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Re: Unicornuate Uterus (preg ment)

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Hi there!

> Finding information on this subject is not easy

> to find and what I have found has given me so little hope. I have

> been crying for 3 days (Happy New Year)If there is anyone with

> information please pass it on.

Check out the " Files " link located on the left side of the screen in

this group. Hunt through there and that should be a good beginning

point for info regarding UU.

I know it's discouraging finding out that something is different

about your uterus, but don't give up hope! There are many of us

UU'ers in the group who have children or are pregnant at the present

moment (I'm one of them!). If you type in " unicornuate uterus "

or " uu " in the search box, you'll be able to read previous posts

about UU or by UU'ers.


UU, 15w

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Hi, I all have a UU. I am 33 and found out a little over one year ago. I had

one miss carriage two years about (which they say is unrelated to my UU) and

since then was having difficulty getting pregnant. Have since found out my FSH

level is high for my age (egg quantity is low). I am currently 18 weeks

pregnant with our first. We tried two IUIs with no success and then moved to

IVF. We feel very fortunately to have been successful on our first IVF cycle.

I completely understand your fears and frustrations. When I was dx by an HSG, I

knew something must be wrong, but in a million years I would have never thought

I had a abnormality. After the HSG I had an ultra sound of my uterus as well as

my kidneys, and an MRI. I understand your need and want to gather information.

There is VERY little available. I found the internet to be the most helpful.

This board has been extremely informative and supportive. I am mostly a reader,

but have used the board for questions and support during my journey.

If there are any questions I can help you with please email me.


33, UU

18w 1d

Unicornuate Uterus

I'm 35 and on monday I had a HSG (we have been trying to have a baby

for 8 months)I got a real shock when I was told That I have a

Unicornuate Uterus. Finding information on this subject is not easy

to find and what I have found has given me so little hope. I have

been crying for 3 days (Happy New Year)If there is anyone with

information please pass it on. Thank you!!

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