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Of Bugs & Brains: Caltech Researchers Discover that Gut Bacteria Affect Multiple

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Of Bugs & Brains: Caltech Researchers Discover that Gut Bacteria

Affect Multiple Sclerosis PASADENA, Calif.-Biologists at the California

Institute of Technology (Caltech) have demonstrated a connection between

multiple sclerosis (MS)-an autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and

spinal cord-and gut bacteria.

(Media-Newswire.com) - PASADENA, Calif.—Biologists at the California

Institute of Technology ( Caltech ) have demonstrated a connection between

multiple sclerosis ( MS )—an autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and

spinal cord-and gut bacteria.

The work—led by Sarkis K. Mazmanian, an assistant professor of biology at

Caltech, and postdoctoral scholar Yun Kyung Lee—appears online the week of

July 19-23 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Multiple sclerosis results from the progressive deterioration of the

protective fatty myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells. The loss of myelin

hinders nerve cells from communicating with one another, leading to a host of

neurological symptoms including loss of sensation, muscle spasms and

weakness, fatigue, and pain. Multiple sclerosis is estimated to affect about


a million people in the United States alone, with rates of diagnosis

rapidly increasing. There is currently no cure for MS.

Although the cause of MS is unknown, microorganisms seem to play some sort

of role. " In the literature from clinical studies, there are papers

showing that microbes affect MS, " Mazmanian says. " For example, the disease gets

worse after viral infections, and bacterial infections cause an increase

in MS symptoms. "

On the other hand, he concedes, " it seems counterintuitive that a microbe

would be involved in a disease of the central nervous system, because these

are sterile tissues. "

And yet, as Mazmanian found when he began examining the multiple sclerosis

literature, the suggestion of a link between bacteria and the disease is

more than anecdotal. Notably, back in 1993, Caltech biochemist Leroy Hood—

who was then at the University of Washington—published a paper describing a

genetically engineered strain of mouse that developed a lab-induced form of

multiple sclerosis known as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, or


When Hood's animals were housed at Caltech, they developed the disease.

But, oddly, when the mice were shipped to a cleaner biotech facility—where

their resident gut bacterial populations were reduced—they didn't get sick.

The question was, why? At the time, Mazmanian says, " the authors speculated

that some environmental component was modulating MS in these animals. " Just

what that environmental component was, however, remained a mystery for

almost two decades.

But Mazmanian—whose laboratory examines the relationships between gut

microbes, both harmful and helpful, and the immune systems of their mammalian

hosts—had a hunch that intestinal bacteria were the key. " As we gained an

appreciation for how profoundly the gut microbiota can affect the immune

system, we decided to ask if symbiotic bacteria are the missing variable in

these mice with MS, " he says.

To find out, Mazmanian and his colleagues tried to induce MS in animals

that were completely devoid of the microbes that normally inhabit the

digestive system. " Lo and behold, these sterile animals did not get sick, " he


Then the researchers decided to see what would happen if bacteria were

reintroduced to the germ-free mice. But not just any bacteria. They inoculated

mice with one specific organism, an unculturable bug from a group known as

segmented filamentous bacteria. In prior studies, these bacteria had been

shown to lead to intestinal inflammation and, more intriguingly, to induce

in the gut the appearance of a particular immune-system cell known as Th17.

Th17 cells are a type of T helper cell—cells that help activate and

direct other immune system cells. Furthermore, Th17 cells induce the

inflammatory cascade that leads to multiple sclerosis in animals.

" The question was, if this organism is inducing Th17 cells in the gut,

will it be able to do so in the brain and central nervous system? " Mazmanian

says. " Furthermore, with that one organism, can we restore to sterile

animals the entire inflammatory response normally seen in animals with hundreds

of species of gut bacteria? "

The answer? Yes on all counts. Giving the formerly germ-free mice a dose

of one species of segmented filamentous bacteria induced Th17 not only in

the gut but in the central nervous system and brain—and caused the formerly

healthy mice to become ill with MS-like symptoms.

" It definitely shows that gut microbes have a strong role in MS, because

the genetics of the animals were the same. In fact, everything was the same

except for the presence of those otherwise benign bacteria, which are

clearly playing a role in shaping the immune system, " Mazmanian says. " This

study shows for the first time that specific intestinal bacteria have a

significant role in affecting the nervous system during MS—and they do so from

the gut, an anatomical location very, very far from the brain. "

Mazmanian and his colleagues don't, however, suggest that gut bacteria are

the direct cause of multiple sclerosis, which is known to be genetically

linked. Rather, the bacteria may be helping to shape the immune system's

inflammatory response, thus creating conditions that could allow the disease

to develop. Indeed, multiple sclerosis also has a strong environmental

component; identical twins, who possess the same genome and share all of their

genes, only have a 25 percent chance of sharing the disease. " We would like

to suggest that gut bacteria may be the missing environmental component, "

he says.

For their part, Th17 cells are needed for the immune system to properly

combat infection. Problems only arise when the cells are activated in the

absence of infection—just as disease can arise, Mazmanian and others suspect,

when the species composition of gut bacteria become imbalanced, say, by

changes in diet, because of improved hygiene ( which kills off the beneficial

bacteria as well as the dangerous ones ), or because of stress or

antibiotic use. One impact of the dysregulation of normal gut bacterial


a phenomenon dubbed " dysbiosis " —may be the rising rate of multiple

sclerosis seen in recent years in more hygienic societies.

" As we live cleaner, we're not just changing our exposure to infectious

agents, but we're changing our relationship with the entire microbial world,

both around and inside us, and we may be altering the balance between pro-

and anti-inflammatory bacteria, " leading to diseases like MS, Mazmanian

says. " Perhaps treatments for diseases such as multiple sclerosis may someday

include probiotic bacteria that can restore normal immune function in the

gut... and the brain. "

The paper, " Pro-inflammatory T-cell responses to gut microbiota promote

experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, " was also coauthored by former

Caltech postdoctoral scholar Juscilene Menezes and Yoshinori Umesaki of the

Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research in Japan. The work was

supported by funding from the California Institute of Technology, the

Weston Havens Foundation, and the Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation.


Kathy Svitil


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