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Kathy, it's interesting that you mentioned this ~ about the hair. Josh

has been taking prednisone, MTX, and an NSAID since his very first

systemic flare in May, 1995 (when he had just turned 6). The other meds

have been added slowly at later times. Josh has extra hair growth from

the steroids when he's on a high dose or while he's weaning down. On his

face, legs, upper back. In the past, this side effect did disappear when

we got to a lower dose. We're on our way towards that again, so

hopefully ... it won't be too long. We will be seeing his rheumatologist

next Thursday and I'll ask him about it then but maybe somebody here has

experience with this issue and will know.

My daughter is 9 years old and just started to get a very small amount

of underarm hair. As far as her pediatrician says, this is absolutely

normal for her age. She's right on target for these sorts of

pre-pubertal bodily changes. Josh (two years older) on the other hand,

has no sign of underarm or pubic hair. Or any other pre-pubertal

physical changes, as far as I know. Is it possible that a child who's

taking arthritis meds will have a delayed onset puberty? Actually, I was

visiting some sites about growth disturbances and related topics and one

of the issues was boys puberty and it said not to worry until your male

child has reached the age of 15 and still doesn't have any sign of

puberty beginning. So, being that he just turned 11 it's not something

I'm worried about, just wondering.

Anyone here who thinks that arthritis meds might have caused a delayed

onset puberty?



akally@... wrote:


> Hello,

> My son has been on 5 mg. of methotrexate, since January. For the first 3

> weeks, he had a hard time with the drug and then I started giving it to him

> at night, at a different time than the ibuprofen and prednisone. That worked

> great. Now, I give him the first 2.5 mg tablet at 10pm and the other at

> midnight. I asked his RD about the staggered pill and she didn't see any

> reasons why we couldn't do this. Now, there is little or no side effects.

> We are still trying to wean Tally off the prednisone. If I had a choice

> between prednisone and methotrexate, I would choose the methotrexate. That

> is just my personal opinion. It was so disheartening last week as I was

> dressing Tally. He looks down to his pee pee and says, " mama, I have hair

> growing on my peepee... " and I looked and he did indeed have hair growth.

> He hasn't gained much weight though and I have had to buy new shoes since

> December, so he feet appear to be growing.

> kathy

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi Judy,

My daughter has been on MTX for alittle over a year now. She started

taking it orally & we just switched to injections a couple weeks ago. She

also takes Folic acid every day that helps to counteract alot of side

efffects that you can experience. For my daughter it was great at first but

as time went on she began having more & more stomach upset along with being

very tired. The nasuea got so bad that we switched to the injections & they

are working out great. MTX does take awhile to actually begin working,about 2

months in our case but it has worked really well. You do have to have regular

monitoring of your blood though to check liver function & your white count

among others things. My daughter goes every 4 weeks for lab work but thatnks

to EMLA cream( a numbing cream RX only) those visits have not been bad. She

had experienced also a few mouth sores but nothing that was out of control.

Hope this answers a few of your questions. I would be glad to answer an

specifics if I could. Just let me know. There are alot of parents on this

board whose children are on MTX. Kris

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Hi, Kris,

My daughter is also on MTX, but only for a short time now. So far, I have

not seen any real changes. I had asked the questions before about the MTX

masking the problem of JRA. My other questions about MTX is it normal for

the swelling to still be there but not as much pain? We talked to the doctor

today and he wants to do another knee injection and continue the MTX. It was

a hard enough decision to put Kenzie on this drug and now we still have to

put her under for an injection! I don't get it. My husband and I are a

little confused. McKenzie had only been on the metho for three weeks when we

got her first blood work back and her liver tests were high so the doctor

had her skip a dose and repeat blood work a week later. Those tests came

back normal. He wants to lower the dose ( which is already very low) and as

I said do another knee injection. Anyone with some helpful advice would be


Thanks, Angel Beers

Re: Methotrexate

Hi Judy,

My daughter has been on MTX for alittle over a year now. She started

taking it orally & we just switched to injections a couple weeks ago. She

also takes Folic acid every day that helps to counteract alot of side

efffects that you can experience. For my daughter it was great at first but

as time went on she began having more & more stomach upset along with being

very tired. The nasuea got so bad that we switched to the injections & they

are working out great. MTX does take awhile to actually begin working,about


months in our case but it has worked really well. You do have to have


monitoring of your blood though to check liver function & your white count

among others things. My daughter goes every 4 weeks for lab work but thatnks

to EMLA cream( a numbing cream RX only) those visits have not been bad. She

had experienced also a few mouth sores but nothing that was out of control.

Hope this answers a few of your questions. I would be glad to answer an

specifics if I could. Just let me know. There are alot of parents on this

board whose children are on MTX. Kris


Get paid for the stuff you know!

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Hi Angel,

Ashton's liver functions have come back elevated before what I was told

by both pediatrician & rheumy is that the labs need t be drawn right before

the next MTX dose. Ashton takes hers on friday so has her labs on a Thursday

since we've been doing this the liver functions have been great. Since the

MTX takes awhile to start working it's usually preferred that they not miss a

dose unless it's completely neccesary. Ashton's MTX took about 2-3 months to

really kick in she takes it along with the NSAID Relefan (which she takes

daily) .After the MTX kicked in we really started noticing some relief.

However she does still have swelling from time to time & has even had a

pretty bad flare. But my understanding of this drug is it's not an

antiinflammatory but a disease moddifier...which means it slows the

progression of the disease threby making it more manageable. I would discuss

my concerns with the dr's they should explain to you in term that you can

understand what these drugs are about & your concerns should be addressed.

(Sometimes I think they lack there )Any other questions feel free to ask.....

It's only been a little over a year for us & I am by no means an expert at

this I feel like I'm constantly learning & evaluating Ashton's situation.

Praying for a cure . Kris

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How long has it been since McKenzie started taking MTX? It can take

quite a while to to find the right dosage and start being effective. It

must be pretty bad inflammation. She's had injections into this

particular joint before, right? Josh hasn't had joint injections but

I've read where others have and they said that sometimes it becomes less

effective over time if they're done too frequently into the same joint.

I think I also remember hearing that some damage to the joint can occur

from repeated cortisone injections. I guess ~again~ it's a matter of the

doctor weighing the risks versus benefits for each patient. Wish I could

be of more help. Sometimes it's so hard to make these kinds of

decisions. Please let us know how it goes, Angel.



Mark Beers wrote:

> Hi, Kris,

> My daughter is also on MTX, but only for a short time now. So far, I have

> not seen any real changes. I had asked the questions before about the MTX

> masking the problem of JRA. My other questions about MTX is it normal for

> the swelling to still be there but not as much pain? We talked to the doctor

> today and he wants to do another knee injection and continue the MTX. It was

> a hard enough decision to put Kenzie on this drug and now we still have to

> put her under for an injection! I don't get it. My husband and I are a

> little confused. McKenzie had only been on the metho for three weeks when we

> got her first blood work back and her liver tests were high so the doctor

> had her skip a dose and repeat blood work a week later. Those tests came

> back normal. He wants to lower the dose ( which is already very low) and as

> I said do another knee injection. Anyone with some helpful advice would be

> great. Thanks, Angel Beers


> Re: Methotrexate


> Hi Judy,

> My daughter has been on MTX for alittle over a year now. She started

> taking it orally & we just switched to injections a couple weeks ago. She

> also takes Folic acid every day that helps to counteract alot of side

> efffects that you can experience. For my daughter it was great at first but

> as time went on she began having more & more stomach upset along with being

> very tired. The nasuea got so bad that we switched to the injections & they

> are working out great. MTX does take awhile to actually begin working,about

> 2

> months in our case but it has worked really well. You do have to have

> regular

> monitoring of your blood though to check liver function & your white count

> among others things. My daughter goes every 4 weeks for lab work but thatnks

> to EMLA cream( a numbing cream RX only) those visits have not been bad. She

> had experienced also a few mouth sores but nothing that was out of control.

> Hope this answers a few of your questions. I would be glad to answer an

> specifics if I could. Just let me know. There are alot of parents on this

> board whose children are on MTX. Kris

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

na: I found methotrexate made me very tired and draggy, esp. on Mondays

since I took them on Sunday nights. Come Mon. a.m., I was worthless and in a

huge fog. As the rheumy increased it, the fog got worse. As I reduced,

however, I'd feel better earlier in the week than before. I've been off

methotrexate since March and doing quite fine, thank you! I can think and

have more energy since starting the AP with Minocin, not to mention most

importantly, continually decreased pain.


RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

200 mg. Minocin

112 mcg. Synthroid

2 mg. Hytrin

10 mg. Lipitor


Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.

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I so agree with Babs about the MTX. I am off of it now for about 3 weeks and

I Feel like a new person. I was always tired and had a constant upset

stomach. I can not believe the difference I feel now that I am off. I guess

the side effects crept up on me and I thought it was normal to feel cruddy

all the time. With the minocin on board now i have hope for the first time

in a long time. Patti

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na, reading your post on Metho, also noted you are on Lipitor.

Just wondering if RA patients who take a lot of med. have trouble with

cholesterol? I do, my trig. have been 600. Just wondering.

Judy in SC

RA 42 yrs, Arava, Zocor, Zantac, Cytotec, Minocycline, Limbitrol, DayPro


Babs56p@... wrote:


> na: I found methotrexate made me very tired and draggy, esp. on Mondays

> since I took them on Sunday nights. Come Mon. a.m., I was worthless and in a

> huge fog. As the rheumy increased it, the fog got worse. As I reduced,

> however, I'd feel better earlier in the week than before. I've been off

> methotrexate since March and doing quite fine, thank you! I can think and

> have more energy since starting the AP with Minocin, not to mention most

> importantly, continually decreased pain.


> Babs

> RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

> 200 mg. Minocin

> 112 mcg. Synthroid

> 2 mg. Hytrin

> 10 mg. Lipitor

> Mestinon

> Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.

> 1/4634/0/_/532797/_/959390514/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Novo diffenac is just another NSAID, although it can't be too common because

people are always asking me what it is. It is a suppository (oh joy!) and you


it at night. It kind of makes you sleepy. I tried to take it in the day but I


so brain-fogged that there was no incoming air traffic for sure!( Don't mind me,

it's just code for lost my brain!)

So I guess the jist of what you are saying is it took a few weeks. Me and my GP

are winging this. She has never done it before but I brought her Dr. Mercola's

protocol off the web site and she was impressed. When she gets me in with the

local specialist things should improve. I am on 100 mg Minocin MWF. Sorry if I


repeating myself. I also started a bad flare two days before I started and have


to come out of it. So I am looking for improvemen but I guess it is just too

early. Glad to hear you are off the Metho. I guess it is great when it helps


all it did was make me sicker.

Thanks for the info.

Take Care


Babs56p@... wrote:

> Hi Lee-Anne: What is novo diffenac? Anyway, to answer your question, my RA

> was actually doing fairly well on methotrexate when I started the Minocin. I

> know some others are not as lucky when starting the AP. I was started on

> 50mg twice daily for three weeks, then increased to 100mg. twice daily.

> Every 4-6 weeks I was decreasing the methotrexate. I only noticed subtle

> improvements at first - the first few weeks, unbeknownst to me, I was given

> the generic minocycline in error by pharmacy. As soon as I realized this

> (when refilling), I screamed foul and was given the Minocin. I noticed a big

> difference in inflammation/pain within a couple days and the improvements

> continued, gradually but continuous. We all expect, I think, that we will

> get this huge immediate relief. That's not the way it is. One day a few

> weeks into the Minocin (brand name), I noticed that I was not hauling myself

> up the stairs along the rail like a 90-yr. old: I actually walked up it

> normally. I realized it after I got there, not when I actually was doing it!

> Then other subtle signs like being able to take the cap off a jar without

> torture - the improvements sneak up on you so hang in there, it will come!


> Babs

> RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

> 200 mg. Minocin

> 112 mcg. Synthroid

> 2 mg. Hytrin

> 10 mg. Lipitor

> Mestinon

> Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.

> Remember the good 'ol days

> 1/4053/0/_/532797/_/959458257/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Subject: Re: rheumatic Methotrexate

> Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 15:13:37 -0400

> From: fady assaad <fadya@...>

> Babs56p@...

> References: <c5.5ef8b3a.26607d06@...>


> Dear Babs.

> I have only been on Minocin a week and as I was reading your post was

> encouraged. Could you tell me how long you took it before you started to


> some relief? I am on the Minocin, 100mg MWF, 6 1/4 mg prednisone and 100 mg

> novo diffenac and sometimes Vioxx. I no longer do DMARDS.

> Thanks,

> Lee-Anne


> Babs56p@... wrote:


> > na: I found methotrexate made me very tired and draggy, esp. on


> > since I took them on Sunday nights. Come Mon. a.m., I was worthless and in


> > huge fog. As the rheumy increased it, the fog got worse. As I reduced,

> > however, I'd feel better earlier in the week than before. I've been off

> > methotrexate since March and doing quite fine, thank you! I can think and

> > have more energy since starting the AP with Minocin, not to mention most

> > importantly, continually decreased pain.

> >

> > Babs

> > RA 8/98, DX 4/99, AP 11/99

> > 200 mg. Minocin

> > 112 mcg. Synthroid

> > 2 mg. Hytrin

> > 10 mg. Lipitor

> > Mestinon

> > Vits. & Misc. Suplmts.

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws.

> > 1/4634/0/_/532797/_/959390514/

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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  • 8 months later...


I would have to agree with you on these pills...the more I read about MTX the more I didn't want to take it...BUT I DO know that some have received relief from them....I weaned myself off prednisone about three months ago and am glad I did...I am just hoping I can get this weight off and get my blood pressure back down...I never had blood pressure problems until the prednisone....as for MTX...it just didn't make sense to me when my RD told me to stop taking it if I got a cold or was around someone with a cold because my immune system was suppressed.....I have a friend with RA who has been treated with MTX for 20 years and has landed in the hospital with pneumonia two or three times (I don't remember which) because he got sick and his immune system couldn't protect him from pneumonia....

I know different things work for different people but as for me...I have no intention of taking MTX again...and as for the rest of the stuff they have wanted to keep me on (sulfasalazine, chloriquim)...I don't want them either...the sulfa gave me headaches and the chlor gave me a ton of gas...


rheumatic methotrexate

Hi Group, I just wondered if you all know what methotrexate is? It is chemotherapy by pills. It defeats your immune system and brings it down. Did you ever read all the side effects that go along with taking this drug? My DR tried to give it to me and after I read on it, wow, I said gee, I'm not taking this. I was on prednisone for the enlarged heart and as soon as I started the ABX I started weaning myself off and I got off in about 4 months. This is another drug that will destroy us. Here we are taking immune enhancing supplements and eating real healthy diets, and then ruining our bodes with these terrible drugs. ABX's cause yeast but they do not destroy our bones and body functions they are a drug also, but a whole lot safer than methotrexate and prednisone with all the side effects and destruction. Plus they have proven themselves to be our remission with autoimmune diseases. Please forgive me for saying my piece but I cringe every time I read these emails talking about these 2 drugs. "Wellness and blessings to everyone." Judy To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Yes, I agree with Judy, my mother was given methotrexate when she had cancer. Didn't do her one bit of good. So I declined when my doctor suggested that drug. The AP has saved my life. (Scleroderma 55 years, AP 3-1/2 years)

rheumatic methotrexateHi Group, I just wondered if you all know what methotrexate is? It is chemotherapy by pills. It defeats your immune system and brings it down. Did you ever read all the side effects that go along with taking this drug? My DR tried to give it to me and after I read on it, wow, I said gee, I'm not taking this. I was on prednisone for the enlarged heart and as soon as I started the ABX I started weaning myself off and I got off in about 4 months. This is another drug that will destroy us. Here we are taking immune enhancing supplements and eating real healthy diets, and then ruining our bodes with these terrible drugs. ABX's cause yeast but they do not destroy our bones and body functions they are a drug also, but a whole lot safer than methotrexate and prednisone with all the side effects and destruction. Plus they have proven themselves to be our remission with autoimmune diseases. Please forgive me for saying my piece but I cringe every time I read these emails talking about these 2 drugs. " Wellness and blessings to everyone. " Judy To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Mike, my fiance injects the MTX himself, and the needle he uses is

thinner than the needles for Enbrel. Have you tried that?

> Saw some of the discussion on mtx., so thought I'd add my


> with it. I've been taking mtx on an increasing amount for almost

> seven years. At the present time I take nine 2.5mg. tablets a week

> and I have never tolerated it very well. I get slightly nausiated

> (sp) and am fatigued the next day. It was much worse when I was

> taking it by injection at my drs. office .When she gave them to me

> she " jabbed " the needle in and she made the comment that to get the

> full needed effect that it HAD to be intrasckeletol (sp). I didn't

> tollerate this at all and had to go back to the pill...but taking


> orally isn't as effective as a shot. She also told me that it was


> slow down the progress of the PA and it does control the P to a


> effect but not completely. Just thought I'd add my


> in Ga.

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Hi Mike,

Geez, my rheumy gives me my injections intermuscular and I can't even feel

the injection when it goes into my arm. Maybe its the way your rheumy is

giving the shots which is causing the discomfort. Sorry to hear of your


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


My daughter Abbie has been on Mtx for about 18 months. She has been on 25 mg

sub q since December. She is really doing well, and we are slowly lowering

her prednisone. My question to you is two fold. How long have you been on mtx

and have you noticed any long term side effects?

Thank you,


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hello my daughter tabitha has been on methotrexate for about 10 years and she

has never had any side effects from this..thank god..but she takes her folic



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Hi Christy,

My son Josh has been taking Methotrexate for six years. He started out

on 7.5mg and has been taking 15mgs for about two years. I think that's

the max for his size, as he weighs just 65 pounds or so. We have not

noticed any negative long-term effects. I've always felt that the MTX

was actually what kept my son's joints in such good shape. He does have

some temporary side effects after each dose, though. He feels fatigued

and dizzy. So on the weeks that he takes an oral dose, he waits till

right before bedtime. On the weeks when he gets a sub cutaneous

injection, he has it in the afternoon and then usually naps afterwards.

Take Care,


gazelle34@... wrote:


> ,


> My daughter Abbie has been on Mtx for about 18 months. She has been on 25 mg

> sub q since December. She is really doing well, and we are slowly lowering

> her prednisone. My question to you is two fold. How long have you been on mtx

> and have you noticed any long term side effects?


> Thank you,


> Christy

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Christy,

My son Josh has been taking Methotrexate for over six years. He started

out on 7.5mg and after slowly increasing the dose he's been taking 15mgs

weekly steady for about two years, now. I think that's the max for his

size, as he weighs just 65 pounds or so and is just 4 feet tall. We

haven't noticed any negative side effects. Not yet, anyways. I've always

felt that MTX was actually what kept my son's joints in such good shape,

despite having persistent JRA. He does have some mild, temporary side

effects after each dose. He feels very fatigued and light-headed or

dizzy. On the weeks that he takes an oral dose, he waits till right

before bedtime. On the weeks when he gets an injection, he usually naps


How much prednisone is your daughter taking? How much was she on before

you started tapering it? How is Abbie doing?

Take Care,


gazelle34@... wrote:


> ,


> My daughter Abbie has been on Mtx for about 18 months. She has been on 25 mg

> sub q since December. She is really doing well, and we are slowly lowering

> her prednisone. My question to you is two fold. How long have you been on mtx

> and have you noticed any long term side effects?


> Thank you,


> Christy

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As you know with any drugs , they act differently

with each person , I have been on MTX since Jan 19th

of this year, I have experienced some mouth sores , a

little nausea and I still have continuing pain, Dr.

has added Arava . and I haven't started taking that

as yet, due to Insurance issues , but everything has

been straigthened out with that.and I am also

experiencing some hair loss , but he upped my Folic

Acid to 2 mg , each day instead of 1, hope that this

has been some help.


--- fionaflame@... wrote:






Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear Children:

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us as

an offering and a sacrafice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Ephesians 5: 1,2


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I've been taking MTX for three years. When I started, it was a small dose in

pill form. I was told to eat a large meal before taking the pills.

Intitially, I felt like I had the flu the day after the pills. Later, as my

dosage increased and I went to injections, I had the same feeling, but, after

time noticed that I seemed to be getting used to it. Now, I take 50mg of MTX

weekly with 30mg of Arava daily, etc. and find that it takes me two days to

get over the sickness. But, this is a very large dose that I take. My

doctors were concerned about the amount of Prednisone I was having to take

because of flares and bad sinus infections. It was decided that a larger

dose of MTX would be better for me.

I've had some problems with mouth sores. It sort of comes and goes. I get

headaches, nausea, diareha, vomiting, tired for 2-3 days after taking MTX.

The flip side is that I have 2-3 really good days and then a few inbetween

days to round out my week. I have taken 2mg of Folic Acid to help with side

effects, but, my rheumy doesn't believe in it. I've convinced him I need to

take at least 1mg every day except my MTX day. This helps with hair loss


There are days when I get down and feel like I'm sicker from the medications

than it's worth. But, then if I really think about it, I can comb my hair,

brush my teeth, drive, take care of my kids, etc. So, I've decided that in

truth things are much better. I don't ever want to be that bad again. When

I'm in a really bad flare, I worry about if I will never feel better again.

It is scarey and depressing. I am trying to live my days to the fullest.

I'm 36 years old and have been quite ill for 3 years. I was told the other

day that I'm as good as I can hope to get. Well, I was upset for awhile,

feeling really sorry for myself. Then I think about some people who are

worse off than me with terminal illnesses and I begin to count my blessings

again. I thank God for this group,. When you are down, scared, lonely and

need a place to vent, the group is here for you. Let us know how you are


God bless you.

Amy Deel

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I have only been taking MTX for a month now (10mg a week) and so far the only

side effect I have experienced is fatigue. However, I am on a low dose. I take

it at night after dinner so I can sleep it off. I tried taking it once in the

afternoon and it made my head feel real spacey. As far as benfits go I haven't

seen any changes but from what I have been told it can take a couple of months

before you see any improvement.

>>> fionaflame@... 08/02/01 02:26PM >>>

Hi All:

Could anyone with a few spare minutes send me your

thoughts/experience with MTX...good, bad, or indifferent, side

effects and all?


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Abbie is actually doing very well right now. She is down to 10 mg of

prednisone every other day. The doctor wants to be very conservative now, but

I honestly saw no side effects this last time it was lowered. It has been

almost a month. He wants to leave her here at least 3 months. She has been

coming down from 60 mg since February. It has gone very smoothly the whole

way this time, and I truly think it is because we have alternated doses (12

mg one day and 15 the next). Now by taking 10 every other day rather than 5

every day, she shocks her system and then teases it the next day. He (the

doctor) says that he has had more success this way in getting his patients to

start producing it on their own, and thus getting all the way off. He also

says, however, that we produce naturally about 5 mg a day. That production

stops after extended use of oral steroids. So to get down to 5 mg per day is

actually pretty close to normal. He feels that 5 is a great success.

As the summer draws to a close I am getting a little skittish. Abbie's flares

always come in the fall (mid October to be exact). Does anyone else out there

notice anything like that?

Glad to hear Josh is doing well. Hope it continues.


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Christy, I too sadden at the prospect of fall coming and along with it for me

the flares ... Summer offers for me a pretty none eventful time ... and Fall my

worst.. Less sunlight also changes my mood ... so I handle these changes with

even less patience . Talk to your doc and see if a boost of some meds. might

change a pattern of flare at this time but even a daily dose of predinose didn't

deter mine but may have made it more short lived.. .


Re: Re: methotrexate


Abbie is actually doing very well right now. She is down to 10 mg of

prednisone every other day. The doctor wants to be very conservative now, but

I honestly saw no side effects this last time it was lowered. It has been

almost a month. He wants to leave her here at least 3 months. She has been

coming down from 60 mg since February. It has gone very smoothly the whole

way this time, and I truly think it is because we have alternated doses (12

mg one day and 15 the next). Now by taking 10 every other day rather than 5

every day, she shocks her system and then teases it the next day. He (the

doctor) says that he has had more success this way in getting his patients to

start producing it on their own, and thus getting all the way off. He also

says, however, that we produce naturally about 5 mg a day. That production

stops after extended use of oral steroids. So to get down to 5 mg per day is

actually pretty close to normal. He feels that 5 is a great success.

As the summer draws to a close I am getting a little skittish. Abbie's flares

always come in the fall (mid October to be exact). Does anyone else out there

notice anything like that?

Glad to hear Josh is doing well. Hope it continues.


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I have been on MTX for about 6 years now. Have had PA since the mid 1970's

and P since the age of 12 (over 40 years ago). I have gone through many if

not all the various NSAIDS and a few other DMARDS and some NIH special

studies over the past 20-30 years. MTX is the only drug that really made a

noticeable difference in my joints. The damage has been on hold due to MTX.

I was on MTX injections at first but they made me very nauseated and unable

to drive or work on the treatment day. After various combinations of drugs

for the side effects, I switched to the oral version of MTX . I started at

7.5mg and worked up to 20mg and now take 15mg once a week. During flares (yes

that still happens) I go to 10mg twice a week. I also take 1mg of folic acid

every day except the day I take MTX. I also take 200MG of celebrex twice a

day for pain relief. My problems are also like many on this site,

hypothyroidism that requires Levoxyl every day. I was on Arava about a year

ago as a possible replacement for MTX but my stomach could not handle Arava.

Overall MTX has worked out fine for me. I get blood work done every three

months, don't drink alcohol and see the Doc on a regular schedule. MTX has

made me sunsensitive, so keep the sunblock handy. Overall, based on my

personal experience I think MTX is a very proven DMARD. The dose for PA is

much smaller than that given for chemotherapy and the chance of liver

problems are small if you watch the blood work and alcohol and stay in touch

with your doctor. After 6 years I have no concerns about taking MTX. Yes,

it is a serious drug that needs to monitored, but given what it has done for

me it has been worth the effort.

Bob in VA

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In a message dated 08/07/2001 11:47:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time, B66F@...


<< I get blood work done every three

months, don't drink alcohol and see the Doc on a regular schedule. >>

Bob - I was happy to read in your post that you've been on MTX fairly long (6

years) with no real ill effects. I've been on 2 yrs. I get blood tests

every month, see the rheumy every 4-6 weeks and do not drink. I've had

elevated liver enzymes once, but after going off the MTX for 4 weeks, they

came back to normal and have stayed normal. Yes, MTX is a scarey drug, but I

believe that when properly used and monitored, it can be safe.

Thanks for your story - it makes me feel better about taking it,

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Hi, Amy,

I've been on MTX for 2 years, and have had great success with it. My

rheumy also has me on Vioxx and Folic Acid. I notice a lot of fatigue and

confusion just after taking the MTX, so I followed the advice of another PA

patient on the NET and began taking my med just before bedtime. By the

morning, I'm rested and ready to start the day. If I feel a little fatigued

the next day, I try to take a short rest when possible. So far, so good! I

hope you'll have the same success.


Subject: [ ] methotrexate

>Hi All:


>Could anyone with a few spare minutes send me your

>thoughts/experience with MTX...good, bad, or indifferent, side

>effects and all? I'm getting ready to start this drug and I have

>some family members that are really worried about my taking it. I'm

>worried about the side effects, but I'm also worried about NOT taking

>it and letting this PA continue to munch on my bones and tendons...my

>rheumy says he wants to treat aggressively now because damage can't

>be stopped once it starts. I did a lot of alternative therapies

>before I got diagnosed (because that's all I had), and I'm certainly

>going to continue them, but I don't want to eliminate a drug that

>could help me just because it is a serious drug. Any info/opinions

>would be appreciated....thank you.



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