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low oxalates

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A few weeks ago I emailed the group and talked about the low oxalate

diet. I've been slowly lowering my oxalate intake while remaining

gf/cf/sf and food chemical free. And, I am noticing a solid difference

in how I feel. I've had mild detox reactions (the LOD people call in

dumping) just like when I removed sugar, gluten and the chemical


Since the detox reaction has cleared, I've experienced less brain fog,

no urinary urgency, and overall my mood is better. I'm still in the

mid range of oxalate intake as far as the LOD experts are concerned,

but the researcher behind LOD says that if I didn't need to detox

oxalates I would not have a detox reaction. My experiences so far on

my ms journey tell me that what she is saying is true. So, I'll

continue to slowly lower my oxalate intake and see what happens.

And as a side note, I have my 9 yr old Aspie stepson on LOD, too. He

had an initial dump that left me wondering just who in the heck this

kid was. Now that he's done his first minor dump he is talking SO much

better. He's only stuttered 4 times this morning -- a huge improvement

from his " normal. "

I'm not pushing LOD as a " cure " but I " m starting to believe it is one

more tools for those of us with ms.

Owens is the researcher behind LOD. She has several papers

published on the effects of oxaltes and immune function. I know for

sure she is Master's level, and I'm relatively sure she is a Ph.D

level researcher. I sat on her LOD list and read every post for a year

before I decided to take this leap because it is so different from

everything I have ever learned. But.. I think it is working for me.




Freelance Writer

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*Interesting, are you going to try the Guaifenesin too ?

have you done any other detoxing stuff like chlorella or iodine or msm ?

I have been dumping bromine for 9 months on iodine and

did another dump of who knows what with MSM, I have

been trying to be able to tolerate more than a few grams

of msm for years, but couldnt break past there.

Point is, you may be able to add some of these detoxing

agents and further your progress without having to further

lower your oxalate intake. I think this is what people are

using the Guaifenesin for.


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