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> He is not happy to be doing nineth grade for the third time


Hello and nice to meet you and congrates on your dd going to K this

fall. I have dd that won't go until 2004.

So why not just send him to the next grade as I would guess he

would be bored silly to do the same things over again.

I know schools here send them on and don't keep them back.


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> Kathy, does this mean going to the groups page and reading the

>posts there?>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am not Kathy but going on Digest just means that you get 25 posts

in 1 email.


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Thanks, yes it does. Barb

Kathy <rwinters@...> wrote:

> Kathy, does this mean going to the groups page and reading the

posts there?

No. It's a third option. (actually I think it's the second option -

individual emails, digest, no emails.

Go to the groups home page and click on Edit My Membership. Then

click on digest instead of individual emails and click the bottom

thing that probably says something like " change my options. "

Then, instead of getting every email individually, you will get two

or three emails with multiple posts - up to 25. Just be careful when

you reply to digest that you don't leave the entire digest in - erase

most of it and just respond to the post that you're interested in.

Hope that clears it up for you.

Kathy :)

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Marj, I wish it were that easy. He is in high school now, they have to earn so

many credits before they can go to the next grade level. Barb

kellystar734 <kellystar734@...> wrote:

> He is not happy to be doing nineth grade for the third time


Hello and nice to meet you and congrates on your dd going to K this

fall. I have dd that won't go until 2004.

So why not just send him to the next grade as I would guess he

would be bored silly to do the same things over again.

I know schools here send them on and don't keep them back.


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Thanks Marj. Barb

kellystar734 <kellystar734@...> wrote:

> Kathy, does this mean going to the groups page and reading the

>posts there?>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I am not Kathy but going on Digest just means that you get 25 posts

in 1 email.


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> Marj, I wish it were that easy. He is in high school now, they

have to earn so many credits before they can go to the next grade

level. Barb


I missed the beginning of this conversation but is there anyway he

could make up some credits during the summer? Here they can take a

few summer classes for credit in high school.


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When I asked if he could attend summer school i was told that summer school was

for students who failed their classes. The two marking periods that he has

grades for, he made honor roll. The school has made our lives a nightmare. If

they had homeschooled him for the rest of the school year like they were suppose

to he would have been ok. I'm not finished fighting for credit for what he does

have grades for. We are suppose to have an IEP meeting with the staff from the

new school, and staff from the old one. I am going to request that they either

test him out, or have him in a program that he will complete school in three

years instead of four. We are also fighting with over the uniform issue.

he told his therapist and I that he will wear it just so he can go to school,

that story might change when we get to that point. Then I don't know what i

will do. I'm praying that that will not be the case. Barb

madassmom <kneeleee@...> wrote:

> Marj, I wish it were that easy. He is in high school now, they

have to earn so many credits before they can go to the next grade

level. Barb


I missed the beginning of this conversation but is there anyway he

could make up some credits during the summer? Here they can take a

few summer classes for credit in high school.


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> When I asked if he could attend summer school i was told that

summer school was for students who failed their classes. The two

marking periods that he has grades for, he made honor roll. The

school has made our lives a nightmare. If they had homeschooled him

for the rest of the school year like they were suppose to he would

have been ok. I'm not finished fighting for credit for what he does

have grades for. We are suppose to have an IEP meeting with the

staff from the new school, and staff from the old one. I am going to

request that they either test him out, or have him in a program that

he will complete school in three years instead of four.

Oh, for heaven's sake! Are they in this business to support children

and help them achieve or make it impossible? I hate people like

this. I hope you get them to fix this mess. I know it must make you

want to scream!!


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> When I asked if he could attend summer school i was told that

summer school was for students who failed their classes. The two

marking periods that he has grades for, he made honor roll.

Also, Barb, I was thinking that you should ask to see their policy in

writing. They just may have this in writing, who knows. But if they

don't...that could be helpful for you.


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Thanks for the advice, I will do that! Barb

madassmom <kneeleee@...> wrote:

> When I asked if he could attend summer school i was told that

summer school was for students who failed their classes. The two

marking periods that he has grades for, he made honor roll.

Also, Barb, I was thinking that you should ask to see their policy in

writing. They just may have this in writing, who knows. But if they

don't...that could be helpful for you.


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Yes scream, pull my hair out etc. Can you see why I have been fighting

depression? Everytime I turn around it is a fight for everything. We now have

a great team working with us and are willing to go with us to any meetings we

have with school staff. Next week is when we should get the call for the IEP

meeting. Keeping my fingers crossed that all will be able to attend! Barb

madassmom <kneeleee@...> wrote:

> When I asked if he could attend summer school i was told that

summer school was for students who failed their classes. The two

marking periods that he has grades for, he made honor roll. The

school has made our lives a nightmare. If they had homeschooled him

for the rest of the school year like they were suppose to he would

have been ok. I'm not finished fighting for credit for what he does

have grades for. We are suppose to have an IEP meeting with the

staff from the new school, and staff from the old one. I am going to

request that they either test him out, or have him in a program that

he will complete school in three years instead of four.

Oh, for heaven's sake! Are they in this business to support children

and help them achieve or make it impossible? I hate people like

this. I hope you get them to fix this mess. I know it must make you

want to scream!!


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

>>>> I was a member of this group and gfcf kids for about 1 year. I

> dropped off after a few instances of off-list complaints that I had

> no business being here since my child was not diagnosed with Autism.

How ridiculous!!!

There are a bunch of people here with all sorts of diagnosis, or

multiple diagnosis, or no diagnosis but feel they would benefit, and

some really great members with no kids at all. I really hope it

wasn't from this group, but we don't need to get into details.

>>>> Well, I'm back.

I am very glad.

>>>>The SLP strongly feels he falls on the spectrum.

The point might be that he needs some additional assistance in some

areas. Hopefully some helpful ideas will pop up.

>>>>Although Ian continues to make gains in all areas, he remains

socially impaired and still about 18 months behind in language


I really don't like to create work for someone else, but Kelley

is an resident speech teacher and she might have some specific ideas

to target Ian's exact problem areas.

Have you had any type of test for auditory processing? Hearing

ability and language are related. I know if too many people are

talking or there is too much noise, I can't figure out what is going

on, or what to answer to whom. We have noticed that my younger son

has some auditory needs as well. Sometimes he will get so overwhelmed

in school (i.e. all the sounds blur together)...but he teacher tells

me 'he isn't participating' or 'he doesn't contribute to group

discussions'. Just something to consider.


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Hi ,

No, it wasn't this group that acted high and mighty.

As far as Auditory Processing, Ian is too young for any testing.

They tell me I need to wait about 3-4 years. At this time, Ian's

auditory awareness is increasing as his speech increases.

The SLP did an ADOS eval (I believe that was the acronym). It

apparently measures on a social behavior scale. I don't have the

info in front of me. I agree that Ian is woefully lacking in social

graces, so I am hoping that ABA or RDI will assist us in developing

functional skills.

Ian has made some great gains. He no longer has diarrhea! I think

that was my main complaint when I was a member last year. I

eliminated all juice for a period of 3 weeks and it cleared up,

mostly. Since then, I have reduced the amount of juice and no

longer give him high doses of C via Odwalla fruit shakes. I think

that was the culprit. Both of my boys had periods of diarrhea at

about the same stage of development. I am convinced that some of it

was just plain old maturation needed to stop the diarrhea.

My husband and I are seriously considering a move from our beautiful

city by the ocean to Wisconsin. We have family there and ABA is

available on a wider scale than in our area. Is anybody here a WI

resident and utilizing Beckett or some other program?

So, now what? I feel almost as confused as I was when Ian was 19

months old and Autism first appeared in our lives. Two docs

(developmental pediatrician and psychologist) both ruled out autism

when Ian was 25/26 months old. Now we are hearing it again from an

experienced SLP.

Another fire is being lit under my behind. I grew complacent...

Thanks for the welcome back, .


> >>>> I was a member of this group and gfcf kids for about 1 year.


> > dropped off after a few instances of off-list complaints that I


> > no business being here since my child was not diagnosed with



> How ridiculous!!!

> There are a bunch of people here with all sorts of diagnosis, or

> multiple diagnosis, or no diagnosis but feel they would benefit,


> some really great members with no kids at all. I really hope it

> wasn't from this group, but we don't need to get into details.



> >>>> Well, I'm back.


> I am very glad.



> >>>>The SLP strongly feels he falls on the spectrum.


> The point might be that he needs some additional assistance in


> areas. Hopefully some helpful ideas will pop up.



> >>>>Although Ian continues to make gains in all areas, he remains

> socially impaired and still about 18 months behind in language

> development.


> I really don't like to create work for someone else, but


> is an resident speech teacher and she might have some specific


> to target Ian's exact problem areas.


> Have you had any type of test for auditory processing? Hearing

> ability and language are related. I know if too many people are

> talking or there is too much noise, I can't figure out what is


> on, or what to answer to whom. We have noticed that my younger son

> has some auditory needs as well. Sometimes he will get so


> in school (i.e. all the sounds blur together)...but he teacher


> me 'he isn't participating' or 'he doesn't contribute to group

> discussions'. Just something to consider.


> .

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Dear Pam,

Welcome back!!! But wishing you were just out there playing with your


Just brainstorming, but a friend of mine who works with MS patients said

that there is a LOT of flouride poisoning going on up there due to high

levels in the water (I think?)

Have you looked at metals as an issue? Maybe a toxicology screen? If it's

not easily diagnosed, maybe it's not " autism, " but something else...

Praying for you...

, mom to and

I'm back

> Hi all,


> I was a member of this group and gfcf kids for about 1 year. I

> dropped off after a few instances of off-list complaints that I had

> no business being here since my child was not diagnosed with Autism.


> Well, I'm back.


> My now 37 month old son had another speech evaluation recently. The

> SLP strongly feels he falls on the spectrum. Although Ian continues

> to make gains in all areas, he remains socially impaired and still

> about 18 months behind in language development. I had abandoned all

> diet/supplements except for Omega 3 fatty acids (which have been

> wonderful, I must add). I have mostly an organic household and

> avoid all meds like the plague.


> I have gone the Apraxia route lately. It is clear that Apraxia is

> not the only problem with Ian. Actually, some of his language

> development is typical, albeit delayed. He currently has a vocab of

> about 200 words and is combining 2 words. His receptive language

> has taken a huge leap. His health has been great. He started

> preschool through the school district in March. Our first IEP was

> completely uneventful and absolutely dull.


> Since I learned so much from you, I signed up again. Ian is still

> undiagnosed, but we will likely have the full blown Autism eval in

> Seattle before the end of the summer. I am open for anything!


> I scanned today's posts and see some familiar names.


> Thanks,


> Pam

> mom to Noah (7), Olivia (5.11) and Ian (37 months, STILL undiagnosed)










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Hi Pam,

I remember you from the gfcf site.

We left the diet a few months ago and have been using HNI enzymes.

No regression at all, but he continues to battle yeast. But has

made great gains and will attend a regular ed preschool next year.

We have implemented RDI to help with his social deficits, this is still

his weakest area. Welcome back!

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I'm so sorry for the distress and issues. My son is also very young and we

don't have the money for the auditory therapies currently in vogue. I mean

we'd pay if the benefits weren't fleeting. Anyhow, I'll let you know if Fast

Forward works for us or not. Cheap and supposed to have lasting benefits.

Works a little like ABA in that it addresses the fact that these munchkins

have to be taught something that for others is learned incidentally.

Re: I'm back

> Hi ,


> No, it wasn't this group that acted high and mighty.


> As far as Auditory Processing, Ian is too young for any testing.

> They tell me I need to wait about 3-4 years. At this time, Ian's

> auditory awareness is increasing as his speech increases.


> The SLP did an ADOS eval (I believe that was the acronym). It

> apparently measures on a social behavior scale. I don't have the

> info in front of me. I agree that Ian is woefully lacking in social

> graces, so I am hoping that ABA or RDI will assist us in developing

> functional skills.


> Ian has made some great gains. He no longer has diarrhea! I think

> that was my main complaint when I was a member last year. I

> eliminated all juice for a period of 3 weeks and it cleared up,

> mostly. Since then, I have reduced the amount of juice and no

> longer give him high doses of C via Odwalla fruit shakes. I think

> that was the culprit. Both of my boys had periods of diarrhea at

> about the same stage of development. I am convinced that some of it

> was just plain old maturation needed to stop the diarrhea.


> My husband and I are seriously considering a move from our beautiful

> city by the ocean to Wisconsin. We have family there and ABA is

> available on a wider scale than in our area. Is anybody here a WI

> resident and utilizing Beckett or some other program?


> So, now what? I feel almost as confused as I was when Ian was 19

> months old and Autism first appeared in our lives. Two docs

> (developmental pediatrician and psychologist) both ruled out autism

> when Ian was 25/26 months old. Now we are hearing it again from an

> experienced SLP.


> Another fire is being lit under my behind. I grew complacent...


> Thanks for the welcome back, .


> Pam



> > >>>> I was a member of this group and gfcf kids for about 1 year.

> I

> > > dropped off after a few instances of off-list complaints that I

> had

> > > no business being here since my child was not diagnosed with

> Autism.

> >

> > How ridiculous!!!

> > There are a bunch of people here with all sorts of diagnosis, or

> > multiple diagnosis, or no diagnosis but feel they would benefit,

> and

> > some really great members with no kids at all. I really hope it

> > wasn't from this group, but we don't need to get into details.

> >

> >

> > >>>> Well, I'm back.

> >

> > I am very glad.

> >

> >

> > >>>>The SLP strongly feels he falls on the spectrum.

> >

> > The point might be that he needs some additional assistance in

> some

> > areas. Hopefully some helpful ideas will pop up.

> >

> >

> > >>>>Although Ian continues to make gains in all areas, he remains

> > socially impaired and still about 18 months behind in language

> > development.

> >

> > I really don't like to create work for someone else, but

> Kelley

> > is an resident speech teacher and she might have some specific

> ideas

> > to target Ian's exact problem areas.

> >

> > Have you had any type of test for auditory processing? Hearing

> > ability and language are related. I know if too many people are

> > talking or there is too much noise, I can't figure out what is

> going

> > on, or what to answer to whom. We have noticed that my younger son

> > has some auditory needs as well. Sometimes he will get so

> overwhelmed

> > in school (i.e. all the sounds blur together)...but he teacher

> tells

> > me 'he isn't participating' or 'he doesn't contribute to group

> > discussions'. Just something to consider.

> >

> > .








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WElcome back to the group.


Mother to serena soon to be 16

REbecca will be 8 in July/ Coordiantion disorder, sensory integration

dysfunciton,auditory processing disorder, ADHd combine with OCd and anxiety


4 Pervasive Developmental Disorder/mild autism, severe ADHd, severe

Sensory Integration Disorder, mood issues.

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  • 4 months later...


I'm so glad you got to be with your Mom. Thanks for sharing. And

thanks for the encouragement.


> Hi to all old and new dragon slayers,

> It has been a while since I have posted. I finished my

treatments up in

> July, and still feel tired at times, but things are getting better.

> We went on vacation in mid August and got to spend some quality

time with

> my Mom, we even got to go outside together. A day after we

returned home,

> the hospice people called us back up North, and Mom passed quietly

in the

> night with me by her side. They set up a bed for me so I could be

with her

> during the last days. We held hands for days and I tried to

remember all

> the old hymns and ended up humming most of them.

> To all the newer people, never give up, the treatments can get

hard, but

> it is worth it in the end.

> I have the option to get my blood retested in 3 months or 6,

what did you

> all do?

> Lynne

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The procedures and ideas change as time goes on and the treatment improves. When I finished a little over 3 years ago, my dr told me if I was undetectable after 6 mos (from finishing treatment) I had a 95% chance hcv would never again rear it's ugly head. I tested at 6 mos, 1 yr, and 3 yrs. (3 yrs was at my request along with my physical) I won't do the PCR test again, unless I have some sign that it may be returning. I am confident now that it is gone. -dz-Barbara <vynca_minor@...> wrote:

Lynn,I'm so glad you got to be with your Mom. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for the encouragement. Barbara> Hi to all old and new dragon slayers,> It has been a while since I have posted. I finished my treatments up in> July, and still feel tired at times, but things are getting better.> We went on vacation in mid August and got to spend some quality time with> my Mom, we even got to go outside together. A day after we returned home,> the hospice people called us back up North, and Mom passed quietly in the> night with me by her side. They set up a bed for me so I could be with her> during the last days. We held hands for days and I tried to remember

all> the old hymns and ended up humming most of them.> To all the newer people, never give up, the treatments can get hard, but> it is worth it in the end.> I have the option to get my blood retested in 3 months or 6, what did you> all do?> Lynne

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Hi Lynn,

Welcome back and I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. It's good that

you were able to spend some time with her.

As far as treatment, I'm glad your done and with good results. I

would probably wait until the usual 6 months, but I guess whatever

you're comfortable with.

I would also like to welcome the new members and good luck starting

treatment. I was expecting to lose weight when i started treatment

but I've had the opposite effect. ?????? I have gained about 10

pounds. I couldn't afford to lose weight but I definitely didn't

want to gain. Anyway, 5 months into treatment and I am responding, 7

more months to go.

Take Care everyone.


> Hi to all old and new dragon slayers,

> It has been a while since I have posted. I finished my

treatments up in

> July, and still feel tired at times, but things are getting better.

> We went on vacation in mid August and got to spend some quality

time with

> my Mom, we even got to go outside together. A day after we

returned home,

> the hospice people called us back up North, and Mom passed quietly

in the

> night with me by her side. They set up a bed for me so I could be

with her

> during the last days. We held hands for days and I tried to

remember all

> the old hymns and ended up humming most of them.

> To all the newer people, never give up, the treatments can get

hard, but

> it is worth it in the end.

> I have the option to get my blood retested in 3 months or 6, what

did you

> all do?

> Lynne

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Gee I lost a little weight and I mean little. LOL I don't want to gain

another pound, I am one of those big boned women to begin with. :)

[ ] Re: I'm back

Hi Lynn,

Welcome back and I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. It's good that

you were able to spend some time with her.

As far as treatment, I'm glad your done and with good results. I

would probably wait until the usual 6 months, but I guess whatever

you're comfortable with.

I would also like to welcome the new members and good luck starting

treatment. I was expecting to lose weight when i started treatment

but I've had the opposite effect. ?????? I have gained about 10

pounds. I couldn't afford to lose weight but I definitely didn't

want to gain. Anyway, 5 months into treatment and I am responding, 7

more months to go.

Take Care everyone.


> Hi to all old and new dragon slayers,

> It has been a while since I have posted. I finished my

treatments up in

> July, and still feel tired at times, but things are getting better.

> We went on vacation in mid August and got to spend some quality

time with

> my Mom, we even got to go outside together. A day after we

returned home,

> the hospice people called us back up North, and Mom passed quietly

in the

> night with me by her side. They set up a bed for me so I could be

with her

> during the last days. We held hands for days and I tried to

remember all

> the old hymns and ended up humming most of them.

> To all the newer people, never give up, the treatments can get

hard, but

> it is worth it in the end.

> I have the option to get my blood retested in 3 months or 6, what

did you

> all do?

> Lynne

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I know, my dad's gone, going on 5 year now and I still miss him. I remember he gave me a little saying (I think it may have come from Mark Twain, but I'm not sure and I'm paraphrasing it, but here goes)

When I was 17 my old man was as dumb as a rock.

Now I'm 21 year old, and it's AMAZING how much the old man has learned in 4 years.

-dz-Lynne <lynne@...> wrote:

The way of life. It is funny how it always come full circle.

-----Original Message-----From: Terry Long [mailto:pawpawto3@...]Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:03 PM Subject: Re: [ ] I'm back

I saw a poam several years ago. About how we see our fathers. Started out Dad knew every thing & we wanted his advise, whent from that to Dad was down right dumb in our teen years. Then some time in our mid twenty's, Dad knew a little bit. Then it went up slowly. Till we whished Dad was still around to get some of his knowage. That is where I am. My Dad has been gone 7 years & Mom has been gone 8 years. Terry

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My Mom has a saying that I totally believe now....

The older you get, the smarter your parents get.

> The way of life. It is funny how it always come full circle.

> Re: [ ] I'm back



> I saw a poam several years ago. About how we see our fathers.

Started out Dad knew every thing & we wanted his advise, whent from

that to Dad was down right dumb in our teen years. Then some time in

our mid twenty's, Dad knew a little bit. Then it went up slowly.

Till we whished Dad was still around to get some of his knowage.

That is where I am. My Dad has been gone 7 years & Mom has been gone

8 years. Terry

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It that the truth

Lynne Dunham

NVSR Director, Follow-up Coordinator


Re: [ ] I'm back



> I saw a poam several years ago. About how we see our fathers.

Started out Dad knew every thing & we wanted his advise, whent from

that to Dad was down right dumb in our teen years. Then some time in

our mid twenty's, Dad knew a little bit. Then it went up slowly.

Till we whished Dad was still around to get some of his knowage.

That is where I am. My Dad has been gone 7 years & Mom has been gone

8 years. Terry

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Too funny.

Lynne Dunham

NVSR Director, Follow-up Coordinator


-----Original Message-----From: Dave [mailto:dhz920@...]Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 8:51 AM Subject: RE: [ ] I'm back

I know, my dad's gone, going on 5 year now and I still miss him. I remember he gave me a little saying (I think it may have come from Mark Twain, but I'm not sure and I'm paraphrasing it, but here goes)

When I was 17 my old man was as dumb as a rock.

Now I'm 21 year old, and it's AMAZING how much the old man has learned in 4 years.

-dz-Lynne <lynne@...> wrote:

The way of life. It is funny how it always come full circle.

-----Original Message-----From: Terry Long [mailto:pawpawto3@...]Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:03 PM Subject: Re: [ ] I'm back

I saw a poam several years ago. About how we see our fathers. Started out Dad knew every thing & we wanted his advise, whent from that to Dad was down right dumb in our teen years. Then some time in our mid twenty's, Dad knew a little bit. Then it went up slowly. Till we whished Dad was still around to get some of his knowage. That is where I am. My Dad has been gone 7 years & Mom has been gone 8 years. Terry

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