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Question to Dudley re Colloidal Silver

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Hello Dudley,

I have a couple of questions regarding your suggestion of the two

week trial of Colloidal Silver every 2 hours for 2 weeks:

1) Has anyone done this to ensure the dosage level is safe or are

there any references to ensure this much CS is safe? I think some of

us recall the picture of the man who reportedly turned blue from an

overdose of Colloidal Silver and thus may be concerned about taking

it every 2 hours.

2) If a person finds that after 2 weeks of Colloidal Silver every 2

hours they do indeed feel better, thus implying that bacteria is a

root cause, then what is the long term solution?

Thanks very much,


> That's why I recommend a two week trial of colloidal silver for

every MSer in my site at


> http://tinyurl.com/advice-to-msers

> >


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Hi ,

The issue of argyria has come up over and over again on this board in relation

to colloidal silver.

Once again, if anyone has even the SLIGHTEST reservation about taking colloidal

silver, then I suggest they refrain from doing so.

Be aware, however, that there is a great deal of misinformation and

disinformation around about CS and that there is another side to the story. See,

for example, this site:


I take a tablespoonful of CS (10 parts per million) roughly every two hours and

have for several years. So far, I have not not turned blue or suffered any of

the " frightening " side effects claimed by so many.

For more information about TRUE colloidal silver, visit


If taking CS improves a person's MS symptoms, it means either that a pathogen

(be it bacterial, viral, or fungal) somehow triggered the disease, or that the

infection is actually mimicking MS (as in Lyme) and the diagnosis of MS does not

apply. In either case, one discontinues CS at their own risk, and may or may not

regress to a previous disease state by so doing.

All the best,


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