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Re: 30 Reasons to Quit Coffee

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caffeine can be good for you in moderation too.

1. Improves your ability to think clearly and solve problems, and can actually

raise your IQ

2. Increases your short-term memory, helps you concentrate, and relieves boredom

3. Is a powerful antioxidant, combating muscle damage and helping you to stay


4. Improves your mood and overcomes depression, creating an " attitude of

success "

5. Helps you run, swim, and cycle longer and faster

6. Increases the painkilling power of common analgesics and is itself a strong

pain reliever

7. Grows brain cells in the areas of the brain responsible for long-term memory

source: http://www.enotalone.com/article/5745.html

the good and the bad source:


1. Studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis have up to

80% lower risks of developing Parkinson's disease.

2. Studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis have up to

25% lower risk of colon cancer.

3. Studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis have up to

80% drop in the risk of liver cirrhosis.

4. Some researchers believe another compound called " trigonelline " - which gives

coffee its bitter taste and its aroma - may be responsible for giving coffee

both anti-adhesive and antibacterial properties which help prevent dental

cavities from forming.

just to offer a balanced perspective.



> 30 Reasons to Quit Coffee

> 1. According to the author, Cherniske, " Caffeine is a biological

poison used by plants as a pesticide. "



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That's your take but I'll pass. It's a neurostimulant and that is not good for

people with a neurological disease. Caffiene also overstimulates the thyroid.

I have had experience in that area with cacao, which is not the superfood that

it's made out to be. Why drink an addictive drink if you can do without?


> caffeine can be good for you in moderation too.


> 1. Improves your ability to think clearly and solve problems, and can actually

raise your I

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well that's true, but its also like saying why eat or drink " ANYTHING " other

than what comes directly out of the ground or sky and not from a supermarket or

pill company?

the answer is because we can and do and are our own worst enemy lol.

right now my wife has to have liquid food from a can. I give her what i can in

the form of liquid herbs and juices but apart from that her life is sustained

from whatever companies can put in a can which is currently called energy multi

fibre from nutricia. it used to be ensure plus but it depends on what contracts

are won with the hospitals to what you get dished out.

I would hate to know whats really in the can but when you have NO choice there

is not much you can do.

Believe me if my wife could have her ice coffee she would!


> >

> > caffeine can be good for you in moderation too.

> >

> > 1. Improves your ability to think clearly and solve problems, and can

actually raise your I


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I think the harms out weigh the good. I went off caffeine several months ago an

have seen a positive change with my ms. I noticed i sleep better and dont

psuedorelapse as much. Thanks for both opinions. i like seeing the two sides.

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