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dry eyes

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I go to a place called Progressive Medical Center in Atlanta--they

have MDs, but they take a more holistic approach. They also have an

oncologist, naturopath, dietician, chiropractor, pain management

specialist, colonics, IV center, etc. so that you can see whatever

doctors you need to in one visit. They do use prescription medicines,

but only if absolutely necessary. I did urine, hair, blood, saliva and

feces (gross but worth it) tests through Metametrix and Doctor's Data

labs. I also did food allergy testing. I know many others with

autoimmune disorders, cancer, etc. who have done these tests to get to

the root of their problems and have had remarkable results. I love my

rheumatologist and they have their place, but I think they often only

look for your 'markers' to diagnose you with a disease and then

prescribe a medicine--usually toxic, and then another med. once the

disease progresses, and so on--standard protocol--but why not look at

what is specifically not working correctly with your body that allowed

it to get off-kilter in the first place. They look at disease from a

totally different angle. Actually, it's often your digestive system

which is not breaking down your food well enough which is not allowing

the nutrients you need to be absorbed. Yes, the tests were expensive,

but my insurance covered 80% of it--the key is to find an MD, not just

a naturopath, to do these tests so that insurance will cover it. Many

places like this don't file insurance; you have to do it yourself, but

mine does file and I definitely recommend finding one that does.

I can't recommend this enough; I got Lupus, Sjogren's Syndrome,

arthritis and hypothyroidism ALL immediately after I had my first baby

12 years ago, and since I've been on this new protocol for the past

two months, I feel and look like my old self again. I found out my

lead levels were dangerously high and am working on chelating that,

and I'm taking supplements to replace what I wasn't making (I'm

sleeping again, not stiff or aching, WAY more energy, happier, lost

weight, skin cleared up, brain's working better! People keep asking

me what I'm doing, and really, I just found out what was going on in

my body and fixed it! Very exciting. I get frustrated now when I

hear about this health care debate, because I'm on neither side of the

fence--I think our WHOLE health care system needs to change--THAT'S

the problem. I think if doctor's were more holistic (looked at the

WHOLE system rather than there specific 'markers') and taught patients

how to TRULY be healthy rather than to continue taking dangerous

prescription medications (unless absolutely necessary) and continue

with an unhealthy lifestyle, then we'd have WAY fewer diseases.

Best of luck!

On Aug 16, 2009, at 10:33 AM, Ken and wrote:

> Where did you do you testing? (i.e. what kind of doctor?)


> Thanks,


> Re: rheumatic dry eyes


> I have Sjogren's Syndrome and extremely dry eyes as well as dryness

> elsewhere (i.e. mouth, etc.). I had my tear drainage ducts closed

> permanantly many years ago because the plugs were did not provide

> enough relief. Have you been tested for Sjogren's Syndrome? I also

> have Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. I started taking flaxseed oil

> and eating flax meal in cereal and yogurt which helped considerably.

> Fish oil also helps as a lubricant. I have been on Plaquenil and

> antibiotics for years which helped with symptoms and slowing the

> progression of the diseases. However, I recently am on a more

> holistic program and seeing the best results ever!! I got several

> major tests done--hormones, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, heavy

> metals, digestion, etc. and replace the things I'm missing or making

> none of and am seeing amazing results! I would say get tested for

> Sjogren's so you can slow a progressive disease if you have one, but

> since I've been doing this holistic stuff, I'm convinced there are

> things off in our bodies that we probably don't know about that

> actually CAUSE our immune systems to go haywire, and that often the

> best 'medicine' is to figure that out and fix what's missing and wrong

> rather than give our bodies more drugs. Good luck! I'm happy to

> answer more questions if you have any more.




> On Aug 16, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Kathy wrote:


> > I have extremely dry eyes. I have tried eye drops, and " plugs " and

> > cauterization (which didnt work) and am now scheduled for surgery to

> > close my tear ducts permanently.

> > I am wondering how the dry eye are connected to hormones, arthritis

> > or thyroid problems? I was thinking maybe its more than just dry

> > eyes and i should be researching further before I have surgery? I

> > will be away for a few days and would appreciate answers being sent

> > to my email also. thank you, kathy

> >

> >

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Thank you, , for your detailed response. It is so good that you were able

to find a medical community with such a balanced approach all at one center and

that it is working so well for you! I wish you continuing healing.

Re: rheumatic dry eyes


> I have Sjogren's Syndrome and extremely dry eyes as well as dryness

> elsewhere (i.e. mouth, etc.). I had my tear drainage ducts closed

> permanantly many years ago because the plugs were did not provide

> enough relief. Have you been tested for Sjogren's Syndrome? I also

> have Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. I started taking flaxseed oil

> and eating flax meal in cereal and yogurt which helped considerably.

> Fish oil also helps as a lubricant. I have been on Plaquenil and

> antibiotics for years which helped with symptoms and slowing the

> progression of the diseases. However, I recently am on a more

> holistic program and seeing the best results ever!! I got several

> major tests done--hormones, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, heavy

> metals, digestion, etc. and replace the things I'm missing or making

> none of and am seeing amazing results! I would say get tested for

> Sjogren's so you can slow a progressive disease if you have one, but

> since I've been doing this holistic stuff, I'm convinced there are

> things off in our bodies that we probably don't know about that

> actually CAUSE our immune systems to go haywire, and that often the

> best 'medicine' is to figure that out and fix what's missing and wrong

> rather than give our bodies more drugs. Good luck! I'm happy to

> answer more questions if you have any more.




> On Aug 16, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Kathy wrote:


> > I have extremely dry eyes. I have tried eye drops, and " plugs " and

> > cauterization (which didnt work) and am now scheduled for surgery to

> > close my tear ducts permanently.

> > I am wondering how the dry eye are connected to hormones, arthritis

> > or thyroid problems? I was thinking maybe its more than just dry

> > eyes and i should be researching further before I have surgery? I

> > will be away for a few days and would appreciate answers being sent

> > to my email also. thank you, kathy

> >

> >

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Thank you , I am going crazy with my dry eyes the past 3+ years plus the

other nasty Sjogren's symptoms and 2 other conditions. I know everyone is

different despite having the same disease but still curious what supplements

they put you on that helped? I feel like I already tried it all and seen so many

doctors holistic and not. Thanks!


> > I have extremely dry eyes. I have tried eye drops, and " plugs " and

> > cauterization (which didnt work) and am now scheduled for surgery to

> > close my tear ducts permanently.

> > I am wondering how the dry eye are connected to hormones, arthritis

> > or thyroid problems? I was thinking maybe its more than just dry

> > eyes and i should be researching further before I have surgery? I

> > will be away for a few days and would appreciate answers being sent

> > to my email also. thank you, kathy

> >

> >

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Gee I wish we could all go to a place like that. It sounds great.

Just FYI to the rest of us who need to dig for ourselves.I just found out

that if you are menopausal you need saliva tests to see where you are with

your bio identical. My pharm who has a compounding pharmacy told me blood

tests will always show(even when supplementing) that you have low hormones.

As a result I have been on a very high dose for the last 2 years! I will now

be weaned down because I tried to take less and my symptoms were just like

they were before hormones.

I also wanted to tell you about my latest experiences.I have been takein OTC

Adrenal Rebuilder for the last 6 years on and off after my initial support

of high doses. In June or so I started feeling like I had no energy or

ambition to do my exercises and I had to really push to even get Out of bed

and do my daily things. I felt down and out. I do take cymbalta for

depression and fibro so I talked to my psych and got the dose upped really

high and felt better. BUT I have MVP (mitro valve prolapsed) and started

having very frequent PAC's. I went down a little on the cymbalta and then

down again to where I was not feeling so good again. Light bulb went off!!

ADRENALS!!! So I started with the starting dose again and in 2 days felt

amazing. I am not selling this med and you can't really get it in health

stores but you can order it on line. Even my hands (thumbs) are feeling

better and I am getting up earlier.

I still can't fall asleep at nite and my eyes are still dry (nothing else

is dry) but at least my days are better.

Hope this helps someone.


I go to a place called Progressive Medical Center in Atlanta--they

have MDs, but they take a more holistic approach. They also have an

oncologist, naturopath, dietician, chiropractor, pain management

specialist, colonics, IV center, etc. so that you can see whatever

doctors you need to in one visit. They do use prescription medicines,

but only if absolutely necessary. I did urine, hair, blood, saliva and

feces (gross but worth it) tests through Metametrix and Doctor's Data

labs. I also did food allergy testing. I know many others with

autoimmune disorders, cancer, etc. who have done these tests to get to

the root of their problems and have had remarkable results. I love my

rheumatologist and they have their place, but I think they often only

look for your 'markers' to diagnose you with a disease and then

prescribe a medicine--usually toxic, and then another med. once the

disease progresses, and so on--standard protocol--but why not look at

what is specifically not working correctly with your body that allowed

it to get off-kilter in the first place. They look at disease from a

totally different angle. Actually, it's often your digestive system

which is not breaking down your food well enough which is not allowing

the nutrients you need to be absorbed. Yes, the tests were expensive,

but my insurance covered 80% of it--the key is to find an MD, not just

a naturopath, to do these tests so that insurance will cover it. Many

places like this don't file insurance; you have to do it yourself, but

mine does file and I definitely recommend finding one that does.

I can't recommend this enough; I got Lupus, Sjogren's Syndrome,

arthritis and hypothyroidism ALL immediately after I had my first baby

12 years ago, and since I've been on this new protocol for the past

two months, I feel and look like my old self again. I found out my

lead levels were dangerously high and am working on chelating that,

and I'm taking supplements to replace what I wasn't making (I'm

sleeping again, not stiff or aching, WAY more energy, happier, lost

weight, skin cleared up, brain's working better! People keep asking

me what I'm doing, and really, I just found out what was going on in

my body and fixed it! Very exciting. I get frustrated now when I

hear about this health care debate, because I'm on neither side of the

fence--I think our WHOLE health care system needs to change--THAT'S

the problem. I think if doctor's were more holistic (looked at the

WHOLE system rather than there specific 'markers') and taught patients

how to TRULY be healthy rather than to continue taking dangerous

prescription medications (unless absolutely necessary) and continue

with an unhealthy lifestyle, then we'd have WAY fewer diseases.

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thanks cooky, i guess then i dont know who really is helped by the antibiotics

in regards to any sjogrens symptoms; dry eyes, mouth, throat, skin, hair, nose,

feminine dryness etc....its why i got on the abx and a year later got off,

people on longer apparently are also not helped. i also took those 2 supplements

for the eyes someone here mentioned but no results for me anyway.

From: Cooky Stonkey <cookee1@...>

Subject: RE: rheumatic dry eyes


Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:03 AM


Gee I wish we could all go to a place like that. It

sounds great.

Just FYI to the rest of us who need to dig for ourselves.I just found out

that if you are menopausal you need saliva tests to see where you are with

your bio identical. My pharm who has a compounding pharmacy told me blood

tests will always show(even when supplementing) that you have low hormones.

As a result I have been on a very high dose for the last 2 years! I will now

be weaned down because I tried to take less and my symptoms were just like

they were before hormones.

I also wanted to tell you about my latest experiences. I have been takein OTC

Adrenal Rebuilder for the last 6 years on and off after my initial support

of high doses. In June or so I started feeling like I had no energy or

ambition to do my exercises and I had to really push to even get Out of bed

and do my daily things. I felt down and out. I do take cymbalta for

depression and fibro so I talked to my psych and got the dose upped really

high and felt better. BUT I have MVP (mitro valve prolapsed) and started

having very frequent PAC's. I went down a little on the cymbalta and then

down again to where I was not feeling so good again. Light bulb went off!!

ADRENALS!!! So I started with the starting dose again and in 2 days felt

amazing. I am not selling this med and you can't really get it in health

stores but you can order it on line. Even my hands (thumbs) are feeling

better and I am getting up earlier.

I still can't fall asleep at nite and my eyes are still dry (nothing else

is dry) but at least my days are better.

Hope this helps someone.


I go to a place called Progressive Medical Center in Atlanta--they

have MDs, but they take a more holistic approach. They also have an

oncologist, naturopath, dietician, chiropractor, pain management

specialist, colonics, IV center, etc. so that you can see whatever

doctors you need to in one visit. They do use prescription medicines,

but only if absolutely necessary. I did urine, hair, blood, saliva and

feces (gross but worth it) tests through Metametrix and Doctor's Data

labs. I also did food allergy testing. I know many others with

autoimmune disorders, cancer, etc. who have done these tests to get to

the root of their problems and have had remarkable results. I love my

rheumatologist and they have their place, but I think they often only

look for your 'markers' to diagnose you with a disease and then

prescribe a medicine--usually toxic, and then another med. once the

disease progresses, and so on--standard protocol--but why not look at

what is specifically not working correctly with your body that allowed

it to get off-kilter in the first place. They look at disease from a

totally different angle. Actually, it's often your digestive system

which is not breaking down your food well enough which is not allowing

the nutrients you need to be absorbed. Yes, the tests were expensive,

but my insurance covered 80% of it--the key is to find an MD, not just

a naturopath, to do these tests so that insurance will cover it. Many

places like this don't file insurance; you have to do it yourself, but

mine does file and I definitely recommend finding one that does.

I can't recommend this enough; I got Lupus, Sjogren's Syndrome,

arthritis and hypothyroidism ALL immediately after I had my first baby

12 years ago, and since I've been on this new protocol for the past

two months, I feel and look like my old self again. I found out my

lead levels were dangerously high and am working on chelating that,

and I'm taking supplements to replace what I wasn't making (I'm

sleeping again, not stiff or aching, WAY more energy, happier, lost

weight, skin cleared up, brain's working better! People keep asking

me what I'm doing, and really, I just found out what was going on in

my body and fixed it! Very exciting. I get frustrated now when I

hear about this health care debate, because I'm on neither side of the

fence--I think our WHOLE health care system needs to change--THAT' S

the problem. I think if doctor's were more holistic (looked at the

WHOLE system rather than there specific 'markers') and taught patients

how to TRULY be healthy rather than to continue taking dangerous

prescription medications (unless absolutely necessary) and continue

with an unhealthy lifestyle, then we'd have WAY fewer diseases.

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Vicki my dry eyes may be due to the antidepressants but I cannot stop them.

I am so sorry you are still suffering with the dryness. Have you had any

relief at all?

thanks cooky, i guess then i dont know who really is helped by the

antibiotics in regards to any sjogrens symptoms; dry eyes, mouth, throat,

skin, hair, nose, feminine dryness etc....its why i got on the abx and a

year later got off, people on longer apparently are also not helped. i also

took those 2 supplements for the eyes someone here mentioned but no results

for me anyway.

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Cooky, yes, I found out my cortisol levels were very high and I am on

Ashwaganda for that as well.

On Aug 16, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Cooky Stonkey wrote:

> Gee I wish we could all go to a place like that. It sounds

> great.


> Just FYI to the rest of us who need to dig for ourselves.I just

> found out

> that if you are menopausal you need saliva tests to see where you

> are with

> your bio identical. My pharm who has a compounding pharmacy told me

> blood

> tests will always show(even when supplementing) that you have low

> hormones.

> As a result I have been on a very high dose for the last 2 years! I

> will now

> be weaned down because I tried to take less and my symptoms were

> just like

> they were before hormones.


> I also wanted to tell you about my latest experiences.I have been

> takein OTC

> Adrenal Rebuilder for the last 6 years on and off after my initial

> support

> of high doses. In June or so I started feeling like I had no energy or

> ambition to do my exercises and I had to really push to even get Out

> of bed

> and do my daily things. I felt down and out. I do take cymbalta for

> depression and fibro so I talked to my psych and got the dose upped

> really

> high and felt better. BUT I have MVP (mitro valve prolapsed) and

> started

> having very frequent PAC's. I went down a little on the cymbalta and

> then

> down again to where I was not feeling so good again. Light bulb went

> off!!

> ADRENALS!!! So I started with the starting dose again and in 2 days

> felt

> amazing. I am not selling this med and you can't really get it in

> health

> stores but you can order it on line. Even my hands (thumbs) are

> feeling

> better and I am getting up earlier.


> I still can't fall asleep at nite and my eyes are still dry (nothing

> else

> is dry) but at least my days are better.


> Hope this helps someone.


> cooky


> I go to a place called Progressive Medical Center in Atlanta--they

> have MDs, but they take a more holistic approach. They also have an

> oncologist, naturopath, dietician, chiropractor, pain management

> specialist, colonics, IV center, etc. so that you can see whatever

> doctors you need to in one visit. They do use prescription medicines,

> but only if absolutely necessary. I did urine, hair, blood, saliva and

> feces (gross but worth it) tests through Metametrix and Doctor's Data

> labs. I also did food allergy testing. I know many others with

> autoimmune disorders, cancer, etc. who have done these tests to get to

> the root of their problems and have had remarkable results. I love my

> rheumatologist and they have their place, but I think they often only

> look for your 'markers' to diagnose you with a disease and then

> prescribe a medicine--usually toxic, and then another med. once the

> disease progresses, and so on--standard protocol--but why not look at

> what is specifically not working correctly with your body that allowed

> it to get off-kilter in the first place. They look at disease from a

> totally different angle. Actually, it's often your digestive system

> which is not breaking down your food well enough which is not allowing

> the nutrients you need to be absorbed. Yes, the tests were expensive,

> but my insurance covered 80% of it--the key is to find an MD, not just

> a naturopath, to do these tests so that insurance will cover it. Many

> places like this don't file insurance; you have to do it yourself, but

> mine does file and I definitely recommend finding one that does.


> I can't recommend this enough; I got Lupus, Sjogren's Syndrome,

> arthritis and hypothyroidism ALL immediately after I had my first baby

> 12 years ago, and since I've been on this new protocol for the past

> two months, I feel and look like my old self again. I found out my

> lead levels were dangerously high and am working on chelating that,

> and I'm taking supplements to replace what I wasn't making (I'm

> sleeping again, not stiff or aching, WAY more energy, happier, lost

> weight, skin cleared up, brain's working better! People keep asking

> me what I'm doing, and really, I just found out what was going on in

> my body and fixed it! Very exciting. I get frustrated now when I

> hear about this health care debate, because I'm on neither side of the

> fence--I think our WHOLE health care system needs to change--THAT'S

> the problem. I think if doctor's were more holistic (looked at the

> WHOLE system rather than there specific 'markers') and taught patients

> how to TRULY be healthy rather than to continue taking dangerous

> prescription medications (unless absolutely necessary) and continue

> with an unhealthy lifestyle, then we'd have WAY fewer diseases.



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I'm on many supplements, but the thing is that they are specific to my

test results. For instance, I was way in the red for tryptophan,

hydrochloric acid, coQ10 levels and am taking those. My aspartic

acid, tyrosine, and glutamine levels were very low also, my body was

not breaking down fats well, and my cortisol was very high. Each

supplement is very specific to my problems, but yours will probably be

different. What tests did you have done with your holistic doctor?

On Aug 16, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Vicki wrote:

> Thank you , I am going crazy with my dry eyes the past 3+ years

> plus the other nasty Sjogren's symptoms and 2 other conditions. I

> know everyone is different despite having the same disease but still

> curious what supplements they put you on that helped? I feel like I

> already tried it all and seen so many doctors holistic and not.

> Thanks!




> >


> > > I have extremely dry eyes. I have tried eye drops, and " plugs " and


> > > cauterization (which didnt work) and am now scheduled for

> surgery to


> > > close my tear ducts permanently.


> > > I am wondering how the dry eye are connected to hormones,

> arthritis


> > > or thyroid problems? I was thinking maybe its more than just dry


> > > eyes and i should be researching further before I have surgery? I


> > > will be away for a few days and would appreciate answers being

> sent


> > > to my email also. thank you, kathy


> > >


> > >

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my cortisol levels are in the gutter in the morning and that is why I

could not get up. The adrenal med has helped that. My doc that prescribes

antibiotics for me will do any tests I want but I need to dig and find out

what ones I need. That can be a pain!

From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of Brady

Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 4:31 PM


Subject: Re: rheumatic dry eyes

Cooky, yes, I found out my cortisol levels were very high and I am on

Ashwaganda for that as well.

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no cooky no relief, thanks for asking.

From: Cooky Stonkey <cookee1@...>

Subject: RE: rheumatic dry eyes


Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 12:31 PM


Vicki my dry eyes may be due to the antidepressants but I

cannot stop them.

I am so sorry you are still suffering with the dryness. Have you had any

relief at all?

thanks cooky, i guess then i dont know who really is helped by the

antibiotics in regards to any sjogrens symptoms; dry eyes, mouth, throat,

skin, hair, nose, feminine dryness etc....its why i got on the abx and a

year later got off, people on longer apparently are also not helped. i also

took those 2 supplements for the eyes someone here mentioned but no results

for me anyway.

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maria, what specific things have helped with your dry eyes?

i have tried so much i cant even remember it all; antibiotics, plaquenil,

infrared sauna, methylation, natural antibiotics, so many supplements so many

regimes. to this day i dont know if i should have pursued hormonal issues,

inflammation, bacterial etc....i dont know how this started i dont know how to

treat it.


> >


> > > I have extremely dry eyes. I have tried eye drops, and " plugs " and


> > > cauterization (which didnt work) and am now scheduled for

> surgery to


> > > close my tear ducts permanently.


> > > I am wondering how the dry eye are connected to hormones,

> arthritis


> > > or thyroid problems? I was thinking maybe its more than just dry


> > > eyes and i should be researching further before I have surgery? I


> > > will be away for a few days and would appreciate answers being

> sent


> > > to my email also. thank you, kathy


> > >


> > >

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Has anyone been successful in having their rheumatologist prescribe

restasis or any other relief or sjogrens???? I am sooooo annoyed. I have

rheumaoid arthritis, sjogrens, diffuse systemic scleroderma, etc. etc. trust me,


list goes on, and my doctor is supposedly a " specialist " in auto immune

diseases and has already confirmed my sjogrens, and today after my request for

restasis for my eye issues I was told by one of his nurses on a curt

answering machine -thats it, good luck, and he as a rheumatologist, was not


to give me a prescription for anything for my eyes due to my sjogrens!!! Am

I so out of touch that I don't get it??? What am I missing? Is it the

almighty buck, that I must again see a general practitioner or an eye doctor, so

more money can be made at my expense???

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Yes. This is why I went the semi-holistic route. Ground flax seeds

and oil and fish oil worked best for me as well as having tests done

and supplements to replace what I am deficient in. I do also take

Plaquenil, but it does not help my dryness.

On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:10 PM, ONYX8257@... wrote:

> Has anyone been successful in having their rheumatologist prescribe

> restasis or any other relief or sjogrens???? I am sooooo annoyed. I

> have

> rheumaoid arthritis, sjogrens, diffuse systemic scleroderma, etc.

> etc. trust me, the

> list goes on, and my doctor is supposedly a " specialist " in auto

> immune

> diseases and has already confirmed my sjogrens, and today after my

> request for

> restasis for my eye issues I was told by one of his nurses on a curt

> answering machine -thats it, good luck, and he as a rheumatologist,

> was not going

> to give me a prescription for anything for my eyes due to my

> sjogrens!!! Am

> I so out of touch that I don't get it??? What am I missing? Is it the

> almighty buck, that I must again see a general practitioner or an

> eye doctor, so

> more money can be made at my expense???





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Restasis didn't help me i took it one year. BUT, it has helped others with dry

eyes both with and without sjogrens so that is hope you can have.

Rheumatologists CAN RX it I dont know why they didn't. Though I got mine from

the opthamologist. try if you can to push him to do it, the medication was

originally designed for those with Sjogrens not people with dry eyes alone

though all people with dry eyes not get rx's for it regardless if it's part of a

full blown autom immune illness. One rheumatologist even did the shirmer test on

me, though not the tear break up which is usually part of the dry eye protocol

of tests. Sounds like your rheumatologist is really unhelpful, sorry about that

:( you gotta try to get an RX somehow to see if it helps, i hope it helps you!!

From: ONYX8257@... <ONYX8257@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic dry eyes


Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 7:10 PM


Has anyone been successful in having their rheumatologist


restasis or any other relief or sjogrens???? I am sooooo annoyed. I have

rheumaoid arthritis, sjogrens, diffuse systemic scleroderma, etc. etc. trust me,


list goes on, and my doctor is supposedly a " specialist " in auto immune

diseases and has already confirmed my sjogrens, and today after my request for

restasis for my eye issues I was told by one of his nurses on a curt

answering machine -thats it, good luck, and he as a rheumatologist, was not


to give me a prescription for anything for my eyes due to my sjogrens!!! Am

I so out of touch that I don't get it??? What am I missing? Is it the

almighty buck, that I must again see a general practitioner or an eye doctor, so

more money can be made at my expense???

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Thanks. I could get a prescription, but I've been on so many

prescriptions and have had adverse reactions to them and don't trust

many and am trying other things now.

On Aug 20, 2009, at 12:16 AM, Vicki wrote:

> Restasis didn't help me i took it one year. BUT, it has helped

> others with dry eyes both with and without sjogrens so that is hope

> you can have. Rheumatologists CAN RX it I dont know why they didn't.

> Though I got mine from the opthamologist. try if you can to push him

> to do it, the medication was originally designed for those with

> Sjogrens not people with dry eyes alone though all people with dry

> eyes not get rx's for it regardless if it's part of a full blown

> autom immune illness. One rheumatologist even did the shirmer test

> on me, though not the tear break up which is usually part of the dry

> eye protocol of tests. Sounds like your rheumatologist is really

> unhelpful, sorry about that :( you gotta try to get an RX somehow to

> see if it helps, i hope it helps you!!




> From: ONYX8257@... <ONYX8257@...>

> Subject: Re: rheumatic dry eyes

> rheumatic

> Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 7:10 PM




> Has anyone been successful in having their rheumatologist prescribe


> restasis or any other relief or sjogrens???? I am sooooo annoyed. I

> have


> rheumaoid arthritis, sjogrens, diffuse systemic scleroderma, etc.

> etc. trust me, the


> list goes on, and my doctor is supposedly a " specialist " in auto

> immune


> diseases and has already confirmed my sjogrens, and today after my

> request for


> restasis for my eye issues I was told by one of his nurses on a curt


> answering machine -thats it, good luck, and he as a rheumatologist,

> was not going


> to give me a prescription for anything for my eyes due to my

> sjogrens!!! Am


> I so out of touch that I don't get it??? What am I missing? Is it the


> almighty buck, that I must again see a general practitioner or an

> eye doctor, so


> more money can be made at my expense???



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I have RA also and had terribly dry eyes until I started taking a product called

Mega 3 Mood and Vitamin A & D3 both by Country Life. I take 2 of the Mega Moods

a day and 1 Vit A & D. It has helped me considerably. I also take a few

tablespoons of Virgin coconut oil mixed in wth a smoothie a few times a week. I

order it all from VitaCost.com. Hope this helps!


Re: rheumatic dry eyes

Has anyone been successful in having their rheumatologist prescribe

restasis or any other relief or sjogrens???? I am sooooo annoyed. I have

rheumaoid arthritis, sjogrens, diffuse systemic scleroderma, etc. etc. trust

me, the

list goes on, and my doctor is supposedly a " specialist " in auto immune

diseases and has already confirmed my sjogrens, and today after my request for

restasis for my eye issues I was told by one of his nurses on a curt

answering machine -thats it, good luck, and he as a rheumatologist, was not


to give me a prescription for anything for my eyes due to my sjogrens!!! Am

I so out of touch that I don't get it??? What am I missing? Is it the

almighty buck, that I must again see a general practitioner or an eye doctor,


more money can be made at my expense???

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Cod liver oil is good for that too (that's what I take) because it has

the omega 3,6, and 9 as well as the vit A and D.


On Aug 20, 2009, at 12:41 AM, Lois Verizon wrote:

> I have RA also and had terribly dry eyes until I started taking a

> product called Mega 3 Mood and Vitamin A & D3 both by Country Life.

> I take 2 of the Mega Moods a day and 1 Vit A & D. It has helped me

> considerably. I also take a few tablespoons of Virgin coconut oil

> mixed in wth a smoothie a few times a week. I order it all from

> VitaCost.com. Hope this helps!

> lar

> Re: rheumatic dry eyes


> Has anyone been successful in having their rheumatologist prescribe

> restasis or any other relief or sjogrens???? I am sooooo annoyed. I

> have

> rheumaoid arthritis, sjogrens, diffuse systemic scleroderma, etc.

> etc. trust me, the

> list goes on, and my doctor is supposedly a " specialist " in auto

> immune

> diseases and has already confirmed my sjogrens, and today after my

> request for

> restasis for my eye issues I was told by one of his nurses on a curt

> answering machine -thats it, good luck, and he as a rheumatologist,

> was not going

> to give me a prescription for anything for my eyes due to my

> sjogrens!!! Am

> I so out of touch that I don't get it??? What am I missing? Is it the

> almighty buck, that I must again see a general practitioner or an

> eye doctor, so

> more money can be made at my expense???



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I dont even go to the rhuematologist, he was not a very good DR as far as I am

concerned, my opthamologist is more than happy to prescribe restasis, actually

my other drs seem better informded and willing to work with me than the rhue was

or the endo.. I dont see either anymore. Kathy

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I agree re your comments on the rheumy and endo. Total waste of time, no

help to me at all. The eye doctor and internist have been my best bets. My

internist tried to send me to specialists when my case became complicated.

I tried his recommendation and returned to him and said I had more

confidence in his ability to help me then the specialist. He beamed and now

works with me knowing he is my sole physician. We both study and share!



From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of Kathy

Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:45 AM


Subject: rheumatic Re: dry eyes

I dont even go to the rhuematologist, he was not a very good DR as far as I

am concerned, my opthamologist is more than happy to prescribe restasis,

actually my other drs seem better informded and willing to work with me than

the rhue was or the endo.. I dont see either anymore. Kathy

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

What sort of eye/face problems Kate???? I haven't suffered from dry eyes and I

have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto Disease. My eyelids become quite puffy and

sometimes I can feel my eyelashes because the upper lid is so puffed up, so my

eyelashes touch the upper lid. This symptom hasn't gone away after treatment

with thyroxine.

P xo


> Has anyone else had eye/face problems due to thyroid dysfunction? Did they

improve when treatment given for thyroid. What about tinnitus anyone?

>                                                          Thanks Kate.


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My dry eye problems started at the same time as hypothyroidism and I think the

issues are related. My eyes are still bad but my thyroid level is not optimised

at the moment.

One thing that I take that really helps is se (pure starflower oil). You

can get it at Boots on 3 for 2 offer. If I don't take it, I notice a big



> Has anyone else had eye/face problems due to thyroid dysfunction? Did they

improve when treatment given for thyroid. What about tinnitus anyone?

> Thanks Kate.


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Guest guest

I suffered terrible Fry Eyes for years. used to be really bad at night & really

hindered sleep.

Since I've been taking Iodoral & B12 jabs, it's completely gone!

I can't say which one did it (if not both), as I started them at the same time.

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Hi Kate - have a look at this web site about the various

problems that can cause tinnitus - one of them being B12 deficiency as I

mentioned to you on the phone http://www.ctds.info/tinnitus.html.

Read the following about dry gritty eyes, a very interesting article http://www.womentowomen.com/womenshealth/dryeyes.aspx

.. I think you will need to go into more detail regarding the face problems

Kate. Are you complaining of facial pain, swelling or what. If pain, here is a

rare disorder that might be a problem in some cases of hypothyroidism http://resources.metapress.com/pdf-preview.axd?code=v00v051770617875 & size=largest

.. It might be something to bear in mind if doctors are flummoxed as too why you

are experiencing this pain.

Luv - Sheila

Has anyone else had eye/face problems due to

thyroid dysfunction? Did they improve when treatment given for thyroid. What

about tinnitus anyone?

Thanks Kate.

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Dry eyes and tinnitus -- yes. I think my thyroid condition is much improved but

tinnitus is about the same. Not sure if the eyes are still dry. I was never too

troubled by that, more by blocked tear-ducts, resulting in unsightly

accumulation of usually white deposits in the corners of the eyes, needing

frequent wiping. Whether that's to do with hypoT I don't know.


Has anyone else had eye/face problems due to thyroid dysfunction? ...

Thanks Kate.

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Hi Kate

I missed the Tinnitus bit. My Tinnitus is much improved since I've been on the

B12 jabs & Iodoral. Not gone completely, but less frequent & a lot quieter.

My hand writing has improved too, as my shaky hand has virtually gone!


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