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I just want to say that I was in the same boat. I got my implants in December 04

and was sick by January 06. Panic attacks, fatigue, joint pain and brain fog

were my big problems. I found a great local surgeon who listened to what I

wanted (capsulectomy and complete removal with drains) and had them removed in

december 08. He was also very affordable, costing only a few thousand dollars.

I feel so much better. As time passes I feel stronger and healthier. I still

have off

Days, but nothing like before. It is scary how sick these can make you,

especially when you have little ones to raise and can't get out of bed. I have

two little ones and it is fantastic to really be here for them after this


You aren't alone. Hang in there.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 15, 2010, at 10:21 PM, " poison4vanity " <tracylengyel@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant

since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms,

surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has

gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain

underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at

times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so

much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that

muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am

incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the

point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very

scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old

that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.


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Hello Dede,

I have been in this "fog" of anguish mentally and physically alone until now. I knew I'd be needing to have surgery sometime anyway, to get them out because they don't last forever. During my good days, I was able to forget a bit about explantation, but now I am in bed almost all day every day again. I am so sad. My husband and I are fighting constantly. He is trying to be there and show me how much he loves me, but it is never enough it seems. I see him as a stupid ignorant man that can make bad decisions, but can't support and make decisions to make things right. He is cowering a lot. I can't believe he has done no research on proper explantation, and just said that he thought I was just bipolar or depressed. I have been crying to him telling him I know the implants made me sick for over a year. I'm so lost. Thanks for your response.

From: DGRAHAMA@...Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 10:43:20 -0400Subject: Re: New member

Goodmorning ~

I love your poison4vanity name......that is a good one......

Welcome to the group ! I am so sorry that you have

gotten so ill from your implants. Bless your sweet heart.

Your body is not likeing the poisen bags in there.

Getting them removed, and properly, with the enbloc

proceedure, and eating clean live foods and detoxing

will help you to heal.

First, know that you can regain your health ! The thought

of surgery IS scarey, but once you get implants you will

definately have several surgeries over your lifetime.

That is just how it is......The fact that they advertise them

as safe, is criminal.....the fact that they implant them goes

against their hippocratic oath to " First Do No Harm "

as well as it is false advertising and brainwashing to get

people to " think " they need implants to be normal........

or to look their best, or to get that job.......It is totally

criminal........Now that we got that out of the way, please

focus on your healing.....start eating really clean and live

foods. Stay away from processed foods. Anything that

is created or manipulated, the body doesnt recognise as

something it it programmed to take care of naturally, so

it has to work harder to handle it. You need that energy

for your healing, not to handle junk.

Our bodies are awesome creations and can heal themselves

providing it has the right things in it to do so.

Our intestines have like an eco system.....and it needs a

good mix of organisms to all work in unison. They say that

our immune systems are in there.

Making and eating a probiotic of some kind would benefit

you by leaps and bounds. Personally, I make kefir and drink

a glass every day, and more if I am feeling compromised.

I have been doing this for 4 years now. I can tell a difference

when I dont drink it.

There are lots of girls around, and basically you just have to

try things, and see what works for you. You can get much

better, if not totally healed....

Hugs N Prayers


New member

Hi everyone,My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.

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Yes, I see every symptom listed on this site, that I have. I know these implants are destroying my body and that I need to get them out now. Thanks for the support in removing them. My husband is so " ". I went to the plastic surgeon that put them in and told him how I was feeling. He said the typical "how bad it will look if I remove them" "he doesn't think the implants are making me sick" and ok I'll take them out for $1000. So, my husband says yesterday, "the doctor said he'd take them out for $1000. Then I get on research, find this site etc, and read about PROPER expantation. And, if the doc that put them in takes them out, I don't think he'd tell me if he SAW black mold or some other nastiness in them. He is not looking out for me at all, just himself. I have NO support except for this site. I am not speaking to my husband.

Funny thing is that I am doing a ton of supplements, and eat very healthy. It did help me a lot but of course these toxins still in me are making it impossible to heal. Thanks.

From: glory2glory1401@...Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 14:59:38 +0000Subject: Re: New member

Hi ,I am so sorry to hear that you are crying so much...gosh, do I remember days like those!You are not alone...and I'm sad to tell you that I believe the implants are the cause of all these mysterious symptoms. You can read for yourself...our files section and stories peppered throughout our post archives will confirm that you are going through what thousands of other women have gone through: health destruction after receiving implants.Please keep reading our posts as we try to support the women like you who are coming here for answers. I've written two other women today and shared exactly what I want to tell you...that you should seriously consider removing the implants and working toward a health recovery by natural means. It can be done...I've done it!!!Please keep asking questions for help....my suggestion is that you look through the files section and read all the info in the "explant" folder and then start looking for a good explanting surgeon. There are only a few in the country that do it right, and we recommend them over any others, simply because they will not tell you that you are crazy, or that all this is in your head, or that you will look deformed after the implants are removed. All those are lies. These doctors have removed hundreds upon hundreds and thousands of implants CORRECTLY and made the women look beautiful at the same time, without insulting them. They know that implants are making women ill and are compassionate about it.These doctors are:Dr. Huang, Denver CODr. Lu Feng, Cleveland OHDr. Kolb, Atlanta, GADr. Ed Melmed, Dallas TXIf you can afford to travel or just want to make this explant an easy process, consider going to one of these doctors. IF you can't travel, you will have to start interviewing the doctors in your area to find out if they will indeed do a proper explant, using the en bloc or total capsulectomy techniques. It is SOO important.Please stay close and keep us posted on your progress, or your decision. I know this is so hard. It was the darkest time of my life. But I can tell you that you will survive and you can have a normal life again, possibly, with work in the right direction.Sending hugs,Patty >> Hi everyone,> > My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.>

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Hi Lea,

Yes, I did not have ANY breathing problems before the implants. And, I was tired a lot before but didn't have ANY burning before. Yes,I see no one is selfish here, and I am very grateful for that.

How do you know if the surgeon didn't clean you out properly?

The severe fatigue has been debilitating. And, I'm dizzy and nauseous now.

I will never forget when my husband called and said "we can get financing for breast augmentation". And, I was so vulnerable. I feel so vulnerable still, like no one truely cares about me and my health. Although he is "trying" to be supportive in between our emotional breakdowns from all this.

This in between stage is so hard, and trying to get the strength to go through with the surgery.


From: leamary@...Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 09:23:11 -0600Subject: Re: New member

Oh, , I am sorry that I missed you, and I see that our Dede has written to you. I love your email too.

Honey, you sound just like me regarding the breathing issues, because I developed Asthma, and I had never smoked in my life. The burning is a big issue for most all of us; however, my feet no longer burn. My Tongue has burned ever since the implants were removed, and it is painful. Again, the severe fatigue that we all seem to suffer from is debilitating, and rest is the cure for me.

I am so happy that you found this group, because the women are life savers. They have helped me for so many years, and I will be forever grateful for the love and support that they have given me so unselfishly.

, I keep telling my that I want my life back, because the plastic surgeon did not clean me out properly. Most all of the women who have been cleaned out properly do get well.

Honey, the tears that you are shedding are helpful, because it shows that you are fighting back. I cry over such little things, but my husband gets annoyed with me, and I tell him that it is good to cry. I wanted to write a book called "The Tears Of A Woman", because every time a woman called me she was always crying.

Please stay close to us, and we will help you to get through this...sending love and support to you....Lea


New member

Hi everyone,My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

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Bless your sweet heart. I am so sorry. You know, manufactured

silicone disrupts the entire endocrin system. it even had an article

about it on the FDA site, but not under implants, but under immunotoxicology

They moved it recently, and I havent been able to find it. I do have

the original somewhere tho.....

Men have a hard time when the woman gets sick........and it is mostly

cause they cant " Fix " us.....and they dont know what to do.....

There really is a Mars/Venus thing goin on, and only a man that is in

tune with his female side can get even close to how we think.

Some men are very good at partnering with an ill partner, and some,

just arent at all.

When you have something like this that is ruled by politics, money, and

deception, and a whole array of symptoms ping ponging all over your insides

it makes it hard. If you step back and look at the whole picture, There is a group of plastic surgeons that do lots of implants, and advertise how safe they are, Then once in and you get ill, you were an idiot for getting implants, and its all in your

head, and since they wont study us as we are the proof that illness occurs, then

politically we only have silicone legs to stand on. There is tons and tons of

medical articles that discuss all the dangers......But doctors dont read those......

Anyway, my cardiologists, ( I have 2, one EP cardio and one regular one )

both say implants are dangerous.......

Anyway, start placing positive all around you. Even this experience, because it

is an education, and you will be able to help others because you have been there......

This is a big gift......even tho it is a tough one.......

Illness is just an obsticle........you dont own it, and it doesnt own you. Love you with all you have.........everything will work out........

Hugs and Prayers


New member

Hi everyone,

My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.

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Good morning, :

Honey, my story is very long; however, I know that I was not cleaned out properly, because you can feel the garbage in my breasts. There is no surgeon who will clean me out, because they just want me to go away. I had two sets of Silicone gel and that has caused so many problems for me. Both sets were grossly ruptured, and I sued them...and they have gagged me. I am one of the older women, and I have been in this group forever. The one good thing for me is that I caused so many problems here that the doctors had to look at the research that I presented to them. I keep getting infections, and live on antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs. My doctors tested me for Aids three times, and later they found that I have H-Pylori.

Honey, we are all here for you, and will continue to give you all of the love and support that you will need....love you....Lea


New member

Hi everyone,My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

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hi lea;

sorry to hear about all your problems - am wondering if dr. feng in ohio wont treat you?

take care.


From: leamary@...Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 08:23:44 -0600Subject: Re: New member

Good morning, :

Honey, my story is very long; however, I know that I was not cleaned out properly, because you can feel the garbage in my breasts. There is no surgeon who will clean me out, because they just want me to go away. I had two sets of Silicone gel and that has caused so many problems for me. Both sets were grossly ruptured, and I sued them...and they have gagged me. I am one of the older women, and I have been in this group forever. The one good thing for me is that I caused so many problems here that the doctors had to look at the research that I presented to them. I keep getting infections, and live on antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs. My doctors tested me for Aids three times, and later they found that I have H-Pylori.

Honey, we are all here for you, and will continue to give you all of the love and support that you will need....love you....Lea


New member

Hi everyone,My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

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Thanks Lea, your great. I am so sorry you have suffered so so much. Thanks for reaching out to us and staying here for us. I am having a tough time calling surgeons to get cost of explantation.

From: leamary@...Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 08:23:44 -0600Subject: Re: New member

Good morning, :

Honey, my story is very long; however, I know that I was not cleaned out properly, because you can feel the garbage in my breasts. There is no surgeon who will clean me out, because they just want me to go away. I had two sets of Silicone gel and that has caused so many problems for me. Both sets were grossly ruptured, and I sued them...and they have gagged me. I am one of the older women, and I have been in this group forever. The one good thing for me is that I caused so many problems here that the doctors had to look at the research that I presented to them. I keep getting infections, and live on antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs. My doctors tested me for Aids three times, and later they found that I have H-Pylori.

Honey, we are all here for you, and will continue to give you all of the love and support that you will need....love you....Lea


New member

Hi everyone,My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more.

Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more.

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Thank you so much for coming back to share with us about your healing progress!

I am really happy to hear that you are able to be a " Mom " again and be there for

your little ones.




> Hi everyone,


> My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline

implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms,

surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has

gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain

underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at

times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so

much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that

muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am

incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the

point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very

scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old

that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.




> ------------------------------------



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It makes me sad to hear that you are struggling so, with both mental and

physical anguish. Marriage problems just add more stress to the whole

situation, and I hope that it won't always be so.

You are definitely not alone, and over the past decade we've encountered

pratically every kind of sorrowful situation you could think of, so we can be

here to help you through it. My best advice regarding your situation is to be

kind to yourself and others, stay positive and hopeful, and try to dump all of

your negative, dark emotions in the trash and don't let them overtake your life.

The destructive things need to be eliminated so that the stress can be

decreased. As hard as it is sometimes, try to find a perspective that will

bring healing and good feelings, and focus on those.

Of course, explant will be the most important thing to focus on. Allow your

husband to help you get it accomplished, and then you can begin a good detox

program that will help you get your health back.

It can be done! You won't be alone. Things will get better!



> Hello Dede,




> I have been in this " fog " of anguish mentally and physically alone until now.

I knew I'd be needing to have surgery sometime anyway, to get them out because

they don't last forever. During my good days, I was able to forget a bit about

explantation, but now I am in bed almost all day every day again. I am so sad.

My husband and I are fighting constantly. He is trying to be there and show me

how much he loves me, but it is never enough it seems. I see him as a stupid

ignorant man that can make bad decisions, but can't support and make decisions

to make things right. He is cowering a lot. I can't believe he has done no

research on proper explantation, and just said that he thought I was just

bipolar or depressed. I have been crying to him telling him I know the implants

made me sick for over a year. I'm so lost. Thanks for your response.











> From: DGRAHAMA@...

> Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 10:43:20 -0400

> Subject: Re: New member









> Goodmorning ~

> I love your poison4vanity name......that is a good one......

> Welcome to the group ! I am so sorry that you have

> gotten so ill from your implants. Bless your sweet heart.

> Your body is not likeing the poisen bags in there.

> Getting them removed, and properly, with the enbloc

> proceedure, and eating clean live foods and detoxing

> will help you to heal.

> First, know that you can regain your health ! The thought

> of surgery IS scarey, but once you get implants you will

> definately have several surgeries over your lifetime.

> That is just how it is......The fact that they advertise them

> as safe, is criminal.....the fact that they implant them goes

> against their hippocratic oath to " First Do No Harm "

> as well as it is false advertising and brainwashing to get

> people to " think " they need implants to be normal........

> or to look their best, or to get that job.......It is totally

> criminal........Now that we got that out of the way, please

> focus on your healing.....start eating really clean and live

> foods. Stay away from processed foods. Anything that

> is created or manipulated, the body doesnt recognise as

> something it it programmed to take care of naturally, so

> it has to work harder to handle it. You need that energy

> for your healing, not to handle junk.

> Our bodies are awesome creations and can heal themselves

> providing it has the right things in it to do so.

> Our intestines have like an eco system.....and it needs a

> good mix of organisms to all work in unison. They say that

> our immune systems are in there.

> Making and eating a probiotic of some kind would benefit

> you by leaps and bounds. Personally, I make kefir and drink

> a glass every day, and more if I am feeling compromised.

> I have been doing this for 4 years now. I can tell a difference

> when I dont drink it.

> There are lots of girls around, and basically you just have to

> try things, and see what works for you. You can get much

> better, if not totally healed....

> Hugs N Prayers

> Dede





> New member







> Hi everyone,


> My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant

since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons

for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone

downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath

one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not

sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't

even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching

can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I

had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have

to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another

surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so

I've been crying all day again. Thanks.








> _________________________________________________________________

> The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with



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Yes, proper explant is a must!

You are better off making sure that it is done right the first time, you are a

smart cookie!

You were on your toes...and thank God you found us in time.

Keep reading and learning. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time at home.

Ask when you have questions...I try to help as often as I can.


> >

> > Hi everyone,

> >

> > My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline

implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms,

surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has

gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain

underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at

times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so

much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that

muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am

incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point

of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go

through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me

to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

> >






> _________________________________________________________________

> The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.





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Hi Mau,

Normally IMO, high uric acid signifies gout...a painful condition that can be

treated well with diet.

Some patients are RA factor negative for years before they eventually become RA

positive...I was one of those...After 10 years diagnosed with Scleroderma and

RA, I am still doing ok...the best thing to suggest to you is educate yourself.

Read all you can, what works for some, may or may not work for you...Some DRs

will try to literally " toss the medicine cabinet at you " ....not the way I wanted

to go...I was on the low dose antibiotic therapy, " ABX Therapy " for several

years before coming off of it... but the low dose minocin did work for me for

several years. You can ask questions here and read about it online at The Road

Back website...You can purchase the book The Road Back by Brown and Scammel on

Amazon..One point that was suggested to me early on...and this was a GOD

send...was to insist on copies of every lab, every test and start a notebook for

myself...I have had to find different drs over the years, firing some, moving on

to others and it is very helpful for your Drs to have a complete set of your

labs and copies of every test without having to wait and call various other


Good luck...and please continue to post if you have any questions...patients on

here are very supportive...

Debbie, Cincinnati, Ohio

rheumatic new member

Hi Every one,

Been diagnosed with RA last month, I am from the Philippines, 33 yrs old and a

mom to a 5 yr old girl. According to my rheumatologist, my blood test show's I

am RA factor negative. She gave me prednisone to be taken for 1 month. Since I

ve taken this my headache never went away.

Anyway, just want to know the ff:

1. Do patients with RA die of arthritis?

2. My test's show I have very high uric acid, though my rheumatologist said it

has nothing to do with my RA but is it really?

3. What foods should I avoid and what foods should i start eating?

4. Again my rheumatologist said our goal is for me to go into remission, but

she never mentioned how long will that take? a year? 2 years? 5 yrs?

Pls help me educate myself on this since everything is so new to me and im a

little bit scared for worst things to come.

Appreciate all your help.




thanks a lot to the moderator.

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WELCOME, Maureen:

My wife is from Philippines and we have a home in SFLU.

If You are RF- WHY does the physician think You have RA?

1. Do patients with RA die of arthritis?

NO, they die of drugs like prednisone

2. My test's show I have very high uric acid, though my rheumatologist said it

has nothing to do with my RA but is it really?

Nothing to do with RA but other arthritides only including gout.

3. What foods should I avoid and what foods should i start eating?

Do not eat any flour products--no unnatural starches or potatoes--a little rice

is Ok.

4. Again my rheumatologist said our goal is for me to go into

remission, but she never mentioned how long will that take? a year? 2

years? 5 yrs?

This is totally up to YOU.

visit the www.kickas.org site for information on a new approach to RA, but read

up on AS, too--some of Your fellow countrymen also have this disease.  If You

have symptoms of AS You should be tested for the HLA B27 antigen.  The RBF site

is also much easier than the mail list.

Lahat ng mga pinakamahusay sa Iyo,

From: Maureen Rigor <mau_grigor@...>

Subject: rheumatic new member


Date: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 7:06 AM


Hi Every one,

Been diagnosed with RA last month, I am from the Philippines, 33 yrs old and a

mom to a 5 yr old girl. According to my rheumatologist, my blood test show's I

am RA factor negative. She gave me prednisone to be taken for 1 month. Since I

ve taken this my headache never went away.

Anyway, just want to know the ff:

1. Do patients with RA die of arthritis?

2. My test's show I have very high uric acid, though my rheumatologist said it

has nothing to do with my RA but is it really?

3. What foods should I avoid and what foods should i start eating?

4. Again my rheumatologist said our goal is for me to go into remission, but she

never mentioned how long will that take? a year? 2 years? 5 yrs?

Pls help me educate myself on this since everything is so new to me and im a

little bit scared for worst things to come.

Appreciate all your help.




thanks a lot to the moderator.

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Good morning, GG:

Thank you for your support. I doubt that I would be able to travel out of Canada to see Dr. Feng; however, it would be great to get the garbage out of my body.

Honey, as far as the silicone ever leaving the body, we really have no proof that it ever goes away. I will have to Ask Dr. Blais, because he might know. We do know that it migrates to every organ in the body, especially if it is silicone gel. With saline I would think that if the implants are removed before the shell becomes old and brittle, you might have a better chance of getting it out of your body...not sure though. We know that silicone injections were banned; however, some plastic surgeons continue to use this procedure.

Stay close...love you....Lea


New member

Hi everyone,My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

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Hi Maureen,

I agree with everything that has been said ...

If You are RF negative,


RA ???

People don't die from RA they can die from the affects of the

medications they have been taking such as prednisone & other

potentially more harmful drugs & other related problems, not RA itself.

High Uric acid is generally from a kidney problem or as already said,

gout ! Not RA

My Dr believes that GLUTEN, DAIRY & PRESERVATIVES are the highest

contributers of foods that affect RA & like related diseases. I can

send you by PM the food regime I am on if you like so you can see for

yourself. (ps, the best rice for us to eat is Basmati not the rest)

When I found this treatment path I gave myself a goal " remission in 3-5

years " , I wrote it down & stuck it on the front of my fridge. My goal

hasn't changed but I have recently come to the conclusion/realisation

that it doesn't really matter if I ever achieve remission as long as I

remain asymptomatic - I can continue to take the same levels of abx I am

on now for the rest of my life without any problems.

My advice is to research the disease & all possible treatment paths then

make up your mind what you are comfortable doing (with the

help/assistance/monitoring of your medical team) then after all that

HAVE A PLAN !! something to plan towards, look forward to...

Good Luck,


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hi lea;

thanks for your nice support. yes, dr blais might know - you'd think of all the new testing and technology out there that there might be a way to see where sil. sits in the body. i'm particularly interested in the liver, or the brain. if you check with dr. b., please let me know. along that vein, wonder if stem cell has helped, or would help anyone?



From: leamary@...Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 07:04:11 -0600Subject: Re: New member

Good morning, GG:

Thank you for your support. I doubt that I would be able to travel out of Canada to see Dr. Feng; however, it would be great to get the garbage out of my body.

Honey, as far as the silicone ever leaving the body, we really have no proof that it ever goes away. I will have to Ask Dr. Blais, because he might know. We do know that it migrates to every organ in the body, especially if it is silicone gel. With saline I would think that if the implants are removed before the shell becomes old and brittle, you might have a better chance of getting it out of your body...not sure though. We know that silicone injections were banned; however, some plastic surgeons continue to use this procedure.

Stay close...love you....Lea


New member

Hi everyone,My name is and I'm 39 yrs old. I have been miserable with saline implant since I got them almost 3 years ago. I was online looking for symptoms, surgeons for explantation, and support and came across this group. I health has gone downhill since the implants. I have muscle aching and burning, pain underneath one implant, confusion, memory loss, and a hard time breathing at times. I'm not sure what is associated to the implants and actually there is so much I can't even remember all of my symptoms all the time. I even read that muscle twitching can be associated, and I developed that recently. I am incredibly fatigued. I had a horrible day today, blaming my husband to the point of causing him to have to go the the er with chest pains. I am very scared to go through another surgery. I hate life now. I have a poor 12 yr old that needs me to be healthy so I've been crying all day again. Thanks.

Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more.

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I have just recently switched from prednisone to hydrocortisone. It is a better

alternative, but hope to get off it someday also. (20 mG/day - equivalent to 5

mG prednisone - so a very low dose). I also occasionally use aspirin at night.

Could you send me the diet you use - still kind of floundering in that




> Hi Maureen,


> I agree with everything that has been said ...


> If You are RF negative,


> RA ???


> People don't die from RA they can die from the affects of the

> medications they have been taking such as prednisone & other

> potentially more harmful drugs & other related problems, not RA itself.


> High Uric acid is generally from a kidney problem or as already said,

> gout ! Not RA


> My Dr believes that GLUTEN, DAIRY & PRESERVATIVES are the highest

> contributers of foods that affect RA & like related diseases. I can

> send you by PM the food regime I am on if you like so you can see for

> yourself. (ps, the best rice for us to eat is Basmati not the rest)


> When I found this treatment path I gave myself a goal " remission in 3-5

> years " , I wrote it down & stuck it on the front of my fridge. My goal

> hasn't changed but I have recently come to the conclusion/realisation

> that it doesn't really matter if I ever achieve remission as long as I

> remain asymptomatic - I can continue to take the same levels of abx I am

> on now for the rest of my life without any problems.


> My advice is to research the disease & all possible treatment paths then

> make up your mind what you are comfortable doing (with the

> help/assistance/monitoring of your medical team) then after all that

> HAVE A PLAN !! something to plan towards, look forward to...


> Good Luck,

> MazM





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I have been on antibiotics since 1997. During the first 2 years I also took

hydrocortisone (Cortef). Most docs will not order this so we are very lucky.

I want to tell you that it was very easy to get off it once my blood tests

were nomal and pain was at a minimum.

Good luck


From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of nealnatemom

Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:00 PM


Subject: rheumatic Re: new member

I have just recently switched from prednisone to hydrocortisone. It is a

better alternative, but hope to get off it someday also. (20 mG/day -

equivalent to 5 mG prednisone - so a very low dose). I also occasionally use

aspirin at night. Could you send me the diet you use - still kind of

floundering in that department!



> Hi Maureen,


> I agree with everything that has been said ...


> If You are RF negative,


> RA ???


> People don't die from RA they can die from the affects of the

> medications they have been taking such as prednisone & other

> potentially more harmful drugs & other related problems, not RA itself.


> High Uric acid is generally from a kidney problem or as already said,

> gout ! Not RA


> My Dr believes that GLUTEN, DAIRY & PRESERVATIVES are the highest

> contributers of foods that affect RA & like related diseases. I can

> send you by PM the food regime I am on if you like so you can see for

> yourself. (ps, the best rice for us to eat is Basmati not the rest)


> When I found this treatment path I gave myself a goal " remission in 3-5

> years " , I wrote it down & stuck it on the front of my fridge. My goal

> hasn't changed but I have recently come to the conclusion/realisation

> that it doesn't really matter if I ever achieve remission as long as I

> remain asymptomatic - I can continue to take the same levels of abx I am

> on now for the rest of my life without any problems.


> My advice is to research the disease & all possible treatment paths then

> make up your mind what you are comfortable doing (with the

> help/assistance/monitoring of your medical team) then after all that

> HAVE A PLAN !! something to plan towards, look forward to...


> Good Luck,

> MazM





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hi mau

the paleo diet helps me greatly. basically i eat fish, meat, lots of

chicken or beef broth, vegetables (loads of them), squash, eggs, good

fats like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, butter, minimal nuts/seeds,

minimal fruit. i also take very good probiotics and try to eat fermented

foods daily like raw sauerkraut, yogurt made with coconut milk. lmk if

you need some recipes. i've got some good websites with recipes.

do you have an antibiotic protocol doctor?

hope you get feeling better


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This diet is not hard to follow, but are eggs ok? I thought poultry and dairy

products are a big NO.

I am currently seeing a rheumatologist DR right now but i will try to check with

the hospital if they have a antibiotic protocol doctor.

kind regards,



From: Sauve <moniquesauve@...>


Sent: Sat, May 22, 2010 4:05:44 AM

Subject: rheumatic Re:new member

hi mau

the paleo diet helps me greatly. basically i eat fish, meat, lots of

chicken or beef broth, vegetables (loads of them), squash, eggs, good

fats like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, butter, minimal nuts/seeds,

minimal fruit. i also take very good probiotics and try to eat fermented

foods daily like raw sauerkraut, yogurt made with coconut milk. lmk if

you need some recipes. i've got some good websites with recipes.

do you have an antibiotic protocol doctor?

hope you get feeling better


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Did you gain weight with hydrocortisone (20 mg)? I was taking 20 mg daily. I

gained 10 pounds within months of taking this med. Dr. Burton reduce me to 10 mg

but within days I noticed that my pain and weakness has returned. So what's a

person to do? gain weight or have pain and weakness. Looking to hear your



rheumatic Re: new member

I have just recently switched from prednisone to hydrocortisone. It is a

better alternative, but hope to get off it someday also. (20 mG/day -

equivalent to 5 mG prednisone - so a very low dose). I also occasionally use

aspirin at night. Could you send me the diet you use - still kind of

floundering in that department!



> Hi Maureen,


> I agree with everything that has been said ...


> If You are RF negative,


> RA ???


> People don't die from RA they can die from the affects of the

> medications they have been taking such as prednisone & other

> potentially more harmful drugs & other related problems, not RA itself.


> High Uric acid is generally from a kidney problem or as already said,

> gout ! Not RA


> My Dr believes that GLUTEN, DAIRY & PRESERVATIVES are the highest

> contributers of foods that affect RA & like related diseases. I can

> send you by PM the food regime I am on if you like so you can see for

> yourself. (ps, the best rice for us to eat is Basmati not the rest)


> When I found this treatment path I gave myself a goal " remission in 3-5

> years " , I wrote it down & stuck it on the front of my fridge. My goal

> hasn't changed but I have recently come to the conclusion/realisation

> that it doesn't really matter if I ever achieve remission as long as I

> remain asymptomatic - I can continue to take the same levels of abx I am

> on now for the rest of my life without any problems.


> My advice is to research the disease & all possible treatment paths then

> make up your mind what you are comfortable doing (with the

> help/assistance/monitoring of your medical team) then after all that

> HAVE A PLAN !! something to plan towards, look forward to...


> Good Luck,

> MazM





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Yes I did gain weight but you will with prednisone also. You do understand the

difference between hydrocortisone and prednisone? You do know what they both do

to your body?


From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 3:55 AM


Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member


Did you gain weight with hydrocortisone (20 mg)? I was taking 20 mg daily. I

gained 10 pounds within months of taking this med. Dr. Burton reduce me to 10 mg

but within days I noticed that my pain and weakness has returned. So what's a

person to do? gain weight or have pain and weakness. Looking to hear your


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Prednisone, even in tiny doses is very dangerous when used over the long term. 

It can cause osteoporosis, diabetes, candidiasis, bone necrosis, and result in

the body's ability to naturally produce hormones in general--just to name a few

bad side effects.

Better to eliminate the cause of the disease than chase around symptoms by

employing such a false economy.


From: drleeper@... <drleeper@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member


Date: Saturday, May 22, 2010, 12:54 AM



Did you gain weight with hydrocortisone (20 mg)? I was taking 20 mg daily. I

gained 10 pounds within months of taking this med. Dr. Burton reduce me to 10 mg

but within days I noticed that my pain and weakness has returned. So what's a

person to do? gain weight or have pain and weakness. Looking to hear your



rheumatic Re: new member

I have just recently switched from prednisone to hydrocortisone. It is a

better alternative, but hope to get off it someday also. (20 mG/day -

equivalent to 5 mG prednisone - so a very low dose). I also occasionally use

aspirin at night. Could you send me the diet you use - still kind of

floundering in that department!



> Hi Maureen,


> I agree with everything that has been said ...


> If You are RF negative,


> RA ???


> People don't die from RA they can die from the affects of the

> medications they have been taking such as prednisone & other

> potentially more harmful drugs & other related problems, not RA itself.


> High Uric acid is generally from a kidney problem or as already said,

> gout ! Not RA


> My Dr believes that GLUTEN, DAIRY & PRESERVATIVES are the highest

> contributers of foods that affect RA & like related diseases. I can

> send you by PM the food regime I am on if you like so you can see for

> yourself. (ps, the best rice for us to eat is Basmati not the rest)


> When I found this treatment path I gave myself a goal " remission in 3-5

> years " , I wrote it down & stuck it on the front of my fridge. My goal

> hasn't changed but I have recently come to the conclusion/realisation

> that it doesn't really matter if I ever achieve remission as long as I

> remain asymptomatic - I can continue to take the same levels of abx I am

> on now for the rest of my life without any problems.


> My advice is to research the disease & all possible treatment paths then

> make up your mind what you are comfortable doing (with the

> help/assistance/monitoring of your medical team) then after all that

> HAVE A PLAN !! something to plan towards, look forward to...


> Good Luck,

> MazM





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I was given hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue (extreme weakness). This was

diagnosed through a saliva test. It works like a charm I felt life again. This

RA is ruthless. I was never given prednisone. I don't think there is a plan for

prednisone. Is there more that I need to know?


Re: rheumatic Re: new member


Did you gain weight with hydrocortisone (20 mg)? I was taking 20 mg daily. I

gained 10 pounds within months of taking this med. Dr. Burton reduce me to 10 mg

but within days I noticed that my pain and weakness has returned. So what's a

person to do? gain weight or have pain and weakness. Looking to hear your


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Prednisone and hydrocortisone are the same thing with differences. Prednisone is

manmade. They are both cortisone. Supposidly hydrocortisone is natural

cortisone. I do know, like you said before, you take less of hydrocortisone to

get the results. I feel the less you use of this the better. I took mine to

reduce pain and swelling of the RA.

Long-term cortisone use potentially has a number of severe side-effects:

hyperglycemia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperglycemia> , insulin resistance

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin_resistance> , diabetes

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_mellitus> mellitus, osteoporosis

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteoporosis> , anxiety

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiety> , depression

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_(mood)> , gastritis

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastritis> , colitis

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colitis> , hypertension

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension> , ictus

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ictus> , erectile dysfunction

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erectile_dysfunction> , hypogonadism

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypogonadism> , hypothyroidism

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism> , amenorrhoea

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenorrhoea> , and retinopathy

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinopathy> , among other problems

I had adrenal fatigue and took supplements instead. The best as far as I am

concerned is Doctor ’s brand. He also has a book about adrenal

fatigue. He does recommend hydrocortisone sometimes but look at the side

effects! I think his supplements work really well and cutting out bad foods and

stress (yeah rightJ ) are important.



I was given hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue (extreme weakness). This was

diagnosed through a saliva test. It works like a charm I felt life again. This

RA is ruthless. I was never given prednisone. I don't think there is a plan for

prednisone. Is there more that I need to know?

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