Guest guest Posted September 2, 2010 Report Share Posted September 2, 2010 Dear Friends: The material below this was being written by me at Hamilton College Library in February 2010 (while I was sleeping on the floor at a friend's apartment " rent free " .) I had to stop writing this blog titled The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally (2010) due to Big Pharma hackers disrupting me so much. At this point, I also felt that I needed to " change gears " and begin to address my own personal security. In March 2010 I got the apartment that I am in now (due to the above mentioned need for " security " ). The apartment I am in now, is finally " almost set up " . It is going to be set up soon after I get my September SSD check. ( " Setup " thus far has been a piece-by-piece month-to-month process funded by a once-a-month check. This is why it took so long.) I am in a " self imposed jail " for my own protection. By choice, I stay " locked in " in my apartment 99.9% of the time. I only go out of the building once a month with Willy as my driver. While I am gone, a man that I trust with my life " babysits " my apartment so the " bad guys " can't sneak in while I am gone. I am not suffering in any way by being a " shut in " . I LOVE THIS PLACE! It is the most comfortable and pleasant apartment that I have EVER had in my entire life (and I am 57). And I even have " direct sunlight outside " on my 14th floor porch. This is one of the nicest " self imposed jails " I can imagine anyone having while only spending $580. a month. The above includes everything; all utilities, water, garbage, cable TV , Internet, , a 14th floor porch with a " great west view " , and unlimited U.S. and Canada phone. It also includes a " heavy steel door " that I have heavily fortified (its closure), and concrete block walls in the hallway. Most of all this apartment means " safety " for the " bad guys " are going to have a real hard time reaching me. Despite my lack of freedom of movement, I am perhaps the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. I know this may seem odd, given the situation that I find myself in. Let me explain. I am a " worker " more than anything else and I finally have one of the most important things " a worker needs " which is a place to work, and work without restraint or undue interruption. " Doing a good job " is what makes me happy and I finally have " a place to be able to do a good job " thank God. In about ten days I should have a high output Brother laser printer. This printer can print " duplex " , which means both sides of a page. It can also print eight thousand pages one-sided before the cartridge runs out and when it does it is less than $30 for an aftermarket one. (To print 8,000 pages on ANY inkjet printer would be very costly due to all the cartridges needed.) What the above means is that fairly soon I will even be able to " bulk mail " . I can't wait Incidentally, I converted my one bedroom apartment into two. The idea I had in doing so was to try the concept of a non-commercial " healing house " in the months to come. Introducing the Concept of an " Educational Healing House " (2006) (I am not quite ready to do this yet but I may be ready in another month or two.) Conclusion It is time for me to go to war with Big Pharma!!! I am ready, or pretty darn close (I sure could use another $700. to $1000 or so but I will get there eventually " on my own SSD check " ). I trust in God a generic God God Nature was my father's term (and I liked this). I finally have a degree of fear that is " not cumbersome in any substantial way " . (Thank God for this apartment! and Thank God for the help I am getting from others such that " I am as safe as I can be " .) In the coming weeks and months, I will not hold anything back from the world in regard to what I know about " alternative medicine self-applied " . It is time " for me to have my say " And have this " say " in an unrestricted manner, and a manner that is relatively safe as well. Darman *BELOW IS THE BLOG THAT BIG PHARMA DOES NOT WANT ME TO COMPLETE* *IT IS ONLY ONE OF MANY THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO HEAR* *OF THESE " MANY " THIS IS " THE MOST IMPORTANT " * The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally (2010) By nutrientscure ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** My work on this blog has been suspended indefinitely on February 18, 2010. Hamilton College library has been my main writing place for the past few years. I have been having a devil of a time even getting on to my Nutrientscure WordPress site in the library of Hamilton College for the past few days. (As an example, it took me nearly an hour to get into this blog today to write this note, and yesterday this delay in using WordPress was about the same.) I am not only having problems with using WordPress in the library of Hamilton College, I am having multiple and unusual problems using Myspace, Facebook, and Yahoo email recently in this library as well. The particular computer that I was battling with for hours yesterday (trying to use Facebook, Myspace, and WordPress) in the Hamilton College library now has an " out of order " sign on it. And I am having multiple and unusual problems with ANY other computer that I may use in this library as well. For over three and a half years, I have also had multiple and unusual problems with ANY other computer that I may use for any length of time besides those in Hamilton College library as well. (This includes using public computers in other public libraries, using various wireless laptops, and using various desktop computers hooked up at home.) The problems that I have been having with computers almost certainly are due to hackers paid for by the drug industry (Big Pharma). These problems began when I first put Willy's original ADHD/bipolar recovery story on the Internet in June 2006. And they are getting worse, especially after it was found that Willy's baggie of supplements works to resolve schizophrenic symptoms between 11/2008 and 2/2009. It has gotten to the point that it is hard to get any significant written work done online at all. I almost do not even want to be on the Internet at this point until I find an answer to this problem of continually being monitored, hacked, and/or disrupted by Big Pharma. Dear friends: I have a number of goals in writing " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010). One goal is that I hope that this material helps millions of persons some day (as it should). Another goal is that I hope this material crushes the big lie that antidepressant medication is " the best chemical answer " to treat a state of depression. And a third goal is that I hope this material reaches every single member of Congress such that it positively and profoundly impacts on the health care reform process in the U.S. This blog is going to be drafted on my WordPress site over the next few weeks. A decent rough draft of it should be completed by the end of February, 2010. I do not expect this blog to actually be finished by the end of February 2010. This is because I intend to use the help of other persons (who have professional writing and editing skills) to make this written material " the very best that it can be " . Doing this (seeking and getting help from other persons) is going to take time. (My writing skills are not professional. I intend to seek professional help on " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010) after I have done my best with it.) This blog titled " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010) is probably the most important material that I have ever written in my life, if not clearly the most important without question. It is the culmination of a lifelong history indicative of at least " some degree of genius " , almost sixteen years of full time effort, hundreds of books read, tens of thousands of miles driven, nearly 150,000 capsules of free form amino acids taken (and another 75,000 or so capsules or tablets of " everything else " ), and perhaps an aggregate of $200,000 spent in an effort to find an answer for depression (and manic depression) for the world. " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010) represents the fulfillment of my destiny in a big way. This destiny apparently was to learn what needed to be learned, and discover what needed to be discovered, such that I could teach the world how to properly treat depression (and manic depression) naturally. The world is going to be faced with a simple " A " or " B " choice after this material is complete. (A) Accept the concepts and knowledge I am quite literally giving away in " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010), or ( Continue to label me manic, paranoid, delusional, etc., continue to give little respect or support to what I am saying, and then be forced to " reinvent the wheel " . I cannot suggest strongly enough to others that the best, and the fastest, way " to reinvent the wheel " in regard to how to properly treat depression (and manic depression) naturally is to simply plagiarize the concepts and ideas in " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010) when it is complete. In all honesty, I do not care what the world chooses in regard to the above. I am tired of all of the personal attacks and hurtful words that I have received from persons that do not have nearly the degree of knowledge that I do. I am tired of the many big egos in the alternative medical arena, many of wish to be " top dog without just cause " . (I could write a long list here lol.) And I am tired of the numerous alternative medical authors and companies over the years that have plagiarized my ideas without even having the courtesy to thank me, and without giving me any credit whatsoever. (You know who you are.) I am at peace with the fact that when " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010) is complete, I will have done my part to help the world. What happens after I have done my part to help the world understand how to properly treat depression (and manic depression) in most so afflicted is not up to me, it is up to the rest of you. A few final thoughts The drug industry cannot survive if the antidepressant class of medications is shown to be the enormous hoax that it is. " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010) should do just this when it is completed. It should expose the antidepressant class of medications to be an enormous hoax of historic proportions. If the antidepressant class of medications falls to the truth, many other classes of medications will fall as well. Cholesterol medications are a hoax, blood pressure medications are hoax, acid reflux medications are a hoax, cancer medications are a hoax, psychiatric medications are a hoax, etc. All of these classes of medication are going to fall, if the antidepressant class of medications falls to the truth. It is my sincere belief that Big Pharma is doomed due to the fact that this industry cannot stand up to the truth. Big Pharma may be doomed as soon as " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010) is widely cross posted to many sites on the Internet. The only catch here is the obvious. Big Pharma is doomed as long as healing nutritional supplements remain on the open market in the U.S., just as they are now. The health of American citizens hinges on whether or not powerful healing nutritional supplements are, or are not, taken off the free market by Senator McCain's Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA), FDA interference, CODEX interference, or any other kind of " anti-supplement " or " pro-conventional medicine " change of federal law. Lastly, and to repeat what is stated above, the blog titled " The Fundamentals Of Correcting Depression Naturally " (2010) will take time to complete. This blog will exhibit various states of completion on until it is done. Darman Preface Not all of what I know about depression came from me. I have a number of persons to thank for knowing what I do about the topic of depression. Most of these persons are the authors of books that I have read (and in many cases reread a number of times). Two of these authors deserve special mention; Dr. Sherry and Dr. Priscilla Slagle.***List various helpful authors and books here with remarks.*** It has been almost ten years since I gained a world leading degree of understanding of how to properly treat, or self-treat, a state of depression. This knowledge applies to the vast majority of persons that are depressed. I gained this world leading degree of understanding of how to treat depression properly by learning a number of things between September 1997 and April 2000. Some of what I learned about how to treat depression properly came from various alternative medical books that I had read. And some of what I learned about depression came from some original discoveries that I had made. Two of these discoveries were of critical importance. (I will go into these discoveries in later material.) I wrote a landmark document in the year 2000 in regard to what I had learned in regard to how to treat state of depression. This document was lost (when I lost the hard drive it was on). In early 2003, I did a rewrite of what I had learned by April 2000 in regard to how to properly treat a depressive state. This document, which can be easily found on the Internet by searching for it, is titled Concepts And Ideas To Treat Depression Naturally (2003). I have also written a number of significant documents in regard to how to treat depression since 2003. My knowledge did improve over time. Despite the fact that my knowledge of how to correct depression has grown over time, I knew nearly ten years ago that what I had discovered about how to correct depression meant that I had " hit a home run for the world " . I immediately reported this " home run for the world " to a doctor that I thought would, and could, move the discoveries that I had made forward, such that they could help many persons, and not just a few. In April 2000 I emailed what I had learned about how to properly treat depression to the acknowledged leader of orthomolecular medicine at that time, a doctor named Dr. Abram Hoffer. One thing that I meant when I said I had hit a " home run for the world " was that I had discovered that a state of depression, even if it was both longstanding and rather severe, could be profoundly corrected in some persons (to include myself) in as little as eight to twelve hours. (Some persons may take longer than this. It may require a few days to correct a state of severe depression in some persons. And it may admittedly require a longer period of time for some persons as well.) Dr. Hoffer was unable to believe what I was telling him years ago about my being able to correct a severe state of depression in myself in as little as eight to twelve hours, despite the fact it was the truth. And he was unable to believe me when I said that what I had learned about correcting a state of depression in myself applied to tens of millions of other persons, if not the entire human race. Due to both his lack of knowledge, and his lack of experience, in using adequate therapeutic dosages of broad based amino acids, Dr. Abram Hoffer was unable to see the truth in regard to how depression should be properly treated. Sadly, not long ago he died still not knowing the truth in this regard. (An important note: Broad based free form amino acids do not work well at all if they are taken on their own. Broad based free form amino acids REQUIRE a wide range of nutrient co-factors to be taken at the same time in order for them to work properly in a therapeutic sense.) Not only did I approach Dr. Hoffer with my discoveries years ago, I have approached many dozens of other persons and parties in the past ten years as well. As a layman, I was not in a position to move the discoveries I had made forward, such that they could help the rest of the human race. For years, I have repeatedly tried to hand off what I had discovered to other persons and parties that I felt could do more with what I had discovered than I could. (I did this via the use of email, and the use of egroups on the Internet.) When a layperson develops a world leading degree of knowledge on a medical topic, such as how to treat depression properly, there is not any where for him or her to go, such that his or her discoveries can be validated. I have been in this sort of dilemma for nearly a decade now. (I am still in this dilemma.) As far as my own experience goes, it was far easier for me to discover the proper way to resolve depression naturally, than it has been for me to find support and collaboration such that these these discoveries help the entire human race (as they should). I have never had any desire to copyright, commercialize, or sell what I have found to be true. (This material is not copyrighted. It will be freely disbursed to the Internet when it is complete.) My heart always was, and still is, in the right place. I only want to help other persons that still suffer from depression. I have no self seeking agenda whatsoever. Hopefully, the material that follows will end the impasse of biochemical depression not being understood by many persons for what it really is. In the great majority of people, a state of biochemical depression is (1) " a state of broad essential nutrient deficiency, especially in regard to amino acids " , coupled with (2) " a dysfunctional and toxic gut " , more than anything else. Introduction When a person feels depressed, and they do not know any better, they go to see a conventional medical doctor or psychiatrist to be treated for depression. This standard medical treatment for depression involves only one single measure. This measure is the prescription of an antidepressant drug. The patient is then told to take this drug daily, until the relief of depression occurs. Conventional medical doctors rarely mention any other measure than the regular use of an antidepressant drug in which to alleviate depression. The truth is that you do not need the services of any doctor in order to correct a state of depression in yourself. All you need is some rather basic nutritional knowledge, some basic knowledge of the human body, and the ability and the willingness to implement this knowledge on yourself. To gain useful knowledge of the human body such that a person can readily correct a state of depression in his or her self is not that difficult to do. (You most certainly do not have to attend medical school to do so.) Useful knowledge of the human body such that a state of depression can be readily self-corrected at will can be taught to most persons, even those that cannot read. (This understanding can be verbally taught. I proved this with my teenage son Willy in his amazing recovery from an ADHD diagnosis, classic bipolar symptoms, and weak and sickly childhood health.) As complicated as the material below may sound to a depressed person that is reading it, such that they may feel overwhelmed by it, the correction of the symptoms of depression is amazingly easy in most cases. Often profound relief from serious depressive symptoms can be achieved within a matter of a handful of hours. What follows is a concrete example of this: Most persons that are seriously depressed, even if they have been depressed for quite some time, can feel profound relief from their depressive state from (1) using a fiber purge to clear their gut out, followed a few hours later by (2) taking a wide range of nutritional supplements, along with (3) a large glass of room temperature spring or distilled water. Doing such can, and does, significantly increase the level of every neurotransmitter, hormone, and enzyme in the body. (You do not need to know the name of a single one of these neurotransmitters, hormones, or enzymes that has been increased! All that you need to do is become familiar with how to use the nutrients that these neurotransmitters, hormones, and enzymes are made out of!) This shortcut to resolve a state of depression assumes (1) you have a gut that is not so plugged up with undigested food residue, fecal matter, etc. that a fiber purge is not enough to adequately clear it out, (2) that the fiber purge you take is adequate in size for you, (3) that your gut is not in such poor shape that it is hardly absorbing at all, (4) that the supplements taken are combined correctly, and (5) that the supplements taken are of a proper dosage. (This shortcut to resolve a depressive state will be discussed more thoroughly in another chapter.) The standard medical treatment for depression does not address the fact that there may be one or more biochemical causes that a person is depressed. Almost invariably, there are at least a half a dozen or more causes underlying a state of depression. Despite their number, these common causes of depression are not that difficult for anyone to learn how to identify and overcome them in his or her self. (The common causes of depression can be identified and overcome at home, without requiring the services of any doctor whatsoever.) The standard medical treatment for depression does not address the fact that the patient that suffers from depression may be chronically ingesting common foods that they are allergic to. Hidden food allergies to common foods such as the gluten grains of wheat, oats, barley, rye, dairy, corn, eggs, peanuts, chocolate, soy, citrus, the nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and bell peppers), etc. have been found to be a causative or contributory factor of depression in the majority of persons that chronically suffer from such. A simple linking search I did today using Google and the words " food allergy " and " depression " at the same time returned 950,000 hits. The standard medical treatment for depression does not address the fact that the patient may have serious intestinal dysbiosis issues, which are chronically poisoning him or her. Intestinal dysbiosis means " disordered biology " in the GI tract, to include the presence of yeasts such as candida, molds, fungi, various " bad bacteria " , and/or parasites. Intestinal dysbiosis issues, such as candida, have been found to be a causative or contributory factor of depression in the great majority of persons that suffer from such. A simple linking search I did today using Google and the words " candida " and " depression " at the same time returned 780,000 hits. The standard medical treatment for depression does not address the fact the patient may have a significant malabsorptive problem, even if the person in question is seriously overweight. A simple linking search I did today using Google and the words " malabsorption " and " depression " at the same time returned 1,630,000 hits. The standard medical treatment for depression does not address that fact that some hormone producing organs (the thyroid, the adrenal glands, the pancreas), when they are not functioning properly, can be a causative or contributory factor to depression all on their own. Often the fact that these hormone producing organs are not producing properly is simply due to the fact that they lack the nutrient raw material in which to build an adequate supply of whatever hormone(s) or enzyme(s) that they should produce. A simple linking search I did today using Google and the words " thyroid " and " depression " at the same time returned 3,540,000 hits. (Note: If you have a thyroid problem I strongly suggest that you DO NOT go see a conventional doctor to get treated for this. Conventional medicine does not properly treat thyroid issues well, just as they do not treat depression well. See for more information on this.) The standard medical treatment for depression does not address that fact that you may suffer from some bacteria or viral issue that is a causative or contributory factor to your depression. (If you do suffer from such, it is often wiser for you to investigate these issues on your own, rather than to see a conventional doctor. It may be worthy to note here that bacterial cells and viral particles do not make you feel sick simply by their presence in your body. They make you feel sick by the toxins that they produce. If you have a bacterial or viral issue that is serious, your toxic load is greatly increased.) The Fundamental Principle Of Correcting Depression There is a fundamental principle to correct depression. This fundamental principle applies to a myriad of illnesses, both physical and mental in nature. Before I go into the fundamental principle to correct depression, I need to talk about a cell in the human body a little bit. If you understand the basics in regard to the chemistry of a single human cell, you understand the basics in regard to the chemistry of the entire human body. There are only three classes of chemicals involved in the health, or lack thereof, of the cells in a human being. The three classes of chemical influence that create, or harm, the health of the cells of your brain and your body are (1) nutrients, (2) allergens, and (3) toxins. The fundamental principle to correcting depression involves only three parts. These three parts are relatively simple. They can be taught to nearly anyone, such that depression can be readily self-cured. The three parts of the fundamental principle to correcting depression are: (1) you need to maximize your functional nutrient status, (2) you need to reduce your allergic load (especially food allergens, but environmental allergens as well), and (3) you need to reduce your toxic load (especially toxins generated in the gut, but other toxins as well). Doing so will improve the health and performance of every single cell in your body and your brain. And if you increase the health of even one of your cells in this manner, you effectively are increasing the health of them all. Incidentally, the standard medical treatment for depression ignores all three classes of chemical influence on a human cell. It is as if the levels of nutrients, allergens, or toxins did not matter at all in regard to correcting a state of depression in a person that may suffer from such. Nothing could be further from the truth. To be continued . at a later date Nutrientscure's Site The gist of Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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