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Re: coping with MS as an ultimate personal challenge

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> I want to modify my food, supplement and meds regime and would greatly

appreciate any insight of the wise of this group :-)

> Maybe I shall just wait until the annual MRI in October and if it shows no

lesions, I will quit avonex...


> I am considering to try IVIG or LDN, but am not sure...

Hi ,

I've never taken any of the meds because of the side effects and have stuck with

BBD, acupuncture, fasting, etc. That said, if I were to have another major

attack (i.e. blindness or paralysis), I would probably start LDN. Because it

would mean that all of the things I've been doing haven't been enough to keep

the MS in check.

I would suspect that BBD and elimination of other allergenic foods has done far

more for you than the Avonex, but stopping it is a decision only you can make!


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Hi ,

I understand your dilemma. Sounds like your symptoms are very close to what mine

once were. Doctors told me that I had a poor prognosis and that I would end up

severely disabled if I did not go on Avonex. So I did. Long story short I was on

the Avonex for a couple of years and I still progressed. It did nothing to slow

my disease process, but did manage to make me miserable. I started researching

and changed my diet completely (Swank diet), took omega 3, vitamin d, etc, and

exercised. I have gone from having very agressive disease to nothing more than

occasional numbness. I think that the best thing you can do is know your body,

what makes your disease act up and what helps. In my opinion, you are the key to

really slowing your ms process. What will ultimately work best for you will have

to be your decision, but I just wanted to write and let you know that what you

are doing has worked for me, and I was diagnosed in March of 2001 so I have had

some years to try this stuff out. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best. Feel

free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Best regards,


However in summer last year, severe lesions appeared on the MRI and the

following symptoms were threatening. Vertigo, doubled vision, dizziness,

unability to walk, read or eat... I was unable to work for 5 weeks or so and

that has led me towards taking a straight action.

I take chlorella, omega 3, Vit D, ocasionally calcium, magnesium and Vit C.

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Dear Jana,

thank you sincerely for this warmhearted and encouraging message.

It is an ultimate challenge, what we are going through, and you may very well be

right, that the only one who can give me real, truthful advice, is my being and

my body. Since I collapsed with ms symptoms and ended up in hospital, I have

gone a tremendous way toward well-being and I am in a sense proud of myself and

my will, what have I been capable of doing. Dropping cigarettes and alcohol

seemed impossible at first, and now I am at peace with not eating gluten and

dairy. That means we are capable of anything we set our minds to. Even total

self healing.

May we succeed.


p.s. my deep thanks to all who have responded me to my letter. I appreciate it

and it has lifted my spirits.


> Hi ,


> I understand your dilemma. Sounds like your symptoms are very close to what


> once were. Doctors told me that I had a poor prognosis and that I would end up

> severely disabled if I did not go on Avonex. So I did. Long story short I was


> the Avonex for a couple of years and I still progressed. It did nothing to


> my disease process, but did manage to make me miserable. I started researching

> and changed my diet completely (Swank diet), took omega 3, vitamin d, etc, and

> exercised. I have gone from having very agressive disease to nothing more than

> occasional numbness. I think that the best thing you can do is know your body,

> what makes your disease act up and what helps. In my opinion, you are the key


> really slowing your ms process. What will ultimately work best for you will


> to be your decision, but I just wanted to write and let you know that what you

> are doing has worked for me, and I was diagnosed in March of 2001 so I have


> some years to try this stuff out. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best.


> free to contact me if you have any further questions.



> Best regards,

> Jana




> However in summer last year, severe lesions appeared on the MRI and the

> following symptoms were threatening. Vertigo, doubled vision, dizziness,

> unability to walk, read or eat... I was unable to work for 5 weeks or so and

> that has led me towards taking a straight action.


> I take chlorella, omega 3, Vit D, ocasionally calcium, magnesium and Vit C.












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