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Welcome to the group, I have a 12 yo son who was not diagnosed until he

was 9 yo even though we knew it. This is a great group to read stuff

and you will see a lot of people are in the same boat.

I'm in NJ, so we are almost neighbors.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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<<After reading about enzymes I

> want to order the products and start him on it as soon as possible.

> The problem is I don't know where to start. HELP!

Here is my site section, with links for information and suppliers. I

used Houston Nutraceuticals with much success


> Do I need to put him on the diet first or can a start gradually

> adding enzymes to his meals? How much and which one do I start giving

> him?

You don't need to do diet first. In fact, many people don't need to

do diet at all, altho some kids do need diet also.

>>He does not have any langauge other than maybe

> four or five words.

What my son needed for language is written here



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, please ask for a referral to a rheumatologist. They are best

able to diagnose and treat PA (which it sure sounds like you have!)

and they are accustomed to advocating for you with the insurance

companies also.

Off topic, my dad was a long-haul trucker back in the day before

people owned their own rigs. He loved it his life!


sherry z

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Hello and welcome to the group. I'm glad Robbie is working on

rounding out his head. My daughter had heat rash and it looked like a

red rash (small spots) vs " raw " . She had it in her sideburn area and

it cleared up with hydrocortizone. One sign that it is something else

is if the hydrocortizone doesn't seem to help. Also if you think it is

from heat make an effort to keep him cooler and see if it helps.

Let us know what works.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself after lurking for a couple

weeks. I've

> found the list to be a great resource as I came to terms with banding my

> son! My 5.5 mo son Robbie got his DOCBand last Tuesday.


> I spent 24 in labor with him, including 4 hours of hard pushing where we

> could only get his ear to crown as the rest of his head rammed my

pelvis. I

> ended up with a c-section, but no one was really surprised when he had a

> pretty bad flat spot! I'm pretty sure he also had torticollis, but

> repositioning seemed to mostly correct that after the first couple

weeks (he

> still prefers one side more often, but has finally started choosing to

> sleep facing the less-favored side - yay, no more sneaking in to

turn him!)


> When tummy time and repositioning hadn't corrected the lopsidedness

by his 4

> month appt, though, we were diagnosed with plagio and referred for

the band,

> and while our ped said it was purely cosmetic, he measured at 15mm


> - yowsa! Needless to say, we went ahead with it. Four days in and he's

> adjusting fairly well, though I have a couple questions though.


> Red spots - he's getting red lines on his cheeks from the ear

pieces. Our OT

> said that shouldn't be a pressure point, so she recommended


> for heat rash, but that really doesn't seem to help. I left the band

off for

> a couple hours yesterday when one side started looking almost raw, and

> fortunately the marks faded, so I think it was pressure, right? He

wore the

> band all night and woke up with some mild redness again, but I felt

> comfortable sending him to daycare with a warning that if it looks

raw wen

> they took it off for his neck exercises, they should call me. We go

for our

> first adjustment tomorrow and I'll ask then, but wanted to know if

thers had

> this experience (i.e., is it really just heat rash and I'm



> Painting - I painted his band yesterday with non-toxic acrylic

paint, then

> added stickers and a couple coats of Mod Podge, but noticed when he

woke up

> this morning that it was already starting to peel. Did I miss a

step, or is

> this par for the course?


> Thanks again - I'm so glad this group is here!


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My son also wears a DOCBand and I too was told that any redness in

the side-burn area should be strictly heat rash since there are no

pressure points there that would cause pressure spots. However,

definitely ask your therapist about that when you go for the one-

week check tomorrow.

As far as the painting is concerned, yeah, I'd say that's par for

the course. I paint my son's helmet and it looks so nice, and then

the next morning, there's a nick in it from something he did while

in his crib. If I'm being really anal, I'll touch it up a few times,

just fill in the spots with paint and cover it again in a couple

more layers of mod podge. But eventually, I just give up trying. I

repaint it every 3 weeks cause that's as long as I can stand it. How

many coats of paint did you put on it? I think if the layers are too

thin, it might be easier to peel, also if there are too many layers,

it can chip easier. I use about 4-5 coats of paint, then 2 coats of

mod podge to start, and then touch up with a couple more coats of

mod podge and it holds pretty well considering. My son is 21 months

old though, so trying to keep his helmet nick free is impossible,

since he's always trying to climb under something or digging his

head into the floor for now real reason, crazy things that toddlers

do. So I'll just keep painting it!

Hope the check goes well tomorrow. Please keep us posted on Robbie's


Jake-21m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand #2 1 week)



> Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself after lurking for a couple

weeks. I've

> found the list to be a great resource as I came to terms with

banding my

> son! My 5.5 mo son Robbie got his DOCBand last Tuesday.


> I spent 24 in labor with him, including 4 hours of hard pushing

where we

> could only get his ear to crown as the rest of his head rammed my

pelvis. I

> ended up with a c-section, but no one was really surprised when he

had a

> pretty bad flat spot! I'm pretty sure he also had torticollis, but

> repositioning seemed to mostly correct that after the first couple

weeks (he

> still prefers one side more often, but has finally started

choosing to

> sleep facing the less-favored side - yay, no more sneaking in to

turn him!)


> When tummy time and repositioning hadn't corrected the

lopsidedness by his 4

> month appt, though, we were diagnosed with plagio and referred for

the band,

> and while our ped said it was purely cosmetic, he measured at 15mm


> - yowsa! Needless to say, we went ahead with it. Four days in and


> adjusting fairly well, though I have a couple questions though.


> Red spots - he's getting red lines on his cheeks from the ear

pieces. Our OT

> said that shouldn't be a pressure point, so she recommended


> for heat rash, but that really doesn't seem to help. I left the

band off for

> a couple hours yesterday when one side started looking almost raw,


> fortunately the marks faded, so I think it was pressure, right? He

wore the

> band all night and woke up with some mild redness again, but I felt

> comfortable sending him to daycare with a warning that if it looks

raw wen

> they took it off for his neck exercises, they should call me. We

go for our

> first adjustment tomorrow and I'll ask then, but wanted to know if

thers had

> this experience (i.e., is it really just heat rash and I'm



> Painting - I painted his band yesterday with non-toxic acrylic

paint, then

> added stickers and a couple coats of Mod Podge, but noticed when

he woke up

> this morning that it was already starting to peel. Did I miss a

step, or is

> this par for the course?


> Thanks again - I'm so glad this group is here!


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To keep paint from peeling – I put a couple layers of

varnish (found in the same place as acrylic paint) and that has stopped all the

peeling. It has been 2 weeks and hasn’t peeled at all.


(Ben, 7 mo, 2 wks in DOC band, tort corrected, rt. Plagio)

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Hi Jackie-

Just a couple quick questions, can you give us the exact name of the

varnish so we know what to look for? Is it non-toxic and fast drying

like mod podge? And do you know if you'll be able to peel it all off

when/if you do want to repaint it? I like the idea of keeping it

from peeling, but I also want the freedom to repaint when I want.

And I don't think many of us have heard of this particular varnish

before, so any more info you can share would be greatly appreciated

by many. Thanks!

Jake-21m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand #2 1 week)



> To keep paint from peeling - I put a couple layers of varnish

(found in the

> same place as acrylic paint) and that has stopped all the

peeling. It has

> been 2 weeks and hasn't peeled at all.




> Jackie


> (Ben, 7 mo, 2 wks in DOC band, tort corrected, rt. Plagio)


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I had painted my son's band with Folk Art Acrylic paint and when he

woke up the next morning, it was already peeling from him sleeping on

it. So, I tried the varnish and it worked great! I got it at

s. The brand I got was Delta Ceramcoat. I got the " Matte

Interior Varnish " . It is waterbased, just like the acrylic paints,

so it will come off if you wanted to repaint. It has been 2 weeks

and I have not had any problems with it peeling on its own. However,

I am starting to see some uneveness in the varnish and feel like I am

going to need to put a few more layers on every once in a while to

keep it looking good and protecting the paint. I had done some

searches online for tips to prevent peeling on the helmets/bands and

this seemed to be a common answer. One thing that a lot of people

said is to make sure you find a Varnish - not Sealer. It seemed like

the Sealer didn't really do anything to help. But, I didn't try it


Hope this helps!


(Ben, 7 mo, 2 wks in DOC band, tort corrected, rt. Plagio)

> >

> > To keep paint from peeling - I put a couple layers of varnish

> (found in the

> > same place as acrylic paint) and that has stopped all the

> peeling. It has

> > been 2 weeks and hasn't peeled at all.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jackie

> >

> > (Ben, 7 mo, 2 wks in DOC band, tort corrected, rt. Plagio)

> >


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Try looking for an ABA therapist in your area. "Applied Behavior Analysis." They usually work with kids who have autism in home programs but they also can help you set up some behavior plans that might help.

You really need to set a plan and work hard at it. I mean to say, it can't all be fixed at once as it took all these years to be this bad. So you need to pick one or two things to work on at a time and you will have to walk her through it, step by step. I'm sure it is overwhelming to you!

You could also check into your local developmental disability program - every state seems to have it's own name for these programs. But they might offer an adult living type program that you could sign her up for.

My oldest (19 yo w/HFA) has been doing his laundry since he was about 15 yo, I think. I should credit that to Liz here on our group. She said she had her kids doing their own laundry and I thought, "Why not?" and so I started. Also, my ds grew tired of waiting for me to do his laundry so it all worked out for everyone. :-) Now my 16 yo dd does her own laundry as well.

But it is a process and I really recommend you start with one thing at a time, teach her step by step exactly what you want, slowly pull back as she starts taking over and REWARD REWARD REWARD progress. Also, get rid of whatever you can. If she can't manage her own stuff, get rid of as much as possible and save yourself a lot of grief.

RoxannaAutism Happens

( ) New Member

Hi Everyone:I am new to this group and seeking support. I have an 18 year old daughter with PDD and ADHD that we home schooled. She graduated from high school one year early, but is unable to pass most tests. She tested out at a very low IQ, but is very bright in some areas.I am going stark raving mad now and have been for the past several years. She is very forgetful, doesn't lift a finger to help out around the house or with the horses, of which we wouldn't have if it weren't for her, and is now attending Jr, College and not doing so well. Iam at my wits end as to how to survive with her at home and what to do about her future.Around the house she creates extreme messes because she never puts anything away, never picks up after herself, but merely throws everything into the floor. Laundry is a nighmare as she cannot seem to distinguish between toilet paper and towels! Her habits in the past have been to fill the toilet with toilet paper and other bodily excrement until it is overflowing and never flushes. In response, we had automatic flushers installed, which she covers up and doesn't use. The flushing has become somewhat better, but not cured. She still urinates in her bed often and more so when I loose it because of her lying to me. By the way, she is a pathological and incompetent liar, frequently being found out, but continuing to lie as to avoid getting in trouble.My husband works more than full time and I have raised my daughter pretty much alone. He has in the last few years been taking her to ball games and has game night where friends come over and play board games, which my daughter loves. However, I am beside myself as to how to live in this world with someone as disorganized and mess creating and lying as my daughter. By the way, my husband and I are still married but live separately because my daughter and I have four horses and he was tired of paying boarding fees. So he bought us a farm about 45 minutes away from where he lives. He didn't want to relocate because he didn't want to commute. It is just as well, because he is very AHDH and leaves messes everywhere, and I was very cranky picking up after the two of them...not to mention their constant talking!I love my daughter and I love my husband, but they both are taking years off my life! My house is a mess and dirtier than I like to admit because at 61, I just don't have the energy anymore to continually pick up and clean up after even one other person. Thes messes take all of the energy out of me just looking at them. And I have a farm with four horses and an acre of property, not to mention the pasture of 2 1/2 acres to keep up. I feel as though things are falling down around me and all I can do is either drink or sleep!The one saving grace I have is that I have met two women to go out riding with about two times a week...this is my therapy. To go out on my horse into the mountains is absolute Nirvana! I live for riding my horse.The problem is that I really need to do something to get my daughter set up for her own life and I am not sure how to do that. I thought that perhaps she could get a certificate as a library technician, but the requirements have several academic classes that seem to be beyond her reach. This not only with her inability to seem to understand what is required to keep a house and clean up after oneself is overwhelming to me. And, of course, being a teenager, she won't listen to anything I say...I am the enemy!Does anyone else on the planet have any problems similar to mine? If so, what do you do?????Thanks for listening. I really need to vent and find something to do to keep my sanity.

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Hi ,

I have been on a ton of different NSAIDs. You just have to try them

and see which one will work for you. My body reacts very strangely

to drugs. The ones which are not supposed to cause GI upset really

bothered me. Celebrex is in that category. Arthrotec is an NSAID

with another drug combined that is supposed to take care of any GI

symptoms. That one made me dizzy. Now I am on Clinoril, which is

yet another category of NSAID. Some people do have GI symptoms with

it but I have not had any. It is the only one that works for me

without side effects. If you do try different meds, do wait until

your next appointment if you have bothersome side effects. Go ahead

and call the doctor and let them know so you can try something else

sooner. You might also consider not getting a full months worth of

the meds until you see if they will work for you.

Are you seeing a rheumatologist? If not, please try to get a

referral and get an appointment. They are really the best for auto-

immune arthritis.


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Welcome to the group. You should have a good perspective to make a

great teacher!


> I am 30, female, and I have high functioning autism.


> I am also a college student in Early Childhood Education, with a

focus on Special Needs, and a strong desire to work directly with those

with Autism Spectrum Disorder.





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You don't HAVE to start him on a diet in order to take enzymes but

many parents have had much success with diet. But you can just do the

enzymes and see how that works for you. There are a lot of products

to take out there. If you would like I can send you some information

and samples. You can visit enzymedica.com to choose some samples you

think would be best for your son. Or you can just ask me. EACH child

is different and each parent is different. Some want to start low and

slow as recommended by DeFelice & Enzymedica and others want to

give the most potent. Each situation is different. But if you want

information and samples please just let me know. Feel free to contact

me with anything.


Enzymedica's Education Department



> Hi I have just read about enzymes and so many wonderful successes

> from being on them. I have a 5yr who was diagnosed with autism two

> years ago. I have been scared to death to put him on the GFCF diet.

> He is so stubborn it is unbelievable. After reading about enzymes I

> want to order the products and start him on it as soon as possible.

> The problem is I don't know where to start. HELP!


> Do I need to put him on the diet first or can a start gradually

> adding enzymes to his meals? How much and which one do I start


> him?


> Let me tell you a little bit about my son and maybe that can help

> point me in the right direction. Dylan is very loving and has a

> wonderful personality. He does not have any langauge other than


> four or five words. He is a very picky eater and has just started

> touching new foods. He does have socialization problems with other

> kids but adults he has no problem at all no matter how many are

> around. I just know in my heart and soul that once I get him


> so many things will change and we will be well on our way to

> recovering.


> I have heard and read so many great success stories now I want my


> to be one of them. Please HELP!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Check out the Rath vitamin protocol. Dr. Rath holds a patent on it.

The enzyme MMP-?, one of a family of enzymes travels through the

connective tissue by digesting the collagen ahead of it. Dr. Rath's

concoction blocks the production of these enzymes so they can't leave

their current home. This effectively halts metastasis.



there is a lot of criticism about this so don't rely on it too

heavily. Pay attention to hygiene as it is directly related to the

production of cancers. Dr. Shinya has a video of colonoscopys where

he shows to breast cancers and the associated colons. Its shocking!

http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=hiromi+shinya & hl=en & sitesearch=#

" Lucy Rudnicka " wrote:

>I just joined your group. I've been diagnosed with breast cancer (

not metastasized) a month ago. After a couple of lumpectomies, I'm

going the alternative route, learning as much as I can to cure myself. Any good

info will be appreciated.


> Patient54321

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Just some basics, of the top of my head:

1) See file (in Files section of the group) on Intravenous Vitamin C (and other


2) http://low dose naltrexone.org

3) Classic book: " How to Fight Cancer and Win " , by L. Fischer.

4) http://cancertutor.com

5) http://survivecancerfoundation.org

6) Ask questions here about anything and everything.




> Hi,




> I just joined your group. I've been diagnosed with breast cancer ( not

> metastasized) a month ago. After a couple of lumpectomies, I'm going the

> alternative route, learning as much as I can to cure myself. Any good info

> will be appreciated.




> Patient54321


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Lucy, (or should I say, Neighbor)

Please call my office (Center for the Study of Natural Oncology) at

858-523-9144. We could meet at the office or the retreat center in

Del Mar, or even at the site where we are building a retreat

sanctuary along the Cleveland National Forest and overlooking

Temecula and the Pachanga Reservation.

At 02:54 PM 6/21/2008, you wrote:



>I just joined your group. I've been diagnosed with breast cancer ( not

>metastasized) a month ago. After a couple of lumpectomies, I'm going the

>alternative route, learning as much as I can to cure myself. Any good info

>will be appreciated.



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Hello and welcome to the group. I wish I was down in Boca with you, NY is just not my ideal location. (I spent many a summer vacation in Boca growing up). I would purchase a Britax car seat I have the roundabout and it is great. My son just turned a year old and we have it rear facing but are going to turn it foward after we get back from a planned mid July vacation. I do not want to switch him around before and throw him off. The roundabout goes both ways and is awesome. Britax is the best and an industry leader.

Good luck with the band and also with the heat. Keep the car cool before putting him in and try to keep him in the ac as much as possible. I know he will adjust but it could be an issue to start. My son was also a larger baby and we saw great correction from 4 months to 6 months when we treated. Your son is still young so you will also see great results if the ortho is experienced and the product fits correctly. Make sure to check for red spots and dont hesitate to be pushy to get what you need for your child. Going back several times to get a proper fit the first time is what many mothers have had to do.

Let us know if you need anything and keep us posted on your progress. Tammy mother to DOC band 10/31-12/31.

From: Darling, <darlingd@...>Subject: New MemberPlagiocephaly Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 11:43 AM

Hi All:I actually joined a couple of weeks ago, and already feel better about the journey we are about to start, so thank you!We are down in Boca Raton Florida, and my boy is almost 6 months old. He was born 9 pounds 7 ounces, and continues to be large- now over 22 pounds. Our pediatrician (Barlow) has been great so far, and sent us to Stelnicki at 3 months, who seems fine as well. Understandably, Stelnicki encouraged us to use repositioning at first, but gave us no guidance/ specific information, and did warn us that his size could be a factor (which it is). He spent little time in swings/ carriers etc. We bought a "repositioner" , but the boy is just to big- he would flatten himself out very easily. This continued even when we tried other things to try to get him to sleep on his side etc. At this point, there seems to be mild plagio with somewhat severe brachy. When we returned a few weeks ago, we were again advised to "be conservative" for

2 more months- and, with Barlow's blessing- I asked why- did they really see this issue working itself out? I think that the PA needed to check a manual or something- but she finally responded and admitted that no, it wouldn't, but most parents like to continue "trying".... As a teacher who is actually home until mid-August, I would rather go through this with him as much as possible. So, we are starting the banding process next week. My lovely insurance plan (United) will only cover at Hanger, and my husband, an OT, has had real issues with the local office. Stelnicki is associated with/ owns? Cranial Kids, and we are paying cash (2650) to work with them. The OT was at CT for many years, eventually leaving to work exclusively with Stelnicki. We pick up the band Wednesday. Based upon my reading here, we are getting ready for a sweaty boy! We are replacing his car seat this weekend, since he is already in need of a larger own that will allow for

rear-facing placement. Someone here suggested the Roundabout- we were hoping to get suggestions- ideally for something that will be used rear-facing and forward. Also, I noticed some discussion about daycare- and I was wondering how most Moms deal with the band issue. I am guessing that I will be buying more snap-front rompers so that he can be changed if necessary. If anyone has any advice or familiarity with Stelnicki and his office it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Darling

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hello, welcome to the group. I am actually from down there, my 1st was delivered at west boca. ANYWAY, my son got his helmet in August in the middle of a heat wave here where we had 16 days of 100+ degree temperatures (and heat indexes over 110) but even still he adjusted to the helmet (sweat wise) in under a week. Though we didnt hang out outside frequently he did have to spend soccer practices outside and stuff like that with his older siblings. We also keep our a/c at 75 so it wasnt hot inside. It doesnt get quite as hot where you are so hopefully he adjusts faster. What kind of band do they use there, a starband? I know some offer a bit less airflow b/c they cover a little more (we had a docband).

As for carseats, personally at your sons size, is he tall too? I would get a marathon, it is a few dollars more than the roundabout but longer so you will be able to keep him rearfacing longer. My son was 9 bs 4 oz at birth, 24 lbs at 6 mo old and long to go with it, he outgrew the Roundabout rearfacing before he was 1 (fl law they must rearface till at least 1 yr old and AAP and NHTSA actually recommend they rearface as long as possible), luckily he had a decathalon (basically a marathon with extra pads for a newborn) and was just using the roundabout (his sisters) b/c it was shorter and he was rearfacing so that height made some difference in confiuring our minivan so we just switched him. The marathon will also get rid of the need for a " gap " seat. Gap seat meaning most kids outgrow a convertible carseat forward facing in height before they are 40 lbs but should be in a harness until they are 40 lbs (at least) so many ppl end up having to buy a harnessed booster to use after they outgrow the convertible until they are 40 lbs. The Marathon is taller so you will not have that issue. My son rode in the decathalon (pads removed) with his helmet fine, once he graduated from the band we did add the head pads back for a while b/c I was worried about regression

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 7:43 AM, Darling, <darlingd@...> wrote:

Hi All:I actually joined a couple of weeks ago, and already feel better about the journey we are about to start, so thank you!We are down in Boca Raton Florida, and my boy is almost 6 months old. He was born 9 pounds 7 ounces, and continues to be large- now over 22 pounds. Our pediatrician (Barlow) has been great so far, and sent us to Stelnicki at 3 months, who seems fine as well. Understandably, Stelnicki encouraged us to use repositioning at first, but gave us no guidance/ specific information, and did warn us that his size could be a factor (which it is). He spent little time in swings/ carriers etc. We bought a " repositioner " , but the boy is just to big- he would flatten himself out very easily. This continued even when we tried other things to try to get him to sleep on his side etc. At this point, there seems to be mild plagio with somewhat severe brachy. When we returned a few weeks ago, we were again advised to " be conservative " for 2 more months- and, with Barlow's blessing- I asked why- did they really see this issue working itself out? I think that the PA needed to check a manual or something- but she finally responded and admitted that no, it wouldn't, but most parents like to continue " trying " ....As a teacher who is actually home until mid-August, I would rather go through this with him as much as possible. So, we are starting the banding process next week. My lovely insurance plan (United) will only cover at Hanger, and my husband, an OT, has had real issues with the local office. Stelnicki is associated with/ owns? Cranial Kids, and we are paying cash (2650) to work with them. The OT was at CT for many years, eventually leaving to work exclusively with Stelnicki. We pick up the band Wednesday.

Based upon my reading here, we are getting ready for a sweaty boy! We are replacing his car seat this weekend, since he is already in need of a larger own that will allow for rear-facing placement. Someone here suggested the Roundabout- we were hoping to get suggestions- ideally for something that will be used rear-facing and forward. Also, I noticed some discussion about daycare- and I was wondering how most Moms deal with the band issue. I am guessing that I will be buying more snap-front rompers so that he can be changed if necessary.

If anyone has any advice or familiarity with Stelnicki and his office it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Darling -- SC SAHM to , , , , and what should we name our baby girl?


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We have the Roundabout and love it. He sits in it fine with

his helmet. We went from the infant carrier to the Roundabout just before he

was fitted with his band. And have had no problems. We still have it rear

facing right now.

Jackie (Ben/ tort resolved/rt plagio/DOC Band 4 wks)


Posted by: " cdm11382 " cdm11382@... cdm11382


Jun 27, 2008 8:09 am (PDT)












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My son has been in the Roundabout for 2 1/2 years now. We just got the

Marathon. The difference, the Marathon goes to a higher weight. He's

not in the Marathon yet, but I know we'll all be happy with it. I love

the Roundabout - it's a breeze with the latch system for quick & easy

in/out installation.

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It seems like just yesterday I posted my forst question and WOW, time

has flown by. First, thanks to everyone who replied - the red marks

disappeared after a couple days, and I discovered that several coats

of paint/modge podge were ok, though I still get chipping around the

edges. Although I really didn't post much, I enjoyed keeping tabs on

the posts - it's clearly a bewildering process to everyone when we're

new, but then a few weeks in, we're all old pros :)

The amazing thing is that at our 4 week appt Tuesday, our clinician

said Robbie had almost grown out of his band already! She said we have

probably 2-3 weeks left before there's nothing left for her to scrape

away! We've seen a lot of improvement, and she said if it were her

son, she'd probably call it quits once he's done with this band. Since

he started off with 15mm asymmetry, I wanted to see just how much

progress we had before deciding whether or not to do a second band, so

I asked her to do measurements. He is now is only off by 5mm. I am

SHOCKED that we saw change so quickly, but I guess we caught him just

before a growth spurt. I'm really eager to see what the next couple

weeks bring!

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Wow, congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Re: New member

It seems like just yesterday I posted my forst question and WOW, time

has flown by. First, thanks to everyone who replied - the red marks

disappeared after a couple days, and I discovered that several coats

of paint/modge podge were ok, though I still get chipping around the

edges. Although I really didn't post much, I enjoyed keeping tabs on

the posts - it's clearly a bewildering process to everyone when we're

new, but then a few weeks in, we're all old pros :)

The amazing thing is that at our 4 week appt Tuesday, our clinician

said Robbie had almost grown out of his band already! She said we have

probably 2-3 weeks left before there's nothing left for her to scrape

away! We've seen a lot of improvement, and she said if it were her

son, she'd probably call it quits once he's done with this band. Since

he started off with 15mm asymmetry, I wanted to see just how much

progress we had before deciding whether or not to do a second band, so

I asked her to do measurements. He is now is only off by 5mm. I am

SHOCKED that we saw change so quickly, but I guess we caught him just

before a growth spurt. I'm really eager to see what the next couple

weeks bring!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


Glad you have found this group and hope it will be helpful to you. My

son also has plagio and did have tort but we resolved that with about

2.5 months of PT starting at 2 months old. The plagio was a different

story, however, and he was banded at 17 months old. I'm more familiar

with measurements done in mm, but I believe 2.5 cm would convert to 25

mm which would be considered severe. Is that a fair assessment? I have

never heard of a P.A.P. Orthosis. What kind of helmet is that?

(passive or active). Where are you located? We like to learn as much

as I can about the different types of helmets out there, so any

additionaly information will be greatly appreciated.

Please let us know if you have any questions we can help you with.

Good luck!

Jake-22m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand #2 6 weeks)



> Hi everyone!

> I am just joinig for some support for our baby boy that has


> plagiocephaly and torticollis.

> Evan was diagnosed at 4 months and we have been doing Physical


> since that time. His asymmetry was measured at 2.5 cm. He is 6 months

> old now and he was just casted for his helmet on Tuesday. He will be

> getting a P.A.P. orthosis.


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Welcome! This is an amazing group that has helped me through some

trying times. My son has been in his Starband for 8 weeks now and all

is going smoothly. Don't feel afraid to ask any questions, this group

is extremely helpful because everyone has been through the same thing.


> Hi everyone!

> I am just joinig for some support for our baby boy that has positional

> plagiocephaly and torticollis.

> Evan was diagnosed at 4 months and we have been doing Physical Therapy

> since that time. His asymmetry was measured at 2.5 cm. He is 6 months

> old now and he was just casted for his helmet on Tuesday. He will be

> getting a P.A.P. orthosis.


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I am not sure if the P.A.P. orthosis is active or passive. It is made

here in Utah by a company called FitWell (http://www.fit-well.com/). I

noticed that the other members from Utah got their helmets there as

well. They are the clear acrylic kind, more of a full helmet.

Evan's PT measured his difference at 26mm, and the orthotics guy

measured it at 23mm. So yes, he is sever. I did get some decent

" before " pictures last night & I'll post them later in the photos area

and on our blog (roamingjones.blogspot.com). We are still working on

the tort. He actually had Botox injections in the affected muscles to

paralyze them and make the PT easier. It really helped a lot, though

he still hates the PT we do at home.


> >

> > Hi everyone!

> > I am just joinig for some support for our baby boy that has

> positional

> > plagiocephaly and torticollis.

> > Evan was diagnosed at 4 months and we have been doing Physical

> Therapy

> > since that time. His asymmetry was measured at 2.5 cm. He is 6 months

> > old now and he was just casted for his helmet on Tuesday. He will be

> > getting a P.A.P. orthosis.

> >


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Hi Sara and welcome to the group. I'm glad to hear that Will is

doing so well. What kind of band do you have? My daughter wore a

starband in 2006, and I have continued to stay in the group as one

of the moderators. There are a lot of really great parents in this

group, and it helped me a lot while my daughter was in her band.

Also please post a picture of Will in the photos section if you get

a chance.


sydney 2.5 yrs starband grad


> Hi Everyone! Our son Will is now 7.5 months old and has had a


> for his plagiocephaly for 2 months. We actually just recieved his

> second helmet today! He grew quite quickly and we had to replace


> first one. He had Torticollis as well. I am so happy with the


> of his helmet so far I can't wait to see how his head looks when

he is

> finished with the helmet!


> I am not sure why I didn't think of looking on-line for any sort


> support group prior to this, but I think it would be wonderful to


> some other parents to chat with who know what we are going through


> Will.


> Sara


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