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Heel pain

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gets that. It has to do with his Achilles tendon getting inflamed

from his spondy. It could be something separate but for it is

definitely arthritis related. Hope this helps, Michele ( 20,



From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of toivonen4

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 9:38 AM

Subject: Heel pain

I am just curious about heel pain related to arthritis. Grant has had

very minimal joint pain throughout all this. Lately though he has

complained of heel pain usually when he is being active like playing

basketball or just running around. It is only his rt heel and that is

the same ankle that has been inflamed. Has anyone experienced this?

I guess I'm just wondering if this is related to the arthritis or is

it something separate? When I search on the internet for heel pain

plantar fascitis comes up but it doesn't seem like it is that because

the pain only happens while is is on it and playing hard.

& Grant/10, PsA/Uveitis

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I would also think it's the Achilles tendon.... which can be VERY painful...

On Dec 7, 2007 7:51 AM, Tepper, Michele <MTepper@...> wrote:

> gets that. It has to do with his Achilles tendon getting inflamed

> from his spondy. It could be something separate but for it is

> definitely arthritis related. Hope this helps, Michele ( 20,

> spondy)


> ________________________________


> From: < %40> [mailto:

> < %40>] On

> Behalf Of toivonen4

> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 9:38 AM

> < %40>

> Subject: Heel pain


> I am just curious about heel pain related to arthritis. Grant has had

> very minimal joint pain throughout all this. Lately though he has

> complained of heel pain usually when he is being active like playing

> basketball or just running around. It is only his rt heel and that is

> the same ankle that has been inflamed. Has anyone experienced this?

> I guess I'm just wondering if this is related to the arthritis or is

> it something separate? When I search on the internet for heel pain

> plantar fascitis comes up but it doesn't seem like it is that because

> the pain only happens while is is on it and playing hard.


> & Grant/10, PsA/Uveitis



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-There is also enthesitis arhtritis. Where the tendons and ligaments

attach to the bone and get inflammed. I beleive there are attachement

areas either side of the back of the heel.

Just an idea.

hugs Helen and (10,systemic)

-- In , Arthurnator@... wrote:



> Since PsA is in theSpondyloarthropathies and PsA can cause swollen

tendons it

> sounds like you have your answer.I take it that this is something new


> Grant so definately worth mentioning it to the rheumy.

> Becki and 9 systemic </HTML>




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Hi and Grant

has the same issues with her heels and it causes her to limp alot

too.... there are a group of tendons that attach in the heel and the problems

occur just bang in the centre of the heel for her. She has had her feet moulded

and we go to get her shoe inserts next week. I reccomend you take him to a

podiatrist... i had to fight to be referred to one... She wears good fitting

school shoes with her uniform and trainers the rest of the time to support her

feet. I have always had her feet measured and shoes properly fitted.

has Enthesitis Related and Psoriatic Arthritis and the heel pain is

standard it seems for these kids... a foot spa should help a bit as well. The

pain comes from the tendon ends (enthesitic points)becoming inflammed. There

are a few of these tendon ends holding onto the heel hence the pain.

If i can help in any way.... i have been walking the Arthritis road for 10

months now.


Enthesitis Related Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis HLA B27+

West of Scotland


Sent from & #45; a smarter inbox.

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Thanks everyone for the info. I better check with our ped rheumy.

I've never heard of enthesitis before! I'm interested in the

inserts for . What is the purpose of those? To take pressure

off of the heel so she can walk without a limp? Grant also will

walk with a limp after he is done playing basketball and just for a

few hours until it feels better, his pain seems to be in the middle

of the heel too.

& Grant/10 ,PsA/Uveitis


> Hi and Grant


> has the same issues with her heels and it causes her to

limp alot too.... there are a group of tendons that attach in the

heel and the problems occur just bang in the centre of the heel for

her. She has had her feet moulded and we go to get her shoe inserts

next week. I reccomend you take him to a podiatrist... i had to

fight to be referred to one... She wears good fitting school shoes

with her uniform and trainers the rest of the time to support her

feet. I have always had her feet measured and shoes properly



> has Enthesitis Related and Psoriatic Arthritis and the

heel pain is standard it seems for these kids... a foot spa should

help a bit as well. The pain comes from the tendon ends (enthesitic

points)becoming inflammed. There are a few of these tendon ends

holding onto the heel hence the pain.


> If i can help in any way.... i have been walking the Arthritis

road for 10 months now.


> and

> Enthesitis Related Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis HLA B27+

> West of Scotland



> ---------------------------------

> Sent from & #45; a smarter inbox.



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Hi and Grant

s Enthesitis affects weird places. Not just her main joints.... It has

affected her rib cage so she gets chest pains, halfway along a bone literally

anywhere there are tendon ends. Her head, her shins. you name it she gets it.

She doesnt get fevers or rashes, her joints never go red but they do go a

mottled colour if there is activity. She also doesnt get hot joints. The

testing for the HLA B27+ gene is an indicator of Enthesitis. Enthesitis is

according to her Ped Rhuemy the most painful of the arthritic conditions. She

is now in remission but has masses of damage done to her joints by the disease


started Enbrel 15mg 2x a week - 6 weeks ago and takes oral MTX 20mg.

Since starting enbrel she has very little pain.

She has problems with every joint in her body except her spine and neck. The

pains in her neck and spine is to do with the way her feet are placed so they

are making inserts for her shoes that will allow her feet to sit in na better

position. She has hammer like toes and a very large instep. We get them on


A podiatrist is a must have. the insoles slip inside her shoes and help put

her feet in a better position. She will need corrective surgery at a later date

to straighten out her toes.. there is alot of damage to the joints in her feet

but the insoles should allow her to walk further and get back to running in the


Enthesitis Related Arthritis and Psoriatic arthritis are related. but pain is

a large part of what they go through. Her jaw is fused on one side and is

undergrown, she has been referred to a maxillo facial surgeon for this.


Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.

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  • 1 month later...

Could be heel spurs? Not arthritis related. But does cause plenty of heel pain.

I would check with podiatrist.




Subject: [ ] Heel Pain

Has anyone ever experienced this? My son started having heel pain

about 8 weeks ago, just when he plays basketball.

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I have pain too. Mine started about 6 months ago. It feels like I'm

walking on cracking glass. I mentioned this to my Rhuematologist, he

said it could be Planter Facitis. I bought heel inserts for my shoes

and it has helped the pain. I'm going to try the gel heel cup to see

how it works. I just wanted to pass this along to you.



> Has anyone ever experienced this? My son started having heel pain

> about 8 weeks ago, just when he plays basketball.

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Don't know how old your son is but it really doesn't make a difference. Take

him to a podiatrist - they can give him proper exercises if it's something like

plantar faschitis or he made need orthotics. Make sure you talk to people first

though and find one that people have been happy with; you will need a good one

for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Joanna Hoelscher


[ ] Heel Pain

Has anyone ever experienced this? My son started having heel pain

about 8 weeks ago, just when he plays basketball.

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- ask about plantar fasciitis. That is an inflammation of the

plantar fascia (connective tissue) in the bottom of the foot,

including where it attaches to the heel bone. I had it really bad in

Spring of 2007. My pain was in my heel at first, then later it was

up under the base of my toes, where the fascia attaches to the toe

bones. One thing about the tendonitis related to PA is that it often

mostly affects the spot right where the tendon inserts into the

bone. That makes it hard to tell whether it's a joint or bone

hurting or a tendon. Anyway, plantar fasciitis is pretty common with


An MRI won't show this unless it's gone on so long that it's caused

heel spurs.

There are some easy stretching exercises you can do to help this and

to keep it from recurring once it gets better.



best regards,

sherry z


> Has anyone ever experienced this? My son started having heel pain

> about 8 weeks ago, just when he plays basketball.

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Heel pain was the first manifistation I had of PA. I got corrective shoes and

the pain subsided, but it could return at any time. Make sure your son sees a

Rhuematologist.Good Luck


[ ] Heel Pain

Has anyone ever experienced this? My son started having heel pain

about 8 weeks ago, just when he plays basketball.

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Hi! I have experienced this in my L heel only for about four years. I believe it

is PA. I am 37 and looking back, I believe I had this

disease as a teen. No MD can probably say for sure it is PA, I have

just put things together in a puzzle and it all adds up to PA. A

prime example is when I was 29 and had my first abnormal pap smear.

The results kept coming back nonspecific inflammation. I went through surgery

etc. Now its all clear....it was PA creeping in one area at a time. I can tell

you that when my heel hurts, I cannot stand to bear weight on it. The pain in my

heel relieves when my other joints relieve.

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Hi ,

Sounds like maybe plantar fascitis, which causes heel

pain. This was one of my first symptoms of PA,

although it took years to figure out what it was and

to make it go away! Look it up, and see if the

symptoms are similar to what he's experiencing.

A podiatrist should be able to diagnose this. Mine

began on the left foot. I had six cortisone injections

over a period of six months and the dr. would tape my

foot. Then we tried physical therapy. I finally wore a

traction boot for a few months and it the pain

gradually dissipated, before moving on the the right

foot, and I began the process all over again. I even

was wearing the traction boot at my wedding, as it

took about two years to go away.

warm blessings,


--- toivonen4 <toivonen4@...> wrote:

Has anyone ever experienced this? My son started

having heel pain about 8 weeks ago, just when he plays basketball.

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Thanks for all the replies. The rheumy doesn't think it is the

plantar fascia because Grant would have been in excruciating pain

when he pressed on a spot on his foot. We have put as many as 3 gel

heel pads in his basketball shoe along with stretching and icing it

which definately all seems to help. We'll just have to wait and see

if this new dose of mtx will help it.

& Grant/10/Uveitis/PsA

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  • 10 months later...

Hi andra:

I was sorry to read that you are suffering with that heel pain. The RA

has hit my feet and ankles the worst. When I have a flare, I can't

stand on them, and walking is very difficult. Those days, I stay in

bed, plus, I have to use my walker for stability.

I had the Plantar Facitis very bad. I was also having a RA flare at the

time. The Podiatrist gave me shots in my heel, on 3 diff. visits. I

also have a RA noduele on the outside of my right foot, by the arch. It

is very swollen all the time, and at times, very painful.

It took a long time for the heel pain to go away after the last shot.

My foot dr. also ordered me 2 types of shoe inserts. One I wear reg.,

and the other, when my feet are hurting really bad.

The inserts that I just love, are the ones that look and feel like

memory foam. They make my feet so happy. I highly recommend them to

everyone. The inserts cost $35.00 a pair. You just remove the insert

that came with your shoes/sneakers, and put the new ones in its place.

I was also diagnosed with RA Neuropathy of both feet. It hit the ball

of my feet, and my toes. It causes me to walk unbalanced, so I use my


I hope this information helps you. Wishing you pain free days, and God

Bless you.




> I haven't posted on here in a long time. I have a question about heel

> pain. My arthritis has been pretty stable for a couple of years

> except in my wrists and elbows. This summer I started getting quite

> severe heel pain. I've been to 5 doctors (GP, rheum, ER doc,

> orthopedic surgeon and a podiatrist) and two physio therapists. I

> have a heel spur and plantar faciitis, but i've also got a lot of

> swelling on the outside of my foot and sometimes tingling in my toes.

> 3 docs think it's RA related, 2 don't. Apparently the tendons and

> heel pad are also quite swollen and the bone itself is very tender,

> but the joints themselves are fine. Has anyone had anything like this

> and did they think it was RA related? What did people have done? I am

> currently wearing an aircast and am " resting " it. I've had 2 previous

> courses of prednisone which helped only for a short while. It's been 6

> months and I'm quite annoyed. Please help.


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  • 10 months later...

I have not been diagnosed with RA, but have an appt with a Rheumatologist in

October. I guess I had a flare up of either Osteo or RA in August. I had

severe pain in my hands and feet with swelling. It was more than just my

joints, but the pain was excruciating. My question concerns my feet. When I

stand very long, the pain in my feet is agonizing - this includes the ankle,

bones on top and heels - not my toes. For a long time my heels have been

hurting and I thought it was heels spurs. For the last 6 months, the back of my

heels have became very sensitive. It almost feels like the skin could crack and

I can not stand to lay the back of the heel on anything - bed or recliner foot

rest. I was wearing shoes without backs , but with the pain I try to wear shoes

with extra support and they have backs that cause me discomfort. Has anyone

ever had this or heard of it? Could it be related to my other symptoms? Does

anyone know how to fix it?


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  • 11 months later...

The same with my son, ...exactly the same!

(, 12, poly)

From: rosannwinn@...

Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:34:23 +0000

Subject: Re: Heel pain

Sorry Hannah is experiencing this pain. Sometimes 's ankle pain comes on

suddenly, especially in the early evening. She's fine one minute and limping and

saying her ankle hurts an 8 the next.

nn (, 9, systemic)


> Hi everyone,

> Haven't needed advice in a while, but I have a new question. Yesterday Hannah


> I were in the grocery store. She suffered a sudden onset of pain. It was on

> the very back of the ankle and radiates into her heel. It came out of nowhere

> was just as severe this morning. She does not recall an injury and again it


> very sudden. We iced it last night and kept it elevated.


> Anyone experience this or have clue what this might be? She has never had


> a sudden onset before. I had to wrap her foot this morning just for


> so she could walk on it and go to school, but she was still limping.


> Beth & Hannah, 13, OA, HMJS, vit d deficiency, asthma and allergies

> The only disability in life is a bad attitude. ~ Hamilton






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I took her to the ped today when she was still having severe pain after school. 

She was diagnosed with Sever's disease, which has to do with the achilles tendon

in her heel.  There is not much to do for it.  Most kids will outgrow it

eventually, we will have to see if Hannah will be one of them.  Very common in

teens.  The only thing to do for it is stretching; rest; and NSAIDs (which

Hannah cannot take).

 Beth & Hannah

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.  ~ Hamilton


From: Dantes <cgdantes@...>

Sent: Thu, September 30, 2010 9:05:25 PM

Subject: RE: Re: Heel pain

The same with my son, ...exactly the same!

(, 12, poly)

From: rosannwinn@...

Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:34:23 +0000

Subject: Re: Heel pain


Sorry Hannah is experiencing this pain. Sometimes 's ankle pain comes on

suddenly, especially in the early evening. She's fine one minute and limping and

saying her ankle hurts an 8 the next.

nn (, 9, systemic)


> Hi everyone,

> Haven't needed advice in a while, but I have a new question.  Yesterday Hannah

> &


> I were in the grocery store.  She suffered a sudden onset of pain.  It was on

> the very back of the ankle and radiates into her heel.  It came out of nowhere

> was just as severe this morning.  She does not recall an injury and again it



> very sudden.  We iced it last night and kept it elevated.


> Anyone experience this or have clue what this might be?  She has never had



> a sudden onset before.  I had to wrap her foot this morning just for



> so she could walk on it and go to school, but she was still limping.


> Beth & Hannah, 13, OA, HMJS, vit d deficiency, asthma and allergies

> The only disability in life is a bad attitude.  ~ Hamilton






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Beth, sorry to hear that. Glad you got it diagnosed. I hope resting it will

help the pain.


> >

> > Hi everyone,

> > Haven't needed advice in a while, but I have a new question.  Yesterday


> > &

> >

> > I were in the grocery store.  She suffered a sudden onset of pain.  It was


> > the very back of the ankle and radiates into her heel.  It came out of



> > was just as severe this morning.  She does not recall an injury and again it

> >was

> >

> > very sudden.  We iced it last night and kept it elevated.

> >

> > Anyone experience this or have clue what this might be?  She has never had


> >

> > a sudden onset before.  I had to wrap her foot this morning just for


> >

> > so she could walk on it and go to school, but she was still limping.

> >

> > Beth & Hannah, 13, OA, HMJS, vit d deficiency, asthma and allergies

> > The only disability in life is a bad attitude.  ~ Hamilton

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Chris' heel pain is associated with his spondylitis. The Achilles tendon can

become inflamed and is sometimes mistaken for ankle pain. The tendons that run

through the body can become inflamed just like a joint. Plus, I know for myself

and my younger daughter, we both have heel spurs which can often cause sudden

pain in the heel. They told us to wear orthotics and that does help. If it

persists you might want to see a podiatrist, but be sure to mention it to the

rheumy as well who can check for inflammation.

Michele ( 23, spondy)

Re: Heel pain

Sorry Hannah is experiencing this pain. Sometimes 's ankle pain comes on

suddenly, especially in the early evening. She's fine one minute and limping and

saying her ankle hurts an 8 the next.

nn (, 9, systemic)


> Hi everyone,

> Haven't needed advice in a while, but I have a new question. Yesterday Hannah


> I were in the grocery store. She suffered a sudden onset of pain. It was on

> the very back of the ankle and radiates into her heel. It came out of nowhere

> was just as severe this morning. She does not recall an injury and again it


> very sudden. We iced it last night and kept it elevated.


> Anyone experience this or have clue what this might be? She has never had


> a sudden onset before. I had to wrap her foot this morning just for


> so she could walk on it and go to school, but she was still limping.


> Beth & Hannah, 13, OA, HMJS, vit d deficiency, asthma and allergies

> The only disability in life is a bad attitude. ~ Hamilton






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