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Hi Liz, Thank you for your reply. I know it is probably early for me to have such concerns, but Riley is already so maternal. I was too when I was a child. People would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would always answer "A Mommy." All of these medications are so scary, every morning when I give her Vioxx it is bittersweet because I know it will help with the pain but I can't help but wonder what else it is doing to her. How is doing? I hope she is feeling well. I'm sorry, I've forgotten. What type of arthritis does she have? Well, I wish you a pain free weekend. Take care.

xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly

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Hi Ellie

I'm sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. This weekend was busier than most, but fun.

has poly JRA. She generally does well, but in 8 years has never experienced a remission. Unfortunately, she also continues to have new joints added every now and then, in spite of remaining on meds. That, I've been told, is a pretty good indicator that we may well be in this for life, but it doesn't mean that we can't keep it medically controlled. Two weeks ago we increased the methotrexate and will be looking at other drug options if this doesn't do the trick. Going any higher on the mtx isn't really an option because every time we go up to 20mg her liver counts go up and we have to lower the dose again.

In spite of this disease is happy and active and is able to do most everything she wants to do. Sometimes there's a price to pay-- PAIN!-- but we let her decide if it's worth the pain as long as it's not causing damage to her joints. She does well in school, too.

I hope Riley had a good weekend. And no, it isn't too soon for you to worry about these meds and the future. It's always been in the back of my mind as well. You just have to hope and pray that no matter what the outcome of this disease that our kids will understand that all of us have done the best we can with what's available to give them the best possible quality of life.


Re: Methotrexate

Hi Liz, Thank you for your reply. I know it is probably early for me to have such concerns, but Riley is already so maternal. I was too when I was a child. People would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would always answer "A Mommy." All of these medications are so scary, every morning when I give her Vioxx it is bittersweet because I know it will help with the pain but I can't help but wonder what else it is doing to her. How is doing? I hope she is feeling well. I'm sorry, I've forgotten. What type of arthritis does she have? Well, I wish you a pain free weekend. Take care. xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly

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Hi, Ellie. Just to throw this out there, I do know that even males are told that they should be off MTX for at least three months before trying to conceive with their partners. I have not researched into why, although I suppose I should. It does not seem to have any long term effect on fertility. I have made sure that understands this, for although he does not have a girlfriend or is even interested right now, one must, I believe, be realistic and explain things to our kids before they get into any possible situations. Just thought I would put the info out there, as there are some boys on the list taking mtx now or in the future. Michele (mom to 15, pauci/spondy)

-----Original Message-----From: skyley8@... [mailto:skyley8@...] Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 9:10 PM Subject: MethotrexateHi all, I was just wondering if any of you could give me some info on the long term effects of mtx. Does anybody know if it affects the reproductive system in females? Or any other adverse long term effects? Thanks a bunch. xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly

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I just realized that perhaps this doesn't sound quite right. What I mean is, I am concerned about possible birth defects to a child from someone who is currently taking this drug. So I would not want my son doing anything that would cause that (birth defects) to occur. I didn't mean that I thought he should have kids any time soon! LOL! I was thinking about the way this sounded and I realized how goofy I wrote that. Sorry if anyone got the wrong idea!! Please forgive me on this one!! Michele

RE: Methotrexate

Hi, Ellie. Just to throw this out there, I do know that even males are told that they should be off MTX for at least three months before trying to conceive with their partners. I have not researched into why, although I suppose I should. It does not seem to have any long term effect on fertility. I have made sure that understands this, for although he does not have a girlfriend or is even interested right now, one must, I believe, be realistic and explain things to our kids before they get into any possible situations. Just thought I would put the info out there, as there are some boys on the list taking mtx now or in the future. Michele (mom to 15, pauci/spondy)

-----Original Message-----From: skyley8@... [mailto:skyley8@...] Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 9:10 PM Subject: MethotrexateHi all, I was just wondering if any of you could give me some info on the long term effects of mtx. Does anybody know if it affects the reproductive system in females? Or any other adverse long term effects? Thanks a bunch. xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly

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Thanks Michele, What you said sounded just fine lol. I knew just what you meant. As a matter of fact now that you mention it I have a friend who has RA and he went off methotrexate for about 3 months before he and his wife started trying to conceive. I totally agree that it is important to discuss things with our kids before they find themselves in a difficult situation. Just yesterday I was talking to my 8 year old boy about not using drugs and he looked at me like I was insane LOL! But I feel that it is best to discuss these things before they find themselves being faced with something that we didn't prepare them for the possibility of. Sorry to once again ramble!

xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly

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Hi Liz,

I'm glad you had a nice weekend, busy can be either really bad or really good lol. Has ever been on any biologics? I wonder if she would be a good candidate for the Enbrel study. Has her arthritis left any of her joints? You mentioned that new joints are added now and then, Riley hasn't had any new ones since this all came on. It started in the one joint and went to the others in a matter of weeks but many of those joints are much better now and no new ones seem to have popped up. When this first happened it seemed to spread to almost all of her joints like wildfire. I will get her labs back tomorrow. I am so nervous waiting. I hope is feeling well and if she ends up on a new drug it works wonders. Take care.

xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly

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In a message dated 10/03/2002 12:53:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ltgnd@... writes:

> My question is for

> people who have had to make the same decision to take methotrexate. Is

> it worth it? Did it help and has anyone had any negative side

> effects.

Hi - Yup, it's a powerful and scarey drug. But for most of us, it helps and

the side effects are minimal. I had to go off of it because of elevated

liver function tests and am on Enbrel now. I do prefer the enbrel - less

tiredness, nausea, etc.

If you go on MTX - please please please - take folic acid and have your blood

tested every month for liver problems - and NO alcohol (I didn't even drink

champagne on my wedding day!)

Good luck in whatever you decide.

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I am writing to share why I decided to go on methotrexate back in 1994 and

remained on it together with folic acid prednisone for 5 + years. When

symptoms of PA began to appear in 1989 I was placed first on one and then

another and another anti-inflammatory. By 1993 I could not work because I

could no longer type-I am a secretary-and could not be on my feet due to

swollen knees and ankles. For most of the next year I literally " sat in my

chair " very discouraged enduring the pain. Finally, I sought help

(antidepressant med. and visits with psychologist) for depression, and as I

began to get relief, I swore that I would do everything in my power to put

off returning to misery of that last year for as long as I could. And for

me that meant taking methotrexate--the only other option was gold, but

methotrexate was the drug of " choice " at that time.

Over the next 5 years I gained 57 pounds and experienced other side effects

until I was taken off meth. and placed on arava in 2001. I hated the side

effects of both the methotrexate and the prednisone the whole 5+ years, but

if I had to do it all over again, I would--why? Because the crippling

effects of the PA that I had begun to experience prior to beginning

Methotrexate and Prednisone were so improved after several months that I was

able to go back to work (part-time instead of fulltime), and I have had no

obvious progression of the crippling in my hands since.

We have to start practicing prevention because the more serious the effects

of this disease are the more damage to our joints, eventually requiring

surgeries, etc. I was told in 1992 when I required arthroscopic surgery on

both knees that I would require knee replacement surgeries within five to

ten years. Well, it hasn't happened yet. I am not saying that I won't

require surgeries on both knees or some other joint, for that matter--just

that I give the medication credit for helping to slow down the progression

of the disease. Quality of life is especially important to me because of

the traumatic effect on both my personal life and my professional life when

I was so depressed in 1993.

I have started remicade infusions recently after being off the arava since

April (April - present taking prednisone, vioxx 2 X day-morning and night,

and darvocette). Although I have been able to reduce the prednisone from 15

mg. per day to 10 mg. per day, today the rheumatologist and I decided I

will begin taking the arava again in hopes of getting off the prednisone

(gained 20 lbs. since April, elevated blood pressure and chloresterol and

require higher dose of antidepressant--all side effects of prednisone).

Normally remicade is recommended to be taken with methotrexate, but since

it is not recommended that I take it again, arava is suggested as


It is hard for me to accept that your only option is methotrexate when

embrel is the approved/recommended medication for PA--my understanding is

that it is because insurance companies won't pay for the newer, more

expensive drugs until you have proved you do not receive adequate relief

from the older, cheaper ones. Or, is it because the older, known drugs are

considered less risky than the newer, more experimental ones? Whatever the

reason, it doesn't seem in the patient's best interest to me. (I " qualify "

for embrel and tried to wait for availability, but I could not increase

Prednisone enough to manage symptoms of PA--15 mg. maximum recommended for

me due to side effect of exacerbating major depression).

I sincerely wish you had more options now for treatment as I am sure it

would make your decision easier. Whatever your decision, I wish you the

very best outcome--both for you and your children's future.

[ ] methotrexate

> Hi all,

> I'm 36 years old and have been diagnosed for 4 years. I currently

> take vioxx once a day at night and it gets me thru the day. Lately the

> pain has moved to my lower back and the vioxx is not helping that

> much. My rheumy wants me to start on methotrexate but I'm not thrilled

> with the idea of taking more medicine. My pa is worse then my p. I have

> swelling in my knees, toes, 1 thumb and now the pain in my back. I have

> 3 kids under the age of 5 so I'm pretty active. My question is for

> people who have had to make the same decision to take methotrexate. Is

> it worth it? Did it help and has anyone had any negative side

> effects. I've researched it quite a bit and it would certainly seem to

> be a pretty powerful drug. What about the long term effects? Has anyone

> been on it for a long time? The bottem line is I'm afraid it might

> make me feel better now but it might make me drop dead when I'm 50.

> Thanks in advance for any feedback






> Please visit our Psoriatic Arthritis Group's informational web page at:

> http://www.wpunj.edu/pa/ -- created and edited by list member



> In August 2001 list member Jack aka(Cornishpro@...) began to

conduct extensive research which he publishes as the Psoriatic Arthritic

Research Newsletter monthly in our emails and digest format. Many thanks to

Jack. Back issues of the newsletter are stored on our PA webpage.


> Also remember that the list archives comprise a tremendous amount of

information (Over two years of messages and answers).Feel free to browse

them at your convenience.


> Let's hear from some of you lurkers out there! If you have a comment or

question chances are there is a person who has been around a while who can

help you out with an educated guess for an answer. If not we can at least

steer you in the right direction with a good website to go to for the



> Blessings and Peace,


> Atwood-Stack, Founder

> Alan , Web & List Editor

> Jack , Newsletter Editor

> Pat Bias, List Editor

> Ron Dotson, List Editor

> and many others who help moderate (thank you!)




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Wow ....you sound just like me!!


[ ] methotrexate

Hi all,

I'm 36 years old and have been diagnosed for 4 years. I currently

take vioxx once a day at night and it gets me thru the day. Lately the

pain has moved to my lower back and the vioxx is not helping that

much. My rheumy wants me to start on methotrexate but I'm not thrilled

with the idea of taking more medicine. My pa is worse then my p. I have

swelling in my knees, toes, 1 thumb and now the pain in my back. I have

3 kids under the age of 5 so I'm pretty active. My question is for

people who have had to make the same decision to take methotrexate. Is

it worth it? Did it help and has anyone had any negative side

effects. I've researched it quite a bit and it would certainly seem to

be a pretty powerful drug. What about the long term effects? Has anyone

been on it for a long time? The bottem line is I'm afraid it might

make me feel better now but it might make me drop dead when I'm 50.

Thanks in advance for any feedback

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I, too, worry about the MTX side effects. I think I will try MTX

just to fulfill my insurance companies needs. Most insurance's want

you to fail one or more DMARD's to be eligible for Remicade or

Enbrel (due only to the higher cost). I know these biologics are

new to the market and their safety profiles aren't as extensive as

MTX (because MTX has been around for may years), but I'm willing to

take my chances. Most everyone I've talked with or heard of has had

very little relief (if any) from MTX. While, on the flip side,

people on biologics seem to have better response. If I could have a

50% percent improvement I would be joyful! I see my rheumy on

Friday (10/11) and hope to get a prescription for MTX. Good luck to


> In a message dated 10/03/2002 12:53:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> ltgnd@h... writes:



> > My question is for

> > people who have had to make the same decision to take

methotrexate. Is

> > it worth it? Did it help and has anyone had any negative side

> > effects.


> Hi - Yup, it's a powerful and scarey drug. But for most of us, it

helps and

> the side effects are minimal. I had to go off of it because of


> liver function tests and am on Enbrel now. I do prefer the

enbrel - less

> tiredness, nausea, etc.

> If you go on MTX - please please please - take folic acid and have

your blood

> tested every month for liver problems - and NO alcohol (I didn't

even drink

> champagne on my wedding day!)

> Good luck in whatever you decide.





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For those on methotrexate I suggest you ask you doctor about cyclosporine. It

is expensive, but the benefits have been worth it. I can play tennis, ride my

bicycle and so much more.

Be positive.

Joe in Arizona

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Thanks , that is certainly good information to have - even though Rob is

only five and not taking MTX - who knows what the distant (very distant!) future

will bring? When Robbie asks when he will be a Daddy, I tell him when he is

almost 30, long finished with college and has a good career, a nice house and a

nice wife. :) Yesterday he told me " I'm getting bigger, I'm almost a brother "

I think he thinks that brother falls somewhere between five and teenager. HA!


Rob's Mom (5,systemic)

In a message dated 9/30/2002 9:35:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,

MTepper@... writes:

> Hi, Ellie. Just to throw this out there, I do know that even males are told

that they should be off MTX for at least three months before trying to conceive

with their partners. I have not researched into why, although I suppose I

should. It does not seem to have any long term effect on fertility. I have made

sure that understands this, for although he does not have a girlfriend or

is even interested right now, one must, I believe, be realistic and explain

things to our kids before they get into any possible situations. Just thought I

would put the info out there, as there are some boys on the list taking mtx now

or in the future. Michele (mom to 15, pauci/spondy)

> Methotrexate



> Hi all, I was just wondering if any of you could give me some info on the long

term effects of mtx. Does anybody know if it affects the reproductive system in

females? Or any other adverse long term effects? Thanks a bunch.

> xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly


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Thanks , that is certainly good information to have - even though Rob is

only five and not taking MTX - who knows what the distant (very distant!) future

will bring? When Robbie asks when he will be a Daddy, I tell him when he is

almost 30, long finished with college and has a good career, a nice house and a

nice wife. :) Yesterday he told me " I'm getting bigger, I'm almost a brother "

I think he thinks that brother falls somewhere between five and teenager. HA!


Rob's Mom (5,systemic)

In a message dated 9/30/2002 9:35:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,

MTepper@... writes:

> Hi, Ellie. Just to throw this out there, I do know that even males are told

that they should be off MTX for at least three months before trying to conceive

with their partners. I have not researched into why, although I suppose I

should. It does not seem to have any long term effect on fertility. I have made

sure that understands this, for although he does not have a girlfriend or

is even interested right now, one must, I believe, be realistic and explain

things to our kids before they get into any possible situations. Just thought I

would put the info out there, as there are some boys on the list taking mtx now

or in the future. Michele (mom to 15, pauci/spondy)

> Methotrexate



> Hi all, I was just wondering if any of you could give me some info on the long

term effects of mtx. Does anybody know if it affects the reproductive system in

females? Or any other adverse long term effects? Thanks a bunch.

> xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly


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Good Dream to have Val! Good Dream!


On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 13:15:00 -0400 carneyval@... writes:

> Thanks , that is certainly good information to have - even

> though Rob is only five and not taking MTX - who knows what the

> distant (very distant!) future will bring? When Robbie asks when he

> will be a Daddy, I tell him when he is almost 30, long finished with

> college and has a good career, a nice house and a nice wife. :)

> Yesterday he told me " I'm getting bigger, I'm almost a brother " I

> think he thinks that brother falls somewhere between five and

> teenager. HA!

> Val

> Rob's Mom (5,systemic)


> In a message dated 9/30/2002 9:35:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> MTepper@... writes:


> > Hi, Ellie. Just to throw this out there, I do know that even males

> are told that they should be off MTX for at least three months

> before trying to conceive with their partners. I have not researched

> into why, although I suppose I should. It does not seem to have any

> long term effect on fertility. I have made sure that Chris

> understands this, for although he does not have a girlfriend or is

> even interested right now, one must, I believe, be realistic and

> explain things to our kids before they get into any possible

> situations. Just thought I would put the info out there, as there

> are some boys on the list taking mtx now or in the future. Michele

> (mom to 15, pauci/spondy)

> > Methotrexate

> >

> >

> > Hi all, I was just wondering if any of you could give me some info

> on the long term effects of mtx. Does anybody know if it affects

> the reproductive system in females? Or any other adverse long term

> effects? Thanks a bunch.

> > xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly

> >

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Ellie, try this web site http://content.health.msn.com/drug_article/article/4046.2028?bn=Methotrexate.

It is a medical definition, but keep scrolling down and it gives good information. I know this site well, becuase I had to give her MTX shots every Saturday... Plus, there are meds that she was prescribed that I knew nothing about. hope this helps somewhat.

Theresa and (systemic, 5)

>From: A Morse



>Subject: Re: Methotrexate

>Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 14:40:08 -0400


>Good Dream to have Val! Good Dream!


>On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 13:15:00 -0400 carneyval@... writes:

> > Thanks , that is certainly good information to have - even

> > though Rob is only five and not taking MTX - who knows what the

> > distant (very distant!) future will bring? When Robbie asks when he

> > will be a Daddy, I tell him when he is almost 30, long finished with

> > college and has a good career, a nice house and a nice wife. :)

> > Yesterday he told me "I'm getting bigger, I'm almost a brother" I

> > think he thinks that brother falls somewhere between five and

> > teenager. HA!

> > Val

> > Rob's Mom (5,systemic)

> >

> > In a message dated 9/30/2002 9:35:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> > MTepper@... writes:

> >

> > > Hi, Ellie. Just to throw this out there, I do know that even males

> > are told that they should be off MTX for at least three months

> > before trying to conceive with their partners. I have not researched

> > into why, although I suppose I should. It does not seem to have any

> > long term effect on fertility. I have made sure that

> > understands this, for although he does not have a girlfriend or is

> > even interested right now, one must, I believe, be realistic and

> > explain things to our kids before they get into any possible

> > situations. Just thought I would put the info out there, as there

> > are some boys on the list taking mtx now or in the future. Michele

> > (mom to 15, pauci/spondy)

> > > Methotrexate

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi all, I was just wondering if any of you could give me some info

> > on the long term effects of mtx. Does anybody know if it affects

> > the reproductive system in females? Or any other adverse long term

> > effects? Thanks a bunch.

> > > xoxo, Ellie and Riley 5 poly

> > >

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  • 4 months later...


Good luck with your new medication and iritis. Interesting in light of what

happened at Duke, but my dad had care and surgery at the Duke Eye Center last

week, and they have restored some of his lost site in the eye they did the

surgery on, truly miraculous. The multiple MD's he saw were brilliant, his

two surgeons went to Hopkins and now work at Duke, two of the best

medical facilities in the world. These folks are cutting edge and their

knowledge and subspecialties emphasis gives them the ability to really help

people. My dad and I were thoroughly impressed. I hope the methotrexate is of

tremendous benefit to you, as based on what I've read its looks like it

should be.

Dave in NC

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Connie, GO FOR IT!! I begged doctors in so many places to try me on mtx--I

could find none who would try any of what I call 'big guns' used to treat

arthritis these days--Arava, Remicade, mtx, and esp. Enbrel. I don't have

such a good immune system anyway, and I spose that's the reason they

wouldn't even consider it. It was quite discouraging.

Hope it works for you.


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Dave, several years ago...I heard about a Dr. Glenn Jaffe from Duke...who was

working on research for uveitis. He discovered a delivery system for some of

the harsher drugs that would enable the drug to be delivered by an implant in

the eye. I've often thought I would make the trip to Duke to see him during

the summer months we live in NC. I don't know what ever happened with the

results of his attempts, as I can find no papers on the followup research. He

has a practice, but is also a professor at Duke. Maybe your father saw him?

Best regards, Connie (granny) <A

HREF= " http://www.dukeeye.org/vitreoretinal/profiles/Jaffe.html " >Vitreoretinal

Profiles | Glenn J. Jaffe M.D.</A>

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I went on methotrexate pills in August for severe arthritis. I always have

an iritis flare in the autumn. I was on methotrexate pills from August

through October. I did not have my autumn flare at all, for the first time

in many years. My opthalmologist said that he uses methotrexate for chronic


I took 1 mg. a day of folic acid to start, then when I developed mouth

sores, it was upped to 2 mg. a day. Unfortunately, I had to go off

methotrexate because of the mouth sores and it stopped working on the

arthritis. However, I understand that injections have a lower incidence of

side effects, especially if you take 1 mg. a day of folic acid as well.

High doses of folic acid are very safe, and really have been shown to make a

difference in side effects from methotrexate.

I really think it will clear up your chronic uveitis and save your sight.

Janet in SF

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I had the best response of all drugs with the methotrexate. I used

injectible about 7 cc sub q. Had difficulty tolerating after about a year

and 1/2. Will go back to it again some day, I believe. Totally kicked my

uveitis! Good luck. Kathy from WI

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My experience with Methotrexate is very similar to Janet's. I have been

taking MX 20mg self-injected weekly for just over two years with very good

results. I was having the same mouth sores, but slowly increasing the dosage

of Folic Acid, from 2mg, to 4mg, to the 6mg daily I am now on has eliminated

the sores completely. I do get pretty nauseous and crummy feeling for six

hours right after the injection, but I have learned how to time it, and

" sleep it off " .

I have my blood tested monthly, and an office visit bi-monthly, and it is

a real joy to answer my Rheumatologist's " how are you feeling? " with a

positive response. For many years before I sought treatment, I could count on

having at least 4 or 5 " real big " flare-ups a year that knocked me flat for

a week or so. The MX has put an end to that.

I hope you can find a level of treatment that helps you, also. Yours,

Harv I'm 47, 23 years of Reiters

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Kathy and others who responded, thank you. After you had to quit taking

MTX....did your uveitis come back at all? Sure would be nice to have some

time without the eye problem. Plaquenil gave me about three years...no

uveitis. Even that sounds good. I'm definitely going to let him put me on

it...I have an appt March 10...soonest I could get in. My old Rheumy has left

town so am trying the new one that has taken his place. I like my Rheumy in

NC very much...a woman, and she is so easy to talk to, but we have decided to

stay down here because of the following change in plans:

My hubby and I had some bad news today. Recently, his PSA test (prostate)

came back slightly above normal...that put up some red flags. Then a couple

of weeks ago..the doctor was able to feel a small tumor and his PSA test came

back even a little higher. So last week they took a biopsy (several) and he

definitely has cancer and it is pretty aggressive stage B Gleason's pattern

8. He was started on hormone treatment this afternoon and will do this for

3-4 months and then beam radiation. We will see next week if it has spread to

bones...he's taking a bone scan. If all goes the way we hope and God

willing...there may be a cure. All you prayer warriors...give him a little

prayer. Best regards, Connie (granny)

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Granny. My uveitis did start up again, very minimally but it took almost 6

months! What was very interesting was that I started Imuran about 1-1/2

months ago and those symptoms have stopped again. I have had no side effects

and the bowel stuff has stopped. I can eat ANYTHING that I want to, even

milk. Its been a very long time. Arthritis issues are not taken care of

completely like the MTX, but I think I'll stick with this for a while. I

wish you luck in your decision and treatment. Kathy from WI

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In a message dated 2/23/03 4:01:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, KABRHB@...


> I can eat ANYTHING that I want to, even

> milk. Its been a very long time.

Thank you, Kathy. Every six months or so...I treat myself to a milk shake

from Steak nShake, knowing I will suffer the next 6-9 hours. What bliss it

will be without these side effects! :-) Best regards, Connie (granny)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

HARV, I've started on methotrexate last Friday. My hubby is giving me the IM

shot...such a little tiny needle...I don't even know when he does it. I

suppose it might take time to see if I have any side effects from it. The

nurse said she would gradually increase the dosage to 20mg. I'm only taking

7.5 mg. now. once a week. I got slightly nauseous a few hours after the

injection, but not bad enough to do anything about it. Also, I seem to be

thirsty all the time. I'm taking one pill each day of folic acid. Didn't

someone mention that they took their folic acid on different days...not any

on the day of shot? I could have been dreaming...but thought someone had said

that. I didn't realize how cheap it was. Very hopeful that it will help my

uveitis and painful back and muscles. My husband has his first external beam

radiation tomorrow. The drive is about 3 hrs (back and forth). I've done it

the last couple of days and was a little uncomfortable, but the heat in my

seat helps a little. Don't ever get another car without one. I swear, it

helps. I'm praying that the smart beam radiation machine will kill all the

dreadful devil cells and he'll have no bad side effects, etc. Best to all,

Connie (granny)

Matt, hope problems are over sooner....watch some comedy videos the next

couple of weeks. Ya all take care. Connie (granny) AS (Cervical thru SI,

Sporadic fusion) Rt hip/IBD/iritis/glaucoma

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