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Hello Roy and Kay. I'm Corbitt from the Sacramento, CA area. Diagnosed about 4 yrs ago - got Hep C in 1989 from a blood transfusion. Am going for my first biopsy in August (they're backlogged that far, so there's a lot of us Heppers out there!). I don't even know my genotype and of course what stage I'm in, will find that out in August and go from there.

My husband of 46 yrs died this past January so I am on my own and am glad to meet you both. I have two cocker spaniels who keep my company and I am well trained! lol

It's really nice meeting you both, and hope we hear more from you. Hang in with us, there's a lot of Hep C info exchanged, not just vacation talk! lol


[ ] new member

Hello,I've just joined your group and thought I should introduce myself.I'm in end-stage hep C, been on low dosage of Peg-Intron for over a year now, have various complications. So, I figured this would be a good place to find others who could help me figure out my best course of action regarding hep c.. Maybe make a few online friends.I'm from WI, married, 22 yr old son lives at home and goes to college, married, 2 cats, 3 dogs, utterly poverty stricken of late. I live next door (same building) as my 80 yr old Mom so I help her out as much as I can with Dr.s appt.s and such.Am very political, so you will have to let me know if that's a big no-no here. I rarely choose to talk religion, so please no one refer me to Jesus or Bible quotes.I've looked over the most recent posts which were all entittled 'vacation', so I guess this is slow period for this board? Looking towards participating in your future threads.Kay

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> Hello,

> I've just joined your group and thought I should introduce myself.

Welcome to the Group.

> I'm from WI, married, 22 yr old son lives at home and goes to

> college, married, 2 cats, 3 dogs, utterly poverty stricken of late.

I'm single, just turned 54 and live with two cats and one human


I was diagnosed with HVC last year as part of a routine physical. Had

a biopsy in October. Upon the last visit to the gastroenterologist I

was told that execpt for one enzyme level being slightly elevated

that the rest of my results looked near normal. I've not been treated

with any of the hep c drugs but have been taking milk thistle extract

for several years, since I knew what the years of alcohol and other

drug use did to my liver. I probably contracted the virus back in the

early 1970s when I used i.v. drugs.

> I've looked over the most recent posts which were all

> entittled 'vacation', so I guess this is slow period for this board?

I don't post all that much except when someone asks a question that I

can answer or my 2-cents as part of a discussion.

I'm leaving town tonight for a ten-day camping trip to the Grand

Canyon and then on to the Four Corners area so I most likely won't

see any response to this message until I return.

Lou [with Bella and Sammy F.C., my cats]

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Welcome, Penny. I'm Corbitt, from the Sacramento, CA area. Got Hep C in 1989 from a blood transfusion, but didn't find out until about 3 yrs ago. Going for my biopsy in August. Treatment to follow, no doubt. Have 3 grown kids, and 6 nearly grown grandkids. And have two cocker spaniels, Sassy and Topper, who are my main support since my husband passed away this last Jan.

Always glad to talk to a new person. You will enjoy our group.


[ ] New Member

Hi everyone. Please call me Penny. I am new to this group. I was diagnosed with Hep-C approximately 2 years ago. I am a young 51 year old female of African American descent. I have one son, Kareem, he is 27 years old. I also have one grandson who is 2 l/2 years old...his name is King.I have been offline for a long time -- my computer crashed. I want to get back on track now with my fellow heppers.I live in upstate New York (Schenectady). I am originally from New York City. I will be going to see my liver specialist this Friday, July 25th and I believe I will be starting treatment soon. I am an open and honest person and I am glad to find forums such as this where I can say exactly how I feel. Thanks for allowing me to become a member.Peace and Love, Penny

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Welcome to the group, Penny. I'm , 42, from Clearwater, Florida.

We look forward to hearing from you :-)


> Hi everyone. Please call me Penny. I am new to this group. I was

> diagnosed with Hep-C approximately 2 years ago. I am a young 51


> old female of African American descent. I have one son, Kareem, he

> is 27 years old. I also have one grandson who is 2 l/2 years

> old...his name is King.


> I have been offline for a long time -- my computer crashed. I want

> to get back on track now with my fellow heppers.


> I live in upstate New York (Schenectady). I am originally from New

> York City.


> I will be going to see my liver specialist this Friday, July 25th


> I believe I will be starting treatment soon.


> I am an open and honest person and I am glad to find forums such as

> this where I can say exactly how I feel.


> Thanks for allowing me to become a member.


> Peace and Love, Penny

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In a message dated 7/21/2003 8:29:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

entrask@... writes:

> If there's

> anyone who is under the care of Dr. Mercola and is using Enbrel I

> would like to hear from you. Any help or information would be

> appreciated. Thank you!


Hello, Nice to meet you. Sounds like you got the diet down and the only thing

missing is the Antibiotics :-) I would try those first the Enbrel will weaken

your immune system and you want your immune system strong. Best of luck to

you and good to meet you. PS also Advil and Ibprophen drugs are not good for

your tummy. Can cause Hemoraging and does in about 10,000 americans a year. I

would ask your Dr for something stronger like codiene or vicaden if you need

pain meds. Good to meet you.

Ann Pritchard

" Deep in the center of our beings

is an infinite wealth of love "


HREF= " http://www.rheumatic.org/medhist.htm " >http://www.rheumatic.org/medhist.htm\

</A> < latest published work.


HREF= " http://groups.msn.com/TyroMedia/pictures " >http://groups.msn.com/TyroMedia/\

pictures</A> < latest photos

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Unless you're a millionaire, get your husband to put you back on his insurance

as part of the divorce settlement. You're going to need it, a lot. Rita

[ ] New Member

Hello, My name is Karrie, I live in Nebraska, and I guess I am positive for

Lyme Disease. I am 34 and currently going through a nasty divorce, and

custody battle..I then became sick after " an unknown insect " bite, which

resulted in a rash, now I have just undergone a spinal tap to figure out

what is wrong with me. The doctors office said my results came back

positive again for Lyme disease, but they act as if they do not know what to

do about it at all. My ex husband dropped my medical insurance, so I am not

quite sure what to expect for medical bills...I would like to know how this

is going to affect my life...I already have had major swelling all over and

neurological symptoms...Has anyone qualified for disability because of this

disease? I can honestly see where it is impossible to work...I can barely

get out of bed.....Any imput greatly appreciated.




" Dear Friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain

from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives

among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see

your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. "

(1 2:11-12)

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hi karrie

buy a colloidal silver maker and start taking it made with distilled water.

i take two ounces a day of 5ppm and it helps as an ABX. in fact if you have

money issues this may be your primary ABX.

honey, it works and costs pennies a day and at this low level it will not

hurt you.

start getting rid of sugar as soon as possible. the lyme likes sugar for some


start with this.

the lyme should take care of most of your sinful desires :)

> Hello, My name is Karrie, I live in Nebraska, and I guess I am positive for

>Lyme Disease. I am 34 and currently going through a nasty divorce, and

>custody battle..I then became sick after " an unknown insect " bite, which

>resulted in a rash, now I have just undergone a spinal tap to figure out

>what is wrong with me. The doctors office said my results came back

>positive again for Lyme disease, but they act as if they do not know what to

>do about it at all. My ex husband dropped my medical insurance, so I am not

>quite sure what to expect for medical bills...I would like to know how this

>is going to affect my life...I already have had major swelling all over and

>neurological symptoms...Has anyone qualified for disability because of this

>disease? I can honestly see where it is impossible to work...I can barely

>get out of bed.....Any imput greatly appreciated.




> http://www.myjafra.com/KFURROW


> " Dear Friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain

>from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives

>among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see

>your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. "

>(1 2:11-12)



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Hi Kay

Welcome to the group. I think that you will make many friends here.

[ ] new member

> Hello,

> I've just joined your group and thought I should introduce myself.

> I'm in end-stage hep C, been on low dosage of Peg-Intron for over a

> year now, have various complications. So, I figured this would be a

> good place to find others who could help me figure out my best course

> of action regarding hep c.. Maybe make a few online friends.

> I'm from WI, married, 22 yr old son lives at home and goes to

> college, married, 2 cats, 3 dogs, utterly poverty stricken of late. I

> live next door (same building) as my 80 yr old Mom so I help her out

> as much as I can with Dr.s appt.s and such.

> Am very political, so you will have to let me know if that's a big

> no-no here. I rarely choose to talk religion, so please no one refer

> me to Jesus or Bible quotes.

> I've looked over the most recent posts which were all

> entittled 'vacation', so I guess this is slow period for this board?

> Looking towards participating in your future threads.

> Kay





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Marty,

I was sorry to hear about your loss, my condolences. It is a real tribute to

that you continue to help others... your info helped me a lot in

choosing what treatment to take. I am now under the care of Dr in

New York and have been on his programme for a month. It's all going well so

far, I'll be going back in five months for a review. Am positive this will


All the best,


>From: Deering <martywho@...>



>Subject: Re: [ ] New member

>Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 08:31:36 -0700 (PDT)


>Hey Aj.

>Ralph Moss is a strong supporter of this type of

>therapy. He recommends Dr. in New York as

>well as Dr. in Springfield Illinois. I cut and

>paste the follwing clip fo info. By the way,he also

>thinks the IAT clinic (Bahamas) is worth a look as

>well for Hodgkins. I'm glad you joined the group. Keep

>us updated on your decisions and progress.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Cyndi,

I was very sad to read about the awful time you have had during the

past 3 years. I'm glad the docs finally found out what it was and

relief is in sight.... This is a wonderful group and in the past 7

weeks since I joined it has helped me immensely. YES, knowing you

are not alone in this is incredibly helpful. Remember we are all

here for you, and each other.

Gentle hugs,

I'm so happy to know that this group is here and that I am not alone!


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Although I am terribly sorry about the severity of your condition, I am glad

that you finally found the cause! I have only been a member of this group

for a couple of weeks and found everyone to be friendly and supportive.

>From: cynjan@...



>Subject: [ ] New Member

>Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:50:47 EDT


>Hello all...my name is Cyndi, I am 33 years old, and from East Texas. I


>just been diagnosed this week with Psoriatic Arthritis after 3 years of


>and searching! I am currently in a wheelchair and have been for a year now,


>with finally having a diagnosis and beginning treatment, I have hopes of

>regaining my ability to walk as well as living at least a halfway normal

>life. It

>is unsure yet whether or not there has been any damage to my joints or

>tendons. I will know more after my next appt. with my Rheumatologist on

>Sept. 9. He

>has only started me on an NSAID for now called Sulindac (Clinoril) pending

>liver test results. I hope to be trying another stronger med soon! As of

>yet this

>med has given me no results or relief. My pain has spread over the last 3

>years from my feet into my back, neck, jaw, and left wrist...I am in


>pain. Only within the last year have I developed the Psoriasis which I have

>on my

>scalp as well as my bellybutton, fingernails, and toenails. I look forward


>meeting some of you and learning more about this disease. I welcome any

>suggestions and advice. Feel free to Email me directly if you want to at

>cynjan@.... I'm so happy to know that this group is here and that I am

>not alone!




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I'm sorry to hear about the problem you have had getting a name to go

along with the pain. I know all too well, what it's like. I developed

the psoriasis first about 13 years ago, then when I was about 17 I

began having actual pain in my joints and damage to tendons and so

on. I finally got diagnosed when I turned 21, after switching

rheumy's. There are some good ones still out there. I hope that you

get some decent help from your doctors. Hopefully, you will regain

your life. It won't be easy, I know from expeirence myself. I look

forward to getting to know you.

God bless,


> Hello all...my name is Cyndi, I am 33 years old, and from East

Texas. I have

> just been diagnosed this week with Psoriatic Arthritis after 3

years of pain

> and searching! I am currently in a wheelchair and have been for a

year now, but

> with finally having a diagnosis and beginning treatment, I have

hopes of

> regaining my ability to walk as well as living at least a halfway

normal life. It

> is unsure yet whether or not there has been any damage to my joints


> tendons. I will know more after my next appt. with my

Rheumatologist on Sept. 9. He

> has only started me on an NSAID for now called Sulindac (Clinoril)


> liver test results. I hope to be trying another stronger med soon!

As of yet this

> med has given me no results or relief. My pain has spread over the

last 3

> years from my feet into my back, neck, jaw, and left wrist...I am

in terrible

> pain. Only within the last year have I developed the Psoriasis

which I have on my

> scalp as well as my bellybutton, fingernails, and toenails. I look

forward to

> meeting some of you and learning more about this disease. I welcome


> suggestions and advice. Feel free to Email me directly if you want

to at

> cynjan@a... I'm so happy to know that this group is here and that I

am not alone!




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Welcome, Cyndi! I'm glad you finally got a good diagnosis, and now

maybe they can give you some good meds that will restore your



> Hello all...my name is Cyndi, I am 33 years old, and from East

Texas. I have

> just been diagnosed this week with Psoriatic Arthritis after 3

years of pain

> and searching! I am currently in a wheelchair and have been for a

year now, but

> with finally having a diagnosis and beginning treatment, I have

hopes of

> regaining my ability to walk as well as living at least a halfway

normal life. It

> is unsure yet whether or not there has been any damage to my

joints or

> tendons. I will know more after my next appt. with my

Rheumatologist on Sept. 9. He

> has only started me on an NSAID for now called Sulindac (Clinoril)


> liver test results. I hope to be trying another stronger med soon!

As of yet this

> med has given me no results or relief. My pain has spread over the

last 3

> years from my feet into my back, neck, jaw, and left wrist...I am

in terrible

> pain. Only within the last year have I developed the Psoriasis

which I have on my

> scalp as well as my bellybutton, fingernails, and toenails. I look

forward to

> meeting some of you and learning more about this disease. I

welcome any

> suggestions and advice. Feel free to Email me directly if you want

to at

> cynjan@a... I'm so happy to know that this group is here and that

I am not alone!




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Hi ,

I once had a foster child in my home that tended to have self-destructive

tendencies, and also would break her personal belongings. She had a lot of


in her and would take it out on herself. One of the things that worked well

for her, is that we were able to tranfer her destructive behavior to something

else. She was supplied with scrap/waste paper at all times. Whenever she

felt like she would hurt herself or break something, she would quietly remove

herself from the area and tear paper. There were many times she would be

watching T.V. with the family, get up, go get her paper and a wastepaper basket,

come back in the living room and finish watching the movie as she quietly ripped

up the paper. It was amazing how well this worked, but it didn't just happen

overnight either.

I wish you luck with this,

In a message dated 8/27/03 2:09:39 PM !!!First Boot!!!, kneeleee@...


> I am a Nanny for two children, a 10 year old boy who has AS and his 11

> year

> old sister.



> The parents are divorced and I help care for the children during their

> access visits with their daddy.


> I love these childre dearly and I'm concerned because the boy actually is

> developing violent behaviour toward his sister. This goes beyond regular

> sibling

> rivalary and is increasing.


> I have observed that there is most of the time, no warning, he will walk

> past

> her and there has been no prior interaction, but he will punch or kick her.


> At other times they can play together for short periods without incident.


> He says he can't stop hitting her, and does so because he is so angry.

> His emotional displays are anger, happy or miserable. At the moment

> happiness

> seems often absent.


> Apart from the physical bruises etc. her self esteem is suffering and his

> self esteem is also declining.


> He is otherwise generally a polite and delightfult child.


> It seems to me that the anger may stem from the inconsistantcies of being in


> two homes, his foundations of security were shattered when his parents

> divorced. As this is a difficult time for all children in this situation.


> I would welcome any suggestions as to how to divert this violent outbursts

> of

> behaviour. I am trained in behavoiur modification and all that I have tried


> is not working. However he is much better behaved when here than in his

> mother's home because here, the children are always supervised and this is

> the

> family home, where both children seem to be able to relax where all is

> familar.


> Thank you.




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>>>>>>> She was supplied with scrap/waste paper at all times. Whenever she

felt like she would hurt herself or break something, she would quietly remove

herself from the area and tear paper.<<<<

This has worked for us too and he would tehn use teh scrapes of paer for art

work with papier mache!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just read about Proefa and am very interested in

it and trying it. Does anyone know if it will work at his age.

I started giving fish oil to my 17 year old last year and there was a

NOTICEABLE surge in his abilities. I would definitely try it!!!


Silver and gold are purified by fire, but God purifies hearts.

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Yes it is the same thing, just different pricing I believe. KIM

[ ] New member

> Hi,

> I'm a new member. My daugher is 2.8 she has cp and mico. she is not

talking yet. She makes little sounds,somedays more than others. I just

started her on Ultimate Omega Complete Omega made by Nordic Naturals is this

the same as ProEFA?



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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 29/09/2003 06:58:36 GMT Daylight Time,

ednapascal@... writes:

> Thank you so much for the information. Wow!, but I'm ready to do

> whatever it takes. Now! my son doesn't seem to have any major gastro-

> problems e.g diarhea, is he still a good candidate for GF-CF diet?

> Where can I get more information about GF-CF Diet? Thanks


Info on diet and enzymes (we use these instead of diet) at


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If at all possible get a hair element profile. See


for what it means and how to get one if you don't have a cooperative


The biggest diet intervention is to get him on organic and natural

foods. Beyond that there are a wide variety of diets and which one he

needs can take a while to sort out. Talk about him more and people can

help you do that. Diets to consider are: gluten free, casein free,

Feingold, or specific carbohydrate. There are many many many more

choices, but these are 4 popular ones to start with.

Also did he EVER talk? Did he have normal development early on and

lose it sometime in the second year? Did you have any kind of

mainstream medical or neurological work-up for him?

Andy . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .



> My child has just been diagnosed with autism. He's 4 yrs of age


> non-verbal.I had him immediately after college and nothing could


> prepared me for this. I cannot stress enough how fine I thought

> things were. Good education, good job, first baby and a loving

> partner then one day my life changed forever. I have since opted


> be a stay-at-home mom.I am one of those people who had not heard


> autism until it struck me and for a while I thought I would not


> again. I met a mother yesterday at a theraphy class and she


> me to your group. I've been reading the posts and I cannot tell


> how encouraging it is to hear what others say. My son is not on

> wheat/dairy free meals. I've read a lot of posts on supplements


> suggestions on what I could start him on?. I hope to hear from you

> all.


> Edna




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Thank you so much Andy and Tim. I gree! this is the place. I would

not have been as heart broken as I was, had I joined this group; had

no idea about it. May be the most important thing is that I'm finally

in the right place.

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Hi Edna, i would like to recomend you to do a hair myneral analysis to be sure

that your son is not mercury poisoned, or have other heavy metal toxicity, start

on an Gf-Cf diet, because it really helps, try to avoid sugary foods, i know at

the begining is very dificult, but you will really begin to see changes with the

diet. You can do also a urine organic acid test, to be sure your son doesnt have

a problem in some aminoacid metabolism that can produce develpmental delay,also

in this test you can see if he has intestinal candidiasis by lloking at the

metabolites of candida in urine, the most comon elevated metabolites are

arabinose and carboxicitric acid, can be also tartaric acid, this candida

metabolites have bad effect in the nervous system so treating this will help

alot. also is a very good idea to do tyroid function test: T3, T4L and TSH to

be sure he is not hypotiroid, because hypotiroidsm in children produce cognitive

impairment, speech delay... Also is very important to

be sure that he has not autoimmunity against his nervous tissue: do if you can

a study to see if he has autoantibodies against Myelin Basic Protein, against

Neuro axon filaments proteins, Measles titers, i did this at Dr Vijendra Sigh in

Utah State University, because autoimmunity to the nervous system can produce

all this symptoms. If you find that your son has heavy metal toxicity find a

good DAN doctor to begin treatment as soon as posible, he is in avery good age

to be treated with a good prognosis if begin treatment as son as possible. You

can begin giving him high doses of Vit B6, and magnesium, that have probe to

help a lot an improve alot the symptoms. Vit C, i give my 4 year old son 1 gr

daily, divided in 2 doses, but is better to divide the dose , and give it every

4 hours. Supplement with Essential fatty acids is very important because there

are lots of studies that show that autistic kids has problem in ther EFAS, very

good idea to start giving Cod Liver oil: excelent

source of omega-3 Fatty acids and Evening Primrose Oil excelent source of

Omega-6 fatty acids, specialy GLA.

So, as you can see, is very important to try to cover all the differents areas

that can be altered and producing this symptoms: 1. Discard heavy metal

toxicity, 2. Discard Problems in aminoacid metabolism like for example

Homocistinuria, Phenilketonuria...,3.Discard Endocrinologic problems like

Hypotiroidsm, 4.Discard autoimmunity that can be caused by many different

things: viruses, mercury, unknown causes... 5. Try to find if he has allergies

to some foods. Avoid food dyes, colorings, artificial flavors...

Begin suplementing with mynerals, EFA, antioxidants, vitamins.

Your son is in a very good age, you can help him alot.

Anabelle Sheinfeld

Edna <ednapascal@...> wrote:

My child has just been diagnosed with autism. He's 4 yrs of age and

non-verbal.I had him immediately after college and nothing could have

prepared me for this. I cannot stress enough how fine I thought

things were. Good education, good job, first baby and a loving

partner then one day my life changed forever. I have since opted to

be a stay-at-home mom.I am one of those people who had not heard of

autism until it struck me and for a while I thought I would not live

again. I met a mother yesterday at a theraphy class and she refered

me to your group. I've been reading the posts and I cannot tell you

how encouraging it is to hear what others say. My son is not on

wheat/dairy free meals. I've read a lot of posts on supplements any

suggestions on what I could start him on?. I hope to hear from you



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Thank you so much for the information. Wow!, but I'm ready to do

whatever it takes. Now! my son doesn't seem to have any major gastro-

problems e.g diarhea, is he still a good candidate for GF-CF diet?

Where can I get more information about GF-CF Diet? Thanks


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> My child has just been diagnosed with autism. He's 4 yrs of age and

> non-verbal.I had him immediately after college and nothing could have

> prepared me for this. I cannot stress enough how fine I thought

> things were. Good education, good job, first baby and a loving

> partner then one day my life changed forever. I have since opted to

> be a stay-at-home mom.I am one of those people who had not heard of

> autism until it struck me and for a while I thought I would not live

> again. I met a mother yesterday at a theraphy class and she refered

> me to your group. I've been reading the posts and I cannot tell you

> how encouraging it is to hear what others say. My son is not on

> wheat/dairy free meals. I've read a lot of posts on supplements any

> suggestions on what I could start him on?. I hope to hear from you

> all.


> Edna

Hello Edna,

Here are a few general suggestions. Take them at your own

pace or ignore them, as appropriate:

1. get the book Children With Starving Brains. Info on it



It covers a number of different methods for helping ASD

kids, and has a nice personal style.

2. Unlocking Autism (organization) has this page with advice

for parents whose children are newly diagnosed.


A couple of things that I like about Unlocking Autism are

that they include physical/medical types of treatments from

the very beginning and they have a nationwide parents support

network. I have no personal experience with this organization,

but these seem like good signs to me. Anyway, the page

for newly diagnosed is free for the reading-- take it at

your own pace.

3. more encouragement:


Read as you are ready, see how you feel.

4. There are lots of lists about various interventions and

therapies. For example GFCFKids (also on groups) may

interest you. (Very high volume list). There are lots of

therapies. There are lots of approaches. All of them seem

to work miracles for some kids. It is a big world.

I just reread your post and now realize I have not addressed

your question, which was about supplements. I don't know.

I would consider digestive enzymes, and C and magnesium.

But, I am not good with supplement programs.

A somewhat ironic suggestion coming from me (I am not a mom):

find parents of ASD kids to talk to. On lists is fine, in

person is priceless.

good wishes,


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> Anabelle,

> Thank you so much for the information. Wow!, but I'm ready to do

> whatever it takes. Now! my son doesn't seem to have any major gastro-

> problems e.g diarhea, is he still a good candidate for GF-CF diet?

> Where can I get more information about GF-CF Diet? Thanks

Great introductory info about GFCF:


This website is great--- try going to the site map to get an

overview of the topics. Much of the info is introductory---

that is, I don't think you'll get too lost. There are

explanations of things, and links for additional info.

Watch out--- you may be up all night reading it!

Dana (the site's author) writes here daily, so you can

get questions answered if you want. Take your time---

there is a lot here -- it takes time to absorb it all.

good wishes,


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Hi Edna, well there is a urinary test for peptides of gluten and casein in

urine, called gluteomorphine and caseomorphine, if they are elevated, your son

is not digesting well gluten and casein so he must be on a Gf'Cf diet. This

Gluteomorphine and caseomorphine act like opioids in the brain, so they can

produce a lot of the symptoms that we see as autistic.

I did this test at Great Plain laboratories one year ago.


Edna do you speak spanish?

Excuse my terrible english..


Edna <ednapascal@...> wrote:


Thank you so much for the information. Wow!, but I'm ready to do

whatever it takes. Now! my son doesn't seem to have any major gastro-

problems e.g diarhea, is he still a good candidate for GF-CF diet?

Where can I get more information about GF-CF Diet? Thanks


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