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HEAT attack

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my name is jackie. I am an 45 year old american with MS who lives in

southern italy. This year we are having the strangest summer. some days

have been cool enough to wear a long sleeved shirt and nights, a

comforter on the bed. However, yesterday temperatures started rising.

100 degree  during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

go haywire inside of me.  Walking is harder and heavier but the real

problem is my head. I am feeling extremely anxious with the heat.

anxiety, for me, is connected to depression so i spent the day inside

feeling like crawling out of my skin. cool baths usually help with the

heat but this time, less so. i am also having more cognitive

difficulties. things subside in the evening with the darkness but days

are beyond miserable. 

Does anyone have any special recipe on how to deal with the

heat related anxiety? heat in general?

RispondiRispondi a tuttiSposta...In arrivoEHARMloveMSVai al messaggio

Precedente | Vai al messaggio Successivo | Torna ai messaggi

Seleziona codifica del messaggioASCII (ASCII)Greco (ISO-8859-7)Greco

(WINDOWS-1253)Latin-10 (ISO-8859-16)Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3)Latin-6

(ISO-8859-10)Latin-7 (ISO-8859-13)Latin-8 (ISO-8859-14)Latin-9

(ISO-8859-15)Europa occidentale (850)Europa occidentale (CP858)Europa

occidentale (HPROMAN8)Europa occidentale (MACROMAN8)Europa occidentale

(Windows-1252)Armeno (ARMSCII-8)Baltico (ISO-8859-4)Baltico

(WINDOWS-1257)Cirillico (866)Cirillico (ISO-8859-5)Cirillico (KOI8-R)Cirillico

(KOI8-RU)Cirillico (KOI8-T)Cirillico (KOI8-U)Cirillico (WINDOWS-1251)Latin-2

(852)Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2)Latin-2 (WINDOWS-1250)Turco (ISO-8859-9)Turco

(WINDOWS-1254)Arabo (ISO-8859-6, ASMO-708)Arabo (WINDOWS-1256)Ebraico

(856)Ebraico (862)Ebraico (WINDOWS-1255)Cinese semplificato (GB-2312-80)Cinese

semplificato (GB18030)Cinese semplificato (HZ-GB-2312)Cinese semplificato

(ISO-2022-CN)Cinese semplificato (WINDOWS-936)Cinese tradiz.-Hong Kong

(BIG5-HKSCS)Chinese tradizionale

(BIG5)Cinese tradizionale (EUC-TW)Giapponese (SHIFT_JIS)Giapponese

(EUC-JP)Giapponese (ISO-2022-JP)Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)Coreano (EUC-KR)Tailandese

(TIS-620-2533)Tailandese (WINDOWS-874)Vietnamita (TCVN-5712)Vietnamita

(VISCII)Vietnamita (WINDOWS-1258)Unicode (UTF-7)Unicode (UTF-8)Unicode

(UTF-16)Unicode (UTF-32)| Intestazioni complete


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#yui-main { background-color:#C3D7D7 }gLaunchProfile.stop('RT_RP',


ntl = " it " ;YAHOO.mc.IM_TOGGLE_STRINGS = { " im_settings_helpurl " :

" http://help.yahoo.com/l/it/yahoo/mail/classic/chat/ " , " im_settings_help_toggle "

: " 1 " , " im_enable_mobile_l10n " : " " , " im_sign_in " : " false " , " im_time_format_am " :

" AM " , " im_time_format_pm " : " PM " , " im_date_time_format " : " {d}/{M}/{yy},

{H}:{mm} " };if (YAHOO.mc.page.generic)


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optionObj);}YAHOO.namespace( " fcue " );


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lap: " 1260340772666 " };YAHOO.mc.noCues = false;YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded =

false;YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr = function () {clearTimeout(YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID);if

(hasIM & & !YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded) {YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded =

true;YAHOO.util.Get.script( " http://mail.yimg.com/d/combo?/mg/11_3_2/js/im_sea_al\

l.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/it_strings.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/msgr.js " );}};YAHOO.util.Event.on(\

window, " load " , YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr);YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID =

setTimeout(YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr, 5000);YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, " load " ,

function() {setTimeout(function() {if (typeof _cmdGx === " function " )

{_cmdGx( " GX_PostLaunch " );}}, 100);});

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function myMsgHandler(fid, mid, fromId) {

YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showMessage?fid= " +

fid + " & mid= " + mid + " & fromId= " + fromId + " & .rand=321625468 " );



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var filterUrl = " " ;

if (filterBy) {

filterUrl += " & filterBy= " + filterBy;


YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showFolder?fid= " + fid

+ filterUrl + " & .rand=321625468 " );



gLaunchProfile.stop('LD_JS_BP', false);CiaoIn



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I have heard cooling vest work well.  I ordered on and am waiting for it to

come in. I live in Texas and we have had about 3 weeks of temps over 100 with

no break.  I have to stay inside and keep wet towels on my neck and back to

keep cool even inside. The heat is affecting every aspect of my life right

now.  I hope you get better. 

Subject: HEAT attack

To: mscured

Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 7:36 AM



my name is jackie. I am an 45 year old american with MS who lives in

southern italy. This year we are having the strangest summer. some days

have been cool enough to wear a long sleeved shirt and nights, a

comforter on the bed. However, yesterday temperatures started rising.

100 degree  during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

go haywire inside of me.  Walking is harder and heavier but the real

problem is my head. I am feeling extremely anxious with the heat.

anxiety, for me, is connected to depression so i spent the day inside

feeling like crawling out of my skin. cool baths usually help with the

heat but this time, less so. i am also having more cognitive

difficulties. things subside in the evening with the darkness but days

are beyond miserable. 

Does anyone have any special recipe on how to deal with the

heat related anxiety? heat in general?

RispondiRispondi a tuttiSposta...In arrivoEHARMloveMSVai al messaggio Precedente

| Vai al messaggio Successivo | Torna ai messaggi

Seleziona codifica del messaggioASCII (ASCII)Greco (ISO-8859-7)Greco

(WINDOWS-1253)Latin-10 (ISO-8859-16)Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3)Latin-6

(ISO-8859-10)Latin-7 (ISO-8859-13)Latin-8 (ISO-8859-14)Latin-9

(ISO-8859-15)Europa occidentale (850)Europa occidentale (CP858)Europa

occidentale (HPROMAN8)Europa occidentale (MACROMAN8)Europa occidentale

(Windows-1252)Armeno (ARMSCII-8)Baltico (ISO-8859-4)Baltico

(WINDOWS-1257)Cirillico (866)Cirillico (ISO-8859-5)Cirillico (KOI8-R)Cirillico

(KOI8-RU)Cirillico (KOI8-T)Cirillico (KOI8-U)Cirillico (WINDOWS-1251)Latin-2

(852)Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2)Latin-2 (WINDOWS-1250)Turco (ISO-8859-9)Turco

(WINDOWS-1254)Arabo (ISO-8859-6, ASMO-708)Arabo (WINDOWS-1256)Ebraico

(856)Ebraico (862)Ebraico (WINDOWS-1255)Cinese semplificato (GB-2312-80)Cinese

semplificato (GB18030)Cinese semplificato (HZ-GB-2312)Cinese semplificato

(ISO-2022-CN)Cinese semplificato (WINDOWS-936)Cinese tradiz.-Hong Kong

(BIG5-HKSCS)Chinese tradizionale

(BIG5)Cinese tradizionale (EUC-TW)Giapponese (SHIFT_JIS)Giapponese

(EUC-JP)Giapponese (ISO-2022-JP)Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)Coreano (EUC-KR)Tailandese

(TIS-620-2533)Tailandese (WINDOWS-874)Vietnamita (TCVN-5712)Vietnamita

(VISCII)Vietnamita (WINDOWS-1258)Unicode (UTF-7)Unicode (UTF-8)Unicode

(UTF-16)Unicode (UTF-32)| Intestazioni complete


Rispondi a tutti



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#yui-main { background-color:#C3D7D7 }gLaunchProfile.stop('RT_RP',


ntl = " it " ;YAHOO.mc.IM_TOGGLE_STRINGS = { " im_settings_helpurl " :

" http://help.yahoo.com/l/it/yahoo/mail/classic/chat/ " , " im_settings_help_toggle "

: " 1 " , " im_enable_mobile_l10n " : " " , " im_sign_in " : " false " , " im_time_format_am " :

" AM " , " im_time_format_pm " : " PM " , " im_date_time_format " : " {d}/{M}/{yy},

{H}:{mm} " };if (YAHOO.mc.page.generic)


" 398318973 " ;YAHOO.mc.page.TriggerULT=true;YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function

() {sessionMgr.initSession();sessionMgr.loadFromBookmarks();});var adPrefetch =

true;var isAdPrefetched = false;if

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optionObj);}YAHOO.namespace( " fcue " );


{imInit: " 1 " ,imSent: " 1 " ,fcElap: " 1243023311566 " ,fcEcap: " 2 " ,fcNag: " 1 " ,inEcap: " " ,inE\

lap: " 1260340772666 " };YAHOO.mc.noCues = false;YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded =

false;YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr = function () {clearTimeout(YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID);if

(hasIM & & !YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded) {YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded =

true;YAHOO.util.Get.script( " http://mail.yimg.com/d/combo?/mg/11_3_2/js/im_sea_al\

l.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/it_strings.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/msgr.js " );}};YAHOO.util.Event.on(\

window, " load " , YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr);YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID =

setTimeout(YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr, 5000);YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, " load " ,

function() {setTimeout(function() {if (typeof _cmdGx === " function " )

{_cmdGx( " GX_PostLaunch " );}}, 100);});

if (YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy) {



YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy = new GalaxyHandler();

function myMsgHandler(fid, mid, fromId) {

YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showMessage?fid= " + fid + " & mid= " + mid +

" & fromId= " + fromId + " & .rand=321625468 " );



function myFolderHandler(fid, filterBy) {

var filterUrl = " " ;

if (filterBy) {

filterUrl += " & filterBy= " + filterBy;


YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showFolder?fid= " + fid + filterUrl +

" & .rand=321625468 " );



gLaunchProfile.stop('LD_JS_BP', false);CiaoIn arrivoNuovoCartelleOpzioni


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I have heard cooling vest work well.  I ordered on and am waiting for it to

come in. I live in Texas and we have had about 3 weeks of temps over 100 with

no break.  I have to stay inside and keep wet towels on my neck and back to

keep cool even inside. The heat is affecting every aspect of my life right

now.  I hope you get better. 

Subject: HEAT attack

To: mscured

Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 7:36 AM



my name is jackie. I am an 45 year old american with MS who lives in

southern italy. This year we are having the strangest summer. some days

have been cool enough to wear a long sleeved shirt and nights, a

comforter on the bed. However, yesterday temperatures started rising.

100 degree  during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

go haywire inside of me.  Walking is harder and heavier but the real

problem is my head. I am feeling extremely anxious with the heat.

anxiety, for me, is connected to depression so i spent the day inside

feeling like crawling out of my skin. cool baths usually help with the

heat but this time, less so. i am also having more cognitive

difficulties. things subside in the evening with the darkness but days

are beyond miserable. 

Does anyone have any special recipe on how to deal with the

heat related anxiety? heat in general?

RispondiRispondi a tuttiSposta...In arrivoEHARMloveMSVai al messaggio Precedente

| Vai al messaggio Successivo | Torna ai messaggi

Seleziona codifica del messaggioASCII (ASCII)Greco (ISO-8859-7)Greco

(WINDOWS-1253)Latin-10 (ISO-8859-16)Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3)Latin-6

(ISO-8859-10)Latin-7 (ISO-8859-13)Latin-8 (ISO-8859-14)Latin-9

(ISO-8859-15)Europa occidentale (850)Europa occidentale (CP858)Europa

occidentale (HPROMAN8)Europa occidentale (MACROMAN8)Europa occidentale

(Windows-1252)Armeno (ARMSCII-8)Baltico (ISO-8859-4)Baltico

(WINDOWS-1257)Cirillico (866)Cirillico (ISO-8859-5)Cirillico (KOI8-R)Cirillico

(KOI8-RU)Cirillico (KOI8-T)Cirillico (KOI8-U)Cirillico (WINDOWS-1251)Latin-2

(852)Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2)Latin-2 (WINDOWS-1250)Turco (ISO-8859-9)Turco

(WINDOWS-1254)Arabo (ISO-8859-6, ASMO-708)Arabo (WINDOWS-1256)Ebraico

(856)Ebraico (862)Ebraico (WINDOWS-1255)Cinese semplificato (GB-2312-80)Cinese

semplificato (GB18030)Cinese semplificato (HZ-GB-2312)Cinese semplificato

(ISO-2022-CN)Cinese semplificato (WINDOWS-936)Cinese tradiz.-Hong Kong

(BIG5-HKSCS)Chinese tradizionale

(BIG5)Cinese tradizionale (EUC-TW)Giapponese (SHIFT_JIS)Giapponese

(EUC-JP)Giapponese (ISO-2022-JP)Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)Coreano (EUC-KR)Tailandese

(TIS-620-2533)Tailandese (WINDOWS-874)Vietnamita (TCVN-5712)Vietnamita

(VISCII)Vietnamita (WINDOWS-1258)Unicode (UTF-7)Unicode (UTF-8)Unicode

(UTF-16)Unicode (UTF-32)| Intestazioni complete


Rispondi a tutti



Ricerca mail

#yui-main { background-color:#C3D7D7 }gLaunchProfile.stop('RT_RP',


ntl = " it " ;YAHOO.mc.IM_TOGGLE_STRINGS = { " im_settings_helpurl " :

" http://help.yahoo.com/l/it/yahoo/mail/classic/chat/ " , " im_settings_help_toggle "

: " 1 " , " im_enable_mobile_l10n " : " " , " im_sign_in " : " false " , " im_time_format_am " :

" AM " , " im_time_format_pm " : " PM " , " im_date_time_format " : " {d}/{M}/{yy},

{H}:{mm} " };if (YAHOO.mc.page.generic)


" 398318973 " ;YAHOO.mc.page.TriggerULT=true;YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function

() {sessionMgr.initSession();sessionMgr.loadFromBookmarks();});var adPrefetch =

true;var isAdPrefetched = false;if

(document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ))

{document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ).href =

optionObj[ " JSMailOptionsLink " ];}if (document.getElementById( " chk_pop_options " )


document.getElementById( " chk_pop_error " ) ||

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document.getElementById( " spam_edit_options " ))

{YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.mc.optionsID, " click " , displayOptions,

optionObj);}YAHOO.namespace( " fcue " );


{imInit: " 1 " ,imSent: " 1 " ,fcElap: " 1243023311566 " ,fcEcap: " 2 " ,fcNag: " 1 " ,inEcap: " " ,inE\

lap: " 1260340772666 " };YAHOO.mc.noCues = false;YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded =

false;YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr = function () {clearTimeout(YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID);if

(hasIM & & !YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded) {YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded =

true;YAHOO.util.Get.script( " http://mail.yimg.com/d/combo?/mg/11_3_2/js/im_sea_al\

l.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/it_strings.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/msgr.js " );}};YAHOO.util.Event.on(\

window, " load " , YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr);YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID =

setTimeout(YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr, 5000);YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, " load " ,

function() {setTimeout(function() {if (typeof _cmdGx === " function " )

{_cmdGx( " GX_PostLaunch " );}}, 100);});

if (YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy) {



YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy = new GalaxyHandler();

function myMsgHandler(fid, mid, fromId) {

YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showMessage?fid= " + fid + " & mid= " + mid +

" & fromId= " + fromId + " & .rand=321625468 " );



function myFolderHandler(fid, filterBy) {

var filterUrl = " " ;

if (filterBy) {

filterUrl += " & filterBy= " + filterBy;


YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showFolder?fid= " + fid + filterUrl +

" & .rand=321625468 " );



gLaunchProfile.stop('LD_JS_BP', false);CiaoIn arrivoNuovoCartelleOpzioni


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thank you for sharing this. i too have same symptoms when its so hot

unfortuantely i live in south florida where its pretty much like9 months out

of the year. august is the worst for me.

we do have a/c but i need to go out every day to take one or other of my

kids somewhere

when i first moved here, god only knows why i did, but i had an apt on south

beach which was a slum back then. couldnt afford to run the a/c so i used a

box fan and wet/rung out the bedsheets and slept with them like that. it was

almost as good


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:36 AM, jackie herman wrote:




> Hi,

> my name is jackie. I am an 45 year old american with MS who lives in

> southern italy. This year we are having the strangest summer. some days

> have been cool enough to wear a long sleeved shirt and nights, a

> comforter on the bed. However, yesterday temperatures started rising.

> 100 degree during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

> go haywire inside of me. Walking is harder and heavier but the real

> problem is my head. I am feeling extremely anxious with the heat.

> anxiety, for me, is connected to depression so i spent the day inside

> feeling like crawling out of my skin. cool baths usually help with the

> heat but this time, less so. i am also having more cognitive

> difficulties. things subside in the evening with the darkness but days

> are beyond miserable.


> Does anyone have any special recipe on how to deal with the

> heat related anxiety? heat in general?


> RispondiRispondi a tuttiSposta...In arrivoEHARMloveMSVai al messaggio

> Precedente | Vai al messaggio Successivo | Torna ai messaggi






> Seleziona codifica del messaggioASCII (ASCII)Greco (ISO-8859-7)Greco

> (WINDOWS-1253)Latin-10 (ISO-8859-16)Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3)Latin-6

> (ISO-8859-10)Latin-7 (ISO-8859-13)Latin-8 (ISO-8859-14)Latin-9

> (ISO-8859-15)Europa occidentale (850)Europa occidentale (CP858)Europa

> occidentale (HPROMAN8)Europa occidentale (MACROMAN8)Europa occidentale

> (Windows-1252)Armeno (ARMSCII-8)Baltico (ISO-8859-4)Baltico

> (WINDOWS-1257)Cirillico (866)Cirillico (ISO-8859-5)Cirillico

> (KOI8-R)Cirillico (KOI8-RU)Cirillico (KOI8-T)Cirillico (KOI8-U)Cirillico

> (WINDOWS-1251)Latin-2 (852)Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2)Latin-2 (WINDOWS-1250)Turco

> (ISO-8859-9)Turco (WINDOWS-1254)Arabo (ISO-8859-6, ASMO-708)Arabo

> (WINDOWS-1256)Ebraico (856)Ebraico (862)Ebraico (WINDOWS-1255)Cinese

> semplificato (GB-2312-80)Cinese semplificato (GB18030)Cinese semplificato

> (HZ-GB-2312)Cinese semplificato (ISO-2022-CN)Cinese semplificato

> (WINDOWS-936)Cinese tradiz.-Hong Kong (BIG5-HKSCS)Chinese tradizionale

> (BIG5)Cinese tradizionale (EUC-TW)Giapponese (SHIFT_JIS)Giapponese

> (EUC-JP)Giapponese (ISO-2022-JP)Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)Coreano

> (EUC-KR)Tailandese (TIS-620-2533)Tailandese (WINDOWS-874)Vietnamita

> (TCVN-5712)Vietnamita (VISCII)Vietnamita (WINDOWS-1258)Unicode

> (UTF-7)Unicode (UTF-8)Unicode (UTF-16)Unicode (UTF-32)| Intestazioni

> complete

> Rispondi

> Rispondi a tutti

> Inoltra

> Inoltra







> Ricerca mail












> #yui-main { background-color:#C3D7D7 }gLaunchProfile.stop('RT_RP',




> = " it " ;YAHOO.mc.IM_TOGGLE_STRINGS = { " im_settings_helpurl " : "

> http://help.yahoo.com/l/it/yahoo/mail/classic/chat/ " , " im_settings_help_toggle "

> : " 1 " , " im_enable_mobile_l10n " : " " , " im_sign_in " : " false " , " im_time_format_am "

> : " AM " , " im_time_format_pm " : " PM " , " im_date_time_format " : " {d}/{M}/{yy},

> {H}:{mm} " };if (YAHOO.mc.page.generic)

> {YAHOO.mc.page.generic.initComposeMenu();}YAHOO.mc.page.BasieSpaceId=

> " 398318973 " ;YAHOO.mc.page.TriggerULT=true;YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function

> () {sessionMgr.initSession();sessionMgr.loadFromBookmarks();});var

> adPrefetch = true;var isAdPrefetched = false;if

> (document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ))

> {document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ).href =

> optionObj[ " JSMailOptionsLink " ];}if

> (document.getElementById( " chk_pop_options " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " chk_pop_error " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " option_bad_folder " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " folders_options_spam " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " folders_options_sent " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " spam_edit_options " ))

> {YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.mc.optionsID, " click " , displayOptions,

> optionObj);}YAHOO.namespace( " fcue " );





{imInit: " 1 " ,imSent: " 1 " ,fcElap: " 1243023311566 " ,fcEcap: " 2 " ,fcNag: " 1 " ,inEcap: " " ,inE\

lap: " 1260340772666 " };YAHOO.mc.noCues

> = false;YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded = false;YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr = function ()

> {clearTimeout(YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID);if (hasIM & & !YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded)

> {YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded = true;YAHOO.util.Get.script( "


http://mail.yimg.com/d/combo?/mg/11_3_2/js/im_sea_all.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/it_string\

s.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/msgr.js " );}};YAHOO.util.Event.on(window,

> " load " , YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr);YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID =

> setTimeout(YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr, 5000);YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, " load " ,

> function() {setTimeout(function() {if (typeof _cmdGx === " function " )

> {_cmdGx( " GX_PostLaunch " );}}, 100);});

> if (YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy) {

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.cleanup();

> }

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy = new GalaxyHandler();




> function myMsgHandler(fid, mid, fromId) {

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showMessage?fid= " + fid + " & mid= " + mid +

> " & fromId= " + fromId + " & .rand=321625468 " );

> }


> YAHOO.galaxy.setMsgListener(myMsgHandler);


> function myFolderHandler(fid, filterBy) {

> var filterUrl = " " ;

> if (filterBy) {

> filterUrl += " & filterBy= " + filterBy;

> }

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showFolder?fid= " + fid + filterUrl +

> " & .rand=321625468 " );

> }


> YAHOO.galaxy.setFolderListener(myFolderHandler);


> gLaunchProfile.stop('LD_JS_BP', false);CiaoIn arrivoNuovoCartelleOpzioni

> MailresizeLeftPane();gLaunchProfile.start('RT_AD_FOOT');




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Share on other sites

thank you for sharing this. i too have same symptoms when its so hot

unfortuantely i live in south florida where its pretty much like9 months out

of the year. august is the worst for me.

we do have a/c but i need to go out every day to take one or other of my

kids somewhere

when i first moved here, god only knows why i did, but i had an apt on south

beach which was a slum back then. couldnt afford to run the a/c so i used a

box fan and wet/rung out the bedsheets and slept with them like that. it was

almost as good


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:36 AM, jackie herman wrote:




> Hi,

> my name is jackie. I am an 45 year old american with MS who lives in

> southern italy. This year we are having the strangest summer. some days

> have been cool enough to wear a long sleeved shirt and nights, a

> comforter on the bed. However, yesterday temperatures started rising.

> 100 degree during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

> go haywire inside of me. Walking is harder and heavier but the real

> problem is my head. I am feeling extremely anxious with the heat.

> anxiety, for me, is connected to depression so i spent the day inside

> feeling like crawling out of my skin. cool baths usually help with the

> heat but this time, less so. i am also having more cognitive

> difficulties. things subside in the evening with the darkness but days

> are beyond miserable.


> Does anyone have any special recipe on how to deal with the

> heat related anxiety? heat in general?


> RispondiRispondi a tuttiSposta...In arrivoEHARMloveMSVai al messaggio

> Precedente | Vai al messaggio Successivo | Torna ai messaggi






> Seleziona codifica del messaggioASCII (ASCII)Greco (ISO-8859-7)Greco

> (WINDOWS-1253)Latin-10 (ISO-8859-16)Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3)Latin-6

> (ISO-8859-10)Latin-7 (ISO-8859-13)Latin-8 (ISO-8859-14)Latin-9

> (ISO-8859-15)Europa occidentale (850)Europa occidentale (CP858)Europa

> occidentale (HPROMAN8)Europa occidentale (MACROMAN8)Europa occidentale

> (Windows-1252)Armeno (ARMSCII-8)Baltico (ISO-8859-4)Baltico

> (WINDOWS-1257)Cirillico (866)Cirillico (ISO-8859-5)Cirillico

> (KOI8-R)Cirillico (KOI8-RU)Cirillico (KOI8-T)Cirillico (KOI8-U)Cirillico

> (WINDOWS-1251)Latin-2 (852)Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2)Latin-2 (WINDOWS-1250)Turco

> (ISO-8859-9)Turco (WINDOWS-1254)Arabo (ISO-8859-6, ASMO-708)Arabo

> (WINDOWS-1256)Ebraico (856)Ebraico (862)Ebraico (WINDOWS-1255)Cinese

> semplificato (GB-2312-80)Cinese semplificato (GB18030)Cinese semplificato

> (HZ-GB-2312)Cinese semplificato (ISO-2022-CN)Cinese semplificato

> (WINDOWS-936)Cinese tradiz.-Hong Kong (BIG5-HKSCS)Chinese tradizionale

> (BIG5)Cinese tradizionale (EUC-TW)Giapponese (SHIFT_JIS)Giapponese

> (EUC-JP)Giapponese (ISO-2022-JP)Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)Coreano

> (EUC-KR)Tailandese (TIS-620-2533)Tailandese (WINDOWS-874)Vietnamita

> (TCVN-5712)Vietnamita (VISCII)Vietnamita (WINDOWS-1258)Unicode

> (UTF-7)Unicode (UTF-8)Unicode (UTF-16)Unicode (UTF-32)| Intestazioni

> complete

> Rispondi

> Rispondi a tutti

> Inoltra

> Inoltra







> Ricerca mail












> #yui-main { background-color:#C3D7D7 }gLaunchProfile.stop('RT_RP',




> = " it " ;YAHOO.mc.IM_TOGGLE_STRINGS = { " im_settings_helpurl " : "

> http://help.yahoo.com/l/it/yahoo/mail/classic/chat/ " , " im_settings_help_toggle "

> : " 1 " , " im_enable_mobile_l10n " : " " , " im_sign_in " : " false " , " im_time_format_am "

> : " AM " , " im_time_format_pm " : " PM " , " im_date_time_format " : " {d}/{M}/{yy},

> {H}:{mm} " };if (YAHOO.mc.page.generic)

> {YAHOO.mc.page.generic.initComposeMenu();}YAHOO.mc.page.BasieSpaceId=

> " 398318973 " ;YAHOO.mc.page.TriggerULT=true;YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function

> () {sessionMgr.initSession();sessionMgr.loadFromBookmarks();});var

> adPrefetch = true;var isAdPrefetched = false;if

> (document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ))

> {document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ).href =

> optionObj[ " JSMailOptionsLink " ];}if

> (document.getElementById( " chk_pop_options " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " chk_pop_error " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " option_bad_folder " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " folders_options_spam " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " folders_options_sent " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " spam_edit_options " ))

> {YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.mc.optionsID, " click " , displayOptions,

> optionObj);}YAHOO.namespace( " fcue " );





{imInit: " 1 " ,imSent: " 1 " ,fcElap: " 1243023311566 " ,fcEcap: " 2 " ,fcNag: " 1 " ,inEcap: " " ,inE\

lap: " 1260340772666 " };YAHOO.mc.noCues

> = false;YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded = false;YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr = function ()

> {clearTimeout(YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID);if (hasIM & & !YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded)

> {YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded = true;YAHOO.util.Get.script( "


http://mail.yimg.com/d/combo?/mg/11_3_2/js/im_sea_all.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/it_string\

s.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/msgr.js " );}};YAHOO.util.Event.on(window,

> " load " , YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr);YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID =

> setTimeout(YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr, 5000);YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, " load " ,

> function() {setTimeout(function() {if (typeof _cmdGx === " function " )

> {_cmdGx( " GX_PostLaunch " );}}, 100);});

> if (YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy) {

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.cleanup();

> }

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy = new GalaxyHandler();




> function myMsgHandler(fid, mid, fromId) {

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showMessage?fid= " + fid + " & mid= " + mid +

> " & fromId= " + fromId + " & .rand=321625468 " );

> }


> YAHOO.galaxy.setMsgListener(myMsgHandler);


> function myFolderHandler(fid, filterBy) {

> var filterUrl = " " ;

> if (filterBy) {

> filterUrl += " & filterBy= " + filterBy;

> }

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showFolder?fid= " + fid + filterUrl +

> " & .rand=321625468 " );

> }


> YAHOO.galaxy.setFolderListener(myFolderHandler);


> gLaunchProfile.stop('LD_JS_BP', false);CiaoIn arrivoNuovoCartelleOpzioni

> MailresizeLeftPane();gLaunchProfile.start('RT_AD_FOOT');




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Share on other sites

hi kerry,

my father lives in so. florida, in fort lauderdale. yesterday he wrote about the

heat conditions there and it sounded dreadful. 88 percent humidity! and 90

degree temperature. made me think of the days when heat was easy, just a walk

from the car to an air conditioned space. now anything can happen in that short


what do you do now for the heat? just a.c.?

i remember when so. beach was a slum. my grandmother  used to livein a a

rundown apt. there for years. incredible what's happened down there.

--- Mar 17/8/10, kerry mccall ha scritto:

Da: kerry mccall

Oggetto: Re: HEAT attack

A: mscured

Data: Martedì 17 agosto 2010, 07:28


thank you for sharing this. i too have same symptoms when its so hot

unfortuantely i live in south florida where its pretty much like9 months out

of the year. august is the worst for me.

we do have a/c but i need to go out every day to take one or other of my

kids somewhere

when i first moved here, god only knows why i did, but i had an apt on south

beach which was a slum back then. couldnt afford to run the a/c so i used a

box fan and wet/rung out the bedsheets and slept with them like that. it was

almost as good


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:36 AM, jackie herman wrote:




> Hi,

> my name is jackie. I am an 45 year old american with MS who lives in

> southern italy. This year we are having the strangest summer. some days

> have been cool enough to wear a long sleeved shirt and nights, a

> comforter on the bed. However, yesterday temperatures started rising.

> 100 degree during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

> go haywire inside of me. Walking is harder and heavier but the real

> problem is my head. I am feeling extremely anxious with the heat.

> anxiety, for me, is connected to depression so i spent the day inside

> feeling like crawling out of my skin. cool baths usually help with the

> heat but this time, less so. i am also having more cognitive

> difficulties. things subside in the evening with the darkness but days

> are beyond miserable.


> Does anyone have any special recipe on how to deal with the

> heat related anxiety? heat in general?


> RispondiRispondi a tuttiSposta...In arrivoEHARMloveMSVai al messaggio

> Precedente | Vai al messaggio Successivo | Torna ai messaggi






> Seleziona codifica del messaggioASCII (ASCII)Greco (ISO-8859-7)Greco

> (WINDOWS-1253)Latin-10 (ISO-8859-16)Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3)Latin-6

> (ISO-8859-10)Latin-7 (ISO-8859-13)Latin-8 (ISO-8859-14)Latin-9

> (ISO-8859-15)Europa occidentale (850)Europa occidentale (CP858)Europa

> occidentale (HPROMAN8)Europa occidentale (MACROMAN8)Europa occidentale

> (Windows-1252)Armeno (ARMSCII-8)Baltico (ISO-8859-4)Baltico

> (WINDOWS-1257)Cirillico (866)Cirillico (ISO-8859-5)Cirillico

> (KOI8-R)Cirillico (KOI8-RU)Cirillico (KOI8-T)Cirillico (KOI8-U)Cirillico

> (WINDOWS-1251)Latin-2 (852)Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2)Latin-2 (WINDOWS-1250)Turco

> (ISO-8859-9)Turco (WINDOWS-1254)Arabo (ISO-8859-6, ASMO-708)Arabo

> (WINDOWS-1256)Ebraico (856)Ebraico (862)Ebraico (WINDOWS-1255)Cinese

> semplificato (GB-2312-80)Cinese semplificato (GB18030)Cinese semplificato

> (HZ-GB-2312)Cinese semplificato (ISO-2022-CN)Cinese semplificato

> (WINDOWS-936)Cinese tradiz.-Hong Kong (BIG5-HKSCS)Chinese tradizionale

> (BIG5)Cinese tradizionale (EUC-TW)Giapponese (SHIFT_JIS)Giapponese

> (EUC-JP)Giapponese (ISO-2022-JP)Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)Coreano

> (EUC-KR)Tailandese (TIS-620-2533)Tailandese (WINDOWS-874)Vietnamita

> (TCVN-5712)Vietnamita (VISCII)Vietnamita (WINDOWS-1258)Unicode

> (UTF-7)Unicode (UTF-8)Unicode (UTF-16)Unicode (UTF-32)| Intestazioni

> complete

> Rispondi

> Rispondi a tutti

> Inoltra

> Inoltra







> Ricerca mail












> #yui-main { background-color:#C3D7D7 }gLaunchProfile.stop('RT_RP',




> = " it " ;YAHOO.mc.IM_TOGGLE_STRINGS = { " im_settings_helpurl " : "

> http://help.yahoo.com/l/it/yahoo/mail/classic/chat/ " , " im_settings_help_toggle "

> : " 1 " , " im_enable_mobile_l10n " : " " , " im_sign_in " : " false " , " im_time_format_am "

> : " AM " , " im_time_format_pm " : " PM " , " im_date_time_format " : " {d}/{M}/{yy},

> {H}:{mm} " };if (YAHOO.mc.page.generic)

> {YAHOO.mc.page.generic.initComposeMenu();}YAHOO.mc.page.BasieSpaceId=

> " 398318973 " ;YAHOO.mc.page.TriggerULT=true;YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function

> () {sessionMgr.initSession();sessionMgr.loadFromBookmarks();});var

> adPrefetch = true;var isAdPrefetched = false;if

> (document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ))

> {document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ).href =

> optionObj[ " JSMailOptionsLink " ];}if

> (document.getElementById( " chk_pop_options " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " chk_pop_error " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " option_bad_folder " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " folders_options_spam " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " folders_options_sent " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " spam_edit_options " ))

> {YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.mc.optionsID, " click " , displayOptions,

> optionObj);}YAHOO.namespace( " fcue " );





{imInit: " 1 " ,imSent: " 1 " ,fcElap: " 1243023311566 " ,fcEcap: " 2 " ,fcNag: " 1 " ,inEcap: " " ,inE\

lap: " 1260340772666 " };YAHOO.mc.noCues

> = false;YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded = false;YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr = function ()

> {clearTimeout(YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID);if (hasIM & & !YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded)

> {YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded = true;YAHOO.util.Get.script( "


http://mail.yimg.com/d/combo?/mg/11_3_2/js/im_sea_all.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/it_string\

s.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/msgr.js " );}};YAHOO.util.Event.on(window,

> " load " , YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr);YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID =

> setTimeout(YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr, 5000);YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, " load " ,

> function() {setTimeout(function() {if (typeof _cmdGx === " function " )

> {_cmdGx( " GX_PostLaunch " );}}, 100);});

> if (YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy) {

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.cleanup();

> }

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy = new GalaxyHandler();




> function myMsgHandler(fid, mid, fromId) {

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showMessage?fid= " + fid + " & mid= " + mid +

> " & fromId= " + fromId + " & .rand=321625468 " );

> }


> YAHOO.galaxy.setMsgListener(myMsgHandler);


> function myFolderHandler(fid, filterBy) {

> var filterUrl = " " ;

> if (filterBy) {

> filterUrl += " & filterBy= " + filterBy;

> }

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showFolder?fid= " + fid + filterUrl +

> " & .rand=321625468 " );

> }


> YAHOO.galaxy.setFolderListener(myFolderHandler);


> gLaunchProfile.stop('LD_JS_BP', false);CiaoIn arrivoNuovoCartelleOpzioni

> MailresizeLeftPane();gLaunchProfile.start('RT_AD_FOOT');




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Share on other sites

hi kerry,

my father lives in so. florida, in fort lauderdale. yesterday he wrote about the

heat conditions there and it sounded dreadful. 88 percent humidity! and 90

degree temperature. made me think of the days when heat was easy, just a walk

from the car to an air conditioned space. now anything can happen in that short


what do you do now for the heat? just a.c.?

i remember when so. beach was a slum. my grandmother  used to livein a a

rundown apt. there for years. incredible what's happened down there.

--- Mar 17/8/10, kerry mccall ha scritto:

Da: kerry mccall

Oggetto: Re: HEAT attack

A: mscured

Data: Martedì 17 agosto 2010, 07:28


thank you for sharing this. i too have same symptoms when its so hot

unfortuantely i live in south florida where its pretty much like9 months out

of the year. august is the worst for me.

we do have a/c but i need to go out every day to take one or other of my

kids somewhere

when i first moved here, god only knows why i did, but i had an apt on south

beach which was a slum back then. couldnt afford to run the a/c so i used a

box fan and wet/rung out the bedsheets and slept with them like that. it was

almost as good


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 8:36 AM, jackie herman wrote:




> Hi,

> my name is jackie. I am an 45 year old american with MS who lives in

> southern italy. This year we are having the strangest summer. some days

> have been cool enough to wear a long sleeved shirt and nights, a

> comforter on the bed. However, yesterday temperatures started rising.

> 100 degree during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

> go haywire inside of me. Walking is harder and heavier but the real

> problem is my head. I am feeling extremely anxious with the heat.

> anxiety, for me, is connected to depression so i spent the day inside

> feeling like crawling out of my skin. cool baths usually help with the

> heat but this time, less so. i am also having more cognitive

> difficulties. things subside in the evening with the darkness but days

> are beyond miserable.


> Does anyone have any special recipe on how to deal with the

> heat related anxiety? heat in general?


> RispondiRispondi a tuttiSposta...In arrivoEHARMloveMSVai al messaggio

> Precedente | Vai al messaggio Successivo | Torna ai messaggi






> Seleziona codifica del messaggioASCII (ASCII)Greco (ISO-8859-7)Greco

> (WINDOWS-1253)Latin-10 (ISO-8859-16)Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3)Latin-6

> (ISO-8859-10)Latin-7 (ISO-8859-13)Latin-8 (ISO-8859-14)Latin-9

> (ISO-8859-15)Europa occidentale (850)Europa occidentale (CP858)Europa

> occidentale (HPROMAN8)Europa occidentale (MACROMAN8)Europa occidentale

> (Windows-1252)Armeno (ARMSCII-8)Baltico (ISO-8859-4)Baltico

> (WINDOWS-1257)Cirillico (866)Cirillico (ISO-8859-5)Cirillico

> (KOI8-R)Cirillico (KOI8-RU)Cirillico (KOI8-T)Cirillico (KOI8-U)Cirillico

> (WINDOWS-1251)Latin-2 (852)Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2)Latin-2 (WINDOWS-1250)Turco

> (ISO-8859-9)Turco (WINDOWS-1254)Arabo (ISO-8859-6, ASMO-708)Arabo

> (WINDOWS-1256)Ebraico (856)Ebraico (862)Ebraico (WINDOWS-1255)Cinese

> semplificato (GB-2312-80)Cinese semplificato (GB18030)Cinese semplificato

> (HZ-GB-2312)Cinese semplificato (ISO-2022-CN)Cinese semplificato

> (WINDOWS-936)Cinese tradiz.-Hong Kong (BIG5-HKSCS)Chinese tradizionale

> (BIG5)Cinese tradizionale (EUC-TW)Giapponese (SHIFT_JIS)Giapponese

> (EUC-JP)Giapponese (ISO-2022-JP)Coreano (ISO-2022-KR)Coreano

> (EUC-KR)Tailandese (TIS-620-2533)Tailandese (WINDOWS-874)Vietnamita

> (TCVN-5712)Vietnamita (VISCII)Vietnamita (WINDOWS-1258)Unicode

> (UTF-7)Unicode (UTF-8)Unicode (UTF-16)Unicode (UTF-32)| Intestazioni

> complete

> Rispondi

> Rispondi a tutti

> Inoltra

> Inoltra







> Ricerca mail












> #yui-main { background-color:#C3D7D7 }gLaunchProfile.stop('RT_RP',




> = " it " ;YAHOO.mc.IM_TOGGLE_STRINGS = { " im_settings_helpurl " : "

> http://help.yahoo.com/l/it/yahoo/mail/classic/chat/ " , " im_settings_help_toggle "

> : " 1 " , " im_enable_mobile_l10n " : " " , " im_sign_in " : " false " , " im_time_format_am "

> : " AM " , " im_time_format_pm " : " PM " , " im_date_time_format " : " {d}/{M}/{yy},

> {H}:{mm} " };if (YAHOO.mc.page.generic)

> {YAHOO.mc.page.generic.initComposeMenu();}YAHOO.mc.page.BasieSpaceId=

> " 398318973 " ;YAHOO.mc.page.TriggerULT=true;YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function

> () {sessionMgr.initSession();sessionMgr.loadFromBookmarks();});var

> adPrefetch = true;var isAdPrefetched = false;if

> (document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ))

> {document.getElementById( " JSMailOptionsLink " ).href =

> optionObj[ " JSMailOptionsLink " ];}if

> (document.getElementById( " chk_pop_options " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " chk_pop_error " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " option_bad_folder " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " folders_options_spam " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " folders_options_sent " ) ||

> document.getElementById( " spam_edit_options " ))

> {YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.mc.optionsID, " click " , displayOptions,

> optionObj);}YAHOO.namespace( " fcue " );





{imInit: " 1 " ,imSent: " 1 " ,fcElap: " 1243023311566 " ,fcEcap: " 2 " ,fcNag: " 1 " ,inEcap: " " ,inE\

lap: " 1260340772666 " };YAHOO.mc.noCues

> = false;YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded = false;YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr = function ()

> {clearTimeout(YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID);if (hasIM & & !YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded)

> {YAHOO.mc.msgrLoaded = true;YAHOO.util.Get.script( "


http://mail.yimg.com/d/combo?/mg/11_3_2/js/im_sea_all.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/it_string\

s.js & /mg/11_3_2/js/msgr.js " );}};YAHOO.util.Event.on(window,

> " load " , YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr);YAHOO.mc.msgrLoadID =

> setTimeout(YAHOO.mc.loadMsgr, 5000);YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, " load " ,

> function() {setTimeout(function() {if (typeof _cmdGx === " function " )

> {_cmdGx( " GX_PostLaunch " );}}, 100);});

> if (YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy) {

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.cleanup();

> }

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy = new GalaxyHandler();




> function myMsgHandler(fid, mid, fromId) {

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showMessage?fid= " + fid + " & mid= " + mid +

> " & fromId= " + fromId + " & .rand=321625468 " );

> }


> YAHOO.galaxy.setMsgListener(myMsgHandler);


> function myFolderHandler(fid, filterBy) {

> var filterUrl = " " ;

> if (filterBy) {

> filterUrl += " & filterBy= " + filterBy;

> }

> YAHOO.mc.page.galaxy.evtCallBack( " showFolder?fid= " + fid + filterUrl +

> " & .rand=321625468 " );

> }


> YAHOO.galaxy.setFolderListener(myFolderHandler);


> gLaunchProfile.stop('LD_JS_BP', false);CiaoIn arrivoNuovoCartelleOpzioni

> MailresizeLeftPane();gLaunchProfile.start('RT_AD_FOOT');




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thanks Janet for the suggestion about the vinegar. i will look into that one.

i go to the sea when i am losing it. i feel the heat mostly in my head. it is

like my brain switches off.  i stretch out in the sea and imagine the salt

water is healing me.

where in no. spain do you live?

--- Mar 17/8/10, Janet Orchard ha scritto:

Da: Janet Orchard

Oggetto: RE: HEAT attack

A: " MS-Cured " <mscured >

Data: Martedì 17 agosto 2010, 11:36


The vests already mentioned are probably the best way to go but I have never

tried them.

Your weather in southern Italy is probably similar to mine in northern Spain.

At night, I do have the luxury (?) of air conditioning but find my limbs hurt

just as much from cold as from heat. I use flannels (wash cloths) wrung out in

cold water and placed upon me during the night when I need to cool down.

During the day, I drape the same flannels around my neck, and always have cold

drinking water at hand. People have said it has been a hot summer but I haven't

noticed as I've swum through most of it. As soon as I cool down, whether it be

the swimming pool or cold showers, things improve.

One thing I did a few years ago, for some other MS reason, was to take apple

cider vinegar in water. At the same time I was taking Spirulina. For some

reason the heat intolerance largely disappeared. I have no idea why. Worth a



To: mscured

From: kamaladevilove@...

Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 12:36:33 +0000

Subject: HEAT attack

temperatures started rising.

100 degree during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

go haywire inside of me.

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thanks Janet for the suggestion about the vinegar. i will look into that one.

i go to the sea when i am losing it. i feel the heat mostly in my head. it is

like my brain switches off.  i stretch out in the sea and imagine the salt

water is healing me.

where in no. spain do you live?

--- Mar 17/8/10, Janet Orchard ha scritto:

Da: Janet Orchard

Oggetto: RE: HEAT attack

A: " MS-Cured " <mscured >

Data: Martedì 17 agosto 2010, 11:36


The vests already mentioned are probably the best way to go but I have never

tried them.

Your weather in southern Italy is probably similar to mine in northern Spain.

At night, I do have the luxury (?) of air conditioning but find my limbs hurt

just as much from cold as from heat. I use flannels (wash cloths) wrung out in

cold water and placed upon me during the night when I need to cool down.

During the day, I drape the same flannels around my neck, and always have cold

drinking water at hand. People have said it has been a hot summer but I haven't

noticed as I've swum through most of it. As soon as I cool down, whether it be

the swimming pool or cold showers, things improve.

One thing I did a few years ago, for some other MS reason, was to take apple

cider vinegar in water. At the same time I was taking Spirulina. For some

reason the heat intolerance largely disappeared. I have no idea why. Worth a



To: mscured

From: kamaladevilove@...

Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 12:36:33 +0000

Subject: HEAT attack

temperatures started rising.

100 degree during the day and 90 degree nights. Things are starting to

go haywire inside of me.

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On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 2:56 AM, jackie herman wrote:



> thanks Janet for the suggestion about the vinegar. i will look into that

> one.


> i go to the sea when i am losing it. i feel the heat mostly in my head. it

> is like my brain switches off. i stretch out in the sea and imagine the

> salt water is healing me.


> where in no. spain do you live?


> --- Mar 17/8/10, Janet Orchard


> ha scritto:


> Da: Janet Orchard <janetorchard@... <janetorchard%40hotmail.com>>

> Oggetto: RE: HEAT attack

> A: " MS-Cured " <mscured <mscured%40yahoogroups.com>>

> Data: Martedì 17 agosto 2010, 11:36


> I am sensitive to the humidity as well. Luckily I live in Ireland and the

> humidity here is fine usually a little bit during the summer months.

> . This year the weather was good and everyone kept saying isn't it great

> but I had to stay in the cool as much would allow. I stay indoors as much

> as I can and have the window open at night. I would swim and take cold

> showers and this helps.


> eimear


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Hi Janet, was wondering if you could tell me where you buy you Spirulina?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

RE: HEAT attack

thanks Janet for the suggestion about the vinegar.

where in no. spain do you live?

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Hi Janet, was wondering if you could tell me where you buy you Spirulina?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

RE: HEAT attack

thanks Janet for the suggestion about the vinegar.

where in no. spain do you live?

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The current ones I have are from iHerb: Earthrise, Spirulina Natural, 500 mg,

360 Tablets

I used to take Marc Rorer (?) which were more expensive, certainly here, but the

new ones don't seem inferior.


> To: mscured

> From: cmaylin1@...


> Hi Janet, was wondering if you could tell me where you buy you Spirulina?


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The current ones I have are from iHerb: Earthrise, Spirulina Natural, 500 mg,

360 Tablets

I used to take Marc Rorer (?) which were more expensive, certainly here, but the

new ones don't seem inferior.


> To: mscured

> From: cmaylin1@...


> Hi Janet, was wondering if you could tell me where you buy you Spirulina?


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