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What kind of drug is Fosomax? I understand that it is for osteoporosis. I

just wondered what class it falls into. I did go to the new MD yesterday.

It was a waste of time and money. He never laid a finger on me. He said

" Oh we will run a couple of blood tests and if nothing shows I'll give you

some anti-depressants. " What a waste of time and energy. Why don't they

listen? As doctors I thought they were suppose to put there patients first.

I feel so bad today. I started to call off from work but that doesn't pay

the bills. You owe, you owe, off to work you go. Plus, I just have little

ole me. No other income, so I must go to work whenever I possibly can. I

went through a nasty divorce about 3 years ago. I have one daughter who at

the time was having a VP shunt put in for Peusdotumor Cerebri. My husband

started having an affair during this time. I came home to find he had

cleaned all the accounts out. My daughter had surgery in February 2000 and

my dad had a heart attack, we split in April. I had a complete hysterectomy

the second week of May and then two weeks later he filed for divorce. He

left with everything. He tried to destroy me. I walked away nothing.

Before my daughter became ill I had a thriving Housecleaning Business. But

then I lost it cause I could take care of it and her. My daughter is fine

now. She attends a local college. Just thought I would give you alittle

background. I better go to work. Talk to you later.


>Reply-To: LUPIES

>To: <LUPIES >

>Subject: Welcome

>Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 15:47:45 -0800


>Welcome ,

>This is a nice place to be. There is a lot of info for you. You need to

>get to a Rheumatologist. There are a lot of meds. for us out there & we are

>on different things. I am glad you got some relief with predisone. Ask

>your Dr. for some Fosomax to go with that to protect your bones. Does


>else out there take Fosomax too? They should have put me on it years ago.

>I have osteoporosis now.

>Cheryl in CA





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What kind of drug is Fosomax? I understand that it is for osteoporosis. I

just wondered what class it falls into. I did go to the new MD yesterday.

It was a waste of time and money. He never laid a finger on me. He said

" Oh we will run a couple of blood tests and if nothing shows I'll give you

some anti-depressants. " What a waste of time and energy. Why don't they

listen? As doctors I thought they were suppose to put there patients first.

I feel so bad today. I started to call off from work but that doesn't pay

the bills. You owe, you owe, off to work you go. Plus, I just have little

ole me. No other income, so I must go to work whenever I possibly can. I

went through a nasty divorce about 3 years ago. I have one daughter who at

the time was having a VP shunt put in for Peusdotumor Cerebri. My husband

started having an affair during this time. I came home to find he had

cleaned all the accounts out. My daughter had surgery in February 2000 and

my dad had a heart attack, we split in April. I had a complete hysterectomy

the second week of May and then two weeks later he filed for divorce. He

left with everything. He tried to destroy me. I walked away nothing.

Before my daughter became ill I had a thriving Housecleaning Business. But

then I lost it cause I could take care of it and her. My daughter is fine

now. She attends a local college. Just thought I would give you alittle

background. I better go to work. Talk to you later.


>Reply-To: LUPIES

>To: <LUPIES >

>Subject: Welcome

>Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 15:47:45 -0800


>Welcome ,

>This is a nice place to be. There is a lot of info for you. You need to

>get to a Rheumatologist. There are a lot of meds. for us out there & we are

>on different things. I am glad you got some relief with predisone. Ask

>your Dr. for some Fosomax to go with that to protect your bones. Does


>else out there take Fosomax too? They should have put me on it years ago.

>I have osteoporosis now.

>Cheryl in CA





Compare high-speed Internet plans, starting at $26.95.

https://broadband.msn.com (Prices may vary by service area.)

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Hi , I'm butting in.......Fosamax is a Biphosphosphonate. Same as Acctonel. they Help prevent bone loss.

I , myself am allergic to them. I am on an injectable drug, Called Forteo.It just came out this year.Forteo actually rebuilds bone mass. However you MUST.....MUST......be taking 1500 mg.of calcium a day, or it causes severe muscle spasms. As long as you are taking enough calcium the only side effect is a little dizzines,that goes away after about 15 minutes,

Forteo is very expensive $500 for a pen with 28 injections. My doctor was able to get me on their Patient Assisstace Plan and I get my pens for $12 .I have severe osteoporosis,and have broken my leg, so my rheumy did a bone density test, and There was enough bone mass loss to warrant my getting on the Program.

Ask your doctor about it.


Chapman wrote: What kind of drug is Fosomax? I understand that it is for osteoporosis. I just wondered what class it falls into. I did go to the new MD yesterday. It was a waste of time and money. He never laid a finger on me. He said "Oh we will run a couple of blood tests and if nothing shows I'll give you some anti-depressants." What a waste of time and energy. Why don't they listen? As doctors I thought they were suppose to put there patients first. I feel so bad today. I started to call off from work but that doesn't pay the bills. You owe, you owe, off to work you go. Plus, I just have little ole me. No other income, so I must go to work whenever I possibly can. I went through a nasty divorce about 3 years ago. I have one daughter who at the time was

having a VP shunt put in for Peusdotumor Cerebri. My husband started having an affair during this time. I came home to find he had cleaned all the accounts out. My daughter had surgery in February 2000 and my dad had a heart attack, we split in April. I had a complete hysterectomy the second week of May and then two weeks later he filed for divorce. He left with everything. He tried to destroy me. I walked away nothing. Before my daughter became ill I had a thriving Housecleaning Business. But then I lost it cause I could take care of it and her. My daughter is fine now. She attends a local college. Just thought I would give you alittle background. I better go to work. Talk to you later.>>Reply-To: LUPIES >To: <LUPIES >>Subject: Welcome

>Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 15:47:45 -0800>>Welcome ,>This is a nice place to be. There is a lot of info for you. You need to>get to a Rheumatologist. There are a lot of meds. for us out there & we are>on different things. I am glad you got some relief with predisone. Ask>your Dr. for some Fosomax to go with that to protect your bones. Does >anyone>else out there take Fosomax too? They should have put me on it years ago.>I have osteoporosis now.>Cheryl in CA>>>_________________________________________________________________Compare high-speed Internet plans, starting at $26.95. https://broadband.msn.com (Prices may vary by service area.)"The LUPIES Store" Come check out our store...http://www.cafepress.com/thelupies"The LUPIES Web Page"http://www.itzarion.com/lupusgroup.html"The LUPIES online photo albums!" Check out what your fellow Lupies look like...http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=lupies

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest


You're hilarious!


You're in our prayers, too. May God give you strength

and courage to cope with the highs and lows that you

two will experience. Hang on tight to each other - it's

a blessing that you have each other, and we have to

make the most out of life at any and all stages.


Thank you for your service to our country. I'm sorry

you're now having to fight this battle, which is a

bully of a disease that definitely doesn't fight fair.

You've done a good thing landing in this place,

where there is so much knowledge, support, and

acceptance by a fine group of folks who get what

you're going through. You now have an entire

bunch of caring friends who will be here for you

whenever you need us or want to share or ask a

question. Welcome.


I would think you'd be a bit out-of-kilter for a

while after all the moving around you've been up

to! Give yourself all the time you need to get up

and running in typical fashion -- well, typical for

you. :-)


Your smile has been flashing through my mind all

day. I hope you have had a day that made you


Hugs and blessings,

Gwynne 56 IPF 7/04 listed for transplant 3/07 and

2/08 Texas

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