could be

dissolved with a bit of baking soda? How is good contact made with the

healing spirit?

I struggle to identify with a healthy me. I've not sure I've known

good health. But I'm healing between relapses, and beginning to like

this body and soul sometimes, but it's self exile and not devoid of

toxic karma.

It's electric...


> Hi everyone,


> Im going to step out on a limb here. I dont know if this group is open

> to alternative healing forms, b

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