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coping with MS as an ultimate personal challenge

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Hi group.

I post very ocasionally as my MS has let me symptom-free for 11months. Now, a

quarter-year check up with my neurologist is approaching, so I am reconsidering

my healing program. I am 26 years old, live in Czech Republic, Europe, and am

very fond of alternative treatment and spirituality in general. I was diagnosed

in October 2008 but first symptoms, unrecognized at that time, I have had

December 2005. My disease allows me to work 3/4 time at a customer service

department. We have a very socialized health care and I believe I go to one of

the best neurologists in our country. Originally, after being dosed with

Solumedrol and Prednison, I decided not to take part in any of the clinical

studies and heal myself just naturally, by reiki and personal growth and

strictly healthy life style.

However in summer last year, severe lesions appeared on the MRI and the

following symptoms were threatening. Vertigo, doubled vision, dizziness,

unability to walk, read or eat... I was unable to work for 5 weeks or so and

that has led me towards taking a straight action. I went on BBD and also started

taking avonex September 2009 because I was hopeless and decided to do everyting

I could. Since then, despite severe side effects of avonex, I am coping and


I get a lot of sleep, have stress-free job, eat healthily, considering all my

food alergies and try to follow BBD as much as I can. I spend time in the nature

and learn a lot about spirituality. I am hesitant with LDN as the drug is fairly

unknown here and the doctors don't want to prescribe it.

I take chlorella, omega 3, Vit D, ocasionally calcium, magnesium and Vit C.

I tried to have the blood tests on food allergy, I proved slight intolerance to

lactose, but I confess I eat some little of lactose products ocasionally as I

crave them. I completely avoid gluten though. I am allergic to cocoa, all nuts,

legumes, honey, poppy, all fish which leaves my sure I had severe auto-immune

challenges since I was born. So I try to do as much raw food as I can.

I would love not to take any meds, but as I have had severe asthma and allergy

issues since childhood, I take anti-histaminics, Accolate 20 and Symbicort,

which is corticosteroid.

And now I don't know what exactly works. The psyche, the BBD or the Avonex.

Which still doesn't do me good after the year as I suffer from pain and chills

if I don't take analgetics... So I can imagine I am putting some kind of poinson

into my body.

I want to modify my food, supplement and meds regime and would greatly

appreciate any insight of the wise of this group :-)

Maybe I shall just wait until the annual MRI in October and if it shows no

lesions, I will quit avonex...

I am considering to try IVIG or LDN, but am not sure...

Thanks a lot.

May we all heal ourselves.

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