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Re: RE:Histamine Therapy

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Regarding Histamine, have U seen this website www.watercure2.org ?

W dniu 2010-02-25 01:58, jnandalampman pisze:


> Hi. Is anyone doing Histamine Therapy? I did it a few years ago, and

> then was feeling well for so many years and at some point dropped it.

> I also have used homeopathic histamine in the past with good results,

> but felt my body needed the gross histamine substance at this time,

> instead of the homeopathic vibration. I started back on Histamine

> about a month ago, and have had some great results. My energy level is

> very good, even if I am not feeling great otherwise and having

> symptoms.........I still consistently have decent energy. So I can

> function well. My food and chemical allergies have greatly improved

> once again, with being on the histamine.


> I'm not going to do LDN, as I generally have an allergic response to

> any type of prescription drug and this doesn't feel like something I

> am interested in. I've been diagnosed as Chronic Progressive in the

> past and come back from major disability - all without any MS drugs.


> I have had two dramatic healings in the past, after being in end stage

> status with this disease. Once was in 1996, and more recently in 2008.

> Both healings have occured from a deep emotional release and spiritual

> healing. So I continue to resolve my symptoms, focusing on this area.

> I believe I am basically dealing with a very sensitive nature and

> hyperreactive nervous system.


> My main issue currently, is to resolve remaining allergies, and also

> to eliminate all seizure activity and cognitive impairment. My

> mobility is back fully, but I am still feeling somewhat fragile

> overall. And of course I am continuing to work at not being so

> reactive physically in my daily life.........automatic tension as a

> response, eventhough I feel consciously quite relaxed and happy.


> I know getting my amalgams removed this past fall, and ending the work

> in December, has been a huge thing for my continued recovery. I felt

> immediate relief, and I look forward to more resolving of symptoms as

> the mercury and heavy metals continue to chelate out.


> I think emotional work for anyone dealing with chronic illness, is

> vital. I have experienced when I can release emotional blocks - then

> healing is able to take place in the body quite naturally. But it can

> take a lot of work to get at those blocks...........although if we

> watch our thoughts, many are very obvious to detect.


> Love,

> jnanda



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