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Re: UTI - (please help)

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...the idea is to keep your urine too acidic for bacteria to grow. Cranberry does

that, changes the ph - but the juice has too much sugar...take cranberry pills

twice a day, every day. or better yet, take time released vitamin C daily

500-1000mg...if it is time released, it stays in your urine longer and prevents

bacterial growth, again, by making your urine acidic. so skip the juice and do

the pills, and lay off the sugar.

also, drink tons of water, urinate often!

good luck

Mamie Guidera

(Nurse Midwife - i treat a lot of pregnant women with UTIs)


From: mscured [mscured ] On Behalf Of HAIDY

SHARAWY [helsharawy@...]

Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 8:07 PM

To: MS

Subject: UTI - (please help)

I have MS and I get UTI frequently.

Is there a way to avoid getting UTIs because I'm so tired of taking antibiotics.

Also, is there a way to cure UTIs beside antibiotics and cranberry juice. When

I get UTI, I drink so much cranberry juice but it doesn't help for me.


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My wife used to get UTI's regularly and hospitalized a lot because of it.

She hasn't had one in 2 years since i gave her a teaspoon a day of pomegranate


Also once a month a small amount of bi-carb soda as thats good for the bladder


She has an IDC catheter now since 1993.

last 2 years no more UTI's.

cranberry tablets she used to have the 20,000mg strength and it never worked. i

think it helps but it does not stop them like pomegranate does.

she has the one from Russia Georgia. its not reconstituted. we buy it from out

local fruit and veg shop in Brisbane.



> about UTI

> ..the idea is to keep your urine too acidic for bacteria to grow. Cranberry

does that, changes the ph - but the juice has too much sugar...take cranberry

pills twice a day, every day. or better yet, take time released vitamin C daily

500-1000mg...if it is time released, it stays in your urine longer and prevents

bacterial growth, again, by making your urine acidic. so skip the juice and do

the pills, and lay off the sugar.


> also, drink tons of water, urinate often!

> good luck


> Mamie Guidera

> (Nurse Midwife - i treat a lot of pregnant women with UTIs)

> ________________________________

> From: mscured [mscured ] On Behalf Of HAIDY

SHARAWY [helsharawy@...]

> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 8:07 PM

> To: MS

> Subject: UTI - (please help)




> I have MS and I get UTI frequently.

> Is there a way to avoid getting UTIs because I'm so tired of taking


> Also, is there a way to cure UTIs beside antibiotics and cranberry juice.

When I get UTI, I drink so much cranberry juice but it doesn't help for me.


> Help!!!!!!!



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regarding UTI's there is something relatively new called d-mannose.

It is much stronger than cranberry so it can usually clear a full blown

infection in 2-3 days. Also, if you take it everyday it should keep all

infections away indefinitely.

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The below is info I have collected from other people. I cannot vouch for any of

it and please check everything first. The comments made are not mine. Hope this

helps, Adam:

Urinary tract infections

What It Is; Why It Works

Uva-Ursi has been used against urinary tract infections since the

17th century, and--despite the discovery of antibiotics--is still in

use today. It contains a substance called arbutin which has proven

antibacterial properties.

Uva-Ursi works best when the urine is alkaline. To assure

alkalinity, stick to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables (especially

tomatoes), and fruit juices. Taking small doses of sodium

bicarbonate will also help assure alkaline urine. The antibacterial

effect of each dose of Uva-Ursi reaches its peak 3 to 4 hours after


Originally native to Spain, Uva-Ursi has spread throughout

Europe, Asia, and North America. It is often called bearberry,

although no one is sure of the reason. Some say that its awful taste

makes it fit only for bears, others that bears are especially fond

of it.

Avoid If...

Not for children under 12.

Special Cautions

Do not take this herb for extended periods without consulting your

doctor. Protracted use can cause liver damage, particularly in


If you have a sensitive stomach, the herb can cause nausea and


Possible Drug Interactions

While using Uva-Ursi, avoid medications and foods that make the

urine acid (for example, citrus fruits, cranberries, and


Special Information If You Are Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Do not take this medication if you are pregnant or nursing.

How To Prepare

You can make an Uva-Ursi tea from 2.5 grams (1 teaspoonful) of

finely cut or coarsely powdered herb. Either mix it with 150

milliliters (two-thirds of a cup) of cold water and bring rapidly to

a boil, or pour boiling water over it. Steep for 15 minutes, then


Typical Dosage

Uva-Ursi is taken orally. The usual dosage of the tea is 150

milliliters up to 4 times a day.

Strengths of commercial preparations may vary. Follow the

manufacturer's labeling whenever available.

After suffering infections for four years, I have been clear since I have been

following this daily regime for over 10 years.

200 ml. Of Ocean Spray " Classic " Cranberry Juice in the morning.

1 capsule of Cranberry/ Vitamin C, three times a day.

2 litres of water, start as early as possible to flush out concentrated urine .

It will take up to three months for the Cranberry Juice to coat the urinary

tract, the coating helps prevent further infections. This has an added advantage

of deodorizing the urine. Classic is 25% cranberry with very little sugar in

it, health food shops have better cranberry juice.

The Hibiscus Flower made into Tea or Extract is emerging as a new

natural remedy for UTI's with very good success;

I guess Hibiscus Flower Tea is similar to Cranberry Juice in benefits;

the beauty of Hibiscus Tea is; you can drink many cups a day with no

upset tummy like Cranberry Juice can; Hibiscus Tea; is found in

Bigelow Tea Orange Spice and Celestial Seasonings Tea brands


This is not confirmed; please check

Desmos Spray?

Waterfall D-Mannose www.waterfalld-mannose.com something like that!

Cranberry Juice-though cranberry capsules are better; in a pure form as the

sugar in the juice can irritate the bladder

After suffering infections for four years, I have been clear since I have

been following this daily regime for 10 years.

200 ml. Of Ocean Spray " Classic " Cranberry Juice in the

morning. A capsule of Cranberry/ Vitamin C, three times a day.

2 liters of water, start as early as possible to flush out

consentrated urine .

It will take up to three months for the Cranberry Juice to coat the urinary

tract. This has an added advantage of deodorizing the urine. Classic is 25%

cranberry with very little sugar in it, health food shops have better cranberry


For a variety of reasons, people with MS tend to be at an increased risk for

urinary tract infections. Some people supplement with vitamin C to reduce that

risk. The theory in support of that practice is that vitamin C supplementation

can acidify the urine, thereby creating a challenge to infection-causing

bacteria. However, the weight of evidence suggests that vitamin C does not

acidify urine. There is more evidence to support the use of cranberry (see

below) to prevent urinary tract infections than there is for vitamin C.

Whether a higher intake of vitamin C is beneficial is controversial. The proper

dose of vitamin C (and all other vitamins) for people with MS is unresolved.

Some authorities believe that daily doses greater than 1,000 milligrams may

cause diarrhea or kidney damage.

After suffering infections for four years, I have been clear since I have been

following this daily regime for 10 years.

200 ml. Of Ocean Spray " Classic " Cranberry Juice in the morning.

1 capsule of Cranberry/ Vitamin C, three times a day.

2 liters of water, start as early as possible to flush out consentrated urine .

It will take up to three months for the Cranberry Juice to coat the urinary

tract, the coating helps prevent further infections. This has an added advantage

of deodorizing the urine. Classic is 25% cranberry with very little sugar in

it, health food shops have better cranberry juice.

This is the correct URL for the Enuraid:


I am taking a Mannatech product called Plus. I am currently

taking 9 a day with NO bladder issues. I know that it is the PLUS in my

particular case because when we went on vaction in Aug., I didn't pack enough

Plus and ran out on Wed. By Friday, I was having to go to the bathroom every 15

mins and I mean and EMERGENCY - even if I had just gone! When we returned on

Sunday, I loaded up on the plus and by Tuesday I didn't have a bladder issue

again. So, for me phytoserols work miracles!

What is in plus? Wild yam root, L-Glutamic acid, glycine, L-Lysine,

L-Arginine, Beta Sitosterol and Ambrotose (the glyconutrient mixture). So if

you didn't want to try Mannatech products again, perhaps supplementing with

these indivually may help???

For excessive Urinating:

I took an herbal product, Enuraid, when I

had this problem. It worked well for me.

After suffering infections for four years, I have been clear since I have been

following this daily regime for 10 years.

200 ml. Of Ocean Spray " Classic " Cranberry Juice in the morning.

1 capsule of Cranberry/ Vitamin C, three times a day.

2 liters of water, start as early as possible to flush out consentrated urine .

It will take up to three months for the Cranberry Juice to coat the urinary

tract, the coating helps prevent further infections. This has an added advantage

of deodorizing the urine. Classic is 25% cranberry with very little sugar in

it, health food shops have better cranberry juice.

Cure urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer.

Just dissolve two! tablets in a glass of water and drink it at the onset of the

symptoms. Alka-Seltzer begins eliminating urinary tract infections almost

instantly-- even though the product was never been advertised for this use.


I use DESMOPRESSIN - it does work for me, it stops you weeing for about 4 hours

if you use it in the day, or all night if you use it at bedtime. I think it

works by slowing down the action of the kidneys, you spray it up your nose. You

have to be sensible about drinking when you use it, don't drink large amounts

just before or during the time you want it to work. You can't use it more than

once in 24 hours, but it is ok to use it once every day.

Urinary Incontinence

Also Listed As: Incontinence, Urinary

Signs and Symptoms

What Causes It?

What to Expect at Your Provider's Office

Treatment Options

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Following Up

Special Considerations

Supporting Research

Urinary incontinence is the inability to control urination. It affects more than

13 million people of all ages in the United States. It is more common in the

elderly and women.

Incontinence is classified as either stress incontinence (caused by coughing,

laughing, sneezing), urge incontinence (losing urine when suddenly feeling the

urge to urinate), overflow incontinence (continually leaking urine), functional

incontinence (in people with a brain injury), or transient incontinence

(temporary incontinence). Treatment is highly effective in more than 80 percent

of cases. Exercise and behavioral therapies are most successful.

Signs and Symptoms

• Not being able to hold your urine until you get to a bathroom

• Frequent and unusual urges to urinate

What Causes It?

• Stretched pelvic muscles from pregnancy and childbirth

• Low estrogen levels in women

• Enlarged prostate in men

• Side effects of certain medications

• Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

• Frequent constipation

• Damage to or diseases of the brain or spinal cord (for example, dementia,

spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, stroke)

• Weakened muscles that control urination (urethral sphincter and pelvic-floor


What to Expect at Your Provider's Office

Your health care provider will give you a physical examination and may ask you

some questions about your past prostate problems, pregnancy, hysterectomy, your

pattern of urinating, when your urine leakage occurs, and whether you strain or

experience discomfort when you urinate. You may be asked to cough vigorously to

see if it causes urine loss, a sign of stress incontinence.

Your provider may suggest urine tests to detect infection, urinary stones,

diabetes, and other underlying causes. A pelvic ultrasound may be performed to

examine your bladder, kidneys, and urethra.

Treatment Options

• Exercises: Kegel exercises strengthen muscles that control urination. While

increased muscle tone requires long-term exercise, squeezing the muscles just

before coughing or sneezing provides initial relief.

• Biofeedback: Electronic devices inserted into the vagina or rectum aid in

muscle identification for exercise therapy.

• Relaxation techniques may help you go longer without urinating.

• Habit training helps establish regularity of urination.

Several types of drugs are available to help muscle control. Surgery is also

helpful, particularly in women with stress incontinence and for men with an

enlarged prostate. Various other options exist as well, such as catheters,

urethral plugs, condom catheters, and absorbent pads or underwear.

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies mainly involve Kegel exercises, biofeedback, and

preventing any conditions that worsen incontinence. Yoga may help as well.


• Eliminate caffeine, alcohol, sweetener substitutes, simple sugars.

• Cranberries and blueberries contain substances that keep bacteria from

adhering to the bladder. This may help prevent infections that can make

incontinence worse, and helps deodorize urine.

• Vitamin C (1,000 mg three times a day) keeps bacteria from growing in urine.

• Beta-carotene (25,000 to 50,000 IU per day) helps your immune system function

properly and keeps mucous membranes healthy.

• Zinc (30 mg per day) supports immune function.

• Calcium (1,000 mg per day) and magnesium (500 mg per day) taken together may

improve control of the muscles used in urination.


Herbs may be used as dried extracts (capsules, powders, teas), glycerites

(glycerine extracts), or tinctures (alcohol extracts). Teas should be made with

1 tsp. herb per cup of hot water. Steep covered 5 to 10 minutes for leaf or

flowers, 10 to 20 minutes for roots. Drink 2 to 4 cups per day.

Urinary astringents tone and heal the urinary tract and can be taken long-term

at 1 cup per day or 30 drops tincture per day.

• Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) helps connective tissue integrity.

• Plantain (Plantago major) is an astringent and demulcent.

Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) is a urinary demulcent, best used alone

in a cold infusion. Soak 1 heaping tbsp. of marshmallow root in 1 qt. of cold

water overnight. Strain and drink during the day in addition to other teas.


Some of the most common remedies used for urinary incontinence are listed below.

Usually, the dose is 3 to 5 pellets of a 12X to 30C remedy every one to four

hours until your symptoms get better.

• Causticum for stress incontinence, especially with retention from holding the

urine and frequent urges to urinate

• Natrum muriaticum for stress incontinence, vaginal dryness and pain during

sex, especially with a history of grief

• Pareira for retention of urine from an enlarged prostate

• Sepia for stress incontinence with sudden urge to urinate, especially with

prolapsed uterus and vaginitis

• Zincum for stress incontinence, urinary retention from prostate problems,

unable to urinate standing


May help, depending on cause of the incontinence

Following Up

Exercise and behavioral therapy are highly successful when closely adhered to.

You may need close monitoring by your health care provider and support from

someone close to you to stay committed to these lifestyle changes.

Special Considerations

If you are pregnant, consult with your provider before taking any medication.

For men, regular prostate examinations can detect problems early.

Supporting Research

Bartram T. Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Dorset, England: Grace Publishers;


Blumenthal M, ed. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide

to Herbal Medicines. Boston, Mass: Integrative Medicine Communications;


Dambro MR, ed. Griffith's 5 Minute Clinical Consult. Baltimore, Md: &

Wilkins; 1998.

Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, et al., eds. on's Principles of

Internal Medicine. 14th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1998:1466-1468.

on R. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Albany, Calif:

Hahnemann Clinic Publishing; 1993:111-113, 258-261, 286, 402.

Olshevsky M, Noy S, Zwang M, et al. Manual of Natural Therapy. New York, NY:

Facts on File Inc; 1989.

Thom DH, Van den Eeden SK, Brown JS. Evaluation of parturition and other

reproductive variable as risk factors for urinary incontinence. Obstet Gynecol.


Ullman D. The Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy. New York, NY: The Putnam

Publishing Group; 1995.

Urinary incontinence

An uncontrollable leakage of urine from the bladder results, when a person loses

voluntary control of the urinary sphincter muscles, such leakage can occur even

when the loss of control is even for a second. Urinary incontinence is very

common in the form known as stress incontinence, which can also occur while

laughing, or when coughing or sneezing and as the name suggest, when a person is

faced with a tense or a dangerous situation which is very stressful. Urinary

incontinence due to stress can also occur when a person is lifting heavy loads

as this physical strain may momentarily cause a leakage due to loss of control.

Another form of urinary incontinence is the form known as the urge incontinence

which can affect a person quite suddenly and comes on because of a sudden or

overwhelming urge to urinate; resulting in spontaneous urination wherever the

person happens to be at the time. Overflow incontinence occurs when the urge to

urinate has been suppressed for too long, during such cases, the bladder is

completely full, but for some reason it cannot be emptied properly; it

eventually leaks out involuntarily. The presence of an abnormally weak urine

stream when urinating combined with an occasional leakage or urine even when the

urge is suppressed are the typical symptoms for the form of urinary incontinence

known as overflow incontinence. Though it is not considered to be an inevitable

part of aging and its related effects, bladder incontinence is by and large

fairly common in the elderly, when they are taken as a demographic group. In the

more serious and severe cases any form of urinary incontinence is often

accompanied by the presence of physical symptoms such as numbness and pain in

the urinary system of the affected person.

There are a number of underlying reasons for the development of urinary

incontinence as a condition. The most common causes for the condition are a

possible problem with the nervous system, another could be a condition affecting

the urinary bladder or the presence of some physical problem which is putting

some undue pressure on the urinary bladder, and lastly but not least the cause

could be a muscular weakness in the urinary sphincter or in the muscles

controlling the floor of the pelvic region. In women the weakening of pelvic

muscles following the birth of a child is often the cause of urinary

incontinence. A uterine prolapse can occur in some women when the uterus presses

on the bladder and this leads to urinary incontinence. The presence of undue

pressure on the urinary bladder, combined with a weakness in the sphincter

muscles controlling the bladder is the typical cause for stress incontinence.

Urinary incontinence can also occur because of an extra strain on the bladder

due obesity or excess weight or due to persistent constipation experienced by

the individual. On the other hand the presence of another condition such as an

irritable bladder or a bladder infection comes out symptomatically in the form

of urge incontinence. This form of urinary incontinence can also result because

of nervous tension and due to stress or other psychological states; these same

factors also cause an easily excitable bladder leading to urinary problems of

other types.

Senile dementia, weak muscular control of the urinary bladder and other nervous

factors such as poor or weakening signals from the bladder to the brain, can all

combine to bring about urge incontinence in aging individuals. Another likely

reason for the development of urinary incontinence in some individuals is the

use of certain medications which can affect the urinary system directly or

indirectly. In addition to this, many men with some form of prostate problems

are more susceptible to overflow incontinence. A spinal injury must be

immediately suspected where the urinary incontinence is accompanied either by

paralysis or numbness and pain, such cases need immediate medical attention as a

slipped disk or a stroke could be the real underlying cause for the condition.

Depending on the ability of the wound or defect to heal and on the severity of

the underlying condition the urinary incontinence experienced in such cases can

become permanent but in the majority of cases such incontinence is of a

temporary nature. All leakage of urine is not necessarily due to urinary

incontinence as in some young girls, urine may enter the vagina this can leak

out slowly later on and such cases have no bearing on the condition of urinary

incontinence at all. The prevention of some forms or types of urinary

incontinence can be achieved by simple habits such as keeping the legs wide

apart while urinating.

Supplements and herbs

The weakened sphincter muscles can be strengthened by supplements of a variety

of vitamin types and many kinds of minerals, these supplements can also aid in

improving nerve transmissions when nervous problems are the reason for the

urinary incontinence. The weakened muscles in particular are greatly benefited

through supplementation with the essential minerals like the magnesium and

specific vitamins like the vitamin E. The health of the nervous system is also

boosted by the use of supplements containing both the essential minerals

magnesium and calcium. With particular relevance to stressful situations and to

many forms of nervous disorders, the use of the B vitamins is particularly

pertinent and these vitamins are required for the proper functioning of the

nervous system.

Make use of the following herbal teas, herbal baths and hot compresses; in

particular to relax and heal the weakened muscles especially the weakened

muscles of the urinary system - all the herbs given below can be used for the

treatment of urinary incontinence.

The deterioration of the urinary mucus membranes can be restored through the use

of the herbal tea made from the horsetail herb, the tea as well as the juice can

be used in this regard, this herb is also effective in strengthening the

connective tissues in the body and can restore the functioning of the urinary

system. Either the juice or the herbal tea can be taken daily in dosages of

about three cups of the tea or a single tbsp. of the herbal juice. Excess fluid

production in the body can be regulated by the use of the oil of the cypress

plant. This oil can also serve as a relaxant in muscular tissue and possesses

astringent properties. A topical treatment can also be used, this is prepared by

mixing together about twenty-five drops of the cypress oil along with a tbsp. of

almond oil, use this combined herbal massage oil to topically rub the lower

abdomen thrice a day during the treatment period. This combination of herbs can

also be used to prepare a herbal tea, the tea must have four parts of the root

of the valerian herb, two parts of the lemon balm, one part of thyme, two parts

of tormentil, a single part of the leaves of the uva ursi herb. Once the

combination is done, take a tsp. of the mixture and boil this mixture in a cup

of water, let the herbs steep for ten minutes, strain the liquid and drink two

cups of this herbal tea everyday once in the morning and once in the evenings.

Weakened muscles can also be treated using topical methods where compresses made

from moistened and hot hayflower is applied directly onto the regions of the

kidney and the bladder and in general the lower abdominal area. Other methods

such as taking regular hot sitz-baths can also prove beneficial, such baths

contain herbs such as the horsetail, the oat straw and the chamomile, these

baths stimulate the circulation of blood in the urinary system and can be taken

every evening during the treatment period to promote health. Typically the

sitz-bath must contain about three to five quarts of herbal infusion to be

effective. It is important to remember to keep the bathroom hot as the whole

body should be kept warm at all times, this can also be achieved by covering the

tub with towels.


For children with urinary incontinence problems the following homeopathic

remedies can be used at 30th strength before bedtime especially for treating

habitual bed wetting behavior. Gradual and stable results can also be obtained

using the same strength and some other correct homeopathic remedy; this can be

used once every day for a treatment period of several weeks. To strengthen the

functioning of the urinary bladder, equisetum can be used; traditional use of

this remedy has been made in the form of a tincture or in low potency doses to

cure bladder problems, use about five to ten drops of equisetum two times each

day to reinforce bladder muscles and to strengthen them.

• Causticum

Causticum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted

with some form of urinary incontinence in which physical symptoms such as

bedwetting or enuresis can occur especially during early stages of sleep in the

night time. Other physical actions such as the act of coughing, ordinary acts

such as laughing, moderate actions like walking, actions like sneezing, becoming

excited or being physically strained can all bring about bouts of incontinence

which can be very inconvenient and sudden in appearance. The weakening of the

bladder is such that it may feel paralyzed and unresponsive. Other physical

symptoms can include urination which dribbles out instead of coming in a flow

the person consequently feels better of he or she urinates sitting down; this

necessarily takes a lot of time. Physical symptoms can also include spasms

originating in the bladder which seem to radiate out into the rectum in periods

immediately following the act of urination effected by the person. Such forms of

incontinence can often come about as a chronic result of grief felt by the

person, perhaps when dealing with a lot of emotional events involving a large

number of people. The condition of the patient tends to rapidly worsen towards

the hours of the evening, in the hours of the morning, around 3 to 4 a.m., and

in weather that is dry and cold, or when the person is physically stooping down

to do something. The condition of the patient tends to improve if some warmth is

experienced as a result of the weather or because of the use of warm clothing.

The appearance of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of

Causticum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of urinary incontinence in an


• Equisetum

Equisetum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering

from urinary incontinence, in which the symptoms can include with enuresis, or

bed wetting behavior especially in children, such incontinence can come about in

the young child because of habitual action and the bed wetting typically occurs

during the first stage of sleep at night. The episodes of bedwetting exhibited

by the child often occur when the child is dreaming of crowds or when the child

has nightmares. This form of urinary incontinence can also affect people with

weak bladders; it also tends to affect the elderly, and is the form of

incontinence that is present in many old women. The person affected with this

form of urinary incontinence tends to be awakened several times in the nighttime

because of an urgent need to urinate. Other physical symptoms that the person

may experience may include a feeling of fullness and the presence of a

persistent dull pain, urination does not bring any relief from these symptoms.

The color of the urine is dark. Psychological symptoms include feelings of anger

and the person may always be given to frowning. The condition of the patient

rapidly worsens when the person is moving about, when he or she is sitting down,

when pressure is applied or the person is touched; the patient may also feel

discomfort following urination. The presence of one or more of these symptoms

calls for the immediate utilization of Equisetum as a homeopathic remedy in the

treatment of urinary incontinence in a person.

• Eupatorium

Eupatorium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of children suffering from

enuresis, and frequent bedwetting that occurs when the child has a nightmare.

Such urinary incontinence can also affect individuals who make it a regular

habit of holding their urine for long periods of time. Physical symptoms of this

form of urinary incontinence can include an irritable bladder. The person always

feels full and the bladder is under pressure, the urge to urinate is also

frequent. Other symptoms can be uneasy sensations and aches. This homeopathic

remedy can also be used for the treatment of urinary incontinence in certain

groups of people, thus it is effective in dealing with conditions that afflict

women, it can also be used for all forms of urinary incontinence that can arise

during pregnancy, the treatment can also be used in cases of urinary

incontinence that affects the aged, the forms of incontinence that occurs

postpartum, the forms of incontinence that afflicts children. Some other

physical symptoms that affect such patients tend to be the enlargement of the

prostate in men, psychological ones like homesickness and a fear of illness. The

condition of the patient can rapidly worsen when the person undertakes any sort

of motion and when he or she is riding a car. The presence of one or more of

these symptoms and conditions in the patient calls for the immediate use of

Eupatorium as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of urinary incontinence in

the affected individual.

• Pulsatilla

Pulsatilla is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering

from any form of urinary incontinence in which the symptoms of the condition can

include problems such as involuntary urination during the first stage of sleep

at night, sudden urination can also occur when the person is sneezing, when he

or she is coughing, when he or she is passing gas, when the person is laughing,

and in the periods during which chills or colds affect the person. This form of

incontinence can also affect the person following an attack of measles, and in

woman the condition can develop during pregnancy, some discomfort can also

result immediately after the person has passed stool, or can result from the

person feeling some sort of excitement such as nervous reactions to sudden and

loud noises. Such a form of urinary incontinence can also result when the person

has made it a habit of resisting the normal urge to urinate repeatedly over a

long period of time, this form of urinary incontinence can also come along with

digestive problems and can develop as a result of such unrelated conditions. The

patient may find it very hard to suppress an urge to urinate, and in most

instances feels its necessary to concentrate very hard in order to hold it in.

The urine actually dribbles out even when the person is sitting or walking

about. This form of incontinence in young girls brings out a sudden and

inconvenient desire to urinate, thus adding to the discomfort of the person.

Psychologically the patient can become very gentle and mild, and can display

weepy moods. The person does not feel thirsty at all. Another physical symptom

is that the person feels cold at most times of the day and night. The condition

of the patient can rapidly worsen when the person is in a warm room, during cold

weather, in the autumn, and when the feet are wet. The condition of the patient

can improve if the person is exposed to the open air out of doors. The presence

of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Pulsatilla as a

homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the urinary incontinence.

• Sepia

Sepia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of urinary incontinence

affecting children and the symptoms can include bedwetting especially during the

first stage of sleep at night. Such children are very hard to wake. This form of

incontinence seems to affect light complexioned boys more than it does other

children. The physical symptom can include an extremely weakened bladder and

sudden urination. Other affected patients can include women with uterine

displacement or those suffering a prolapse, such women often have a sense of

things bearing down on them. This form of urinary incontinence also includes

incontinence triggered by stress and physical movements like coughing, laughing

or sneezing. The condition of the patient can rapidly worsen when suffering from

cold, and in women the condition is aggravate during menopause and pregnancy,

the patient may also deteriorate when menstruating. The condition of the patient

improves though regular and consistent exercise, it can also improve when the

person keeps warm and stays busy with other activity. The presence of one or

more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Sepia as a homeopathic

remedy in the treatment of urinary incontinence in person.

What else you can do

Utilize various massage techniques during the treatment period, take hot and

cold foot baths in an alternating basis to treat cold feet, techniques like

lower abdomen massages may also be helpful and the use of rising temperature

baths and massages to the connective tissue in the region of the lower abdomen

are suggested. To strengthen the lower abdominal area and to boost bladder

functioning the use of various water therapies is also suggested and these

should be carried out regularly. The feet must be kept warm at all times of the

day and night. Repeat this exercise several times a day, exercise the sphincter

muscle in the bladder by contracting it and holding it contracted for five to

ten seconds, relax it then repeat again; this exercise strengthens the sphincter

in the bladder and gives you greater ability in holding urine in the bladder for

longer periods. This technique can be carried further by starting and stopping

urine whenever you find yourself urinating. Incontinence can also be greatly

alleviated by the practice of pelvic muscle-strengthening exercises; the pelvic

muscles must be strengthened to enable you to control urination. These muscles

are the anchoring muscles that are found along the legs and around the anus and

vagina in humans, these muscles also anchor such organs like the uterus and

other lower abdominal organs in place. Because of the strain put on them during

pregnancy, these muscles can sometimes weaken to a great degree; thus leading to

the development of urinary incontinence in the woman. By the simple expedient of

contracting them and then relaxing them several times through out the day, the

restoration of strength to these pelvic muscles can be achieved. These exercises

involving contractions and relaxation should be carried out in the periods

before delivery and in the time following childbirth, these have a preventative

effect when carried out during the term of pregnancy.

> >

> > about UTI

> > ..the idea is to keep your urine too acidic for bacteria to grow. Cranberry

does that, changes the ph - but the juice has too much sugar...take cranberry

pills twice a day, every day. or better yet, take time released vitamin C daily

500-1000mg...if it is time released, it stays in your urine longer and prevents

bacterial growth, again, by making your urine acidic. so skip the juice and do

the pills, and lay off the sugar.

> >

> > also, drink tons of water, urinate often!

> > good luck

> >

> > Mamie Guidera

> > (Nurse Midwife - i treat a lot of pregnant women with UTIs)

> > ________________________________

> > From: mscured [mscured ] On Behalf Of HAIDY

SHARAWY [helsharawy@]

> > Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 8:07 PM

> > To: MS

> > Subject: UTI - (please help)

> >

> >

> >

> > I have MS and I get UTI frequently.

> > Is there a way to avoid getting UTIs because I'm so tired of taking


> > Also, is there a way to cure UTIs beside antibiotics and cranberry juice.

When I get UTI, I drink so much cranberry juice but it doesn't help for me.

> >

> > Help!!!!!!!

> >

> >

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The below is info I have collected from other people. I cannot vouch for any of

it and please check everything first. The comments made are not mine. Hope this

helps, Adam:

Urinary tract infections

What It Is; Why It Works

Uva-Ursi has been used against urinary tract infections since the

17th century, and--despite the discovery of antibiotics--is still in

use today. It contains a substance called arbutin which has proven

antibacterial properties.

Uva-Ursi works best when the urine is alkaline. To assure

alkalinity, stick to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables (especially

tomatoes), and fruit juices. Taking small doses of sodium

bicarbonate will also help assure alkaline urine. The antibacterial

effect of each dose of Uva-Ursi reaches its peak 3 to 4 hours after


Originally native to Spain, Uva-Ursi has spread throughout

Europe, Asia, and North America. It is often called bearberry,

although no one is sure of the reason. Some say that its awful taste

makes it fit only for bears, others that bears are especially fond

of it.

Avoid If...

Not for children under 12.

Special Cautions

Do not take this herb for extended periods without consulting your

doctor. Protracted use can cause liver damage, particularly in


If you have a sensitive stomach, the herb can cause nausea and


Possible Drug Interactions

While using Uva-Ursi, avoid medications and foods that make the

urine acid (for example, citrus fruits, cranberries, and


Special Information If You Are Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Do not take this medication if you are pregnant or nursing.

How To Prepare

You can make an Uva-Ursi tea from 2.5 grams (1 teaspoonful) of

finely cut or coarsely powdered herb. Either mix it with 150

milliliters (two-thirds of a cup) of cold water and bring rapidly to

a boil, or pour boiling water over it. Steep for 15 minutes, then


Typical Dosage

Uva-Ursi is taken orally. The usual dosage of the tea is 150

milliliters up to 4 times a day.

Strengths of commercial preparations may vary. Follow the

manufacturer's labeling whenever available.

After suffering infections for four years, I have been clear since I have been

following this daily regime for over 10 years.

200 ml. Of Ocean Spray " Classic " Cranberry Juice in the morning.

1 capsule of Cranberry/ Vitamin C, three times a day.

2 litres of water, start as early as possible to flush out concentrated urine .

It will take up to three months for the Cranberry Juice to coat the urinary

tract, the coating helps prevent further infections. This has an added advantage

of deodorizing the urine. Classic is 25% cranberry with very little sugar in

it, health food shops have better cranberry juice.

The Hibiscus Flower made into Tea or Extract is emerging as a new

natural remedy for UTI's with very good success;

I guess Hibiscus Flower Tea is similar to Cranberry Juice in benefits;

the beauty of Hibiscus Tea is; you can drink many cups a day with no

upset tummy like Cranberry Juice can; Hibiscus Tea; is found in

Bigelow Tea Orange Spice and Celestial Seasonings Tea brands


This is not confirmed; please check

Desmos Spray?

Waterfall D-Mannose www.waterfalld-mannose.com something like that!

Cranberry Juice-though cranberry capsules are better; in a pure form as the

sugar in the juice can irritate the bladder

After suffering infections for four years, I have been clear since I have

been following this daily regime for 10 years.

200 ml. Of Ocean Spray " Classic " Cranberry Juice in the

morning. A capsule of Cranberry/ Vitamin C, three times a day.

2 liters of water, start as early as possible to flush out

consentrated urine .

It will take up to three months for the Cranberry Juice to coat the urinary

tract. This has an added advantage of deodorizing the urine. Classic is 25%

cranberry with very little sugar in it, health food shops have better cranberry


For a variety of reasons, people with MS tend to be at an increased risk for

urinary tract infections. Some people supplement with vitamin C to reduce that

risk. The theory in support of that practice is that vitamin C supplementation

can acidify the urine, thereby creating a challenge to infection-causing

bacteria. However, the weight of evidence suggests that vitamin C does not

acidify urine. There is more evidence to support the use of cranberry (see

below) to prevent urinary tract infections than there is for vitamin C.

Whether a higher intake of vitamin C is beneficial is controversial. The proper

dose of vitamin C (and all other vitamins) for people with MS is unresolved.

Some authorities believe that daily doses greater than 1,000 milligrams may

cause diarrhea or kidney damage.

After suffering infections for four years, I have been clear since I have been

following this daily regime for 10 years.

200 ml. Of Ocean Spray " Classic " Cranberry Juice in the morning.

1 capsule of Cranberry/ Vitamin C, three times a day.

2 liters of water, start as early as possible to flush out consentrated urine .

It will take up to three months for the Cranberry Juice to coat the urinary

tract, the coating helps prevent further infections. This has an added advantage

of deodorizing the urine. Classic is 25% cranberry with very little sugar in

it, health food shops have better cranberry juice.

This is the correct URL for the Enuraid:


I am taking a Mannatech product called Plus. I am currently

taking 9 a day with NO bladder issues. I know that it is the PLUS in my

particular case because when we went on vaction in Aug., I didn't pack enough

Plus and ran out on Wed. By Friday, I was having to go to the bathroom every 15

mins and I mean and EMERGENCY - even if I had just gone! When we returned on

Sunday, I loaded up on the plus and by Tuesday I didn't have a bladder issue

again. So, for me phytoserols work miracles!

What is in plus? Wild yam root, L-Glutamic acid, glycine, L-Lysine,

L-Arginine, Beta Sitosterol and Ambrotose (the glyconutrient mixture). So if

you didn't want to try Mannatech products again, perhaps supplementing with

these indivually may help???

For excessive Urinating:

I took an herbal product, Enuraid, when I

had this problem. It worked well for me.

After suffering infections for four years, I have been clear since I have been

following this daily regime for 10 years.

200 ml. Of Ocean Spray " Classic " Cranberry Juice in the morning.

1 capsule of Cranberry/ Vitamin C, three times a day.

2 liters of water, start as early as possible to flush out consentrated urine .

It will take up to three months for the Cranberry Juice to coat the urinary

tract, the coating helps prevent further infections. This has an added advantage

of deodorizing the urine. Classic is 25% cranberry with very little sugar in

it, health food shops have better cranberry juice.

Cure urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer.

Just dissolve two! tablets in a glass of water and drink it at the onset of the

symptoms. Alka-Seltzer begins eliminating urinary tract infections almost

instantly-- even though the product was never been advertised for this use.


I use DESMOPRESSIN - it does work for me, it stops you weeing for about 4 hours

if you use it in the day, or all night if you use it at bedtime. I think it

works by slowing down the action of the kidneys, you spray it up your nose. You

have to be sensible about drinking when you use it, don't drink large amounts

just before or during the time you want it to work. You can't use it more than

once in 24 hours, but it is ok to use it once every day.

Urinary Incontinence

Also Listed As: Incontinence, Urinary

Signs and Symptoms

What Causes It?

What to Expect at Your Provider's Office

Treatment Options

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Following Up

Special Considerations

Supporting Research

Urinary incontinence is the inability to control urination. It affects more than

13 million people of all ages in the United States. It is more common in the

elderly and women.

Incontinence is classified as either stress incontinence (caused by coughing,

laughing, sneezing), urge incontinence (losing urine when suddenly feeling the

urge to urinate), overflow incontinence (continually leaking urine), functional

incontinence (in people with a brain injury), or transient incontinence

(temporary incontinence). Treatment is highly effective in more than 80 percent

of cases. Exercise and behavioral therapies are most successful.

Signs and Symptoms

• Not being able to hold your urine until you get to a bathroom

• Frequent and unusual urges to urinate

What Causes It?

• Stretched pelvic muscles from pregnancy and childbirth

• Low estrogen levels in women

• Enlarged prostate in men

• Side effects of certain medications

• Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

• Frequent constipation

• Damage to or diseases of the brain or spinal cord (for example, dementia,

spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, stroke)

• Weakened muscles that control urination (urethral sphincter and pelvic-floor


What to Expect at Your Provider's Office

Your health care provider will give you a physical examination and may ask you

some questions about your past prostate problems, pregnancy, hysterectomy, your

pattern of urinating, when your urine leakage occurs, and whether you strain or

experience discomfort when you urinate. You may be asked to cough vigorously to

see if it causes urine loss, a sign of stress incontinence.

Your provider may suggest urine tests to detect infection, urinary stones,

diabetes, and other underlying causes. A pelvic ultrasound may be performed to

examine your bladder, kidneys, and urethra.

Treatment Options

• Exercises: Kegel exercises strengthen muscles that control urination. While

increased muscle tone requires long-term exercise, squeezing the muscles just

before coughing or sneezing provides initial relief.

• Biofeedback: Electronic devices inserted into the vagina or rectum aid in

muscle identification for exercise therapy.

• Relaxation techniques may help you go longer without urinating.

• Habit training helps establish regularity of urination.

Several types of drugs are available to help muscle control. Surgery is also

helpful, particularly in women with stress incontinence and for men with an

enlarged prostate. Various other options exist as well, such as catheters,

urethral plugs, condom catheters, and absorbent pads or underwear.

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies mainly involve Kegel exercises, biofeedback, and

preventing any conditions that worsen incontinence. Yoga may help as well.


• Eliminate caffeine, alcohol, sweetener substitutes, simple sugars.

• Cranberries and blueberries contain substances that keep bacteria from

adhering to the bladder. This may help prevent infections that can make

incontinence worse, and helps deodorize urine.

• Vitamin C (1,000 mg three times a day) keeps bacteria from growing in urine.

• Beta-carotene (25,000 to 50,000 IU per day) helps your immune system function

properly and keeps mucous membranes healthy.

• Zinc (30 mg per day) supports immune function.

• Calcium (1,000 mg per day) and magnesium (500 mg per day) taken together may

improve control of the muscles used in urination.


Herbs may be used as dried extracts (capsules, powders, teas), glycerites

(glycerine extracts), or tinctures (alcohol extracts). Teas should be made with

1 tsp. herb per cup of hot water. Steep covered 5 to 10 minutes for leaf or

flowers, 10 to 20 minutes for roots. Drink 2 to 4 cups per day.

Urinary astringents tone and heal the urinary tract and can be taken long-term

at 1 cup per day or 30 drops tincture per day.

• Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) helps connective tissue integrity.

• Plantain (Plantago major) is an astringent and demulcent.

Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) is a urinary demulcent, best used alone

in a cold infusion. Soak 1 heaping tbsp. of marshmallow root in 1 qt. of cold

water overnight. Strain and drink during the day in addition to other teas.


Some of the most common remedies used for urinary incontinence are listed below.

Usually, the dose is 3 to 5 pellets of a 12X to 30C remedy every one to four

hours until your symptoms get better.

• Causticum for stress incontinence, especially with retention from holding the

urine and frequent urges to urinate

• Natrum muriaticum for stress incontinence, vaginal dryness and pain during

sex, especially with a history of grief

• Pareira for retention of urine from an enlarged prostate

• Sepia for stress incontinence with sudden urge to urinate, especially with

prolapsed uterus and vaginitis

• Zincum for stress incontinence, urinary retention from prostate problems,

unable to urinate standing


May help, depending on cause of the incontinence

Following Up

Exercise and behavioral therapy are highly successful when closely adhered to.

You may need close monitoring by your health care provider and support from

someone close to you to stay committed to these lifestyle changes.

Special Considerations

If you are pregnant, consult with your provider before taking any medication.

For men, regular prostate examinations can detect problems early.

Supporting Research

Bartram T. Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. Dorset, England: Grace Publishers;


Blumenthal M, ed. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide

to Herbal Medicines. Boston, Mass: Integrative Medicine Communications;


Dambro MR, ed. Griffith's 5 Minute Clinical Consult. Baltimore, Md: &

Wilkins; 1998.

Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, et al., eds. on's Principles of

Internal Medicine. 14th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1998:1466-1468.

on R. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Albany, Calif:

Hahnemann Clinic Publishing; 1993:111-113, 258-261, 286, 402.

Olshevsky M, Noy S, Zwang M, et al. Manual of Natural Therapy. New York, NY:

Facts on File Inc; 1989.

Thom DH, Van den Eeden SK, Brown JS. Evaluation of parturition and other

reproductive variable as risk factors for urinary incontinence. Obstet Gynecol.


Ullman D. The Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy. New York, NY: The Putnam

Publishing Group; 1995.

Urinary incontinence

An uncontrollable leakage of urine from the bladder results, when a person loses

voluntary control of the urinary sphincter muscles, such leakage can occur even

when the loss of control is even for a second. Urinary incontinence is very

common in the form known as stress incontinence, which can also occur while

laughing, or when coughing or sneezing and as the name suggest, when a person is

faced with a tense or a dangerous situation which is very stressful. Urinary

incontinence due to stress can also occur when a person is lifting heavy loads

as this physical strain may momentarily cause a leakage due to loss of control.

Another form of urinary incontinence is the form known as the urge incontinence

which can affect a person quite suddenly and comes on because of a sudden or

overwhelming urge to urinate; resulting in spontaneous urination wherever the

person happens to be at the time. Overflow incontinence occurs when the urge to

urinate has been suppressed for too long, during such cases, the bladder is

completely full, but for some reason it cannot be emptied properly; it

eventually leaks out involuntarily. The presence of an abnormally weak urine

stream when urinating combined with an occasional leakage or urine even when the

urge is suppressed are the typical symptoms for the form of urinary incontinence

known as overflow incontinence. Though it is not considered to be an inevitable

part of aging and its related effects, bladder incontinence is by and large

fairly common in the elderly, when they are taken as a demographic group. In the

more serious and severe cases any form of urinary incontinence is often

accompanied by the presence of physical symptoms such as numbness and pain in

the urinary system of the affected person.

There are a number of underlying reasons for the development of urinary

incontinence as a condition. The most common causes for the condition are a

possible problem with the nervous system, another could be a condition affecting

the urinary bladder or the presence of some physical problem which is putting

some undue pressure on the urinary bladder, and lastly but not least the cause

could be a muscular weakness in the urinary sphincter or in the muscles

controlling the floor of the pelvic region. In women the weakening of pelvic

muscles following the birth of a child is often the cause of urinary

incontinence. A uterine prolapse can occur in some women when the uterus presses

on the bladder and this leads to urinary incontinence. The presence of undue

pressure on the urinary bladder, combined with a weakness in the sphincter

muscles controlling the bladder is the typical cause for stress incontinence.

Urinary incontinence can also occur because of an extra strain on the bladder

due obesity or excess weight or due to persistent constipation experienced by

the individual. On the other hand the presence of another condition such as an

irritable bladder or a bladder infection comes out symptomatically in the form

of urge incontinence. This form of urinary incontinence can also result because

of nervous tension and due to stress or other psychological states; these same

factors also cause an easily excitable bladder leading to urinary problems of

other types.

Senile dementia, weak muscular control of the urinary bladder and other nervous

factors such as poor or weakening signals from the bladder to the brain, can all

combine to bring about urge incontinence in aging individuals. Another likely

reason for the development of urinary incontinence in some individuals is the

use of certain medications which can affect the urinary system directly or

indirectly. In addition to this, many men with some form of prostate problems

are more susceptible to overflow incontinence. A spinal injury must be

immediately suspected where the urinary incontinence is accompanied either by

paralysis or numbness and pain, such cases need immediate medical attention as a

slipped disk or a stroke could be the real underlying cause for the condition.

Depending on the ability of the wound or defect to heal and on the severity of

the underlying condition the urinary incontinence experienced in such cases can

become permanent but in the majority of cases such incontinence is of a

temporary nature. All leakage of urine is not necessarily due to urinary

incontinence as in some young girls, urine may enter the vagina this can leak

out slowly later on and such cases have no bearing on the condition of urinary

incontinence at all. The prevention of some forms or types of urinary

incontinence can be achieved by simple habits such as keeping the legs wide

apart while urinating.

Supplements and herbs

The weakened sphincter muscles can be strengthened by supplements of a variety

of vitamin types and many kinds of minerals, these supplements can also aid in

improving nerve transmissions when nervous problems are the reason for the

urinary incontinence. The weakened muscles in particular are greatly benefited

through supplementation with the essential minerals like the magnesium and

specific vitamins like the vitamin E. The health of the nervous system is also

boosted by the use of supplements containing both the essential minerals

magnesium and calcium. With particular relevance to stressful situations and to

many forms of nervous disorders, the use of the B vitamins is particularly

pertinent and these vitamins are required for the proper functioning of the

nervous system.

Make use of the following herbal teas, herbal baths and hot compresses; in

particular to relax and heal the weakened muscles especially the weakened

muscles of the urinary system - all the herbs given below can be used for the

treatment of urinary incontinence.

The deterioration of the urinary mucus membranes can be restored through the use

of the herbal tea made from the horsetail herb, the tea as well as the juice can

be used in this regard, this herb is also effective in strengthening the

connective tissues in the body and can restore the functioning of the urinary

system. Either the juice or the herbal tea can be taken daily in dosages of

about three cups of the tea or a single tbsp. of the herbal juice. Excess fluid

production in the body can be regulated by the use of the oil of the cypress

plant. This oil can also serve as a relaxant in muscular tissue and possesses

astringent properties. A topical treatment can also be used, this is prepared by

mixing together about twenty-five drops of the cypress oil along with a tbsp. of

almond oil, use this combined herbal massage oil to topically rub the lower

abdomen thrice a day during the treatment period. This combination of herbs can

also be used to prepare a herbal tea, the tea must have four parts of the root

of the valerian herb, two parts of the lemon balm, one part of thyme, two parts

of tormentil, a single part of the leaves of the uva ursi herb. Once the

combination is done, take a tsp. of the mixture and boil this mixture in a cup

of water, let the herbs steep for ten minutes, strain the liquid and drink two

cups of this herbal tea everyday once in the morning and once in the evenings.

Weakened muscles can also be treated using topical methods where compresses made

from moistened and hot hayflower is applied directly onto the regions of the

kidney and the bladder and in general the lower abdominal area. Other methods

such as taking regular hot sitz-baths can also prove beneficial, such baths

contain herbs such as the horsetail, the oat straw and the chamomile, these

baths stimulate the circulation of blood in the urinary system and can be taken

every evening during the treatment period to promote health. Typically the

sitz-bath must contain about three to five quarts of herbal infusion to be

effective. It is important to remember to keep the bathroom hot as the whole

body should be kept warm at all times, this can also be achieved by covering the

tub with towels.


For children with urinary incontinence problems the following homeopathic

remedies can be used at 30th strength before bedtime especially for treating

habitual bed wetting behavior. Gradual and stable results can also be obtained

using the same strength and some other correct homeopathic remedy; this can be

used once every day for a treatment period of several weeks. To strengthen the

functioning of the urinary bladder, equisetum can be used; traditional use of

this remedy has been made in the form of a tincture or in low potency doses to

cure bladder problems, use about five to ten drops of equisetum two times each

day to reinforce bladder muscles and to strengthen them.

• Causticum

Causticum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted

with some form of urinary incontinence in which physical symptoms such as

bedwetting or enuresis can occur especially during early stages of sleep in the

night time. Other physical actions such as the act of coughing, ordinary acts

such as laughing, moderate actions like walking, actions like sneezing, becoming

excited or being physically strained can all bring about bouts of incontinence

which can be very inconvenient and sudden in appearance. The weakening of the

bladder is such that it may feel paralyzed and unresponsive. Other physical

symptoms can include urination which dribbles out instead of coming in a flow

the person consequently feels better of he or she urinates sitting down; this

necessarily takes a lot of time. Physical symptoms can also include spasms

originating in the bladder which seem to radiate out into the rectum in periods

immediately following the act of urination effected by the person. Such forms of

incontinence can often come about as a chronic result of grief felt by the

person, perhaps when dealing with a lot of emotional events involving a large

number of people. The condition of the patient tends to rapidly worsen towards

the hours of the evening, in the hours of the morning, around 3 to 4 a.m., and

in weather that is dry and cold, or when the person is physically stooping down

to do something. The condition of the patient tends to improve if some warmth is

experienced as a result of the weather or because of the use of warm clothing.

The appearance of one or more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of

Causticum as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of urinary incontinence in an


• Equisetum

Equisetum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering

from urinary incontinence, in which the symptoms can include with enuresis, or

bed wetting behavior especially in children, such incontinence can come about in

the young child because of habitual action and the bed wetting typically occurs

during the first stage of sleep at night. The episodes of bedwetting exhibited

by the child often occur when the child is dreaming of crowds or when the child

has nightmares. This form of urinary incontinence can also affect people with

weak bladders; it also tends to affect the elderly, and is the form of

incontinence that is present in many old women. The person affected with this

form of urinary incontinence tends to be awakened several times in the nighttime

because of an urgent need to urinate. Other physical symptoms that the person

may experience may include a feeling of fullness and the presence of a

persistent dull pain, urination does not bring any relief from these symptoms.

The color of the urine is dark. Psychological symptoms include feelings of anger

and the person may always be given to frowning. The condition of the patient

rapidly worsens when the person is moving about, when he or she is sitting down,

when pressure is applied or the person is touched; the patient may also feel

discomfort following urination. The presence of one or more of these symptoms

calls for the immediate utilization of Equisetum as a homeopathic remedy in the

treatment of urinary incontinence in a person.

• Eupatorium

Eupatorium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of children suffering from

enuresis, and frequent bedwetting that occurs when the child has a nightmare.

Such urinary incontinence can also affect individuals who make it a regular

habit of holding their urine for long periods of time. Physical symptoms of this

form of urinary incontinence can include an irritable bladder. The person always

feels full and the bladder is under pressure, the urge to urinate is also

frequent. Other symptoms can be uneasy sensations and aches. This homeopathic

remedy can also be used for the treatment of urinary incontinence in certain

groups of people, thus it is effective in dealing with conditions that afflict

women, it can also be used for all forms of urinary incontinence that can arise

during pregnancy, the treatment can also be used in cases of urinary

incontinence that affects the aged, the forms of incontinence that occurs

postpartum, the forms of incontinence that afflicts children. Some other

physical symptoms that affect such patients tend to be the enlargement of the

prostate in men, psychological ones like homesickness and a fear of illness. The

condition of the patient can rapidly worsen when the person undertakes any sort

of motion and when he or she is riding a car. The presence of one or more of

these symptoms and conditions in the patient calls for the immediate use of

Eupatorium as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of urinary incontinence in

the affected individual.

• Pulsatilla

Pulsatilla is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals suffering

from any form of urinary incontinence in which the symptoms of the condition can

include problems such as involuntary urination during the first stage of sleep

at night, sudden urination can also occur when the person is sneezing, when he

or she is coughing, when he or she is passing gas, when the person is laughing,

and in the periods during which chills or colds affect the person. This form of

incontinence can also affect the person following an attack of measles, and in

woman the condition can develop during pregnancy, some discomfort can also

result immediately after the person has passed stool, or can result from the

person feeling some sort of excitement such as nervous reactions to sudden and

loud noises. Such a form of urinary incontinence can also result when the person

has made it a habit of resisting the normal urge to urinate repeatedly over a

long period of time, this form of urinary incontinence can also come along with

digestive problems and can develop as a result of such unrelated conditions. The

patient may find it very hard to suppress an urge to urinate, and in most

instances feels its necessary to concentrate very hard in order to hold it in.

The urine actually dribbles out even when the person is sitting or walking

about. This form of incontinence in young girls brings out a sudden and

inconvenient desire to urinate, thus adding to the discomfort of the person.

Psychologically the patient can become very gentle and mild, and can display

weepy moods. The person does not feel thirsty at all. Another physical symptom

is that the person feels cold at most times of the day and night. The condition

of the patient can rapidly worsen when the person is in a warm room, during cold

weather, in the autumn, and when the feet are wet. The condition of the patient

can improve if the person is exposed to the open air out of doors. The presence

of one or more of these symptoms calls for the use of Pulsatilla as a

homeopathic remedy in the treatment of the urinary incontinence.

• Sepia

Sepia is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of urinary incontinence

affecting children and the symptoms can include bedwetting especially during the

first stage of sleep at night. Such children are very hard to wake. This form of

incontinence seems to affect light complexioned boys more than it does other

children. The physical symptom can include an extremely weakened bladder and

sudden urination. Other affected patients can include women with uterine

displacement or those suffering a prolapse, such women often have a sense of

things bearing down on them. This form of urinary incontinence also includes

incontinence triggered by stress and physical movements like coughing, laughing

or sneezing. The condition of the patient can rapidly worsen when suffering from

cold, and in women the condition is aggravate during menopause and pregnancy,

the patient may also deteriorate when menstruating. The condition of the patient

improves though regular and consistent exercise, it can also improve when the

person keeps warm and stays busy with other activity. The presence of one or

more of these symptoms calls for the immediate use of Sepia as a homeopathic

remedy in the treatment of urinary incontinence in person.

What else you can do

Utilize various massage techniques during the treatment period, take hot and

cold foot baths in an alternating basis to treat cold feet, techniques like

lower abdomen massages may also be helpful and the use of rising temperature

baths and massages to the connective tissue in the region of the lower abdomen

are suggested. To strengthen the lower abdominal area and to boost bladder

functioning the use of various water therapies is also suggested and these

should be carried out regularly. The feet must be kept warm at all times of the

day and night. Repeat this exercise several times a day, exercise the sphincter

muscle in the bladder by contracting it and holding it contracted for five to

ten seconds, relax it then repeat again; this exercise strengthens the sphincter

in the bladder and gives you greater ability in holding urine in the bladder for

longer periods. This technique can be carried further by starting and stopping

urine whenever you find yourself urinating. Incontinence can also be greatly

alleviated by the practice of pelvic muscle-strengthening exercises; the pelvic

muscles must be strengthened to enable you to control urination. These muscles

are the anchoring muscles that are found along the legs and around the anus and

vagina in humans, these muscles also anchor such organs like the uterus and

other lower abdominal organs in place. Because of the strain put on them during

pregnancy, these muscles can sometimes weaken to a great degree; thus leading to

the development of urinary incontinence in the woman. By the simple expedient of

contracting them and then relaxing them several times through out the day, the

restoration of strength to these pelvic muscles can be achieved. These exercises

involving contractions and relaxation should be carried out in the periods

before delivery and in the time following childbirth, these have a preventative

effect when carried out during the term of pregnancy.

> >

> > about UTI

> > ..the idea is to keep your urine too acidic for bacteria to grow. Cranberry

does that, changes the ph - but the juice has too much sugar...take cranberry

pills twice a day, every day. or better yet, take time released vitamin C daily

500-1000mg...if it is time released, it stays in your urine longer and prevents

bacterial growth, again, by making your urine acidic. so skip the juice and do

the pills, and lay off the sugar.

> >

> > also, drink tons of water, urinate often!

> > good luck

> >

> > Mamie Guidera

> > (Nurse Midwife - i treat a lot of pregnant women with UTIs)

> > ________________________________

> > From: mscured [mscured ] On Behalf Of HAIDY

SHARAWY [helsharawy@]

> > Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 8:07 PM

> > To: MS

> > Subject: UTI - (please help)

> >

> >

> >

> > I have MS and I get UTI frequently.

> > Is there a way to avoid getting UTIs because I'm so tired of taking


> > Also, is there a way to cure UTIs beside antibiotics and cranberry juice.

When I get UTI, I drink so much cranberry juice but it doesn't help for me.

> >

> > Help!!!!!!!

> >

> >

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