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hi tony

my name is rosemary i'm 39 with mild to moderate psoriasis for the past 15 years

and now for a little under a year 'pa' (moderate to severe) and it seemed to hit

really hard out of no where. i'm sorry to hear all the stuff your going through.

you seem to have a good attitude about it all.

since i'm at work i'd better go. but i'd like to hear from you again.


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Hi Tony. Welcome to the group.

You asked: " Could this have happened over night with no warning? "

I say, yes. The first sign of PA that I had was in one of the

knuckles on my left hand. I distinctly remember driving to work

when I first noticed the pain. When I got to work I noticed that

the area was swollen and the skin that covered the knuckle was


I was convinced that I must have banged my hand at some point even

though I couldn't remember doing so. I also remember continually

feeling the urge to crack the knuckle to relieve the pressure but

it didn't always crack. It was a long time before I finally saw a

doctor and by then the swelling and discoloration was much worse. I

was immediately referred to a reumatologist. That was about six or

seven years ago.

Best of luck Tony. I admire your attitude.


" Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it isn't

the end! "

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Just to let you know, my arthritis happened virtually overnight too. I woke

up with a huge swollen knee and that was it. Also, when my psoriasis is bad

my arthritis is almost always terrible. They definitely go together for me.

Gold injections seem really old fashioned to me. Have you talked to your

doctor about some of the new biologic drugs like Enbrel? Maybe that is

something you would able to take.

Keep fighting -

Sara in L.A.

[ ] New Member


I am a 31 year old male just dx with PA.

I have had psorasis since the age of 15. It started getting really

bad about 3 years ago. At that time my Dematologist @ Yale New Haven

Hospital put me on Methotrexate and I started PUVA treatments 2x a

week. It cleared about 80% doing both treatments concurrently.

Last February I found out that I had Leukemia (AML) and I had to stop

both treatments since my cancer was the " pressing issue. " The Chemo

I was on did wonders for my skin, not one single sign of psoriasis.

After 10 months of fighting I am now in remission. I can no longer

take Methotrexate or PUVA because of all the damage Cancer & Chemo

did to my liver, heart & kidneys.

Now I have just been told that the pain I have had for the past month

in my left hand, right wrist, both knees and feet are from having

PA. Could this have happened over night with no warning? Could it

be causing this much pain? I have never had any problems with

arthritis before! I had a bone scan that showed arthritis in the

places that I mentioned and showed no signs of the Leukemia turning

into bone cancer. I have been tested for gout and that is negative.

I take the following on a daily basis: Prednisone (30mgs), Vioxx

(25mgs), Azulfidine (2Grams), Dilaudid (12mgs) & Neurontin (900mgs).

The last two are for pain.

My Dr said that the next step might be to start gold injections.

Does this work for any of you? I am unable to do more traditional

treatments because of the other complications. Also, does the PA get

worse when there is a flair up of psoriasis? Right now my psoriasis

is the worst it has ever been. It came back QUICKLY as soon as I

finished my rounds of Chemo.

Don't misunderstand me, as I am not complaining since I am most happy

to be alive and kicking.

Can any of you steer me in the right direction with my DR since this

is all so new to me?

Thank you,


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In a message dated 01/17/01 8:30:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, gtwgn@...


<< After 10 months of fighting I am now in remission. I can no longer

take Methotrexate or PUVA because of all the damage Cancer & Chemo

did to my liver, heart & kidneys. >>

Hi Tony - Glad to hear you are having success with the battle against the

cancer. As far as the PA, what I've found to be my idea drug " cocktail " is

prednisone, vioxx, and MTX. As you can't take the MTX, maybe you could try

to go on Enbrel or Remicade - I'm not sure how they effect the liver and

kidneys, but they may be easier on them than the MTX - check with you doctor.

Other than that, give yourself a lot of TLC and try to avoid stress - I think

that's good for all of us to try to do no matter what meds we use.

Your story touched me as I tend to focus on the PA too much sometimes and

forget that others out there have far worse diseases they battle.

Hang in there - I know I speak for the whole group when I say our thoughts

and prayers are with you.

Take care,

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I too am rather young (20) and have had PA for about 18 months. I am also

from the UK (originally Kent but now studying in Cardiff).

I take Salazopyrin which is the brand name for Sulfasalazine. I only started

this 2 weeks ago and I'm finding it tough. I keeping getting headaches and

have thrown-up a couple of times this week as well. But I remain optimistic

that this will settle down as my Dr has assured me. Make sure take you are

getting blood tests regularly. Yesterday my Dr told me I should have them

every three weeks for three months.

I also take 25mg of Vioxx a day to keeps the aches and pains at bay.

I also take Cod Liver oil, Vitamins and Ginger. Ginger is not only supposed

to help joint mobility but it also helps to relieve the sick feling in my


It is nice to hear from someone else of the same age group and from the UK,

I was begining to feel a bit isolated.

I hope that you find this group helpful. I have found it to be a great

resource for information and much needed support.

Lot of Luck!


>From: " Uthmann " <susanu@...>

>Reply- egroups

>< egroups>

>Subject: [ ] New Member

>Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 20:57:54 -0000


>Hi, I've just joined this group and so I thought I better introduce myself.

>My name's , I'm 21 and live in Edinburgh.


>Is this a mainly American group? I only ask because I know drugs and

>treatments can be drastically different! My husband Mike is from Seattle,

>so I know both systems quite well.

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group!!

> I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice on the

>sulphasalazine, and how to manage the pain (I'm affected in every

>joint but some are worse than others).

I've been taking sulphasalazine for about 6 months, along with an

anti-inflammatory (Indocin or Volteran) (for the PA), a muscle

relaxer (for fibromyalgia), Evista (hormone to replace estrogen and

aid in stopping my bone softening (osteopenia), a multi-vitamin and

calcium, Celexa (anti-depressant), saline nasal spray and Refresh P.M.

for dry nose and mouth and the occasional Xanax for anxiety.

The sulphasalazine (a DMARD - disease modifying arthritic drug), in

combination with the anti-inflammatory, have stopped the progression,

relieved the swelling and much of the joint pain for me. But be

patient; it took several weeks for the anti-inflammatory to reduce

the swelling and pain and several months for the DMARD to take effect.

Take your time to adjust and assimilate the info and be patient

with yourself and your body.

Patty B in the Pineywoods of East Texas

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Dear ,

Welcome to the List. I'm sorry that you have to be among Lyme sufferers,

but this is a wonderful resource. I've rec'd much support and good info.


Do you have an LLMD? That is what we call a " Lyme Literate Doctor. " It's

very important to see someone who is familiar with Lyme Disease, and

experienced in treating it, even at the diagnosis stage. As you probably

know from reading on the internet, late stage and chronic Lyme are

controversial, in that many " good " doctors still use outdated information

and diagnostic criteria.

For example, many people with late stage and chronic Lyme test negative on

Lyme blood tests. It needs to be a clinical diagnosis as well, and to get

that done accurately, you need to see an LLMD. He or she will also know

of more sophisticated tests to conduct.

I tested negative for over 5 years; when my blood test got sent to a more

sophisticated lab, it came back indicative of Lyme. You must see a doc

who knows how to read the tests properly. Others can tell you more about

the " bands " on the Western Blot; the CDC requires 5 to be reactive to

diagnose Lyme, but you might have fewer than that and have Lyme!!

When I got started on antibiotic treatment, I improved. I started getting

my life back, passing my Ph.D Orals after 6 years of struggling with

fatigue, fever, rib pain, brain fog and other symptoms. This evening I

finished the last revision on my Dissertation proposal! (That's why I can

hang out on the email for a bit :)).

Anyway, it's very important to see a Lyme Literate doc. This site and

others can help you find one in your area. Let us know if we can help.

Welcome -

Marie :)

ill since 1994

dx'd CFIDS

dx'd Lyme Dec. 1999

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> Hi, my name is ; I am a resident of North Carolina. My story


> probably similar to many on this list. I had been struggling with

> various seemingly unrelated physical problems for many months, but

> kept rationalizing each symptom away as best I could. When I could


> longer ignore the situation I took a laundry list of complaints to


> family doctor, who suspected thyroid or liver problems, or perhaps

> diabetes. My blood work came back normal, leaving me feeling

> mystified and a bit foolish. My doctor commented that, at 41, I


> be just experiencing some of the frustrations of middle age!


> Chagrined, I tried to go on with my normal routine, but found many


> my previous symptoms considerably worsening and new symptoms

> presenting themselves. Eventually a friend mentioned Lymes disease

> and recommended I check into information on it. I was doubtful, but

> did use the internet to research the malady. You can imagine both


> shock and my relief to stumble upon a list of symptoms that exactly

> mirrored mine! I also felt a great deal of concern because all the

> information I gathered seemed to indicate that I was in a later


> of the disease. Gathering my data and my lyme symptom list, I went

> back to my doctor.


> Now I await the results of another blood test. After all my


> I have my doubts as to its accuracy, but I must start somewhere. I


> so grateful to find a group like this!



Welcome !

This list, and the people here, are a great resource to have when

confronting something like Lyme. It has been a tremendous help to

me, I usually just read, and only sometimes post. It is a great

place. You can ask anything you want here,without fear of reprisal,

in fact it has probably been asked before, by many of us at many

times. Welcome, and good luck!


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On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 jschm47974@... wrote:


> > Hi, my name is ; I am a resident of North Carolina. My story

> is




> Welcome !


> This list, and the people here, are a great resource to have when

> confronting something like Lyme. It has been a tremendous help to

Hi !!

I just want to add my welcome to the list along

with the others. I begn as you did with symptoms which my regular Dr.

diagnosed as general " stress " and gave me some friendly advice along with

a suggestion I add my 1 to 1+1/2 glasses of WINE each day!! (I didn't

mind at the time!) . . . but it is interesting that when I went to my

Pharmacist for a product I was complaining to him about how I felt and he

said: " Wow Glen, you know your symptoms are almost exactly what I was

experiencing when I had Lyme Disease. He immediately pointed me to a LLMD

in PA. (I am in New Jersey) and told me to bring the appropriate amount ot

$$$$ with me. My urine (LUAT) test was non-conclusive but the BLOOD TEST

showed Lyme, Erlicheosis and Babiosis!! I was SO HAPPY to be diagnosed

and begin my anti-biotic treatments. It seems I had Lyme for 5 or 6

months during summer of 1998, and I began oral antibiotics in Nov., 1998

and continue at present. I just in the last couple on months begin to

experience improvement and for the last 2 months began a walking routine

with which my LLMD is thrilled. (He can't get his patients to walk - and

I never felt like doing it myself!!)

Let us know what you learn and try to find a LLMD as this is MOST


important!! This is a wonderful list and we are all glad you are a part

of it.


-GLEN from NJ.


/ | GLENROY WOLFSEN wolfsen@... | \

( - - - " The final, ultimate freedom, the daring of / \ \

\ | freedom and the burden of freedom, is the virtue of( - ) /

\ religious maturity. (react as rarely as possible..)Nietzsche/



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On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 jschm47974@... wrote:


> > Hi, my name is ; I am a resident of North Carolina. My story

> is




> Welcome !


> This list, and the people here, are a great resource to have when

> confronting something like Lyme. It has been a tremendous help to

Hi !!

I just want to add my welcome to the list along

with the others. I begn as you did with symptoms which my regular Dr.

diagnosed as general " stress " and gave me some friendly advice along with

a suggestion I add my 1 to 1+1/2 glasses of WINE each day!! (I didn't

mind at the time!) . . . but it is interesting that when I went to my

Pharmacist for a product I was complaining to him about how I felt and he

said: " Wow Glen, you know your symptoms are almost exactly what I was

experiencing when I had Lyme Disease. He immediately pointed me to a LLMD

in PA. (I am in New Jersey) and told me to bring the appropriate amount ot

$$$$ with me. My urine (LUAT) test was non-conclusive but the BLOOD TEST

showed Lyme, Erlicheosis and Babiosis!! I was SO HAPPY to be diagnosed

and begin my anti-biotic treatments. It seems I had Lyme for 5 or 6

months during summer of 1998, and I began oral antibiotics in Nov., 1998

and continue at present. I just in the last couple on months begin to

experience improvement and for the last 2 months began a walking routine

with which my LLMD is thrilled. (He can't get his patients to walk - and

I never felt like doing it myself!!)

Let us know what you learn and try to find a LLMD as this is MOST


important!! This is a wonderful list and we are all glad you are a part

of it.


-GLEN from NJ.


/ | GLENROY WOLFSEN wolfsen@... | \

( - - - " The final, ultimate freedom, the daring of / \ \

\ | freedom and the burden of freedom, is the virtue of( - ) /

\ religious maturity. (react as rarely as possible..)Nietzsche/



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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Sandy,

How long have you been sick and has anyone told you a diagnosis? I had

rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for years before I discovered the AP on my own by

reading the book, *The New Arthritis Breakthrough*. Have you read it?

I wouldn't have looked for the book and gone against the wishes of my

doctor if I had not had the same experience you did. I was put on Ceftin

for an upper respiratory infection, and my pain suddenly lessened greatly.

I managed to get enough to continue for a month, but then it was back to the

terrible pain as the arthritis drugs, plaquinil and sulfasalazine,

which my rheumatologist had given me had stopped working earlier. I was

trying to avoid the harsher drugs by doing a ten day fast (water only) and

other alternative things, but nothing was working.

If you have an autoimmune disease, the AP is definitely the way back and

the only way back that I know of. We all strongly echo your sentiment of

wanting to " be normal and enjoy life. " Many, many people have gotten to

that point or close to it through the AP and the support of the people on

this list.

Best wishes,


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Hi Sandy,

Welcome to our family.. as far as what to take I ran copies from the site on the web and took them to my GP and that was how I got started.. she had heard of AP but had never experienced using it and had wanted to.. so I guess someone was watching out for me.. I did find some relief after a very bad time of being sick.. a lot of people go through that.. I am not on AP currently due to some other health problems but I plan to go back on it as soon as possible!! My GP here is good about it and has told me that when I am ready to let him know and he will write out the prescibtion.. I still have some left but I thought that was nice that he is also open to it.. I was not sure and since I was not on it I did not bring it up to him but it was in my records.. Anyway hope things go well for you with your doc and if they don't find another one!!! It is worth it!!!


Sherrygood day everyone and happy valentines day...i am a 46 year old female in the san antonio texas area and am anxiously awaiting my doctors appointment next week to check into AP...i would appreciate comments on what to expect, questions i should ask, etc...thank goodness i have a very understanding husband regarding my pain...i manage to work a full-time job that just about takes all my energy...i had mentioned to my internist that when i was on antibiotics for a UTI, i felt so much better, no explanation from her...so i thought well, maybe it is just all in my head right?? i sure hope the AP is the answer for all these years of suffering and wondering...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! i just want to be normal and enjoy life...take care, sandy To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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I've been on the AP for nearly a year and a half now...I have made great

progress...my first RD prescribed Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, Plaquinel and

Prednisone...I talking him into trying minocycline about six months after I

began treatment...I moved to a new city a month or so later and saw another

RD...she agreed to continue with the same treatments since I seemed to be

improving....She made a statement which intrigued me..she said if I were to

get sick (i.e. a cold or something) or was around someone who was sick I

should stop taking Methotrexate since it decreases the bodies ability to

defend itself (it is a immunosuppressor).

That is really all I needed to hear..I had heard similar statements in

the past...I tried to talk her into taking me off the Metho but she actually

wanted to increase the dosage in order to help me along a bit...a few days

later I decided to wean myself off the Metho...I did with no change in my

recovery...I decided to wean myself off of everything else except the

Minocycline since I knew from what I had read and from the testimonies in

this group that it was the Mino that would actually bring about possible

recovery/remission. I haven't taken anything except Mino and Prednisone for

about ten months now and have continued to recover...about two months ago I

weaned myself off the Prednisone and now am on Mino alone (except for the

Prilosec I take for hyperacidity)....

Now the tricky part...I go to see a NEW RD next week...I pray he will

agree to continue my treatment under the AP...I won't take any of the organ

destroyers they like to prescribe...I plan on being honest with him in this

regard...I just pray he won't cut me off from the Minocycline....oops...am I

" addicted " to Mino?...nah..I just know it works...Good luck on your visit!

BTW...I'm from San myself, though I no longer live there...I'm in

the Navy and have lived outside of San for quite a few years

now....BUT...it IS home and I get there as often as possible....

Blessings and Health...


AP 1.5 years

200 mg minocycline daily

Recovering....probably at 80-90% now!!!!!! Thank God!!!!

rheumatic New Member

> good day everyone and happy valentines day...i am a 46 year old

> female in the san antonio texas area and am anxiously awaiting my

> doctors appointment next week to check into AP...i would appreciate

> comments on what to expect, questions i should ask, etc...


> thank goodness i have a very understanding husband regarding my

> pain...i manage to work a full-time job that just about takes all my

> energy...


> i had mentioned to my internist that when i was on antibiotics for a

> UTI, i felt so much better, no explanation from her...so i thought

> well, maybe it is just all in my head right?? i sure hope the AP is

> the answer for all these years of suffering and wondering...WHAT IS

> WRONG WITH ME! i just want to be normal and enjoy life...


> take care,

> sandy




> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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  • 2 weeks later...

I have read that Oasis Hospital in Mexico has started using, in some cases,

a combination of conventional

and unconventional therapies for liver cancer that has improved the

statistics - combining 5FU with laetrile injected directly into the liver.

Apparently the liver is supposed to neutralize the 5FU so very little of it

is supposed to get to the rest of the body.

Meantime, The Cancer Cure Foundation can set up a free consultation with

Oasis if anyone would like to discuss possibilities with them. You can call

CCF at (800) 282-2873 or email them for details at mailto:info@...

or, you can call Oasis directly at (888) 500-4673 - just tell them CCF

referred you.

Melinda Wiman


Cancer Cure Foundation

[ ] New Member

> Hi, my name is . I joined for my fiance, Bill who had soft

> tissue sarcoma inhis right thigh 3 years ago, underwent chemo and

> radiation and everything was fine until this last fall. Now he has a

> 7.5cm tumor on his liver and 5-6 nodules (found by PET Scan) in each

> lung. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy 5 days every five

> weeks. The oncologist said the chemo isn't shrinking anything, just

> keeping it from growing until the tumors become immune to the

> chemotherapy.

> My question is, has anyone out there used alternative therapies and

> had good results?? The man is only 36 with a 12 year old son and I

> would do anything or travel anywhere to help him.

> Today, we heard of a Dr. Burzynski in Houston that uses

> antineoplastons. Has anyone used this method??

> Sorry for all the questions, but I'm desperately looking for

> something to help him!



> ~HUGS~






> Learn more about cancer:

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/

> http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htm

> http://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/

> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158


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Check out the websites of Ralph Moss, PhD, one of the world's leading

authorities on alternative cancer treatments. He has written about

Burzynski's method and many others. Under the success stories on the first

link below he tells about a woman who had a soft tissue sarcoma on her leg.



Personally, I am most drawn to the raw food diet as a cure for cancer (and

many other illnesses), having seen a cancerous bladder tumor (which I didn't

even know I had) spontaneously leave my body shortly after starting a raw

food diet. The Gerson Program (also written about by Dr. Moss above) is one

program that employs such a diet. The Gerson Institute's website is

www.gerson.org. You can also get information about this approach at

www.drday.com and www.hacres.com. I have strong doubts about macrobiotics,

in spite of some of the reported cures. I suspect that the cures they do

get are due in large part to their emphasis on organic foods, reduction in

fat, and the elimination of processed junk food. But it doesn't make sense

to me to cook everything in sight, add tons of salt, and avoid fruit, all of

which are prescribed by this diet.


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Hi! My name is . My father was diagnosed with

liver cancer last year. My two sisters and I did not

take his diagnosis as a death sentence. We discovered

a product called MGN-3 on the internet, which is

produced by Lane Labs. I believe there is some

controversy on the effectiveness of the capsules, but

it has worked quite well for Daddy. MGN-3 is made of

rice bran and shiitake mushrooms and builds the immune

system so it can fight the cancer. A bottle of 50

capsules cost $41.80 at vitacost.com. You might try

those to see if they help your husband. Daddy's tumor

has shrunk from 3 cm to 2 cm in only two months. He

takes two pills with each meal; some take 12 a day.

It has been reported that some patients with cancer

have went completely into remission after taking

MGN-3. There is much literature about the product on

the internet. I just went typed in MGN-3 in

search. Let me know how things go. Good luck, I'll

be praying for your family.


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Thank you so much for you prayers and your help!! It's much appreciated!

Re: [ ] New Member

Hi! My name is . My father was diagnosed withliver cancer last year. My two sisters and I did nottake his diagnosis as a death sentence. We discovereda product called MGN-3 on the internet, which isproduced by Lane Labs. I believe there is somecontroversy on the effectiveness of the capsules, butit has worked quite well for Daddy. MGN-3 is made ofrice bran and shiitake mushrooms and builds the immunesystem so it can fight the cancer. A bottle of 50capsules cost $41.80 at vitacost.com. You might trythose to see if they help your husband. Daddy's tumorhas shrunk from 3 cm to 2 cm in only two months. Hetakes two pills with each meal; some take 12 a day. It has been reported that some patients with cancerhave went completely into remission after takingMGN-3. There is much literature about the product onthe internet. I just went typed in MGN-3 in search. Let me know how things go. Good luck, I'llbe praying for your family.__________________________________________________

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Guest guest

i have been using mgn3 for quite a while and although it hasn't stopped ny cancer from growing it may have stopped it from growing as fast. you have nothing to loose. also try essiac tea


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Guest guest

Hi! Could you please describe the symptoms of PCOS and exactly what it

is. thanks so much.



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Guest guest

Hello Pat: would say it is nice to meet you but that

would give neither of us comfort under the

circumstances. Nobody really knows enough about PA.

It is a disorder in the rheumatoid family that affects

soft tissue. It is usually accompanied by psoriasis

lesions but not always. There is no cure and

different things help different people. Sometimes is

gets worse, even debilitating and occasionally you

feel like your old self before you had the symptoms.

One thing is for sure: you must have plenty of rest

and daily exercise if possible that revolves mostly

around stretching. The pain and swelling can be

anywhere. Mine started in my feet five years ago and

has gradually worked its way all the way up to my

neck. Some days I am not sure where I really hurt the

most. I have taken Methotrexate, ansaids, prednisone,

and narcotics. I am thinking about taking plaquinill.

All I really want to do is be myself again. I hope I

have not totally depressed you, because not all

sufferers have extensive problems. Good luck to you.

--- Pat A McCauley <pat.mc@...> wrote:

> Hi! Could you please describe the symptoms of PCOS

> and exactly what it

> is. thanks so much.




> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for

> less!

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Outdoor Girl,

If you do take Plaquinil (or any other quinine based drug), be on

your guard for adverse Psoriatic symptoms. The PDR has warnings about

possible adverse reactions for Psoriasis patients. While some P and

PA sufferers have taken it without adverse effects, others have

suffered terrible P exacerbation. I myself almost immediately broke

out in little Psoriasis eruptions all over my body when I tried it.

Use with caution.

-- Ron

> I am thinking about taking plaquinill.

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i have had no negative reaction on chloroquine but i had no positive results

either unfortunately. i have now started sulfasalazine along with the

chloroquine and the odd indomethacin. hope it works.


>From: " Ron S Dotson " <rkba@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: New Member

>Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 02:55:28 -0000


>Outdoor Girl,


>If you do take Plaquinil (or any other quinine based drug), be on

>your guard for adverse Psoriatic symptoms. The PDR has warnings about

>possible adverse reactions for Psoriasis patients. While some P and

>PA sufferers have taken it without adverse effects, others have

>suffered terrible P exacerbation. I myself almost immediately broke

>out in little Psoriasis eruptions all over my body when I tried it.

>Use with caution.


>-- Ron




> > I am thinking about taking plaquinill.





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I take Quinine Sulfate nightly for severe leg cramps and have not noticed any PA or P increase. I sometimes do not take it, for days or weeks (especially if I forget to renew my prescription), and do not notice any difference.

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Welcome . It sounds as if you are in CA? Where abouts? My daughter lives in Seaside, on the Monterey Peninsula and she was diagnosed in Aug. of 2000. Do you have an LLMD? The waiting for test results *is* frustrating, but the lab results are not the sole way of diagnosing. It really is a clinical diagnosis, but you probably already know this from your reading. Now I'm rambling....

The human spirit is stronger than anything that canhappen to it.


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