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Shazan Shah wrote:

This is what I just received from my brother in London - has anyone

heard of this?


I read this article and then a few of the groups follow-up emails. After doing a search on the medicine, rituximab, I found that there seems to be some very serious side effects. http://www.rituxan.com/

But to my dismay I also found that this med is used in the treatment of non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. So here's the rub. My paternal aunt died 1 year ago from this disease but she also suffered from severe heartburn, at least all of my life. She started with esophageal/ stomach cancer. She was always taking antacids AND had a mild form of arthritis (fingers slightly deformed). My dad, on the other hand, had a severe case of RA and always always always had indigestion/heartburn.

I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1983 and H-Pylori in 2000. Now I find that H-Pylori causes a esophageal/stomach cancer and is sometimes, as well as somehow related to this type of lymphoma.

The arrogance of the medical community is absolutely astounding, in that they are allowed to rely on the statement " I am a scientist first and foremost. When there is no proof of the AP efficacy, I must " treat " my patients according to proven scientific methods! " OK, so would " ROCKET SCIENTIST " fit in here somewhere? How much " gray matter " would one need to complete a detailed family history and somehow find a connection? No one will ever convince me that these doctors don't already know this but I AM convinced they are sniveling cowards for not standing up to big government on behalf of their patients. You can bet if someone they loved, or better yet if one of them personally got sick, (I'm not so sure they would care as much about a son or daughters' pain as much as their own pain) they would get the treatment for themselves.

I apologize for the rant but when I found the information on this drug and it's former use and the fact that they're now trying it for rheumatic diseases I

could no longer hold it in. Plus, I knew all of you would understand the passion.

Thanks, Roneice


A CURE for rheumatoid arthritis is on the horizon following the

success of a new drug trial, it is claimed.

Initial results show the treatment works and confirms a scientific

theory about the cause of the debilitating disease.

The drug, rituximab, acts by suppressing antibody production within

the immune system.

More than 50% of patients treated in the trial showed " major

improvements " and a further 23% demonstrated a " brilliant response " .

Professor Jo , from University College London, presented the

findings to an American College of Rheumatology meeting in the US.

He set up the trial with colleagues after initial research suggested

that limiting the number of white blood cells called B-cells in the

body might halt the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

The early results emerged from the first 122 out of a total o f 161

patients recruited to the study who had not responded well to other


Professor said today: " An arthritis cure is now firmly on the

agenda. This study proves the scientific validity of the benefits of

rituximab to rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.

" It's like having a bug in your computer. rituximab re-boots part of

your immune system and when you switch it back on the bug is gone. "

The study conducted at centres in Europe, Australia, Israel and

Canada, compared a number of different treatment options, including

rituximab combined with other drugs.

The most encouraging results were obtained when rituximab was given in conjunction with another anti-arthritis drug called methotrexate.

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Hi Zanash! Geoff here.

I think the point to which your attention should be drawn is this:

" ...The drug, rituximab, acts by suppressing antibody production within the

immune system. "

The cards are on the table, bet or fold. Do you believe your immune system

is " confused? " If so, go for it. If not, leave the game while you still

have something to leave with... your life.


soli Deo gloria

www.HealingYou.org - Your nonprofit source for remedies and aids in fighting

these diseases, information on weaning from drugs, and nutritional kits for

repairing damage; 100% volunteer staffed.

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  • 8 years later...

Please read my blog on rheumatologistdelhi.com


Dr. OP Garg, VSM

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Senior Consultant Rheumatologist

BLK Hospital, Pusa Rd.

Rajendra Place

New Delhi - 110005

RheuMed, The Arthritis Clinic

65A, DDA Pocket 2

Sector 6, Dwarka

New Delhi - 110075


From: keenoy1979 <KEENOY13@...>

Sent: Fri, 19 November, 2010 6:43:41 PM

Subject: [ ] CURE FOR RA

Anybody read anything lately about a cure for RA in the future?


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