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RE: BBD and Avonex

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Firstly it most certainly isn't LSD that we are all on! It might well make us

forget we have MS but it most certainly wouldn't get rid of it!! It is probably

LDN to which you are referring and I can't comment as I'm not on either.

Yes, the BBD is slow but worth it (what other options are there?). I've been on

it 3 and a half years and am slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y shedding symptoms. Anything

involving a holistic approach won't give results overnight but there are no side


I see the BBD more as an insurance policy, knowing that my symptoms are less

likely to progress all the while I follow it.

Also get an ELISA food intolerance test to ensure you aren't still eating things

that your body doesn't want.


To: mscured

From: eliandgracesmom@...

Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 21:40:32 -0700

Subject: BBD and Avonex

I have been considering following the Best Bet Diet for a couple weeks now but I

hear that the improvement in MS take months or years to see. Is this true? I

eat pretty much according to the BBD, except for black beans that I eat once

ever two weeks or so. I am not seeing any great improvement from my symptoms

anymore. I have been eating this way for several months...infact since around

December 09 I cut out gluten, dairy, rice, beef, ect. I didnt see a real

improvement until the end of march when my brother started me on the evolv stuff

I mentioned a couple weeks ago. So, after I saw so much improvement with this

stuff, i decided to stop my Avonex. This is the first week that I have not

taken my injection. I am just wanting insite into if the BBD will really help

keep my symptoms at bay and if the natural way is really better. Dont take me

wrong, I have to premedicate before my Avonex because my side effects are

horrific so I would

rather be without any meds. I do take herbs and vitamins. I have a whole regimin

that I follow so that is contributing to my lessening symptoms too, I'm sure.

I dont want to take the LSD stuff that some of you are on but that might be

because I dont know so much about it and I am not wanting to take more

chemicals. I'm just not comfortable with the idea.

Anyways, please tell me your experience following the BBD and your way of

keeping MS under control. Thanks.

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> I have been considering following the Best Bet Diet for a couple weeks now but

I hear that the improvement in MS take months or years to see.  Is this true?  I

eat pretty much according to the BBD, except for black beans that I eat once

ever two weeks or so.  I am not seeing any great improvement from my symptoms

anymore.  I have been eating this way for several months...


Hi ,

It didn't take as long for me, only about 5 weeks. But I hadn't really

progressed much either. I was having lots of symptoms but none were disabling

(after the initial episode of optic neuritis) - fatigue and brain fog, tingling

& numbness, weak legs that felt like they would buckle under me, slurring speech

occasionally, shock down my back when I looked down, etc. I think it depends on

the individual and how long it takes to get rid of significant inflammation and

for your particular immune system to calm back down. When it happened for me,

though, it was literally overnight. I just woke up one morning and realized

that I was " me " again. :)

I remain symptom-free unless I eat something I react to. That said, I have

developed new allergies since starting BBD in Feb '06 so I will second Janet's

advice on getting an ELISA. Last summer, I was able to figure it out by my food

diary and eliminate corn and eggs. Early this year, I started feeling like crap

*all the time*. It was horrible to realize I hadn't felt this bad in 2 years

and was right back where I started from. :( I couldn't figure it out by my food

diary and figured I was probably now allergic to many new things. Got an ELISA

and (in addition to the stuff I already knew about), carrots, asparagus, and

salmon came up. I only ate asparagus a couple times a month but had carrots ALL

THE TIME and took salmon oil daily.

It's possible you are still reacting to something in your diet - if it was just

the occasional black beans, you would probably see a pattern emerge where you

feel like crap a couple days after eating them but relatively good the rest of

the time. If you are having symptoms regularly it could be one thing you eat

frequently or several things that are eaten often enough to keep your immune

system hyped up. Oh and check labels for hidden soy, that was the last and

hardest for me to get rid of. Anything with Vitamin E, or " added tocopherols "

is soy.

BBD isn't the be all and end all for me. It keeps the MS at bay while I work on

other healing. ;) It goes back to the leaky gut that gives you the food

allergies in the first place and that's where my focus lies. Really, really

don't want to have to worry about removing any more stuff I like from my diet!


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Well, we have to eat ANYWAY, so why not eat what's right for us?? There's no

point to eating the wrong foods.

Sometimes I wish it WAS LSD I was on.............LOL




> Yes, the BBD is slow but worth it (what other options are there?). I've been

on it 3 and a half years and am slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y shedding symptoms. Anything

involving a holistic approach won't give results overnight but there are no side



> I see the BBD more as an insurance policy, knowing that my symptoms are less

likely to progress all the while I follow it.



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The hard part is determining what is right for each of us. All food has

something good that can be said about it and all food has bad qualities for some

people. It's a crap shoot! I'm on the trial and error committee. I may have

finally gotten it right for myself. So far. so good.


> Well, we have to eat ANYWAY, so why not eat what's right for us?? There's no

point to eating the wrong foods.


> Sometimes I wish it WAS LSD I was on.............LOL


> Beverly

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